An Unexpected Engagement

By colacejohansson

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Natasha Romanoff has a huge crush on CEO Steve and decides that the company's Christmas party is the perfect... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
+ bonus 📲
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Quarantine Diary of Natasha Romanoff-Rogers
Chapter 80
Capítulo 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Capítulo 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 58

233 19 6
By colacejohansson


- Something more? - Wanda asks me, still writing down my latest requests in her notebook.

I notice her black-painted fingernails, remembering when she'd rubbed my chest afterward and poured hot wax.

Stop it Steve! I scold myself with a shiver of horror.

It's been two months since that fateful night and I still shiver remembering it.

As Natasha had assured me, Wanda hadn't given the slightest hint that she knew I knew she was the dominatrix in that club.

I confess that the morning after I had to meet her, I was scared to death. Not just the ominous memories of the night at the club, but also
afraid that the situation would become awkward for both of them and I would have to fire her.

Despite Wanda being terrifying at times, she was still a great secretary.

However, she pretended that nothing had happened and I did the same. So, we move on.

“No, that's all,” I reply, dismissing her.

She gets up to leave.

"Then I'll make my lunch break." It's a beautiful day to go to Abney Park Cemetery,” he adds.

Yes, Wanda continues with her weird habit of going to cemeteries for lunch and Natasha had told me that she kept insisting that I go along.

"Did you invite Natasha again?" – I ask amused.

“Yeah, but she said she's having lunch with Justin today,” she adds before leaving the room.

I frown.

Natasha going to lunch with the new boss again?

Come to think of it, she did that a lot lately.

The truth is that apparently my fear that Natasha and Justin wouldn't get along and that they would have a bad relationship just like they did with Erin had been unfounded.

That first week after Justin was hired, I asked Natasha about how she was adapting to her new boss and she just shrugged it off with a sneer.

"I'm being nice, as you asked!"

- What you mean? It's all right?

“Yeah… I'm trying, okay?

The second week I asked her what she thought of Justin.

Because to me he seemed to be very competent and had great and original ideas.

- Yeah... he's really smart - she replied, filing her nail, with her eyes fixed on the TV where she was showing "Friends".

'Is that all you have to say?' I bet you must be learning a lot from him.

“Yeah, I think so. - And then she burst out laughing at something funny in the series, and still turned up the volume, ending the conversation.

I gave up on questioning her about it eventually. From the looks of it, things were indeed proceeding under control, because knowing Natasha and her penchant for getting into trouble, if anything was wrong, the situation would have already exploded into some confusion.

But not. Everything was in absolute calm.

And now, on second thought. It was too calm...
"She went to lunch with Justin."

How many times had I heard something like that in the last two months?

I remember one day when I asked Wanda to call Natasha into my office because I was stressed about the bad sales figures.
That week and against all my rules of not asking Natasha for some sexual interlude anymore, I decided that was exactly what I needed at that moment, but Wanda had replied that Natasha had gone out with Justin.

— Did they?

“Yeah, Hill said they went to Primark.

"What the hell were you doing at Primark?"

"I think that store sucks too," Wanda had said.

At night, Natasha came home full of bags.

"Did you go shopping during work hours?"

"Justin insisted!"

- Like this?

— He commented that he needed new clothes. And you know, I'm almost a personal stylist in my spare time! My style is very good and I said that if we wanted we could go to Primark because they had great deals! Look at that shirt, Steve. It was only five pounds! Five pounds and I must say Justin was
Kind of skeptical, you know, he's all up in those expensive suits, but I told him I could dress him up really well and at great prices, he wouldn't even feel the difference.

“That doesn't seem very appropriate to me.

- Why not? You said you wanted me to get along with my boss. I'm trying, Steve.

"So the fact that you're shopping with your boss is proof that you're getting along well?"

She shrugged again dismissively.

"As I said, I'm trying...

Mark knocks on my door bringing me back to the present.

"Steve, do you want to have lunch with me today?" We can take the opportunity to talk about some necessary relocations.

- Sure, why not? I'm just going to finish some emails. Meet at The Evy in twenty minutes?

- It's all right.

As soon as Mark walks away, I check my cell. There is no message from Natasha. Sometimes we go out to lunch together, but on second thought, I don't think it's been over a month now.

Of course, she usually has lunch with Justin Taylor now.

Well, that shouldn't bother me.

However, without really knowing why, I go down to the commercial floor.

Natasha stillA is at her desk, busy putting on lipstick, looking intently at her image on the monitor.

— Natasha.

She jumps, startled.

"Steve, you scared me!" God, why did it come so low as a snake?

— You who were distracted putting on makeup during work hours.

"You didn't come to pick on me, did you?" I'm going out to lunch with Justin.

"You seem to do that a lot lately, don't you?"

“Yes, it's practical. We can talk about work while we eat,” she replied absently, putting her makeup in her bag.

"So they're really getting along really well."

“Steve, I don't understand what you came here for,” she says impatiently. “I hope you haven't come to scold me or lecture me. I'm behaving!

"No, I didn't come to scold you." You talk like I'm some tyrant or something.

"You're a bit of a tyrant, yes, and you know it!"

"And how is Justin Taylor as a boss?"

- He's cool.

“You seem too reticent to mention him whenever I ask.
So I was right, wasn't I? “I can't help being a little presumptuous.

She hesitates, but suddenly her face lights up.

— Oh Steve, yes, I was acting crazy, so I wouldn't give in and so you wouldn't get all puffed up saying you were right!
But the truth is that Justin is the best! I'm in love with him!

- What?

"Yeah, he's the coolest boss in the world!" And I was right, he's super smart, he knows everything about public relations and I'm learning so much!
Seriously, I have to thank you for bringing Justin into my life! I'm loving every second I spend with him! Thank you, Steve! She squeezes my hand and stands up grabbing her bag, ignoring my apoplectic state with her words. - I need to go!

I watch her walk away.

What the fuck was that?

How Natasha went from a true hatred for the new boss who took her place to...

What were her words anyway?

Completely in love?

What the fuck is going on?

Still dazed, I walk down the hall and into the bathroom before heading to meet Mark at the restaurant.

While I'm at the urinal, Justin Taylor walks in.

“Hey, Steve, how are you?

He moves to my side and unzips his fly.

I stare at him as if seeing him for the first time.

"I'm in love with him."

Natasha's words come back to my mind.

I remember that I thought he was a good-looking guy. Yes, he still looked like one of those expensive underwear or perfume models to me.

Had Natasha realized that?

"I'm in love with him."

I mean, she hadn't meant it literally, of course. It was a way of saying. I had understood. Natasha was just expressing her excitement about the new boss. How well they were getting along and all.

Isn't that what I wanted?

You idiot, you wish your wife was all excited about this guy next to you, who looks like an Italian model and... I look down and take a bite. Shit. On top of that, he's well-endowed!

- It's all right? - Justin finishes and zips his pants, I look away, trying to disguise that he was getting his cock.

— Yes, I was distracted, I'm sorry.

“Okay, tomorrow we have that meeting with the Harvey and Co. people, right? — it refers to the telecommunications company we are in talks with to create some applications.

“Yes, of course,” I answer absently, zipping my fly as well, but not without taking a good look at my dick, it was as big as Justin's, wasn't it?

— For our part, it's almost ready, and I must say Natasha helped a lot, she has great ideas, we're working on a great tune!

He smiles and waves.

- Until later.

I wash my hands, still half dazed. I'm walking towards the elevator when Rachel and Angie come out of a room, walking ahead of me, and they don't notice me.

"Natasha is very lucky, isn't she?" Rachel says.

- Why?

"To have Justin as the boss!" I wish he were my boss, I couldn't resist!

I stop, half hiding behind a plant.

What the fuck is Rachel saying?

“But Natasha is married, Rachel! - Angie refutes.

- And? Okay, Steve is a cat too, but shall we agree? He's too serious! He has no sense of humor, he is always frowning and giving orders! Have you ever seen how nice Justin is? and kind?

“Oh yes, he is a gentleman. So polite! And worship, have you noticed?

— Yes, and elegant! Have you ever noticed those suits?

“I wanted to know what's underneath,” Angie whispers and they both laugh as they disappear down the hall.

I'm still stunned as I have lunch with Mark, pretending to pay attention to what he says when I'm actually mulling over everything I've learned from the new PR manager. Does that mean that Justin Taylor had become something of a sex symbol for women through the corridors of DBS?

The same guy who spent all day with Natasha.

Shopping with Natasha.

Having lunch with Natasha.

And what else did he do with Natasha?

Okay, maybe I'm going overboard with my imagination. What else could be happening?

Just because Justin Taylor is a good-looking guy—and well-endowed—as well as being likable, cultured, and whatever else, doesn't mean Natasha has
some interest in him other than the assistant boss.

"Oh Steve, I'm in love with him.", the famous sentence comes back to my mind.

"So, can we schedule the meeting for next week?" Mark asks when we're heading back to DBS.

— What meeting?

“Steve, I've never seen you distracted like this. The meeting to combine changes in the financial sector.

- Oh yes of course. Talk to Wanda.

We enter the elevator and suddenly Mark holds the door when we see Natasha and Justin hurrying towards us.

— Thank you, Mark! Justin smiles through his very white teeth.

But my attention is on Natasha. She has a flushed face and glowing eyes.

“Hey, boys! She winks at me and turns around. She and Justin in front of us as the elevator goes up.

My gaze locked on the back of their heads.

At one point, Natasha stands on her tiptoes and whispers something in Justin's ear and he starts to laugh.

And suddenly, the two are laughing at some private joke.

What the fuck?!

The elevator stops at the commercial floor and they get out, waving happily, as they disappear down the hall.

“This guy was a great addition,” Mark comments. “He's perfect.


Perfect? Even Mark is in love with Justin Taylor?

At the end of the day, Natasha sends a message, when I'm already waiting in the car, that she won't leave with me like we usually do.

"Do not wait for me. Justin and I have to redo some notes for tomorrow's meeting with Harvey and Co. See you at home!”

That simple.

Okay, it's absolutely understandable, I think as I start. Apparently Justin had turned Natasha into something of a workaholic.

I should be proud.

Just not.

It's after nine when I hear the door opening and Natasha appears in the kitchen.

I'm sitting at the counter with my computer, a classical vinyl playing, and a glass of wine as I try to work. I should have been happy to have the apartment to myself, to get back to my old workaholic habits that I was proud of before Natasha came into my life, but the truth was, I was checking the clock every five minutes. wondering what time Justin Taylor would release my wife to come home.

“Hey, there you are! She walks past me and opens the fridge and takes out a bottle of water.

'Where were you until now?' I ask seriously.

- Like this? I was on DBS. I told you, me and Justin...

— It's after nine o'clock at night, Natasha!

“Hey, are you mad because you were working? You are too!
By the way, I bet you loved that I wasn't here to distract you and you could play at being a workaholic CEO! ' He laughed, filling a glass.

“You shouldn't work so hard. Do you forget you're pregnant?

"Pregnancy is not a disease!" And I feel really good! Thank God all those bizarre symptoms those women complained about haven't hit me yet. And I hope they don't hit me! I was a fool to be scared. I said I would be pregnant Kate Middleton style!

I watch her as she drinks her water.

— I ordered Chinese food. I already ate, forgive me for not waiting for you.

“I already had dinner with Justin. — She keeps the water in the fridge.

“I thought they were at DBS until now.

— We ordered a pizza while we worked.

"Does Justin know you're pregnant?"

- Of course not. Nobody knows, didn't we agree that we would be discreet? Although I think my belly is already starting to show, it's going to be hard to hide any longer.

"So you didn't tell your new best friend, Justin?"

— New best friend? - She laughs.

“You seem very close.

"Yes, I think you're right!" He's wonderful, Steve! Did I tell you how smart he is? And he is so generous, he teaches me so much! We're really getting along great! Again, point to you, I was a fool to think he would be a disaster like Erin. Justin told me Erin must be that way with me because she felt threatened. And Justin thinks I'm really talented! And also Justin is sure I...

With a grunt, I pull her up and shut her down with a kiss.

Justin this, Justin that! Arg, that's enough!

“Wow, what was that? She opens her eyes, gasping when I finally release her.

- I missed you! — And without asking permission I pick her up and take her to bed.

"But I haven't even told you yet that me and Justin...

“Fuck, enough talking,” I growl, placing her on the bed and kissing her hard again.

Natasha laughs, and comes over to me, sitting on my lap as she takes off her shirt.

"I think it's a good idea!" After spending the day with Justin I really need to...

Fuck, was she going to keep talking about that guy while we were having sex?

I thought you were going to stop talking...

"Oops, so I'm going to use my mouth for something more interesting…" She opens my shirt and moves her lips down my chest.

But when she's getting to the mI pull down my pants and stop her, the image of Justin's dick coming back to my mind.
What the fuck?

I push Natasha.

- What's it?

“I think… it won't happen.

- Like this? - She asks between confused and amused. - Why?

How do I tell my wife my dick isn't working because I can't stop thinking Justin Taylor's dick is bigger than mine?

"Steve, you look really weird...

“I think I'm just tired.

“Steve you…you…” she points to my dick “didn't your dick come up?”

“Damn it, Natasha! “Suddenly I'm blushing like a schoolboy.

She starts to laugh.

“Oh my God, Steve!

- It is not funny.

- And yes!

"Sorry if I don't think it's cool that you're laughing in my face!"

“Steve, don't get mad. It happens to every guy! At least that's what they say. You must be really stressed! And you know what? I'm really tired too! I'm going to take a shower. She jumps out of bed and goes to the bathroom. "Justin broke up with me today!"

Holy shit he gave birth!

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