A New Life (MikeyXOC Tokyo Re...

Da SkyrahNix

118K 4.9K 977

Hanagaki Kairi liked to fight in her own universe but somehow woke up being a whole new Hanagaki Kairi (Hanag... Altro

Chapter 1 Strange Occurrence
Chapter 2 A New Friendship
Chapter 3 Territory
Chapter 4 Protected
Chapter 5 Serious Meeting
Chapter 6 Date
Chapter 7 Celebration
Chapter 8 A Promise
Chapter 9 Beach
Chapter 10 Claim
Chapter 11 Attack
Chapter 12 Complete
Chapter 13 Seven Deadly Sins
Chapter 14 Not According to Plan
Chapter 15 Sacrifice
Chapter 16 Home
Chapter 17 Mikey's Dark Impulse
Chapter 18 Fluff
Chapter 19 Development
Chapter 20 Disagreement
Chapter 21 I Am Lucifer
Chapter 22 Looking Back
Chapter 23 Forgiveness
Chapter 24 Confessions
Chapter 25 Christmas Eve
Chapter 26 Bleeding Christmas
Chapter 27 Mikey's Thoughts
Chapter 28 To A New year
Chapter 29 The Real Lucifer
Chapter 30 Demon
Chapter 31 Impressions
Chapter 32 No More secrets
Chapter 33 A Taste
Chapter 34 Preferences
Chapter 35 Heat
Chapter 36 The News
Chapter 37 Nervousness
Chapter 38 Announcement
Chapter 39 Kai's Death Day
Chapter 40 Enraged
Chapter 41 Imposter
Chapter 42 Awake
Chapter 43 A New Dark Impulse
Chapter 44 Unforeseen Future
Chapter 45 Kai's Dark Future
Chapter 47 The New Mammon
Chapter 48 Enemy Territory
Chapter 49 Stirred up
Chapter 50 New Resolve
Chapter 51 Final Battle
Invitation to Q&A

Chapter 46 Rebirth of the Seven Deadly Sins

1.1K 51 46
Da SkyrahNix

A/N: First, I chose the song because it kind of fits with Kai's situation. Second, WARNING there are gruesome scenes here. Read at your discretion. Third, I had issues with writing this, but I am decently happy with how it turned out. I think. I have mixed feelings... You'll understand way... uh. So, yeah. Hope you enjoy? 


April 14th, 2006

The atmosphere could be cut by a knife. Everyone was tense as their commander stood in front of them on top of the steps of the Musashi Shrine. Everyone had been trying to find traces of Kisaki and Hanma but it was almost like they had vanished. No one could find anything about their whereabouts. And Mikey was livid.

"There are hundreds of you and yet no one has any news about those bastards?!"

The members shifted nervously. They knew that Mikey was at his limit of patience. They had never seen him so pissed off before. They all understood why though. Toman's Queen had almost died. Their unborn child was murdered. Anyone of them would be seeing red if they were in his shoes. Right?

"None of you rest until they are found!"

They were already all so exhausted with the weeks of searching. And now they were ordered to search without any rest. The captains and vice-captains knew that their members were tired. But no one would talk Mikey down. It was like talking to a brick wall. All that mattered to Mikey was finding Kisaki and Hanma who knew who the person who tried to kill Kai was. Mikey only cared about getting the one responsible for it all. He just wanted to make Kai safe again.

"You have them searching for ghosts now?"

The new voice caught everyone's attention. The members parted away, letting the newcomer walk towards where Mikey stood. Shocked whispers were heard all around. Eyes widened as they all watched Kai walking with her head held high.

Her Seven Deadly Sins jacket fluttered behind her as she moved. But she wasn't the only one moving to the front. Katsuhiro and Eijirou were on her right while Rin and Subaru were on her left. They were also wearing their Seven Deadly Sins jackets.


To say that Mikey was shocked to see his girlfriend standing in front of him was an understatement. He was filled with surprise and confusion. He didn't understand what she was doing there.

"What the hell are you doing?" Baji yelled out, stepping towards her, "You should be home where it is saf-"

"Take another step," she said, placing a hand on the handle of a katana that was clasped in her left hand, "And I'll cut you down where you stand."

Baji stopped a few feet away, taken back by her threat. No. It wasn't just the threat. The look of murder in her eyes caused him to stop. She was serious.

"Kai," Mikey took a step forward to go to his girlfriend but stopped once she turned to look up at him.

The eyes that used to be filled with affection for him were now looking at him with emptiness. He felt it. He recognized it. Kai had a dark impulse.

"I came here to make sure the message would come across without any confusion," she said to him without a sign of emotion, "I am leaving Toman and reforming Seven Deadly Sins."

"Ha?" Mikey let out, unable to say anything else.

He was filled with emotions after emotions. Confusion as to how this even happened. But mostly he was feeling the invisible daggers that penetrated his heart.

"Maybe I wasn't clear enough," she said, "I'm breaking up with you."

Mikey's pupils shrunk as he felt the daggers twisting. What did she just say? She was breaking up with him? She was leaving him? What did he do wrong? How did he mess up? He racked his brain for answers.

"Kairi-neesan. What do you mean you are breaking up with Mikey-kun? Don't you love him?" Takemichi questioned.

Takemichi and Mikey were not the only ones that were clearly shocked. Everyone in attendance was shocked at the declaration and waited for her answer.

"Love?" she looked at Takemichi with dead eyes that made him weak in the knees, he had to avert her gaze. "How can I love someone who was perfectly content in leaving me trapped in a cage like I was some injured little bird?" She turned to Katsuhiro, "Do I look like an injured little bird?"

He shook his head, "No. I never saw you like that, boss."

"Kai, I never-"

"Shut up," she said, cutting Mikey off.

Everyone watched as their commander was silenced with two simple words. No one was sure what to say. The people that had the closest relationship to Mikey and Kai wondered why she would decide to publicly announce their break up like this. Was she trying to humiliate him in front of his members? What was her objective? Why was she doing this?

Her empty eyes held his pained ones, "I release you from the burden of protecting me." She licked her lips, smirking, "Not that I ever needed your protection anyway." She pointed to her stomach. "Only reason why I got injured was because I was being a fool. I let the wrong person close to me. But I learned my lesson. And it will never happen again."


Narrowed eyes looked at Masashi as he took a couple of steps towards her. Kai did not miss the glimmer of glee in his eyes.

"Do you rememb-?"

With quick hands, Kai unsheathed her katana and slashed. The second she sheathed it back after striking her sword clean, his scream echoed throughout the shrine. Blood spilled onto the ground. Masashi was on his knees, clutching the stump where his left arm used to be.

'What the fuck?'

'She just cut his arm off.'

"Kai, what the fuck did you do? That's your best friend!"

Kai did not answer Draken. She did not have time as laughter was heard.

"You do. You do remember," Masashi looked up with a demented grin on his face. He was finally showing his true colors.

"I do."

"Are you going to kill me now?"


Kai walked up to Masashi. She kicked his face to cause him to fall on his back. She stomped his chest with her boot.

"Subaru, treat him before he bleeds to death."

"Yes, boss."

Subaru went to Masashi's left side to stop his bleeding as Kai kept looking down at her prey with disinterest.

"You took something from me so I took something from you in return. How does it feel?" she really didn't care for his answer.

Masashi's breath became heavy, "Why aren't you killing me? Aren't you pissed off that I tried to kill you? I even killed your unborn child."






Everyone was trying to process what they just heard Masashi confess. Ayato had been right all along. Masashi had been the culprit. But why? It made no sense. Masashi and Kai grew up together. They were best friends. Why would he want to kill her?

"Killing you would be a mercy. I am not that merciful."

Everyone could not do anything but watch and listen. No one knew what to do or say even if they wanted to. They may as well have just been statues.

"No. I'll let you live and be a witness to the monster you have created. It is what you wanted. Right?"

Masashi coughed as he laughed, "Now you are just spoiling me. God, you are so beautiful right now. You've never been so beautiful. All broken. Filled with nothing but bloodlust."

Kai noticed the look of excitement in his eyes. He was aroused. She couldn't believe that all these years she never knew just how fucked up her best friend really was. Was everything a lie?

"What the fuck, dude? Aren't you gay?" Katsuhiro let out in disgust, noticing the bulge forming.

"Nope. Doesn't matter what gender they are as long as they are broken. Mm. That really gets me going."

Ayato and Baji turned to look at Kazutora who was trembling after hearing all that. They couldn't help but think about how much of a piece of shit Masashi was.

"You're disgusting," Rin spat.

"Masashi is a lot of things. A pathological liar. A manipulator. And a psychopath," Kai let out. "Isn't that right, bestie?"

He chuckled, "Hey, now. You don't have to list my best qualities like that. But I am touched."

Kai stared down at him for a few seconds before lifting the boot that was on his chest and stomping right down. Masashi choked on the blood that gathered up his throat. The sound of breaking bones was heard as he struggled to breathe.

"Amusing is it? You really take joy in seeing others suffer."

"D- Don't you?" he barely managed to gasp out, "Your true nature. Why bother hiding it?"

"Aren't you being a hypocrite? You were the one hiding."

He winced as he chuckled, "No. I wasn't hiding. I was playing a role. I always knew who I was. You... You just kept denying it. Fuck. Just look at you. You survived. You keep surviving. You're a monster. And I know that you like hurting people. You like the feeling and the sound of breaking bones. You like making others bleed. That perfect little married life wouldn't suit someone like you. I saved you from a miserably boring life. I set you free."

Kai closed her eyes. Letting out a breath.

"Subaru, forget his arm."

"Boss?" Subaru was confused but did as he was told. He stood up and went back to his brother, leaving Masashi's arm half bandaged.

Mikey's anger as he stared down at the one responsible for all of this. He felt the hatred growing within him and hunger for Masashi's life. Mikey wanted nothing more than to walk down those steps and kill the bastard for what he had done and taken from him. But he did not move from his position. What stopped him was Kai's overwhelming aura. Even Mikey could not deny that Kai was terrifying. Was this what it was like for others when he was consumed by his dark impulse? He wanted to stop her but he was held back by not wanting to be the one to hurt her. He could never hurt Kai. This fact was what held him back.

Black eyes watched as Kai handed her katana to Katsuhiro and pulled out a switchblade from her pocket. She leaned her knee on Masashi's chest while her other leg pinned his right arm down. Eyes widened in shock as she sliced Masashi's tongue right out of his mouth.

Horrified expressions were visible from all witnesses. The sheer brutality they witnessed had them all speechless. They couldn't believe what they had seen right before their eyes.

Kai stood up, discarding the detached tongue. Masashi was left on the ground, choking on his own blood. Takemich couldn't hold it in anymore. He threw up before falling to his knees. He couldn't believe his own sister was capable of something like that.

"If you are going to talk nonsense, I will just have to silence you permanently," she spat down at him. She turned to Eijirou and Subaru, "Take my new pet away and make sure he stays alive. I'm not done playing with him yet."

No one wanted to know what her words meant. They were already thinking the worst. She was going to torture him more than she already had. It sent shivers down their spines.

She turned back to Mikey, "I am not weak. I do not need to be saved or caged for protection. And I will prove it. I am going to take over the world. Stay out of my way. Or I will kill you."

Mikey temporarily stopped breathing as he watched her walk away. Was this really the end? How did things end up this way? He messed up. He messed everything up. But he did not know how to fix it. How could he fix it?

"Where are you going?" Draken's voice caught Mikey's attention. "The commander didn't dismiss anyone."

Inui turned to him, "Black Dragons follow our leader wherever she goes."

Toman watched as the members that were a part of Black Dragons and Seven Deadly Sins before being absorbed by Toman left, following behind Kai. Their loyalty to her hadn't dwindled from the scene. No. In fact, it was quite the opposite. They admired her strength. She continued to show just how capable she was. And they would follow her anywhere.

Toman was left with what they had previously before the merge.

Izana stood with his own Tenjiku members. He had remained quiet throughout the show. He was in his brother's territory. He didn't want to overstep. But when he learned that his little brother had a woman, this was not what he imagined her to be like. Why was it that Izana felt admiration and fear of her? That woman almost seemed inhuman.

The brothers shared a look and a nod. They knew that if they had a chance at stopping Kai, they would have to team up.

This time, Mikey was the one that needed to save Kai and her Dark Impulses. He needed to bring her back. Whatever it takes.


April 14th, 2018

Takemichi felt sick. The memories that penetrated his mind were too much for him to handle as he kept choking from his windpipe being crushed. He struggled again, his hand on her wrist. His fingers grazed something.

He opened his blurry eyes, trying to see what it was that he touched. A bracelet. No. Two bracelets. He recognized them. It was the bracelet that Kai and Mikey wore.

"S-save... M-Mikey. Kun.," he choked out.

He felt her hand loosen grip at the mention of Mikey's name.


"I can save Mikey-kun."


Much to Takemichi's relief, Kai let him go. He coughed, letting in the much needed air into his lungs as he kneeled down.

"You think you can save Mikey?"

Takemichi looked up with a look of determination in his eyes, "I won't know unless I try!"

I knew it. Kairi still loves Mikey-kun. Even now. Even years later. But why did she break up with him?

He gulped, "You still love him."

"Tch," she took a step back, rubbing her temple, "That again? What does it matter what I feel?"

"Then why would you want him to be saved if you don't still love him?"

With eyes narrowed she answered, "Because he was never meant to die. He was supposed to give up and move on. But he was weak. He couldn't let go."

"What do you mean?"

She stared at him for a few minutes before looking away, "He killed himself, Takemichi. After I took everything from him. He jumped. I may as well have pulled the trigger. It is my fault he is gone."

Mikey-kun... Killed himself?

The news was surprising to Takemichi. Mikey never seemed to be the kind of person that would do something like that. But then again, Takemichi couldn't deny that he didn't know how Mikey felt at that time.

"Why did you break up with him, Kairi?"

She turned back to him, he saw the pain hidden behind her eyes, "I had no choice. It was always going to be either Mikey or me."

What? I don't understand.

"Take," Takemichi's heart stopped for a beat as he finally heard her call him by the nickname she gave him, "If you can, save Mikey. But don't try to save me."


She shook her head, "Promise me."

"I- I promise," the words left his mouth before he could stop them.

"Good. I am counting on you. Make sure that Mikey can be happy. Alright?"

Takemichi's eyes fell to the hand that was outstretched for him to take. The words she spoke echoed in his mind. She wanted Mikey to be happy. He thought of the others who were no longer in a gang and seemed to have happy lives. They said because she allowed them to be, they were able to be happy.

Kai... Did you sacrifice your own happiness so that everyone else could be happy?

But there were still so many questions he needed answered. He nodded once to himself. Grabbing her hand to stand back on his feet. He was ready to ask her more but the familiar feeling of electricity shot up his arm.


Takemichi's consciousness went on a trip to 10 years in the past. 


A/N: Uh. So, yeah. Still got mixed feelings. But hope you all enjoyed it... 

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