Nothing but dreams ( A Dramio...

De MoonlightRose1992

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She keeps telling herself that she hates him with every fiber in her body. But when she starts to lose her fo... Mais

Nothing but dreams ( A Dramione Fanfiction)
Revealing the Head Boy
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Three

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De MoonlightRose1992

Major thanks to my lovely friend WisteriaMoon, who agreed to proofread this chapter and fix the errors I overlooked.

This chapter is a bit shorter than the previous one, let's just say that chapter three is more like a filler.

Nonetheless .... Enjoy !

˜ Chapter Three ˜

The Great Hall was lit by candles that were floating in midair over the four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting. They were laughing and chatting with their friends.

Hermione glanced upward and saw a velvety black ceiling covered with stars, she smiled as she recognized it as the bewitched ceiling from her first year at Hogwarts.

Hermione sighed heavily as she took her seat between Harry and Ron.

" What took you so long ?" Harry frowned.

She shrugged as she scanned the table for something to eat.

" You missed dinner." Ron said while he took a sip of his pumpkin juice.

" I'm well aware of that…I would have been here sooner but the situation in the hall took a little longer than expected. "

" So what was going on ? "

" I caught a first year student fighting."

Harry nodded as he offered Hermione a piece of his pudding which she gratefully accepted.

" Well why didn't you just give him a warning. That would have saved you a lot of time."

" It was a bit more complicated." She answered.

" Care to explain?" Ron asked curiously.

Hermione didn't respond immediately as she listened to professor McGonagall's speech.

Another year at Hogwarts has arrived.
To the new students welcome and to the old students welcome back for a magical year.
A year full of learning, making friends, but most importantly discovering yourself.
Now may I ask that the first year students to take a step forward.
When I call your name, you may take place on this chair.

Professor Mcgonagall unrolled the parchment she was holding in her hands and started to announce the names in alphabetical order.

Ron took this opportunity to interrogate Hermione further.

" So what was so special about a first year fighting?"

" He was arguing with an older boy, a much older boy." She answered.

" An older boy? That boy has guts." Harry smiled.

" Indeed. When I was a first year I was afraid to come near an older student –" Ron commented " – but still, I don't know why that fight was so complicated that you missed almost the entire diner."

Bostock Declan, Ravenclaw.

" Because that older boy is our new Head Boy." Hermione growled as she watched the Ravenclaw students applauding for their new house member.

The last words caught Ginny's attention and with one swift movement she turned around, so she was facing the trio.

" Did you say Head Boy?" She grinned as she leaned a little closer to Hermione.

" Yes, I did."

" You don't sound very enthusiastic." Ginny frowned and Harry nodded in agreement.

Brody Nerissa, Slytherin.

Hermione poured herself some pumpkin juice before she answered:"that's because I'm not."

" How come?"

" Because the new Head Boy is the one and only Draco Malfoy." She hissed through her teeth.

Harry was staring at her with wide eyes. Ginny looked utterly amazed. And then there was Ron, who not only spilled his drink but almost fell of his chair when he heard the news.

Knighton Hamish, Hufflepuff.

" You are joking? Right?" Ron stuttered but Hermione simply shook her head.

" Are you sure he really is Head Boy?" Harry tried; maybe Hermione had misunderstood the whole situation in the hallway.

But his hopes were immediately crushed when she nodded fiercely.

" He enjoyed himself quite well when he revealed the badge. And because of that I couldn't even take points from his house."

" This is unbelievable. Why on earth would they choose him?" Harry fumed.

" What did he ever do for this school?"

" Nothing I tell you, nothing!" Ron growled, throwing his fist in the air.

" Ron, keep your voice down people are watching." Hermione whispered as she saw some Hufflepuffs staring at them.

" I don't care! How can they make Malfoy Head Boy after everything his family has done. It's despicable."

" It's not like we can do anything about it."

"We can protest."

Trinity Lynn, Gryffindor.

" What are you planning to do? Guard professor McGonagall's door until she listens to your demands?" Ginny laughed, rolling her eyes at her brother.

" If that's what it takes…"

" Oh Merlin, just let it go. It's not worth it." Hermione sighed.

" Why aren't you angry about this?"

" Believe me, I'm mad. But the decision has been made and there is nothing we can do to change that. So we just have to accept this."

Both boys looked at Hermione for a while; ready to argue again until they saw the look she gave them. So instead they nodded reluctantly and turned their attention back to their remaining dessert.

Markens Lisa, Ravenclaw.

After professor Mcgonagall called out the last name, she rolled the parchment back up and made it disappear with one swift panache of her wand.

The remaining first year students, who were still standing in the aisle, made their way to their house tables to enjoy their banquet.

The laughter faded away when professor Mcgonagall rose from her seat, preparing herself for the final speech of the night.

" Before I bid you goodnight, I have a few announcements to make.
No students are allowed to enter the forbidden forest.
All students must return to their own room by nightfall to prevent
any sort of chaos.
And last, Mister Filch wants to make it very clear that no
products of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes are allowed on school ground.
Now, I'm sure you could all need a good night rest.
May I ask the first year students to follow their prefect to
their house dorm.
And Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy could you please stay behind, there
are a few thing to discuss.
That's all. I wish you all goodnight."

" Do you want us to wait for you?" Ginny asked as she stood up.

" No, you go ahead. I will see you tomorrow."

" Are you sure?" Harry whispered as his eyes wandered to the table of Slytherin.

" Yes Harry, don't worry, I will be fine." Hermione smiled.

She waved her friends goodbye until they disappeared through the doors of the Great Hall.

She waited in her seat, watching a few students walk past her until professor McGonagall motioned her and Draco to come.

" As you know you are both appointed as Head Boy and Head Girl. Now will this cause any problems?"

Before Hermione could form an answer Draco took the lead.

" Of course not professor. We are both adults. We can handle this situation perfectly."

Draco smiled but Hermione could see he was mocking her.

Professor McGonagall nodded one time and turned a little: "and you miss Granger?"

" I hope you don't mind working with me." Draco said, looking innocently at her.

Hermione gritted her teeth: "I agree professor, we are old and wise enough to put our differences aside."

" Splendid. Now as Head Boy and Head Girl, you will have a few important duties to fulfill. You will make sure that the Prefects are doing their work right. I want you two to make a schedule of when you will be patrolling the hallways and of course I expect a report by the end of every week.

Don't forget you have a responsibility towards the other students, so I'm hoping you will take this seriously. Did I make myself clear?"

" We understand professor. And I promise you, we will not let you down." Hermione stated.

"Why don't you kiss the ground she's walking on?" Draco muttered under his breath, earning a deathly glare from Hermione.

" If you will follow me I will show you your rooms."

They made their way through several halls before they reached the great painting, that represented the four founders of Hogwarts.

" Ah, a Slytherin I see." Salazar Slytherin announced proudly.

" And a Gryffindor." Godric Gryffindor smiled friendly.

They could see the painting of Salazar rolling his eyes at that remark.
"Password." He growled.

At this point professor McGonagall faced Draco and Hermione again.

" The password is Wattlebird. I will leave so you can explore the room calmly on your own. Goodnight miss Granger and mister Malfoy."

" Goodnight professor." Hermione smiled and waited a moment until she was out of sight.

" Alright Malfoy, if we are going to work together we have to….Malfoy?" She spun around on her heels but he was nowhere to be seen.

She walked into the large common room, which was filled with two red velvet couches and a fire place. There were three doors, one that led to the common bathroom. The others were the sleeping accommodations.

The bedroom on the left side of the common room was closed so Hermione strolled towards it and knocked several times.

" Malfoy! Come out, we have to make a few agreements."

It remained silent on the other side of the door.

" Malfoy!"

" I don't really enjoy midnight visits Granger. Go sleep in your own bed."

" What? I..uhh…I"

" Lost your tongue?"

" You…you are unbelievable."

" I'm glad you acknowledge that. Now go away, you are boring me."

" Malfoy!"

But how many times she called his name, he didn't respond anymore.
Hermione growled and mumbled a few curses as she made her way to her own room.

This was going to be a long year.

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