Moon Kat

بواسطة blondypops

1.9K 98 12


chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3
chapter 4
Authors note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11 yay
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8.

92 5 0
بواسطة blondypops

A/n: I feel like face-palming myself because I had finnished this chapter a weak ago but convinsed myself that it still hadn't been completed!!! oh if you guys don't mind could you please check out some of my friends books: (I'll give the authors cause I'm just that lazy) CrazyTroubleStar385, NimThriller, ValNightBreaker, RhiRhiMikaelson, Flying-person, foreverlosttear, clairechilton, MyNameIsConnieB. I love all their books and I'm reading them currently so that's my excuse for updating late, so don't take it out on me!!! (jk). If you want me to read your books or mention them in mine you need only to ask. oh and people please comment I love it when you guys comment and you don't have to comment on every chapter only the ones you want, thank you love you all. Btw my name isn't really Katrina but I want it to be.

LOADS 'A LOVE: Blondypops

Chapter 8. Questioning

When Jeremy and I met up at the community centre we were extremely annoyed that Ethan was late. Eventually I saw him in a corner but didn’t say anything because I didn’t know if only I could see him. I went over to Jeremy and we started planning for the Ball that was going to be held here in 1 and a half weeks. We spoke and went over the final details when my phone rang “nice ringtone Kat, it’s Black Veil Brides: ‘Coffin’ right?” I was surprised that he knew about BVB because he was more of a preppy guy well one that hates labels so he’s just Jeremy. I put the phone next to my head “Miss. Moon? Can you please come down to the police station later today and don’t worry you aren’t in trouble we just want to ask you a few questions.”  I looked at Jeremy trying to tell him that something was wrong but he was too distracted because he had just spotted Ethan and was about to give him a headache. “Sorry officer I can’t come now but I can come at about 4:30. I have community service and the ball is in less than 2 weeks.” The silence that followed was broken when the officer said “ok we’ll see you at 5 and please bring that Ethan fellow.” Thereafter the cal was disconnected and the room fell silent, well at least for me. I looked over at Jeremy who was rushing over with open arms ready to give me a hug. I smiled marveling at what a wonderful friend he was. I looked over his shoulder and noticed Ethan glaring at Jeremy I sent a shock wave in his direction but he seemed to have sensed it and moved a step to the left. When Jeremy finally pulled away I told him about what the officer said and he just nodded and looked annoyed. When we had finished the planning for this week we all walked outside. I looked at my watch 4:38, “Great. Well good bye Jeremy, see you tomorrow. Come Ethan you and I need to go for questioning at the police station.” I took his arm and tugged him down the road. A shocked expression was plastered on his face and a scowl on mine. When we reached the police station I put on a fake smile and my typical sweet girl act and dragged Ethan in. “Miss. Moon so glad you could make it. Will you two please follow me?”

(1 hour later)

“Ethan why did you have to be so uncooperative? The least you could have done is to be a little nicer. Well good night.” I mentally slapped him for what he did in the police station. “Night Kat.” I could hear the sadness and disappointment in his voice but just kept walking home until I came to the door. I realized that the Kainleys expected me to be home already so I quickly apparated in my room and changed. It had been 2 hours already and I couldn’t sleep because I felt the thirst again but this time it was harder to hold back because I was surrounded by people so I changed and apparated near the lake and put my earphones in. I had been listening to music for about 3 hours when I heard a rustling in the bushes. I quickly thought about being invisible and so I became invisible. I followed the sound in complete predatory stalker mode. When we had emerged from the forest I noticed that it was Ethan, I instantly dropped my predator mode but I was still stalking him. He walked all the way to my house and stared through my window. I watched as he sighed when he saw the crumpled sheets of my bed. He started running so I shifted and gave myself large black wings. I flew after him not wanting to waste my energy. He stopped and I nearly flew into him but landed just in time.  He looked behind him and straight through me, I shivered as he looked into my eyes. I realized that he couldn’t see me and looked at the ground. He kept looking behind me and I turned around only to see two other guys come running. They grabbed my arms, I tried to get out of their grip but it was futile. The two men were extremely strong, too strong to be human but right now I couldn’t care less.  They followed Ethan without a word and I was dragged along with them.

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