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Felix's pov

Channie hyung smile at the gesture before he went back to the room.

"I wish you a life full of happiness." The King said as a lone tear fall from his eye.

The king turn to us. "I want to thank you all for being there for Joengin all through his life while I was stupid enough to believe all of the Queen's word. How I did not protect him, how I was stupid enough not to notice how all of the attendants in the castle treated him. I had make him suffer long enough. I just want to wish a life full of happiness. He will always be my son even if he does not want to have anything to do with the royal family." The king said with a sad smile as he wipe away his tears.

I go to the king and pull him into a hug. "It's ok my king, we love Innie just as much as you love him. You just be rest assured that Innie won't be in trouble or in any harms way as long as all of us are alive." I said to him and pull back a bit. I wipe his tears away.

"Channie hyung won't let anything happen to Innie your majesty. You should have see how he was when he heard someone tried to harm Innie." I said to him with a smile. I can see the king's tear began to pouring more.

He pull me back into a hug and was weeping on my shoulder as I try to comfort him. He keeps on saying sorry and thank you for keeping a look out for Innie.

Suddenly the door to Innie's room open. All of us turn to the room simultaneously. We can see Channie hyung face that is full of relieve.

"Innie is awake and he wants to have a talk with your majesty." He said as he give us a knowing look.

Slowly the king walk to the door. He stop infront of the door. "It's ok your majesty. He won't be mad at you once he knows what happened." Channie hyung reassured him before he give some space for the king to walk into the room with him before closing the door.

Innie's pov

'What is this? Why can't I move..? Why is it so painful...?' I tried to move my hand. I think I did as someone tighten his hold on my hand. I try to slowly open my eyes.

"Baby...? Are you awake? Baby?" the voice said. I slowly opened my eyes and turn to the source of voice.

"Hi Channie hyungie..." I whispered as my throat feels so dry. I can see tears pouring from is eyes as he kisses the back of my hand a million times.

"You're awake baby... Thank god..." he whispered before he comes to me and hug me tightly but not so much force that hurt me. I lift up my free hand and hug him back. After a while, he pull back a bit and he caress my cheek with his thumb as if trying to see whether it's a dream or a reality. I smile up at him.

"Hi hyungie..." I whispered and nuzzle into his hand on my cheek. I can see the tears pouring more and he smiled at me.

"Hi baby." He whispered back and nuzzle his face at my neck.

"Hyungie... can I have some water...?" I ask softly.

"Of course baby." He said as he pull back and give a kiss on my forehead and pour me some water. He help me to sit and feed me water.

"Do you feel better baby?" he asks as he caress my head. I smile at him and smile.

"Where are the others?" I ask as I look around and can just see him in the room.

"All of them are waiting for you outside. His majesty is at outside also." He inform as he sit beside me on the bed.

"His majesty...? Da...dad is outside...?" I ask in confusion.

He nodded his head. "His majesty has been coming to the hospital to see you, everyday. He was praying everyday for your recovery. He even had a fight with the doctor when you didn't wake up after 3 days." He said gently.

"C...can I talk with him hyungie...?" I ask cautiously.

"Of course baby. I'll be here when you talk with him ok?" he reassured me. I smile and nod my head before he stand up and walk to the door.

'Is it true? Does that mean his majesty doesn't hate me...? Then... why did he abandon me...? Or is it for him to keep his image infront of people...? Is he going to scold me..? Or is he going to tell me he wants to throw me out of the family registery...? Or..' I was so lost in my thought I was surprised when someone was hugging me tightly and crying at my shoulder.

I look and I can see his majesty was crying and mumbling sorry. I was a bit frozen then. I look up at hyungie. He smile and nod his head.

I slowly lift up my arms and wrap around his majesty. I can feel he stiffen for a second before he tighten the hug.

After a few min and his crying had died down, both of us pull away slowly. He hold both my hand and look at me.

"Joengin... I wanted to apologize for being the worst father. I was so stupid for believing the Queens word without doing any check up on you. I was so stupid of not realizing on the attendants treat you. I failed as a father. I was very ecstatic when you come back to the castle. But I didn't know the queen was scheming on marrying you off to someone else. We already had an agreement that if you have someone that you love, you can go to them. I'm so sorry Joengin. I failed as your father. I thought it was for your protection." He said as he look at our hand. He was scared to see my reaction.

I can hear the sincerity in his voice. I slowly pull my hand away from him. I can see his shoulder began to slump down. I tackled him into a hug as the tears began to pour out so fast. I began to cry as I was hugging him and he quickly embrace me.

"I...I thought you hated me... The queen said that you hated me and you didn't want to see me as I was a burden. She said that you were the one who ordered for me to be removed from the castle. She said that little brother was the crown prince, so you do not need me. She said that I was, an illegitimate child and it was a thorn on your side if I was by your side. She told me you're the one that sent all of those assasins." I cried in his embrace.

"NO! I never said or give any of those orders! She said that you were happy and didn't want to come back to the castle. That's why I never force you to come back to the castle. I never sent any assassin to you. Why would I put my son life on the line?! You're my son Joengin. I was reassured when Hongjoong told me about your activity. I sent Hongjoong without the queens knowledge. I would never able to abandon you Joengin. The truth is your little brother is the illegitimate child. He's a product of the queens affair. I had know of the affair but I didn't say anything because I didn't know that she would have done all of this. I swear to god that I was desperately trying to contact you but it was cut by the queen. I'm so glad that you are ok now Joengin." He said as he tighten the embrace.

I cried out like a little baby in his embrace. For years I thought the king hated me. But I was wrong. I should've reach out. I'm glad that all of the misunderstanding is all resolved. 

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