The way I found you

By Seana_memories

15.5K 786 2.2K

Taking care of Sean's children was meant to be a simple favor from Lana, but turned quickly into much more, a... More

1| I need your help
2| Blueberry fight
3| Instagram Story
4| Tanya
5 | Ups And Downs
6| A Toast
7| Go Away!
8| Idiot
9| Unknown Love
10| Birthday Surprise
11| LP's Birthday (Part 1)
12| LP's Birthday (Part 2)
13| Enough
14| Road Of Recovery
15| Finkbiner Park
16| Hidden Thoughts
17| Cuddle?
18| You Watched Us Kiss?
19| OUAT Offer
20| I Am Lana
21| Drop The Act
22| Words Of A Father
23| The Question Is...
24| Only You
25| Truth Or Dare
26| I Love You
27| Let Me Explain
28| Piece By Piece
29| Our Kids
30| Bathtub Date
31| She Is Not Your Mom!
32| Mama
33| Let Fate Decide
35| Matthew
36| Mistakes
37| Christmas Bauble
38| Snowfall
39| Daddy Loves Lana
40| The Way I Found You

34| Never Do That Again

388 21 86
By Seana_memories

Lana woke up the next morning from the sunbeams shining right into her face since they forgot to close the curtains last night. She frowned because normally it had become like a routine, going through the house and locking every door before making their room sunproof but then all the memories of last night came right up to her mind. A small grin appeared on her lips when she remembered the kisses Sean gave her, his touches that left a trail over her body, the pleasure he gave her. Her body tensed up even just thinking about it. And for that reason, it was alright that they had forgotten to close the blinds.

Lana turned in Sean's bed to face her boyfriend with a peaceful smile. It was a nice change to wake up on her own and not because one of the children was jumping on top of her; Even though she loved them to bits. It was only six in the morning, meaning they had 30 more minutes to snuggle before every-day life began.

Sean and she were still both naked, his hand was placed around her body whilst Lana's legs were kind of knot with his. Feeling the warmth of his skin right after waking up was the most beautiful thing in the world to her, even though she knew that it was risky since the kids could walk in at any minute. Thank God none of them woke up during the night to come to cuddle.

Lana brushed some hair out of her face before biting the corner of her lip. It was hard watching Sean sleep since his presence was enough to send her body back into the mode of desire that both of them awoke last night. She had no idea how they even managed to prevent the showdown in the last two weeks but it didn't matter anymore because they had sent each other over the edge more than just one time in the previous night. She should have been exhausted after going to bed around one in the morning but it seemed like the lust to kiss him again was way stronger than her tiredness.

The mischievous grin on her face went brighter when Lana leaned forward to place small kisses on Sean's neck and jawline. One at a time, traveling along his torso until her boyfriend finally opened up his eyes with a smirk, which Lana mirrored as soon as her eyes met his. She reached up to his mouth, locking their lips instantly with the desire to let their tongues fight for dominance.

"We got 20 more minutes.", Lana breathed out, giving her watch a side look because she wasn't planning on letting go of him that fast.

"Got it.", was all Sean said, not waiting this time for a longer conversation. To be honest, talking was superfluous at this point.


Both of them fell back into the pillows of their bed, completely out of breath and more than sure that this was the best start to a new day. Lana could still feel his body on hers, still smell his aftershave in her nose and still hear how pleasurable they finished each other off. Her body was still tensed up and all electrified, so Sean's hands on her thighs didn't help at all to cool herself down. Lana closed her eyes, tried to focus on something else than his touch since she had to present herself in just a couple of minutes to the kids without making them notice anything unusual. But her head had other plans and was going through all the events that had happened that night. Every touch, every kiss, every word. Her mind got stuck to the little talking they did whilst being completely overwhelmed by each other's presence. 'Let fate decide', repeated her mind instantly inside her head before Lana suddenly sat up, facing Sean, who tried to figure out what was going on.

"We didn't use protection...", was all Lana said, without breaking their eye contact.

"Ehm... yeah? I know. Didn't we talk about it?", Sean asked confused since he could swear he did ask her if it was okay.

"Yeah... but... I... I never had sex without protection before.", Lana confessed, looking right through him, to think about it a little more. "You are aware that even if the chances are basically zero... I could get pregnant. You know?", She asked just to be sure.

"Yes. I am aware of that.", Sean answered with a simple nod.

"So... you're fine with it? Like... you're not going to dump me or anything know.", Lana said. "Sorry... I just... wanna make sure because I... I don't wanna lose you.", she confessed.

"It was my idea. It's okay. I am fully aware, thanks for asking.", Sean said with a smile. "You know I love big families and I know better than a lot of people how much you truly would love to carry a child. So why not take the tiny chance we have. If it happens, well great... if not, we are still blessed with the three little monsters", he chuckled. "But if you want to use protection from now on, I am totally fine with it. Honestly. You decide."

"No... no... I... I don't want to.", she grinned. "I just thought that it was all a dream. That I just imagined it.", she laughed with a tear in her eye. "Thank you...", she said, crushing her lips back to his.

Both of them had to hurry after their little make-out session since they were late. Of course. All they did was throw some clothes over themselves before rushing to the kitchen. Lana made some cereal ready for them since it was the quickest and Sean woke up the boys and got Amélie, who was already awake but still quietly in her bed.

"Morning Lana.", Leo grinned brightly, not taking his eyes off her for one second, which was quite suspicious.

"Is... is everything alright?", the actress asked curiously but at the same time in fear as well. He did not hear them earlier did he? No. He was four. He cannot connect to what happened.

"Yeah I am just happy that you're daddy's girlfriend.", he said and Lana let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Right. I forgot already that he told you.", she laughed slightly, more talking to herself. "And is that alright for you? That I am living with you now? And... staying.", She asked, looking insecure at Leo.

"I love it!", he exclaimed loudly with a laugh before giving her a hug. Lana grinned relieved. It felt so much better hearing those words from him than hearing them from Sean since Leo's honest tone cannot beat anything.

"I love that we're a family too...", Flynn said shyly from behind them before deciding to join their hug. "I really love you, Lana. You are the best comfort person in the whooole world. Next to daddy of course.", he added with a laugh.

"Thank you boys.", the woman smiled, having some tears in her eyes. "And I promise that I will be there for you. Always.", Lana grinned before placing a kiss on each cheek of them, which made them giggle.

"Oh oh you hurt yourself here...there is a bruise", Leo said, recognizing the purple spot on Lana's neck and pointing at it.

"Did I?", Lana said, raising her voice whilst turning slowly to Sean with a dangerous expression on her face. "I guess I will put some ice on it.", she hissed slightly, staring with big eyes at her boyfriend, who sent an apologizing glance to her.

"Yeah, ice will help with bruises. That's what daddy says.", Flynn nodded, finally sitting down at the table to eat his cereal.

"Did you sign the paper I need for today? You wanted to do it yesterday night.", he remembered, looking at the two adults.

"Right....", Sean said, not really remembering where the hell he had put that damned sheet of paper since kissing Lana was more important yesterday. "I... I will get it.", he said before going on a search throughout the house. He knew that he didn't have it anymore when he arrived in the living room yesterday... but that's all he remembered.

Lana just shook her head in amusement. "Your Daddy is a handful, boys.", she grinned before sitting down next to Amélies highchair to help her eat. The little girl loved to try out her spoon but unfortunately, they simply didn't have enough time today for sitting half an hour in front of a cereal bowl since half of it was landing on the table and got picked up by Amélies fingers anyway. Unfortunately, the girl was not pleased when Lana took a spoon on her own, trying to feed her.

"Amé, sorry. I know you want to do it all by yourself but we don't have the time, baby.", Lana said when she faced a very upset Amélie, who started to throw a tantrum over Lana helping her. With that her spoon got thrown through the eating area, hitting Leo in the face before falling to the ground.

The boy immediately started crying, which led Lana to check on his eye within an instant, rubbing it slightly before placing a kiss on his cheek.

Amélie just saw her chance, grabbing for her cereal bowl to eat by herself but since her breakfast stood further away than before, her hesitant movements made the bowl turn upside down, so all the milk was poured over her body.

"Oh Ohhh.", she said but had a grin on her face at the same time. The milk puddle that had formed on her high chair was perfect for playing, she thought. Splashing was inevitable.

"Gosh, Amé! We don't have time for this right now. Your clothes are all soggy and look at Leo. He is crying because you hurt him with your spoon. That's not nice. You cannot do that.", Lana said, pulling her out of her chair. The girl was actually dripping when the woman held her up, making Lana sigh. "Sean?? Where are you? I need some help.", she screamed out with a more than happy Amélie in her hands.

"Ah ah, princess. That's not funny."

"Woooww", Sean said with widened eyes when he stepped back into the eating area. "That escalated quite quickly. What happened?", he asked, picking up his still sobbing son.

"Amélie wanted to eat by herself.", Lana answered with a roll of her eyes. "Of course, it had to be today. When we're already late.", she sighed.

"It's alright. Don't panic about it. I know you haven't lived with us for long on a daily basis... but... that's... kind of normal?", he said looking apologizing. "Look. You change her and when you come back all the mess here disappeared, okay? I promise.", he said and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

Lana just nodded and went to Amélies room to give her a new outfit. She wasn't in the best mood after all. Did she handle the situation wrong? She was sinking deep into self-doubts, trying to put them aside since literally, nothing too bad happened. Sean was right, they were kids after all and that's part of it. She had dealt with tantrums before, why was she even thinking so much about this one?

When she came back into the kitchen everything was cleaned up as Sean had said. Flynn got his signature under the paper he needed and Leo was not crying anymore. Everything was like nothing had happened at all.

"You alright?", Sean asked in a whisper after Lana sat down Amélie with some bread and cheese since her last breakfast landed on the floor.

"Yeah... sorry... I just... I wanna do everything right...", she confessed with a sigh. "It's weird because... before we were together I never thought about it. I just tried my best and felt like it was good enough--"

"-And it still is. Honestly. Everything is totally fine. Those little outbursts normally hold on for only a few minutes before everyone calms down again. You're don't have to change just because we're together now.", he smiled sincerely, giving her another kiss but this time on her lips.

"Ewww.", the boys said straight away when they saw the two adults. "Stop kissing her, daddy!", Leo exclaimed with a laugh before imitating them with Flynn, giving his brother a big kiss.

"That's not how we kiss, silly.", Sean said with a laugh. "Anyway... eat up, alright? We are a bit late.", he added before finishing up all the lunch boxes with Lana's help.

Whilst Sean was driving everyone to school, Lana was making herself ready to go on a walk with Lola and a little meet-up with Matthew since they haven't seen each other for ages (If you don't count her bumping into them for like ten minutes).

When Sean came back he just grinned at his girlfriend, who really looked great in the outfit she had chosen. "You're heading out already? I thought you were going to meet Matthew around lunchtime...", he questioned.

"Yeah. I just wanted to take Lola on a walk but when an old friend texted we decided to go to the dog park together. Lola loves his dog Raven.", Lana grinned. "I really like being back here... Lola honestly missed all her friends.", she chuckled.

"Yeah. That's true. I have never thought a dog could be THAT happy meeting friends.", Sean said with a chuckle. "So... you're meeting a friend... male... friend?", he asked.

"Jealous?", Lana smirked over her left shoulder knowingly that Sean isn't that type of guy who was jealous. He was just playing with her and yes she wanted to cooperate.

"Not at all. You forgot... I already marked you.", he grinned, stroking her hair aside to have a look at the hickey his son pointed at earlier. "I have to admit... I did a very good job.", he laughed sheepishly.

"Oh yeah... about that. Never EVER do that again, Maguire!", Lana said strictly, hitting his chest playfully. "One day the kids will understand and I hope that they did forget about that by then.", Lana warned, pulling out some make-up to cover it up since she forgot to do it earlier.

"Like I would care...", Sean grinned and only got a sigh as an answer.

"Alright, I gotta go. What are your plans for today?", She asked quickly.

"I am gonna give the garden a little makeover. It honestly looks like a jungle out there. Even though it's freezing... we cannot leave it like that. They even forecasted snow for next week... so I try to at least cut the grass a bit. Probably not the best idea in winter... but... it looks horrible.", Sean laughed and Lana totally agreed with his statement.

"Okay, have fun. See you this afternoon.", she said, turning to the front door with Lola by her side.

"Hey. You forgot something.", Sean yelled behind her, before hurrying to give her one last kiss. "Now you're free to go.", he grinned, which made Lana chuckle.

A/N: I am in the train on my way to the airport, editing the next chapter to get it ready. Haha.

The next chapter will focus on Matthew and Lana. I hope you're willing to get to know him a bit better 😌

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