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Han's pov

I wake up when I can feel a slither of light shining to my face. I blink my eyes a few times so that it can focus. 'Oh no! I slept with my contacts on!' I thought to myself.

I slowly sit up from lying but I feel like someone is pulling me to lay back down.

"Lixie, I need to get up. I forgot to take my contacts out" I said with husky voice. I can hear someone mumbling something.

"What was it Lixie?" I asks as I lean closer to the body that is hugging my body.

"I'm not Felix, baby." The voice said. My eyes widen and I look around.

I can see Felix is sleeping while cuddling with Hyunjin on the couch with blanket over them, beside them on the floor, Innie with Chan hyung as Innie's head on his chest and at the far corner I can see Changbin hyung back hugging Minnie.

'Then that means...' I slowly turn and I can see fluffy brown hair at my stomach as the arms around my waist isn't letting me go.

"M..Minho hyung!" I squeak out.

"It's still early baby, we should sleep more." He said with his husky morning voice.

"Uh... you can continue to sleep hyung, I need to go to the bathroom as my eyes are killing me right now." I said to him as I keep on rubbing my eyes because it feels very dry.

"What's wrong?" he asks as he sit up and look directly in my eyes.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just accidentally slept in with my contacts on. I just want to go and take it out." I said to him and I begin to stand up.

"No..." he whine out as he tighten his hold.

"But hyung... it really hurts. Please." I whine out.

"Fine." He said before he too stands up with me and continue to back hug me.

"You can go as long as I can cling to you like this. To make sure that you'll come back to me." He huff as he snuggle his head at my neck.

"Won't it be uncomfortable? Eh wait?! What about school?!" I ask in panic.

"Hansungie, did you forget? Today is a public holiday." He mumble as he walks with me to the bathroom.

"Oh yeah." I said as we arrive in my bathroom. I take out my contacts.

"Hyung, here. Brush your teeth and wash your face. We can make breakfast first. Or would you like to go and buy it?" I asks as I give him the spare toothbrush that I have in the bathroom. Yes, it's new.

"Fine..." he sigh out before letting me go and begin to brush his teeth beside me. After that I wash my face and dry it with the hand towel that I have in the bathroom.

"I'm done!" he said as he turns to me.

I give him a new towel so that he can wipe his face. He shakes his head. I look at him confuse.

"I want you to wipe it for me." He said as he leans his face closer to me. I can't help but to blush and proceed to do it.

After that, both of us walk downstairs.

"Uh, do you feel like cooking or what? If not, we can just go and buy the breakfast." I said to him.

"Humm... let's just buy it." Minho hyung reply. I nod my head and about to walk to Felix to tell him.

"No, don't disturb them. We just put a note on the dining table, ok?" he said as he pulls me back.

"Eh, is it ok? I don't want him to panic." I said worriedly.

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