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Jeongin's pov

After a while the hyung done destroying all of the cameras and such.

"I.N-ah! Come here and help us!" N hyung calls out at me. I turn to look at him nod my head as I walk to him with my laptop.

"Ok, what am I supposed to do hyung?" I ask as I turn on my laptop and waiting for his instruction.

"Ok, here. You set this all up and I want to see the blueprint of the building and the meeting place so that we can assign who sit where." He instructed. I nod my head and begin to do my work.

"Innie!" someone else call for me. I snap my head towards the voice, and I can see Channie hyung look at me with concern writing all over his face.

I unconsciously tilt my head to the side. "Huh? What's wrong hyung?' I ask him.

"I've been calling for you for a min now. What's wrong Innie?" he asks worried.

"Huh? Nothing's wrong. I'm just doing some work." I said confuse.

"If that's the case than, why are there tears streaming down?" he asks as he sits beside me on the couch as he wipes away the tears.

"Huh? Oh, I didn't know why." I said to him.

"Really?" he asks wanting reassurance. I smile and nod my head.

"You do know you can tell me anything right?" he said as he still looks at me worriedly.

I smile and nod my head. He suddenly takes my laptop away and pull me into his warm embrace.

"I know it was all moving too fast, but you do know you can trust us right?" he said.

I can't help but to burst into tears.

"I'm... I'm scared hyung... when we found Hannie hyung and he was so beaten up... I thought he was dead because he was unconscious... I'm scared hyung... what if something bad happens to them? I can't lose them hyung... I've lost everything... I don't want to lose them too... I also don't want to lose you hyung... that's why I'm so against you being a part of our plan..." I cried out in his embrace as more tears streaming down my face.

"Innie... Listen to me, ok? I can't promise that no one will get hurt but I can promise you that we will try to protect you guys at all costs. You guys don't know how important you guys are to us. We won't ever let you guys be scared again. If anything happens, we will be there with you, ok?" he reassures me.

"Thank you hyung." I said as I pull away from the hug. He ruffles my hair and I can feel my heart begin to beats faster.

"Don't scare me like that again ok Innie? N hyung suddenly search for me and said that you were crying." He said.

"I'm sorry hyung..." I said with a pout.

"And please don't ever do that stunt again of suddenly disappearing. You don't know how much I was about to go on a rampage when suddenly you guys disappear." He said.

I don't know why but I feel hurt. 'Of course he's worried. He's worried about all of us. Especially Lixie hyung since they were childhood frineds... No Jeongin-ah! You need to be strong! You can move on from this!' I thought to myself.

I look at him and give him a gentle smile. "We won't hyung. Well anyways, I need to go and find Minnie hyung. I need some help from him." I said to him as I stand up and quickly searching for Minnie hyung.

I was too preoccupied on thinking I bump into someone.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" I apologize.

"It's ok Innie!" Minnie hyung said. I look at him and I start to tear up. I can see his eyes widen in shock as he pulls me to the furthest corridor away from everyone and pulls me into a hug.

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