
By harithx

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Felix have big fat crush on the bad boy of the school, he thought that he never will have a chance with him... More

Part 18


560 24 3
By harithx

Minho's pov

After a while of cuddling I can feel Hansungie wiggle around before he carefully sit up and rubbing his eye cutely.

He looks at me with sleepiness still in his eyes.

"Lixie...?" he asks as he move his face closer to mine. I prop myself up on my forearm as I gently smile at him.

"Hi little one. I'm Minho." I said to him gently as I give him a big smile.

"Minho...? Where is Lixie? Is... Is Hannie being kidnap...?" he asks as tears brimming in his eyes.

My eyes widen in surprise.

"No... No baby... You're not kidnap baby... Do you want me to call for Lixie...?" I ask gently as I gently reach my hand to his head.

He looks up at me with teary eyes before cutely nod his head with a little pout. I nod my head with a smile and reach for my phone. I call Hyunjin's phone.

"Hello hyung?" he asks.

"Hey, can you asks Felix, Seungmin and Joengin to come here?" I ask as I gently caress Hansungie's head as he have this happy smile on his face.

"Sure, is he awake?" he asks. I hum and we bid goodbye.

"You're so pwetty Minmin hyungie!" he said as he get his face closer to mine as he looks with admiration. I can't help but to chuckle at his cute antics.

"Am I now Hansungie?" I ask.

"Hansungie...? That's the nickname Rhino hyung called Hannie!" he said excitedly.

"Well... I'm that Rhino hyung Hansungie..." I said to him with a sad smile.

He looks surprise and freezes for a moment when suddenly I was thrown back on the mattress with a small body on top of me hiding his face at the nape of my neck as his body is shaking.

"Hansungie?" I ask worried.

"You're back... Hyungie is back... *hic you didn't know how long big Hannie been suffering hyungie... *hic Those big bad people... they... they did terrible things to big Hannie *hic u...until big Hannie can't stand it anymore... *hic that's... that's why little Hannie here... to protect big Hannie from bad people!" he wails out as he tighten his hold around my neck. 

I can't but feel the rage intensified when hearing Hansungie crying as hard as this.

"It's ok little one... Hyungie is here... Hyungie will protect you, ok?" I said as I caress his head gently.

"And quokka?" he asks as he lift his head to look at me.

"Quokka?" I ask. He nods his head before looking around the room. He begins to panic when he didn't see the thing that he's searching for.

"Here Hannie." A voice said. He looks up and can see Felix is holding a toy of a Quokka?

I can see Hansungie beam when seeing the toy.

"Quokka! Hannie misses you!!" he yelps in happiness.

"Hyungie! This is Quokka! Hannie's friend! Lixie, Minnie and Innie bought it for Hannie!" he said excitedly. I can't help but to smile looking at the cute scene.

"Baby, do you want to eat?" I ask him.

"Hmmm...? No! Hannie no hungry!" he said as he looks away.

I sense something's wrong.

"But you haven't eaten anything since yesterday, Hannie... Please? Only a little bit?" I coax.

"Like real food...?" he asks timidly as he play with Quokka's hand.

"What do you mean Hannie?" I ask as I pull him into my embrace, and I run my fingers through his soft hair.

"Will hyungie give Hannie real food...? Like dino nuggies or will hyungie give Hannie dog food like what they give big Hannie...?" he asks again with a very soft voice.

My eyes widen in shock when he said that.

"They did what to my baby?!" I ask in shock as I look at his 3 best friends.

"We tried giving him actual food, but he always refuses as he said he will puke as when they were keeping Hannie from us... they fed him with dog food..." they whispered the end as I can see guilt in their eyes when they thought back on those painful days.

"Baby, listen to me, ok? When Hannie with hyungie, you will be rest assured that hyungie will do as best as he can to help Hannie and protect Hannie ok? Hyungie will help Hannie with Hannie's anxiety also, ok?" I said to him seriously but still look at him with a gentle gaze.

"How did hyungie knows about Hannie's anxiety? Big Hannie said he never told anyone about it except for Lixie, Minnie and Innie!" he asks curiously.

I just smile gently at him and give his forehead a little kiss. I lift him up bridal style.

"Let's go baby! To the kitchen so that we can eat!" I said excitedly. I can't help with smiling so widely when I heard the cute little giggles coming from him.

Felix's pov

I watch as Hannie happily eat dino nuggies that Minho hyung make for him. I can see the love emitting from Minho hyung to Hannie as he gently wipes away the ketchup as Hannie was eating messily.

I can't help but feeling guilty about all of the incident happened that made Hannie like this.

"Are you ok Bokkie?" Hyunnie asks as he wrap his arms around my waist, and he give me a kiss at the nape of my neck. I gently smile at him. I give a little peck on his cheek.

"I'm ok Hyunnie. Just that I feel like it's my fault that Hannie is like this... If only that I can protect him just like how he sacrifices everything for us..." I said sadly.

"Hey, you don't need to beat yourself about that. You can focus on the future. You don't know how important you are to him. To them. If your gone I know they will be broken as they always said this, you're their happiness and sunshine. Just like how you are to me Bokkie." He said as he gives me head pats. I can't help but smile at him.

"Lixie! Why is Lixie sad?! Did someone do something to Lixie?!" I can hear Little Hannie yells as he tries to get down from the high chair and almost fall from it. Thank god Minho hyung was there to catch him and gently put him on the ground.

Not long after that Little Hannie hugs me tight as he try to console me.

"Tell Hannie... What's wrong?" He asks as he looks at me directly in my eyes.

"I'm sorry..." I finally break down as I slid to the floor with Hannie.

"What's wrong Lixie?!" he asks in panic. I just keep on crying as I repeating I'm sorry to him.

"Why is Lixie crying?!" he asks as he cry together with me. 

I can feel two pairs of arms hug us together too.

"Little Hannie, listen to Minnie ok?" Minnie said.

"Ok.." he said softly.

"We're sorry that because of us big Hannie suffered a lot. We're sorry because of us big Hannie was beaten, he was tortured, he was assaulted and a lot of terrible things. We're so sorry Hannie... Can you please forgive us...?"
Minnie said as his voice crack at the end.

"Little Hannie knows that big Hannie would be furious if he knew that Lixie, Minnie and Innie thinks that everything is like this because of you guys. So no Hannie is not mad or have anything to forgive for. On the bright side! You get to meet little Hannie and play with little Hannie! Because little Hannie thinks that big Hannie would prefer this too!" he exclaim.

I can't help but to hug them tighter. "Thank you Hannie. You're a literal angel for us." I whisper to him.

"And Lixie, Minnie and Innie are Hannie's superhero!" he exclaim happily as he beam at us with his contagious gummy smile.

We continue to hug for a while before one by one of us being pull back from each other. I can hear Hannie whine from the warmth disappearing.

"Ok, enough of hugging. I can't help but to feel jealous of the scene." Changbin hyung said as he back hug Minnie tightly and give lots of little kisses at his cheek and I can see that he giggles at the ticklish feeling.

"And you Bokkie, did you forget that I said only have PDA with me?" Hyunnie said as he tighten his hold around my waist.

I pout as I look at him. "Sorry Hyunnie, but little Hannie is so cute! Won't you agree?" I asks him with hope he will agree with me.

"Yeah ok fine, he's cute but he can never compare to you love." He said as he give me a peck on my lips. I can  feel my face burning up in embarrassment.

"Hyunnie! You can't do it infront of Hannie! He's only 5!" I exclaim to him as I hit his arm.

He just laugh at my antic.

"Baby, if he's with Lee Know hyung, he won't be innocent at all." He said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion.

"Well, let's just say that Lee Know hyung is not necessarily an innocent soul..." he trails off.

I look at him in confusion. "Can you please explain more clearly Hyunnie?" I whine at him with a pout.

"Well... Let's just say this. You don't have to worry about others trying to hurt Jisung as he already have Lee Know hyung. If they have a death wish then they can try." He explain with a simpler term.

I still look at him confuse but just shrug it off.
"Hyunnie! Let's go and watch movie! Can we?" I ask excitedly.

"Sure love. Whatever for my baby!" he said as he give me another peck on the cheek.

I blush and cover my face with my hand.

"Why are you covering your beautiful face from me baby?" he ask teasingly.

"Because you're a tease!" I exclaim.

"Ok, ok, I'll stop. So, where do you want to watch movie from? The theatre or at home?" he asks as he nuzzle my neck.

"Hmm... at home please! I know that Hannie would be in safe hands of Minho hyung but I... no we just never leave Hannie alone when he's like this..." I said to him truthfully.

"It's ok bubs. We can stay at home and watch movies ok?" he said with voice full of love as he turn me to face him. I nod my head shyly at his plan.

"Ok, you go and pick movie that you want to watch in the bedroom while I'll bring some snack. Ok?" he asks. I quickly beam and give him a quick peck before dashing towards my bedroom.

Bang Chan's pov

After the whole deal of hugging Jisungie and me pulling Innie away from the group hug, I brought Innie to the bedroom.

"Huh? Why are we hyung?" he asks as he was hanging from my shoulder. Yes, I did put him there. No, he was not struggling or anything he was giggling the whole way.

"Well, I want to cuddle with you while we binge watch a series or something." I said to him as I put him on the bed gently.

"Sure! What kind of series do you want to watch?" he asks excitedly as he crawl to the middle of the bed and turn on the huge TV.

"You pick baby. I'll just go and change to a more comfortable clothes ok baby?" I asks him. He was so focus in finding the series that he just nod his head in acknowledgement.

I walk into the bathroom and strip out of my clothes and just wearing my boxers. I put it into the hamper. I take the secret gift that I have for him. I carefully take it out from the box and look at it with a smile.

"I hope you'll like it baby." I said as I look at the gift with a proud smile. I put the necklace back into the box and walk out of the bathroom with the box I hid behind me.

"What took you so..." he was cut off as he turn to look at me and he blush so red seeing me in only in my boxers.

"Hyung! Where is your clothes?!" he screech as he cover his face using both of his hands.

"I want to be comfy baby." I said as I sit on the bed with him. He peek through his fingers to look at me. I can't help but to burst out laughing at his cuteness. He pout at that.

"Anyways, here you go baby." I said as I hand him a box.

"What's this hyungie? Is it something bad? Are you trying to say that all of this are a prank? OR! Are you trying to say that we're caught and you were working with them?! Oh god! I knew it! We should've just go according to plan..." he keeps on mumbling incoherent words as he was having a mini panic attack.

"Hey, hey... it's not something bad. I don't think so. Just try and open the box. I hope you like it." I said to him with a smile.

He cautiously open the box and gasp loudly. He pull the necklace out of the box and look at the charm.

"Channie hyungie..." he trail out.

"Do you like it?" I ask with a smile. I gifted him a neck with the charm of a wolf and fennec fox together.

"I love it hyungie... Can you please help me put this on?" he asks excitedly.

I can't help but to chuckle at his cuteness and help him putting it on.

He quickly tackle me into a hug as he thank me a thousand times. I can't contain the laugh at his cuteness.

"I'm glad you love it baby!" I exclaim as I give him a big kiss on his cheek. He raise his head and look directly at my face with his cutest dimple smile.

He gives me a kiss on my lips. I can't help but froze in surprise.

Before I can respond he pull away. "I love you hyungie..." he confesses.

My smile broaden as I can feel pain as I smile so wide. "I love you most baby!" I said as littered kisses on his face in happiness.

Changbin's pov

After the whole ordeal, Lee Know hyung drag Jisung somewhere. I look at Minnie as he look at me confuse.

"What's wrong hyungie?" he asks with concern.

"Nothing baby, I just feel a bit jealous when you guys were hugging so long..." I admit to him. He quickly spring up and hug me.

"It's nothing to be jealous about hyungie. We're just best friends/brothers. We just feel guilty to Hannie hyung that's all. How about we spend time together as we hadn't been able too huh?" he asks with a cute pout as he look at me.

I smile at his cuteness and agree with his suggestion.

I lift him up as I place my hands on his butt not wanting him to fall. He yelp in surprise as he wrap his arms around my neck.

"You surprised me hyungie!" he exclaim as he pout at me.

I just chuckle at his cuteness. "I'm sorry baby, I just missed you so much... it was so hard trying to ignore you when there's a lot of people trying to get you attention." I said to him truthfully.

"You don't have to worry hyungie, because I'll just look at you and love you dearly only." He said as he gives me an eskimo kiss. I can't help but melt at his gesture.

"Thank you baby." I said to him as I place both of our forehead together.

"So what my baby want to do today?" I ask him.

"Hmmm... can we go swimming! After that cuddles for the rest of the day?" he asks excitedly. I chuckle at his cuteness and nod my head. "Anything for my baby." I said as I give a little kiss on his nose.

I bring him to our shared bedroom. I wanted to put him on the bed when he whine and refuses to let go.

"No! I'm comfy right now..." he whine as he tighten his hold. I chuckle at his antic. "Ok you little Koala." I said as I had a firm grip under his butt afraid he would fall and proceed to search for our swim trunks.

When I found it, I place him on the bed as I kneel in front of him. He was pouting because I put him down.

I just chuckle and give a little kiss on his cheek and I can see he smile a little. I take off his pants and slid on his swimming trunks.

"Do you want to keep on your shirt or not?" I ask him. He nods his head yes. I just shrug and change my clothes except I discard my shirt. As I'm done he make grabby hands indicating he wants me to lift him up.

I smile and carry him to the backyard. Slowly I walk down the step with him still in my arms.
When he made contact with water he yelp in surprise.

"It's cold!" he exclaims as he tighten his grip on me.

I laugh at his cute reaction. "It's ok baby. Nothing going to happen ok?" I said as I walk to the step in the pool and sit down with him in my lap.

"Comfy?" I ask him as he put his head on my shoulder as he play with one of my hand. He nod his head cutely.

"I miss this hyungie." He mumble as he continue playing with my hand.

"I miss this too baby. You don't know how hard it was trying to ignore you with your cute face and all." I said to him. He look directly into my eyes.

"Now we don't have to." He said with a smile. I grin too at the thought of finally claiming him as mine in front of everyone.

"That's true baby." I said as I begin to give little kisses on his neck.

"H..Hyungie... no marks..." he moan out softly.

"No promises baby... I want to show the world that you're mine..." I mumble out as I continue to leave marks and bite gently on his soft skin.

"Hyungie..." he moan out when I found his sweet spot.

I pull away to look at the master piece that I created.

"Your so beautiful baby..." I said with a dopey smile. He blush at my comment before he splash me with water.

"Stop it hyung..." he whines before he quickly swim away from me.

I grin at his shyness and I swim to catch him. I fasten my pace and caught him.

"I got you baby..." I whisper in his ear. He turn to look at me with a pout before he give me a little kiss on my lips.

"I love you love..." he whisper as he pull away.

"I love you more baby..." I said with a huge grin.

We continue to play for a few hours before both of us agree to stop for today. As we were getting out from the pool I can see Minnie begin to yawn.

"You're tired, baby?" I ask as I hook my arm around his waist afraid he would fall.

"A bit..." he said as he try to muffle his yawn.

"Well, you should go and change while I made some food for you ok?" I ask. He nod his head before slowly making his way to his room to change.

I walk in to the kitchen and made a simple dish for both of us. After I was done, I put it on a tray and begin to walk out of the kitchen when I can see Lee Know hyung, Chan hyung and Hyunjin walk in to the kitchen.

"Hey guys." I greet.

"Hey Bin, I see you have food for both you and Seungmin I assume." Chan hyung said. I nod my head.

"Are you guys also making food for them?" I ask and they nod their head.

"Well, if that's the case, goodluck then. I'm going to Minnie first before he fell asleep on an empty stomach." I said as I bid my goodbye to them and walk to Minnie's room.

I can see him already change and watching the TV.

"Here love." I said as I pass him the tray. He look at me with a smile and said thank you. I smile at him.

"Baby, you should go and change quickly so we can eat and cuddle!" he said excitedly. I smile and quickly went to change.

After that was done, I quickly get in bed beside Minnie. He hand me my bowl as we both eat while watching a movie on the TV when both of us done we put the bowl on the bedside table.

He quickly snuggle on my chest as his focus is still on the TV. I wrap my arms around him as I kiss the top of his head lovingly.

"I love you Minnie." I said to him as I pull him closer.

"I love you most Hyungie." He said with a smile as he pout his lips asking for kiss. Who am I to deny my baby's request?

I quickly lean and give him a loving kiss. The whole day is spend with us cuddling together.

' I miss this so much Minnie. I'm glad you're safe and in my arms again...' I thought as I give a little kiss on his head again.

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