The Devils of Jujutsu

By Cameodc

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Asta was exiled from Clover kingdom, for being falsely accused of being a devil. No one came to defend his ca... More

Chapter 1: Exile
Chapter 2: Family History
Chapter 3: An Ominous Discovery
Chapter 4: Jujutsu Sorcerer?
Chapter 5: Welcome to My World
Chapter 6: Jujutsu Training
Chapter 7: Meeting the 3rd years
Chapter 8: First Mission
Chapter 9: Blessed by the Black Flash
Chapter 10: The Brothers' Domains part 1
Chapter 11: The Brothers' Domains part 2
Chapter 12: Finger Bearer
Chapter 13: Preparing for War
Chapter 14: Noelle's Disgust
Chapter 15: Bandit Battle
Chapter 16: Hope
Chapter 17: Encounter Under The Demon Skull
Chapter 18: Stolen Future
Chapter 19: Lightning Falls
Chapter 20: Royal Presence part 1
Chapter 21: Royal Presence part 2
Chapter 22: A Curse For A Curse
Chapter 23: The Generals
Chapter 24: Arming and Tragic Past
Chapter 25: Yuta's Decision
Chapter 26: Zora's discovery
Chapter 27: The Battle Begins
Chapter 28: God's Death Match
Chapter 29: Bloody Diamonds and The Voodoo sorcerer
Chapter 30: Doll House and Dark Garden
Chapter 31: Wipe Out
Chapter 32: Battle in the Orchard
Chapter 33: Night Parade ends and Busted
Chapter 34: Gojo is Home
Chapter 35: A Genius Idea
Chapter 36:Birth of New Gods
Chapter 37: A Clue and Scouting
Chapter 38: The 4 Diamonds part 1
Chapter 39: The 4 Diamonds part 2
Chapter 40: Some Old Friends
Chapter 42: A Royal Sorcerer? part 2
Chapter 43: Progress
Chapter 44: Unhappy Reunion
Chapter 45: Cursed Alliance part 1
Chapter 46: Cursed Alliance part 2
Chapter 47: Secret Revealed
Chapter 48: They Finally Meet Again
Chapter 49: Sorcerer of the Seas vs Demon God Asta
Chapter 50: The Elder of the Star Corridor
Chapter 51: Reasons for Hatred

Chapter 41: A Royal Sorcerer? part 1

1.3K 29 6
By Cameodc

(Nero's p.o.v.)

  I had been looking for this Gojo for over a month, and I hadn't found him yet. While searching in the western region of Diamond Kingdom, I finally got a lead. People had seen someone who matches his description in a town to the north of where I was. I flew over there right away on my broom. After I arrived at the town, I spent an hour looking around until I saw the man I was looking for, buying some food from a stand at the market. I quickly ran toward him. By the time I caught up to him, he was walking away from the stand. I called out to him, "Excuse me?!" He stopped and turned around, that's when I got a good look at his face. He was a tall, white haired man, wearing a blindfold over his eyes. He asked, "Yes?" I questioned, "Are you Gojo?" He looked surprised and replied, "I am, is there something I can help you with?" I said to him, "I heard that you had a student named Asta, I was wondering if you know where he is?" He answered, "I do have a student with that name, and by the looks of your robe, you must be Nero of the Black Bulls." I was surprised that he knew who I was. But what he said next, made something clear. "But, I'm not going to tell where he is. I don't sell out my students. Besides, from what you and Clover Kingdom did to him in the past, I doubt he would want to see you any of you guys again." I was saddened by what he told me, that Asta hates his squad so much that he doesn't even want to look at any of us. But, I was still determined to find him. "You're right, we weren't there for him when he needed us, there's no excuse for leaving him to die. Maybe we're beyond forgiveness, but we at least want him to understand why we couldn't be there for him. That's all we would be asking of him. So please, tell me where to find him, so I can explain why?" He seemed moved by my words given that he had a surprised look on his face. He replied, "Like I said, I don't sell out my students...." I started to become depressed until Gojo continued. "That said, I would be willing to tell him your reasons for you, but there's no guarantee that he'll believe it." I was grateful that he would pass on a message, but I gave him my answer, "Thank you, but I want to tell him face to face. I've been searching for him for years, I couldn't just give up after all the effort I put in. When he was in the Black Bulls, Asta never always stood his ground and never gave up, it's because of his ironclad will that Black Bulls became one of the best squads in Clover. So, I won't ever give up until I see him again." Gojo smiled brightly at my resolve and he replied, "I love meeting people like you. Alright, I'll see if I can get Asta to see you, but no promises." I too smiled brightly and said, "Thank you!!"

   (Noelle's p.o.v.)

  I was training in the forest outside the Black Bulls base, improving my skills at using my magic as well as close combat. When I stopped to take a break a heard something from deeper in the forest. I decided to check it out, so went towards the direction the noise was coming from. As I reached the source, I saw something I never seen before. I saw a young boy with pitch black hair and his bangs covering his right eye, and what looks like a giant floating jellyfish. The boy seemed to control the jellyfish like it was part of his body, as I saw it attacking trees with it's tentacles, snapping them as if it was a twig. If the jellyfish wasn't impressive enough, it was the after effect it had on the fallen trees. I saw the trees corroding and melting away, I could only assume that it's tentacles were secreting a powerful poison. I was so in awe at sheer power the creature had displayed, I didn't realize that the noticed me. I was brought out of my state of amazement when he called out, "Hey!! What are you doing here?!!" I looked at him and said, "I was training a ways back in the woods when I heard a crash. So, I decided to see what's going on." He stared at me with a suspicious look on his face and the boy asked, "You're an aristocrat, aren't you?" I replied regretfully, "Unfortunately, yes." His expression changed from suspicious to puzzled by my confession. "You royals and nobles normally take pride in your lineage and social status, why don't you?" I replied to his question, "Aristocrats have cause me nothing but pain for as long as I can remember, they even robbed me of the first friend I ever made, can you blame your harboring such disdain for them and myself?" The boy's expression then changed to one of surprised and pity as he said, "I know the eyes of a liar, and yours are sincere, so I know you're being honest. So, what's your name?" I introduced myself, "Noelle Silva of the Black Bulls, you?" "Junpei Yoshino" With the formalities out of the way, I asked him, "So, what is that jellyfish behind you?" He became surprised once again and looked back at the jellyfish before turning to face me again and asking, "You can see him?" I was confused about what he said, I mean, why wouldn't I be able to see it when it was that big and floating right behind him. I asked, "Of course I can, why wouldn't I?" He replied, "Normal people can only see these when they're on the verge of death, or in special place." I was both surprised and puzzled by his answer, so I asked Junpei, "What exactly is that jellyfish?"

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