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Felix's pov

All of us begin to fiddle with our thumbs and look at one and another. We tried to sit together but was prevented by them. I'm sitting besides Hyunjin, Hannie with Minho hyung, Chan hyung with Innie and Minnie with Changbin hyung, while Hannie's hyung was standing in front of us with their arms cross as they wait for us to begin.

"So, who's the mastermind of the plan?" Ken hyung start off. Yes, Jaehwan hyung asks us to call him Ken hyung.

We look at each other again.

"We can do all of this the whole day, but did you forgot you need to meet up with whoever was over the phone?" Changbin hyung said with his brow raise.

Our eyes widen in realization.

"Ok, so the plan was we will follow their instruction like always," Minnie begin.

"What, why?!" Channie hyung asks in shock.

"Hyung, let him finish." Innie whine. Channie hyung quickly do the zipping the mouth motion as he smile at Innie. I can't help but to smile at their interaction.

I look at Hyunjin and I can see that he looks at them with boredom expression. I take his hand in mine and give a little squeeze. He quickly looks at me.

I give him a small smile before loosening my grip to release his hand from mine. But I was unable too as he tightens his hold. I look at him in confusion.

He takes my hand and give it a kiss at the back of my hand and give a smile at me before begin to focus at the conversation again. I can't help but to blush in embarrassment.

'No Bokkie! He likes Channie Hyung! Don't do anything stupid!' I thought to myself.

"Ok, continuing. We will follow just like they wanted but we will make it look like and accident and all of us 'died' and begin a new life at a new place and new identity and all. All of the documents are done. We just need to proceed with it. But we didn't know that Hannie's hyung would have known about it." Minnie continue explaining with a shrug before leaning back on the couch.

"Yeah, it was a tough one to crack the code tho." Hyuk hyung chime in with N hyung nod in agreement.

"Well, we hope so. It was an experimental coding. Didn't think it would be a very secure one tho." Innie explain.

"An experimental one?! Dude it was tough! What kind of method did you do?!" Hyuk hyung asks in disbelief.

"Well..." and Innie and Minnie begin to explain about it.

I daydream about other things.

'Eventhough Hyunjin already explain everything to me, does that means he wants us to be best friends again? Yeah, I can help him getting Channie hyung!' I thought to myself with determination.

"What are you thinking about Bokkie?" he asks me as he put his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him on the couch. Practically there is not even a place for a paper to be between us.

"Do you like Channie hyung?" I turn to him as I ask him.

"What kind of like do you mean?" he asks confuse.

"Like, like like you know. Like love kind of like. The one where you can picture you with him in the future together." I explain to him.

"Well, I do love Channie hyung..." he explains but the rest I zone out.

'He really loves Channie hyunng! Oh god, why does it hurt so much! No! You need to help them to confess!' I thought to myself.

"Bokkie! Did you even hear what I tell you?" he asks as he snap his finger in front of me.

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