Two Different Heroes (Tadashi...

By booksbruhh

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Sorry I forgot my password to my last account love_roses_514 so im re-writing the rest of the story on this a... More

The New City
The Lucky Cat Cafe
The Hamada Brothers
The Nerd Lab
The Secret: Part 1
The Secret: Part 2
The Trouble Maker
The Apology
The Confession
The Siren
The Demigods
The Truth
The Monster Fight: Part 1
The Monster Fight: Part 2
The Man
The Date
The Proposal
The Assault
The Kidnap
The Escape
The Hospital
The Surprise
The News

The Fallen

1K 29 16
By booksbruhh

As Hiro watched you fall over the railing, he tried to reach for you but it was too late. Calling your name had done nothing to stop you from plunging into the waters below. His body shook as he climbed on top of the rail. As soon as you had jumped, all Hiro could think of was going after you.

Suddenly Hiro was pulled back into strong arms and he fought against the other person. "Let me go! Let me go!"

Hiro sobbed as he kicked and screamed trying to get away. "Hiro! It's me! It's me, calm down!"

The voice caused him to stop moving as he turned around to face his brother and Baymax. "Ta-Tadashi!" Immediately, Hiro jumped into his brothers arms.

"What's wrong, why are you crying? And why were you about to jump off the bridge?" Tadashi asked as he soothed his brother.

Hiro pulled away to face his brother. "(Y/n)..."

The name enough made Tadashi lose all color in his face as he realized what had happened. "No." He whispered in shock as he looked over the edge.

"Baymax, can you tell if she's alive?" Tadashi asked as Baymax waddled over to them.

Baymax scanned the waters below before he shook his head. "My scanner can not detect her."

Tadashi's shoulders slumped and he crouched down. "I'm sorry Tadashi! It, it was all my fault." Hiro apologized and Tadashi's heart broke, seeing his brother like this.

"It's okay Hiro it's not your fault. Tell me what exactly happened, but we need to get back to the others first." Tadashi said calmly, but he was holding back his own tears.

The two of them climbed onto Baymax before flying back to the park where every one was waiting. When they landed with you no where in sight the atmosphere fell into worry. Everyone rushed towards Tadashi, Hiro, and Baymax anxious to know what was going on.

"Where's (y/n)?" Honey Lemon asked the question everyone was thinking.

Tadashi placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, as he looked at Hiro who sniffled beside him. "Hiro, it's okay. You can tell us. Please don't be afraid."

"Callaghan had a knife and when he tried to stab me, (y/n) jumped in front of me. I tried to bring her back so Baymax could help her but she said, she said there wasn't enough time and that Baymax couldn't help her. Then, then she..." Hiro paused as he took a deep breath.

"Did Callaghan, win?" Leo gulped as he hesitated.

Hiro shook his head, "He's gone but, so is (y/n). She fell over the bridge railing right after him."

Percy sat on the ground as he glanced away. Tears stung in his eyes but he didn't want them to spill. "So, she's really gone?"

"Oh Wasabi, why is this happening." Honey sobbed as she hugged him.

Your friends from New York comforted Percy as they let out their own tears of sorrow. Annabeth noticed Tadashi who stood silent as Baymax hugged Hiro.
Tears were now freely running down his face as he stared at the ground. His heart hurt, his mind couldn't comprehend why everything was happening and all he wanted to do was go back in time.

"Tadashi." Annabeth called out as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

Tadashi glanced up through his tears to meet Annabeth who held the same expression. "I'm so sorry. We all love her just like you do, but you were the only one who experienced being in love with her. And I'm really really glad (y/n) got to at least experience her first love with someone like you, Tadashi. You fought by all of our sides today and we all could tell how much the two of you meant to each other."

Annabeth hugged Tadashi as he thanked her. When she pulled away she wiped her tears and gave him a soft smile. "You know, there's a little something called fate, that Greeks and Romans strongly believe in. And I think that in the end, everything will work out. No matter how cruel fate can be, there is always a brighter path that can lead us to the most unexpected things. So just hold in there, something good is sure to come."

Tadashi let a small chuckle escape his lips at the thought. "Well, whatever that bright path is. I hope it's bright enough to get rid of this pain."

Annabeth smiled sadly, "We all know pain like this can never go away. But it can always get better."

Tadashi understood what Annabeth was trying to say completely. After all, that's what he had gone through when his parents died. "Yeah, I know the feeling."

Annabeth nodded before glancing over to her boyfriend who now sat with his head in his hands. Tadashi walked over to him before crouching down in front of Percy. "Hey, Percy."

Percy glanced up with bloodshot eyes. "What's up." Tadashi asked not knowing exactly what to say.

Percy rolled his eyes, "The sky, dude."

Tadashi gave him a small smile. It was good to see that he at least had his sarcasm. "Sorry. I won't ask if you're okay, because I know you're not and neither am I. I just want you to know that your not alone. You have thirteen other people mourning (y/n), including me. And I'm not trying to tell you what to do or anything, but I think you would feel a little better if you had people to talk to instead of sitting here alone."

"You know Tadashi, I actually really like you. You're not so bad, and I'm glad (y/n) had someone like you to be with when she came here." Percy said, as Tadashi offered him a hand up to stand.


"To bad you couldn't be my brother in law eh? I like Hiro too. That kid is wicked cool." Percy joked and Tadashi's heart fell.

He wanted to be with you for the rest of his life if he could. This kind of pain was stronger than any kind he's ever felt. There's nothing like losing the one person you wished to spend your whole life with, and not even getting the chance to tell them.

Percy noticed how Tadashi's face fell and he frowned. "Oh man, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine. It just hit me that, no matter how much I want to tell (y/n) that I love her one more time, or ask her to spend the rest of her life with me, it won't happen. And I think that just makes it hurt that much more." Tadashi said and Percy gave him a sympathetic look.

"I feel you. I don't know what I would do if I lost Annabeth, and I never got to ask her to marry me. I'm pretty sure she's my soul mate and I think my sister was yours. But fate works in mysterious ways." Percy replied and Tadashi glanced at him.

"Do you really believe that this was (y/n)'s fate?" Tadashi asked and Percy shrugged.

"There's actually a small part of me that believes she's not dead. (Y/n) is too strong willed to let herself go out like this. I know she would try to find every possible way to come back. But, if she really thought that she couldn't make it, then it must've really been bad." That made Tadashi think.

"So this is random but you have water powers right? So your the son of, um Poseidon, right?" Tadashi asked and Percy nodded.

"So then if (y/n) has fire and water powers, but is your sister and Leo's niece then her mother was, what? With your dad, but Leo's older sister?"

Percy helped him out by explaining, "Yeah, so her mom was the daughter of Hephaestus, the God of fire and a few other things that have to do with making stuff. But she had (y/n) with my father, the God of the sea so that makes her my half sister and technically Leo's niece. Why though?"

"Well I'm trying to think. You or Leo don't have any other powers that could possibly, I don't know, save a life in the event of almost dying? A power that you or Leo have that (y/n) also has?" Tadashi asked and Percy raised a brow.

"Um well, Leo and (y/n) only share the gift of fire, but me and her pretty much have all the same powers I guess. We can control water, breathe under water, heal ourselves with water, talk to horses-" Percy began listing out before he was stopped.

"Wait a second. What was the last thing you said?"

"Talk to horses?"

Tadashi waved him off and shook his head, "before that!"

"We can heal ourselves with water."

Tadashi's eyes went wide as he connected the dots. "Do you think it's possible that (y/n) fell of the railing on purpose?"

Percy furrowed his brows, "Why would she do that unless,"

"There's water under the Golden Gate Bridge! She could've jumped knowing that if she tried to come back here she wouldn't make it. But if she somehow got to water before it was too late, it would've healed her. Right?" Tadashi rushed and Percy's eyes shot open in realization.

"Yeah. It definitely would've. She could be alive." With that, the two of them rushed over to the group of teenagers to explain their theory.


You felt your self floating as the water pushed you. When you felt a wave push you onto what seemed like sand, you groaned. Your fingers twitched as you felt the sand in between your fingers. Slowly but surely, your eyes began to open, and you stared at the sky above.

The sky reflected the color of the setting sun, as you blinked a few times to take in your surroundings. Your hand reached up to touch your shoulder and you gasped as you felt the ripped fabric of your shirt. You shot up where you lay, before checking your body.

Your clothes, and hair were completely dry. A thing that often happened when your powers were at work in the water. The knife and any sign of a stab wound were completely gone from your shoulder, and all that remained was the blood stains on the ripped shirt. Quickly, you got up to your feet before you looked around. You were at the San Fransokyo beach, which was about ten minutes away from the park.

Without a second thought, you sprinted off in the direction of the park, ignoring the strange stares you received from people. As your feet hit the ground in a fast speed you panted as you pushed your body to move faster. You wanted to know if Hiro was okay.

Did he make it back?

Was everyone else safe?

Thoughts ran through your head as you ran. Soon enough you felt a burning sensation in your throat and the taste of iron on your tongue. You were about to turn a corner when you bumped into someone. Your body hit the pavement as you tumbled onto the ground. When you came to a stop you groaned in pain, as your body ached from the impact.

"Oh my goodness! Are you alright?" A man called out as he stood up from his spot across from you.

You got onto your hands and knees before he helped you up the rest of the way. "Miss, are you okay?" He asked again, and you nodded.

"Ye, Yeah. I'm fine." You held onto your arm as you looked at the man you had bumped into.

He seemed to be about your age and his green eyes looked at you in concern, as he held onto his hat that obviously flew off his brown haired head when the two of you collided. His eyes shifted to your shoulder and he gasped.

"There's blood! Are you bleeding anywhere? Are you sure your okay?" He panicked as he checked your shoulder.

"I'm fine, thank you. I was just rushing to get somewhere important. I'm sorry for bumping into you." You apologized as you panted.

"I think we should get you to the hospital just in case-"

"No! Um I promise I'm fine. It was my fault anyways. Sorry, but I really need to get going now." You quickly turned around and ran off before the man could reply.

You had some pain in your left arm as you ran, but that didn't stop you from sprinting to your destination. With every step you had to swallow harder, as beads of sweat formed on your forehead. Tears formed in your eyes as you ran, your body aching over the limit as everything around you began to fade.

But you had to see Tadashi. You had to see your brother, and especially Hiro. You felt so bad for leaving him the way you did without a proper explanation, and all you wanted to do was see everyone and let them know that you were okay.

When you finally reached the entrance of the park, you came to a stop. You wiped away the tears of pain as you frantically searched for your friends. When you saw a group of people talking, standing in a large circle you already knew who they were.

You immediately went to move towards them, almost tripping over a rock in the process. Once you caught yourself you ran towards them without hesitation. You saw one person look back in your direction and the expression on their face said it all.


Tadashi broke out into a sprint to get to you and you ran faster. "Tadashi!"

Your voice came out in a broken cry as you ran to him. Not a second later the two of you collided in a tight embrace as you hugged. You gasped as you wrapped your arms around him neck and he pulled you up by your waist.

You cried into his shoulder in relief as you embraced Tadashi. He pulled away, and stroked your face. "You're Okay. Oh my gosh, you're okay! You came back to us." Tadashi said as his voice broke.

"I'll always come back Tadashi. I'm so sorry." You cried as he kissed your forehead.

"Don't apologize. You came back, and that's all that matters. I love you so much (y/n), and I'm so happy you're alive. It hurt me so much when I thought that I wouldn't be able to spend the rest of my life with you." You kissed Tadashi before pulling away.

"You wanted to spend the rest of your life with me?" You asked shocked and he shook his head.

"No, not wanted. I want."

You couldn't help but grin before you heard a dozen other people call your name. You turned to see all of your friends and you embraced them all in a group hug. "Oh my gods, you guys I'm so sorry."

"Thank goodness your okay!" Honey exclaimed and you smiled.

"I could never leave you guys. What would you do without me?" You joked before moving to Percy.

You embraced your brother tightly before he whispered. "I knew you weren't dead. A small part of me believed that you would make it back, but you had me fooled there for a second. If Tadashi hadn't figured it out, we would all still be a mess."

You raised a brow. "Tadashi? How did he figure it out?"

"After I told him that I had a feeling, it just kind of clicked for him I guess. I don't know how he did it but he asked me about our water abilities and he figured it out before I could even blink. You really got yourself a keeper sis." You smiled at his words before kissing Percy's cheek.

"I love you Percy, always."

"I love you more little sister."

"(Y/n)?" You turned to the sound of the voice and your heart sank.

Hiro stood there with red eyes as a new set of tears spilled from his eyes. "Oh Hiro."

You frowned as you hugged the younger Hamada. He was shaking and you mostly blamed yourself. He was probably terrified, but more than that, you knew that he was probably blaming himself.

"Hiro, I am so sorry. I should've told you what I was planning to do. I shouldn't have left you up there all alone. None of this is your fault okay?"

"If I had listened in the first place, then-"

"Listen to me Hiro Hamada. This is not your fault. No matter what the case was, Callaghan was still dangerous. You could've listened and came back and I still could've gotten stabbed. Either way, I promise I would've found any way to make it back to everyone. Please don't blame yourself." Hiro nodded in understanding before you gave him another hug.

After your talk with Hiro, the two of you made your way back over to your friends. "I think it's time we all head home. We've all had a pretty stressful day, and I think (y/n) needs some rest after dying then coming back to life." Jason commented and everyone agreed.

You were feeling exhausted and your body had ached from the running. A shower and a good long sleep was exactly what you needed. And as everyone made their way back to their own place, you crawled into Tadashi's bed before falling into a deep slumber, knowing that everyone you loved were safe.


Hey guysssssss!
This is not the endddd there are still a good amount of chapters left so stay tuned! Don't forget to vote and comment! <3

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