Sarah Paulson Short Stories

By SssarahPaulson

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Mostly Ahs characters. Romantic, Smut, mental health One shot Stories. More

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June 11th 2022

1.4K 30 0
By SssarahPaulson

Billie x Reader
Warning: Abuse, Violence
Billie takes reader out to dinner where she recognizes her old boyfriend

I paced back and forth bubbling with excitement about me and Billie's date. It was our first anniversary and I couldn't wait.

She had made a reservation at a fancy restaurant, which would be the perfect place for me to give her her present. It was ring, made to look exactly like the one she had given me when we got together.

Grabbing the black box I looked into the mirror. I was wrapped in a mid-thigh gown, black and soft. Underneath I was wearing matching lingerie, you could see the top peaking out of my dress revealing the beginning of my breast.

Billie is going to be so jealous of everyone else seeing me.

That was my aim after all, to tease her all night. I suddenly heard a knock at the bedroom door.

I opened it before making eye contact with my girlfriend. Her eyes wandered down and back up catching my gaze.

"You can't be serious" I smiled and responded with the same attitude. "But you are?".

The woman was wearing a crimson dress, her cleavage out for the whole world and the highest slit above her right thigh. She looked so good in red.

"You're so lucky I'm hungry" I laughed at her statement making my way towards the front door.

When we got in the car I spent my time playing with the hem of my clothes. I got nervous in public spaces, especially with Billie. Someone always noticed the older woman.

To ease my nerves Billie placed her hand on my leg. I moved my hand to hers intertwining our fingers.

She pulled up and we got out. After approaching her side she grabbed my hand again.

Billie spoke to the man at the front. "Reservation for two under Howard" the way she talked so confidently aroused me.

He took us to our seats and walked off. I noticed couples all across sitting the same we were. My eyes meeting one person's in front of me. I immediately recognized him.

Biting my lip anxiously I looked at the menu. Picking a random dish I whispered to Billie. She always ordered for me to save us both from my awkwardness.

I kept my eyes off the man. The man I broke up with over a year ago, only because of Billie. He recognized me too, I could tell by his angry stare.

The stare I had seen every time he hit me. I placed my hand under the table to prevent anyone from knowing it was shaking.

The waitress came to our table and as Billie did always, she ordered. "Your most expensive bottle of red wine..." Her voice seemed to become distant as I saw his gaze travel from me to her.

Once the waitress left Billie focused on me. "Honey what's wrong" I didn't realize I had be clinging on to her arm. I tried to speak but all I could think about was him, "I-".

I'm going to fuck this up, he's going to come over here and-

"Sweetheart?" I spoke in a hushed voice trying my best to speak clearly. "He's over there".

Confused she raised her head looking for someone out in the crowd of dates. "No no no" I couldn't quite get a grip on myself.

She embraced me, "shh shh, it's okay, take a deep breath". I did as she said and managed to speak again.

I pointed under the table, "Him". Her eyes finally met his and he seemed to grin making me panic.

His hand gripping my waist roughly and his other nearly squeezing the life from my throat.

I fell into a series of quiet whines and mumbles regaining some sense of reality, this much I knew before Billie tried to keep me consoled.

"I remember it's okay, I've got you now, you're safe". My eyes were sealed shut and I opened them to look just at her.

"What if he follows us home" she stroked my hair. "I'll take care of it, I would never let anything happen to you". I believed her.

The waitress came back with our food and Billie started distracting me. I really didn't want to ruin our anniversary.

For a moment I forgot about him. I ate and laughed with Billie just as planned. I picked up my glass filled halfway with wine, giggling at the joke she made I took a sip.

She placed her hand on my thigh rubbing it slightly causing me to shift closer to her in the booth we sat at. The alcohol was clearly going to my head as I kissed her.

Like always my mouth opened before her tongue explored it, she tasted like strawberries.

I backed up putting my hand on her shoulder and reaching for my glass again.

As I took another drink a waiter came over. He smiled at Billie then to me before laying down a whiskey glass.

"From the gentleman at table six" I immediately examined it. A memory leaked into my mind.

He took a swig of the bottle, the strong smell coming off him. Finishing the last of it he stumbled toward me. Mumbling for him to lie down I backed into the wall. He fell trying to swing his fist my way.

Billie tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Baby, it's okay, he's just trying to get to you". She put her hand back on my leg and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Yeah yeah I just..." I trailed off. "This was his favorite". I met his dangerous eyes again.

He just sat there, tapping his finger on the side of his scruffy face.

"We can go if you need" There Billie was once more, promising to keep my calm. "I'm okay".

Instead of continuing she responded, "No, I think we should go and get some ice cream, do you want to?". I decided she was right.

I exited leaving behind my meal with her. She held my hand tightly as we left.

I tried to walk at quickly as possible to the car. Just before Billie could unlock the door I heard feet hammering my way.

Looking up my ex was a few feet away from me. "Jorge please" I knew he was headed for me.

"No I think we need to talk" he insisted. He came close to me but Billie had come behind him gripping his arm.

"Young man I think you need to go" Her remark was strong. His face stayed glued to mine, he ignored Billie and grabbed my arm.

"I'll tell you one more time, leave" Her voice had risen causing his grip to tighten. I whimpered under his grasp looking to Billie for assistance.

Her faced flashed with anger and she whipped him around. His hand left my forearm and his body swung to face hers.

"You ever lay a hand on her again and I'll have you six feet under" he chuckled at her and reached to grab her now. I tried to stop him, suddenly Billie raised her hand.

Her fist met with his cheek. He fell to his knees resulting in her kneeing him in the jaw. He tumbled over groaning in agony.

She calmly ushered me into the car and got in locking the door. I looked out the window still seeing him, he clenched his groin.

"I thought you got him in the head" she broke into laughter, unlike his, her laugh was light.

"Yes, but in the balls too" I didn't laugh along with her. "What if he's hurt bad".

Billie stopped looking at me, "If he is, he deserved it". I nodded coming to my senses.

"It was kinda hot, when you punched him" I replayed the moment she got him.

"Was it?". Before she buckled I stopped her. I climbed over onto her lap watching her confused expression.

I gripped her dress top pulling her in to make out with her. In-between a kiss I spoke. "Thank you".

Her hand squeezed my ass making me squal excitedly.

"I'd do anything for you" I met her brown eyes. I loved her so much.

Word Count: 1376

Xoxo 💜💜 SssarahPaulson

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