An Unexpected Engagement

بواسطة colacejohansson

37.8K 2K 781

Natasha Romanoff has a huge crush on CEO Steve and decides that the company's Christmas party is the perfect... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
+ bonus 📲
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Quarantine Diary of Natasha Romanoff-Rogers
Chapter 80
Capítulo 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Capítulo 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 64

265 15 5
بواسطة colacejohansson

'My goodness, Florence, how can you still walk! I exclaim, very impressed not only with the size of Sean's wife's belly, but also with the fact that she is wearing a stiletto heel and a black dress that marks every curve. Florence looked more like something out of that Netflix series “Mothers and Divas”.

"I can't believe you're nine months old now!"

- People get used to it! - She laughs.

We're walking down Oxford Street after spending the day shopping for the baby's layette. And I must say that I never imagined it could be so much fun.

Florence, obviously, had everything ready for the arrival of her baby who would be born soon, there in Newcastle, the city where she lives with Sean, Steve's brother who is a rugby player. But I hadn't bought anything yet. In fact, I had no idea what to buy, so I agreed to wait for Florence to come to London to help me.

Steve was very pleased that I had the help of Florence, who, according to him, “would guide me not to buy things that would be useless”.

“Steve, I'm not that vain! “I had refuted it.

"You're not futile, you're impulsive!" And exaggerated.” He corrected himself, but it didn't do much good.

What Steve didn't know was that Florence wasn't the model of a measured, sensible mother he was imagining.

She just went crazy along with me as we went from store to store, drooling over the cutest clothes and the most beautiful accessories.

The first store we entered was already a wreck.

"You're going to love this store!" The second floor is a paradise for useless things, but when we catch our eye, we think it's absolutely essential! For people who want to keep their shopping list only with the basics, they have to stay away from this store.

"I don't just want the basics!" I want to buy everything I'm entitled to!

"I knew you were going to say that!" Mamas & Papas is full of those things you know you don't need, but don't know how you're going to live without.

"But don't we have a list?" I still tried to be thoughtful, remembering that Florence had told me that she would make a list of everything I would need.

- Yes we have. But you won't be able to hold on to it alone. The list is just a guide, so we don't forget anything that is essential.

And she was right. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets, there were so many tiny clothes, one cuter than the other.

"Can you imagine a baby can fit in here?" I commented, picking up a pink crochet bodysuit.

"You're so lucky to have a girl!" Boys are so restricted! she said, putting a bunch of dresses in my basket.

"But it doesn't have to be!" Times are different! You can put a dress on your child if you want! — Yes, my mind had been enlightened with so many bold ideas. “I can already imagine little Alexander Rogers wearing dresses and breaking all the gender rules! Florence, you were going to be famous!

'Have you gone crazy?' Sean was going to kill me! Let's stick to clothes for your baby girl!

— Look, Florence, those carts! — I was crazy about the strollers (they even had a stroller for the mother to run with the child! Okay, I didn't, but I bought one anyway. I could already imagine myself as a fitness mom rocking Hyde Park).

Now I was dead tired and I convinced Florence to go for tea at Elan Café. Of course all our purchases would be delivered
straight to my house.

- I'm starving!

We sat at one of the tables in the charming cafe with its pink decor and opened the menu.

'You haven't gained any weight, Florence!' — I admire her.

- You also do not.

— Because Steve keeps controlling what I eat! Just because I said I was afraid of developing diabetes! And then he said it was just me eating right, and from then on he controls me like a general!

"It's just like Steve to do that!" Sean doesn't care. The only thing he wanted to do was that rugby field! It almost drove me crazy making up that we had to change.

— I saw the pictures, it was amazing! And I loved the baby's room.

Florence had sent me pictures of the baby's room in the new house and it was wonderful. All beautiful in beige and blue tone. And ever since then I'd been driving Steve crazy because we had to move too.

- Here is different. I'm the one who insists on changing. We need a bigger place.

“Steve's apartment is huge, Natasha.

'But what about the baby?' Just the things we bought today would already need a house of their own.

Florence laughs.

'You must decide soon!' It's been almost seven months now! You have to do the baby's room.

“That's what I tell Steve.

The waiter arrives with our orders.

Florence ordered a huge slice of cake and I just ordered a salad.

- Hmm, I love candy! Do you know that I spent the first trimester without being able to see sugar that was already sickening?

— Thank God I didn't get sick at all! Except for the day I threw up on my ex-boss, of course.

— I felt really bad at first, I felt tired, nauseous and horrible. Then, in the second trimesterand, I started to feel good again.
I mean, sometimes the baby seems to hate me and kicks all the time, and for the last month it's been hard to find a sleeping position. However, I think
I will even miss my belly.

— Aren't you afraid of childbirth?

“I'm afraid, but you're going to have to leave anyway.

— I'm terrified! And my obstetrician insists that I don't need a cesarean!

“You're being exaggerated, Natasha.

- I am? Have you ever seen a woman in agony of childbirth up close? It's terrible, Florence! And Steve made me watch a video, saying I would calm down and it was like watching a horror movie! There was a time I thought her ass was going to explode!

— Oh, Natasha, what an exaggeration! You need to make a birth plan and everything will be fine.

— Birth plan?

"Haven't made yours yet?" I already made mine, midwife sent me a model, I can send it to you. It is essential that everything goes the way you want.

"Um, the way I want someone else to have the baby for me!"

We've just finished eating and Florence still insists we have to stop by John Lewis, a famous department store, which she says has great baby accessories that we can check out.

'Florence, I honestly don't think I have anywhere to put anything else!' Steve is going to have a tantrum when he sees everything we bought!

— We forgot to buy a bomb.

- Bomb?

— Yes, to express breast milk! This here! She picks up a thing that looks weird.

— I don't understand, what's the use?

— To get the milk from your breast.

“I thought the baby was going to take the bed off my chest. “And I must say, I'm not sure I'm okay with that.

— Yes, but you'll need to remove it to store, for you who work it will be very useful. By the way, have you ever thought you need to hire a nanny?

- In truth no. “Wow, Florence is right. Who will the baby be with when I go to work?

I can't bring a baby to work, can I?

“Look who I find here.

We are interrupted by a melodious voice, and when I turn around I recognize Sharon Carter approaching.
Steve's asshole ex-girlfriend.

— Hi, Sharon. Florence smiles politely.

But Sharon's attention is not on Florence. Her gaze goes to my belly.

— Wow, Natasha, how you gained weight.

"I think it's obvious I'm pregnant, don't you?"

“Yes, I heard. Congratulations, pregnancy is still the most efficient method of achieving an advantageous marriage.

Oh! I open my mouth in shock in outrage at Sharon's words.

Had she really said I got pregnant to force Steve to marry me?

— Sharon! Don't be mean! - Florence responds.

"Let her speak!" It's really sad that a woman, ten years after the end of a relationship, still can't get over it!

This time it is Sharon who is outraged.

- Pardon? Is she referring to me? You think I'm not over Steve?
I have a boyfriend, for your information! I'm dating James Gallagher, the millionaire who owns half of London, thinks I'm calling the
Steve? Enjoy!

Geez, wasn't this guy the one with Erin at the Rogers' party when I knocked her down the stairs? I mean, I didn't drop her, I didn't mean to, but to this day she accused me of trying to kill her.

"Hey, you two, enough of this bickering!" “Florence scolds us. “Sharon is really dating, Natasha. Of course she's already over Steve. And that's why she should stop playing shade at you, right Sharon? This little fight of yours is pointless! Very ugly for two women to argue over

“Yes, you're right, Florence. I lift my chin. — I am a modern woman, who practices sisterhood! I'm sorry, Sharon, for accusing you of not getting over Steve. — Wow, I'm really mature and aligned with feminist causes! I think I might even write an article about it. “Pregnant and feminist: using the breast pump to pave the way for new times”. "Anyway, I don't think this fight makes any sense anymore." I'm married to Steve and you have a billionaire boyfriend and... by the way, wasn't James Gallagher dating Erin York? Do you know who is? A redhead...

“Oh yeah, that ridiculous one who fell down the stairs to get attention at the Rogers' party. I know who this is. She doesn't get over James, you know?
She keeps calling him and showing up where we are, wanting to get in the way.

— Oh, what a cow! She was my boss and she was so incompetent! Of course she was only with James because of his fortune!

"That's what I told him!" That she's just a self-serving cow!

"She took the words out of my mouth!" Sharon, I think we have more in common than Steve!

We laughed like old friends.

Wow, Sharon could be a nice girl. And the fact that she hates Erin alone shows that she is a sensible person like me.

— Yes, Natasha. What a pity we never had time to get to know each other better! Tell me, who will organize your Baby Shower?

“I haven't thought of it yet.

“Let me organize it for you.

- No! —Florence intrudes. “I'm the one organizing Natasha's Baby Shower, of course.

"But Florence, you're about to give birth!" – Sharon asks.

"You didn't tell me anything about it!" I look at Florence, confused.

“It was supposed to be a surprise.

- What a pity. I hope you don't forget to invite me. I would love to have more time to talk to you, Natasha. By the way, I love your shoes.

“It's Louboutin, from the latest collection,” I say proudly of my newest shoe I got as a birthday present from Steve the month before.

Sharon waves and walks away. Florence fixes me with an astonished gaze.

- What was this? One minute they were fighting and the next minute they were talking like best friends.

- What? Until she is nice. And you're right, this fight over Steve was already absurd!

“It was always absurd, but from there being friends with Sharon is too much.

“I don't know why we can't be friends. By the way, are you really organizing my Baby Shower?

- No! I spoke quickly because it has nothing to do with Sharon organizing a Baby Shower for you! What's more, you already have pretty much everything.

“But I'd like a little party, it would be fun.

— All right, if there's so much to do, I'll organize it, of course.

- I will love! We could have a party at Steve's parents' house in the garden. There it is so beautiful. And could we call the royal family?

Florence stares at me like I'm crazy. But she shrugs.

"Inviting us can, if they go is another story..." She suddenly stops and puts her hand on her belly. - There.

- What's it?

“I think it was a contraction.

— Contraction? But it's not time for your baby to be born yet! — I'm terrified.

In response she moans again.

“Natasha, I think I need to go to a hospital.

- No! You told me you were going to have the baby in Newcastle! That everything was already programmed, remember?

"I know, but I think my water broke!"

- My goodness!

I'm completely terrified as I load Florence into a taxi and ask that we be taken to the nearest hospital.

Florence only moans now and then, but she still looks beautiful and composed.

"Are you sure this baby will be born?" You seem calm,” I question after texting Steve to warn Sean.

Heck, he's there in Newcastle which is hours from London!

She breathes fast.

"I said, the water broke!"

"It doesn't look like they're ripping your vagina off!"

The taxi driver's eyes widen and Florence laughs.

“It hurts, believe me.

When we get to the hospital, they put Florence in a wheelchair and take her inside. A midwife quickly examines her, noting that Florence's water not only broke, but she is dilated enough for the baby to be born.

Like this?

"Let's take her to the delivery room!" — They push Florence on her stretcher down the hall, I try to pass, but a nurse stops me.

“Can't go in.

"But I'm with the girl who's about to give birth!"

- You are the father? Only the father can enter the delivery room. Then stay in the waiting room.

- I am the father yes!

The woman turns around, frowning.

- What?

- We're married! Here's our last name! — I take my document. "We're married and if you don't let me through I'll sue you for homophobia!" I will finish you! — I push the woman, who is still staring at me dumbfounded, and enter the delivery room.

Florence is already there, moaning softly, as a midwife asks her to push.

"What do you mean your baby's about to be born?"

"Natasha, how did you get in here?" She looks at me confused, between contractions.

“Sweetheart, of course I would be here with you. I stroke her hair, seeing the nurse who tried to bar me into the room, still eyeing me suspiciously.

“Come on, Florence, push hard,” the woman instructs and Florence pushes.

Damn it. I look at that whole scene, astonished.

Florence is a lady giving birth!

Little Alexander doesn't take long to be born, so cute (I mean, you can't see over all the blood and goo that covers him, but Florence and Sean are really cute, so I assume the baby must be beautiful too), crying whole lung.

Florence is exhausted and happy as they hold the baby against her chest.


Childbirth can be an exciting time indeed!

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