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Felix's pov

It has been a few days of holiday and we are going back to school today. Oh, joy! No, don't get me wrong, I don't have any bad experience with school it's just that Hyunnie and others said that they wanted to tell others that we're official.


"Hey guys, I want to show to the people at school that Bokkie is already taken tomorrow." Hyunnie said beside me as we're eating dinner. I choke at the sudden info.

"Here Bokkie." He said as he gives me a glass of water as he gently pat my back to relieve me.

"Say what?" I ask him after I was feeling a bit better.

"I said I want to tell the people at school that you're mine so that they'll stop trying to disturb you." He said as he looks directly into my eye.

"Well I agree." Chan hyung suddenly said. I look at them in disbelief.

"Well, all of us want to tell the school that you guys are already taken. Especially with Hannie. I want those bastards to stop ogling at him." Minho hyung said as he pull Hannie close to him and give kisses to him.

I can see Hannie blush at the skinship. Oh yeah, Minho hyung manage to call for big Hannie and he explain everything to Hannie. He's still have lots of questions but he try to understand Minho hyung. Eventhough he's still shy at times. Minho hyung is also patiently explaining everything to him and slowly building up Hannie's confidence up.

"Why? Won't there will be ruckus about this? Especially with you guy's fans?" Innie asks curiously.

"We know but we just can't stand how a lot of people was trying to get  you guys from us." Channie hyung explain to Innie as he gives him a little peck on the cheek.

"Huh? What are you guys talking about? No one notices us nor have any interest with us hyungie." Minnie said to Changbin as he look at his lover of almost 3 years with questioning eyes.

"You guys are very oblivious. They were so many of them that we had to threaten to get away from you guys. They were so many that tried to do bad things to you guys. If only you guys knew that the people at school labeled you guys as the sunshine group of the school." Hyunnie explains. Our eyes widen in shock.

"Well then, end of discussion. We'll tell the school tomorrow ok?" Chan hyung conclude with a smile before telling all of us to finish our dinner.

End of flashback

"Bokkie? Are you ok love?" Hyunnie asks as he tighten his hold on my hand and look at my face in worry.

"I'm ok Hyunnie, just very anxious about the reaction that they will give to the news." I asaid to him truthfully as I blush in embarrassment looking at his beautiful fac so up close to mine.

He suddenly give me a little peck on my lips.

"You're so adorable baby! Don't worry! No one will do anything bad if they don't want to cross with SKZ." Hyunnie said prouudly as he puff up his chest. I can't help but to giggle at his exageratting gesture.

"That's the smile that I was waiting to see!" He said happily as he walk backwards to look at me with his beautiful smile of his. I can't help but to smile back at him iin adoration.

"Let's go class first ok, baby? We will make the announcement at lunch time." He said as he gently drag me towards our classroom.

Han Jisung's pov

I'm sitting in class paying attention to the teacher when I can feel Minho hyung's hand on my thigh as h gently caress it. I turn to look at him with a questioning look.

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