Fallen Determination (Optiona...

De Red_Knife

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Determination is one of the strongest things in the whole world that can allow you to mess with the time itse... Mais

Chapter 1: Chase
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: New life
Chapter 4: Human?
Chapter 5: Snowdin
Chapter 6: Memories
Chapter 7: Ancient Magic
Chapter 8: New human
Chapter 9: False Hope
Chapter 10: First Blood
Chapter 11: Waterfall
Chapter 12: Just a Machine
Chapter 13: Fire Fight
Chapter 14: Choice
Not a chapter: Announcement
Chapter 15: Promise
Chapter 16: Hotland
Chapter 17: Final Showdown
Chapter 18: The Judgment
Chapter 19: The End
Chapter 20: Retry
Chapter 21: Last Chance
Chapter 22: Time Glitch
Chapter 23: Family Break
Chapter 24: Special Show
Chapter 25: Mother's Wrath
Chapter 26: Part of the family
Another announcment
Chapter 28: Confronting yourself
Chapter 29: Kindred spirits
Chapter 30: The Plan
Chapter 31: The Core
Chapter 32: Lost Hope
Chapter 33: Return of Determination
Chapter 34: Peace
Chapter 35: Final Conflict
Chapter 36: New Beginning
Chapter 37: Inner conflict
Chapter 38: Horror
Chapter 39: The Human
Chapter 40: Alone
Chapter 41: The Echo
Chapter 42: All-in
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Searching for help
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 27: Deadly Deal

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De Red_Knife

(A/N: That's a big one. Tried to make this as interesting as possible)

And now everything is repeating once again.

Me and Chara are divided once again and once again I'm forced to go into Waterfall. Last time I was hunting Shifty down, but this time I'm coming straight to my doom.

Of course, I was a bit afraid to do it and accept my death. I was ready to go back to Chara and be with her as long as possible. But I ignored my coward thoughts.

But looks like this creature or whatever it is didn't touch any monsters in the Waterfall yet. Well, except Toriel and Asriel.

While I was crossing familiar to me places, I tried to enjoy their beauty for the last time, but also tried to look for Asriel. He never told me where exactly he is, only the fact that he's in Waterfall.

... What if he's in the junk yard? God, I hope not. That place smells awful. Well, no shit Sherlock, there is a shitton of garbage in there! It should smell like that!

Soon I passed by the Toriel's house... Well, it's ruins at least. But there was still no sign of Asriel and that made me actually nervous. I didn't accidentally passed him by, did I?

And now I was approaching the most beautiful place in my opinion of the whole Underground. Place where it's always raining and place that somehow greatly calm down my nerves. I didn't even take the umbrella with me and let the cold drops of rain cool me down.

But as soon as I reached the center of this place, suddenly I noticed how someone slowly started to walk out of the darkness. I prepared to defend myself, but suddenly...

- Asriel? - I asked in surprise while goat-boy looked at me with fear, - Asriel, are you okay?!

I slowly started to approach him. His state was... Terrible. His clothes Including his scarf were messed up with the dirt of this place and even torn appart in some places. I could even notice small red areas on his T-shirt... He was bleeding.

- Asriel, come, I'll help you!

But as soon as I got close enough, I heard metallic movement behind Asriel that made him shiver and close his eyes as if it's going to hit him.

Two menacing yellow dots lited up in the darkness behind Asriel and slowly started to raise up as well as figure was getting up.


Toriel was right. It was no human. This thing was made from the black metall and it looked like human skeleton frame, but more... Fucked up. Every part of it's body was made with terrible accuracy as if it was made on purpose just to make him more scary. And it didn't have two hands... Oh no... It had FOUR FUCKING hands and each of it was looking like claws that can easily pierce through your skin and meat. On different part of it's body were scratched different symbols.





Just like... Mine ones.

But somewhere deep inside it's metal chest I noticed an actual human soul. It was red as much as mine were, but it was much more... Dim. It's nature bright red color turned to much more darker red. I had some trouble figuring out it was RED in the first place.

But that soul was also heavily damaged and was looking as if it's going to break any moment.

- What the fuck are you? - I asked in shock and fury, - Let Asriel go, you fu-

But as soon as I made one step towards Asriel, it pressed down one of its blade to neck of the goat boy.

- Why do you want to take my soul? - I asked it.

No answer.

- Why are you here in the first place?

No answer.

- Can you even speak?!

No answer.

But suddenly it decided to slightly cut Asriel's neck that made him moan in pain.

- Stop! - I shouted while this thing only looked at me. It stopped.

I sighned and concentrated. Soon in my hand appeared red heart that was floating in the air and slightly pulsating.

- You want this, don't you?, - after that I could notice in it's eyes a bit of impatience, - You can have it.

- No! - Asriel exclaimed in tears, but this thing only hitted him at the back of his head. And after that this thing reached out to my soul with it's hand.

- But before that, - I said and my soul dissapeared that made thing look surprised while Asriel only got a bit afraid. Looks like he knew that this creature can probably kill him now, - Can I... Say goodbye to Asriel?

It didn't answer and cut Asriel's neck a bit more. Asriel's scarf slowly started to cover in his own blood.

- Please! - I shouted and that actually made thing to stop, - That's... That's all I ask. Consider this as my death wish.

After that it only closely looked at me with it's yellow dots. But soon it actually let Asriel go from it's grab and goat-boy immediately rushed to me after that.

He tried to hug me as tightly as he possible can while crying in my T-shirt. But I only decided to pat him on his head.

- Shhh... It's okay. You're safe now.

- But... What about you? Will you actually..

- Shh, - I just interrupted him and that shocked him. He slowly started to realise and that made him cry as well,- Just go home. Everything will be fine.

- You won't give him your soul, right!?

- No, I won't. Go home, I'll be back soon, - I decided to lie to him, but that didn't work out.

- But... But what about us? What about my sister!?

- I talked with her about this. Now go.

- B-but...

- Go. And... Goodbye. I guess.

Asriel still was staring at me for a few seconds with his shocked wet eyes. But after that he only ran away to his house while I just looked at him back.

Soon I just sighned and looked at the thing that was staring at me all that time.

- What a poor outcome of my story, don't you think? - I just chuckled, but then my smile quickly faded away, - Promise me that you won't touch them.

It only looked at me for a very long time and I stared at him in response. I wasn't afraid and looks like that even impressed him.

Soon it finally nodded on my question and I sighned.

- Then it's setteled, - I forced my soul to appear in my hand once again and slowly started to approach it.

Thing was completely interested in my shining red soul that was approaching him and if that had any sort of mouth - it would already be drooling.

But as soon as it reached it's hand to my soul...


Suddenly soul dissapeared from my hand and it's lighted up by the bright fire. Thing didn't even had enough time to react how I punched it in it's face as hard as I can... Or should I say, it's skull

Force of my punch made it back off a bit, but I decided to continue attack. This time thing was ready. It stopped my fist with it's claw and squeezed it. Blades of it's claw started to pierce in my hand and that made me scream in pain, but I only tried to attack him with my other hand.


But this time thing didn't even shivered from my punch and attacked me repediately with each of it's claws while holding my hand.

It appears it's punches was much more stronger than mine ones since I was facing literally cold metal. Soon it striked me with all it's claws at once and that made me flew at some significant range while I just moaned in pain.

But while I was regaining my consciousness after such hits, it already approached me and made me fall on my spine by hitting me with it's metalic and heavy leg.

It concentrated it's power in one of it's claws and... A fire sword appeared in it's hand. After that it raised the sword under me and... I stopped the fire blade with my hands in a few meters from my chest. Such pressure was almost impossible to take since I was fighting against the literal machine. But I was managing to resist...

My hate... My determination to save them... It was raising up with each second while I slowly started to beat this thing in strength. Soon I concentrated my power and sended in it's face blast of fire magic that made it back off from me and cover it's damaged part with it's hand. Looks like I actually managed to damage his metalic skull for a bit.

But that only pissed off the thing and it grabbed it's sword with two claws taking it's combat stance. Looks like this machine was an actual... Person?

Well, shit, obviously it is person since there is fucking soul inside it!

After that it attacked me with it's sword while I only tried to dodge these attacks and try to summon some weapon as well. But it was no use... Shit, I should've read some books about magic!

It's attacks were slow, but very dangerous and even including that it was slow - I was barely dodging it since this thing was a definitely good combat warrior.

Soon I actually managed to concentrate my own thoughts on creating at least some sword, so I could fight with it properly. Suddenly thing even stopped attacking as if actually waiting for me. As soon as it noticed same sword in my hand, it attacked.

I was managing to block it's strikes and sometimes I tried to counter him with attacks from my side. But it was too experienced and it easily blocked it and just continue pressing me down with attacks.

This thing definitely took place of attacker while I was just defending. I simply couldn't find any weak spots in his defence while I was slowly tiring out... So with each attack blocked I was unintentionally backing off because of lack of my concentration.

Soon our blades clashed while sending magic fire sparks all over the place. It was too powerful for me to take and I only looked deep inside it's eyes with raising panic.

But suddenly I remembered how I fought here with Shifty. Fight with him was almost the same as this one... I literally could see same mocking smile on skull of this machine... Maybe it's just my imagination, but...

Flashbacks of this battle pissed me off even more that just gave me strength. And so I interrupted our clash and hitted this thing with my hand, making it lose concentration for a moment. And after that I began to attack him, but mine attacks were much more faster and unpredictable than his ones. I actually managed to strike some parts of his body while hearing how metal melts due to my hits.

After that I tried to penetrate it's soul... And I succeeded. The thing started to collapse when I actually penetrated it's soul with my sword and very soon it's soul crashed.

This terrible metallic body just stood there in one place for a second or two and then fall down on the ground...

I actually did it...

I actually KILLED IT!

- DOA? - suddenly I heard a familiar feminine voice to me and I looked at Chara, - Are you... Are you okay?

- Of course I am, - I only smiled in response, - I actually did that! I saved all of us!

- Ah, what a brave bastard you are, - Chara chuckled, but suddenly spread her arms, - Now, come here, my brave boy.

I blushed a bit and started to slowly approach her while she looked at me with happy smile.

- Just a liiiitle bit closer~

But as soon as I reached her close enough, she smiled... Slyly?

- That's it... Stay right there~ - she said with that strange smile. Something wasn't right...

Suddenly Chara dissapeared and I saw that machine in front of me and immediately after that it already penetrated my chest with it's sword making me scream in agony and feeling how it's fire burns me alive from inside. Slowly it started to cut my chest open while I tried to resist, but it only hitted me in the head with other two claws.

I got tricked... And that's what I get for beliving in such easy win.

I started to feel how I'm slowly losing control over my body with each second passing by and this thing already prepared to grab my soul from my body, but suddenly I saw the light. No, not the light of the heaven of something.

Very bright light of red magic that just cut off hand of the creature that was already trying to grab my soul. My vision was blurry as hell, but I could notice how someone is fighting with creature with two knifes in hands...

Wait... Knifes?!


Someone started to lift me from the ground and suddenly I felt strong relief in my wide open chest. My vision slowly started to come back to normal and I saw how Toriel is healing me up...

- M-miss Toriel? What are you...

- We're saving your silly heroic ass, - Toriel chuckled while finished healing me and summoned her spear.

- Never thought you would actually help me.

- I simply can't be mad at my daughter's boyfriend, don't you think? - she smiled at me while I just blushed, - Now let's kick that guy's ass, shall we? Together, like a family.

- With pleasure, - I smirked and Toriel helped me to get up.

After that I rushed to Chara that was fighting with this machine with two of her knifes. It looked like battle of experienced warriors since noone of them was able to hit each other. Chara was too clever and dexterous for that thing while this thing was fighting on it's experience and anger... But I also noticed that this creature... Didn't really wish to attack her? What in the hell...

I interrupted into their intense battle and left another scar on it's skull and made it back off from Chara.

- You're done playing hero now or what? - Chara chuckled while I just rolled my eyes.

- You're going to remember that for a long time, don't you?

- Maybe~

- Let's concentrate on battle, - Toriel ordered while we prepared our weapons.

Creature noticed all of us and summoned two more swords as well in other claws.

Chara decided to attack first, but creature clashed her knifes with it's "main" sword. After that I tried to attack the creature's back, but he started to somehow block my strikes with his another sword.

Then Toriel came to battle and looks like her attacks was much more harder to block since she was more powerful in combat than any of us. After that thing actually managed to push all of us away with it's magic and immediately after that attacked Toriel with all three swords. Me and Chara tried to run, so we can help, but it was too late since Toriel quickly lost one of her hands. That made her drop the spear and creature pushed her away by punching her with it's leg. I tried to attack thing after that, but only got hit with strong fire blast that made me fall on the ground and lose control over my body due to all my pain.

Chara got stunned after that for a few seconds. She was shocked how fast this thing got rid of us two, but then only bared her teeth in anger and attacked. Her attacks were even faster than before since she was pissed off as hell, but with that her attacks became more predictable. So this time creature actually managed to find the right pattern and successfully counter-attacked her, penetrating her stomach with his sword.

She didn't even scream in pain, but only cough on her own blood in shock. But Creature only pulled the sword out and made her lose consciousness as well by one powerful hit.

Chara was lying near his legs unconscious while this thing only looked at her body. Suddenly he slowly raised his heavy leg under her head and...

I basically flew at him with all my rage and started to hit him in the metalic skull once again while maniacal smile slowly started to appear on my face... Whispers and symbols... They are coming back again...

As well as my BLOODLUST


This time my hits was actually dealing huge impact since my physical force greatly increased. Thing tried to hit me with it's claw, but I only grabbed it and cruely ripped off it's body. After that I started to beat it up with it's own claw, damaging his metallic ribs that was covering it's soul.

- DON'T. YOU DARE. TO TOUCH. MY FAMILY! - I shouted in fury and then grabbed it's soul with my hand... But suddenly...

I saw it's memories...

I saw how this someone fell in the Underground as well.

How he met Chara.

How he was trying to kill Shifty...

And finally... He killed Chara in his own anger. And just like I did - cried near her dead body...

It's almost like... It's almost like my own memories!

But then... I saw some unknown memory to me...

I saw how he... Made a deal with Shifty himself. He was afraid. He wants to... Ressurect his love?

Suddenly I came back to reality, but as soon as I did, I slowly started to back off from this thing. Fear and panic slowly started to fill me up while anger just dissapeared. This creature... It's ME. IT'S MY ALTERNATIVE!

But then I felt sudden pain in my chest and then saw how creature... Penetrated it with it's claw. I could feel agonizing feeling of him grabbing my soul inside my own body with it's sharp blades... I just tried to somehow resist him by grabbing his hand with mine ones, but then he cruely pulled soul out of my body.

After hearing how my bones are breaking in instant as well as I'm quickly losing control over my body, I only let out silent breath. My LAST breath. Before I just closed my eyes and fell on the ground...

I failed...

Continue lendo

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