Risk It All (Chishiya X You)

By chichishuntaro

172K 4K 6.5K

Tokyo is engulfed in a lonely darkness and you're forced into deathly games. You don't know what this place i... More

Tokyo is broken
Utopian Hope
The game test
Rushed words
Old wounds
Painful Choices (part 1)
Painful choices (part 2)
Apologetic Love
Dont Miss Me
Deadly Dares
Stuck with me
Leave Me p1.
Leave me . P2
New home.
Feeble freedom.
The Station
Don't lie, we aren't friends.
It's not too late to heal
To Build A Life
Old friends.
Temporary goodbyes
loneliness cant be fixed.
Point Of No Return
Choose Life Pt.1
You're sure.
is this real?
Forget me not
a bleak ending.
Final countdown.
the sister i found
Bottled up tight
Is this reality?
Old Homes
A bleak ending.
find them
A hidden conversation


5.7K 133 274
By chichishuntaro

Today marked two days since Chishiya hadn't
returned. All hope you had was destroyed. Kuina had barely spoken and you hadn't left your room.

The beach was quiet, no death had been announced but you guessed that it was to keep the beach calm.

No one would feel safe if executive members had died that's probably the same reason the ranks hadn't changed.

You had spent a lot of time in Chishiyas's room. You even dared to put on his hoodie. You knew he would kill you if he knew but at this rate, he never would.

The thought of that broke you but you knew today couldn't be a day where you were distracted.

You had already prepared and the night had drawn in. You, Kuina and Niragi had a game today. You. hated the idea of Niragi being there and if it was a hearts game you had no doubts he would sacrifice you.

However, one good thing had come out of spending time in Chishiyas' room and that's because you found the small blade he had left you. It was stuck underneath a drawer on the desk.

You didn't have long before the game you decided you would head down to the pool to find Kuina she had seemed down since Chishiya hadn't come back and you could understand more than anyone.

Although the time that you had to rest had helped majorly even to the point of not needing and painkillers you would experience that pain over and over again if it meant Chishiya would come back.

As usual, the beach members are partying hard, and you notice Momoka sitting with Asahi far away from any of the "fun". Ann was drinking what looked to be wine whilst lying on a sun bed and Kuina was in her regular place, sitting in the corner watching the pool.

You head over to her and at first, she doesn't notice your presence but eventually, she looks up at you.

It's unusual to see Kuina in sweatpants but game days were different. Kuina was always prepared for a game no matter how she felt.

"Hey." You sigh sitting next to her.

It takes her a moment before she responds.

"Hey, you all ready for the game?" She looks at you. You give her a reassuring nod and she smiles at you.

You both watch as  players begin to get into their cars. You see Niragi standing by the one Kuina and you would be using and you both stand up and begin to approach it.

"Well, this will be fun." Niragi laughs, his voice full of darkness.

Kuna rolled her eyes and opened the car door
climbing in the back.

"Save the fun until after the game Niragi. I'm not dying because you can't focus." Kuina spat back at him closing the door behind her.

You avoid saying anything to him and silently take your place in the car next to Kuina.

"He's so stupid." You mutter and she lets out a light chuckle.

"Kuina there's supposed to be four of us who will take Chishiyas place?" You really hoped there wasn't a replacement.

"It looks like it's just us 3. Hatter never usually lets that happen he always preaches strength in numbers." She explained unamused.

"It's strange." You whisper under your breath. The car ride was surprisingly calm, Niragi talked the whole time. It didn't seem to bother him that no one had responded to him, it was as if he was just thinking out loud.

The Venue you had arrived at was a hospital. It
looked like it would fall apart any minute.

Kuina joins your side as you get out of the car and you turn to her. "I hope it isn't a spade or a hearts game."

"I don't think we would have much luck at a team game with Niragi here." Her voice seems to have grown into one that was uncaring.

You turn to her once again before you walk into the hospital and place your hands on her shoulders. She gives you a confused look and for the first time in days, you hug Kuina, finally relieved that your back has stopped hurting enough to be able to comfort her properly.

Her hands gently wrapped around your waist.

"I needed this." Her voice muffled as she spoke into your neck.

After a moment you both let go.

"You can do this Kuina, I'm broken too but Chishiya would kick our asses if we didn't clear this game because we were thinking about him. Our feelings can wait until after but right now get your game face on." You encouraged her energetically hoping it would help.

You watch in confusion as she begins to try out different facial expressions. "Kuina what are you doing?"

She laughed."I'm getting my game face on."

You laughed with her as you both entered the hospital.

You were surprised when it was fully illuminated, with no dark corners, no creepy rooms, just a regular deserted and overrun hospital. It seemed as if years had passed here but yet it seemed. normal?

You approach the regular table with the phones, letting your eyes skim over the devices before picking one up.

One per player.

You take one and wait patiently as it completes the facial recognition. There was only one phone left, which must have meant there was a limit to who could play.

Registration complete.
Please wait for the game to commence.
The game will commence in 9 minutes.

One of the men from the game of diamonds you played stood across in the corner. You gave him a small wave, his face seemed as if he had been drained of all hope. Void of any emotion. He was simply playing the game out of necessity. A dawning thought came across you that if he was here alone it must have meant his other friend did not make it.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't realise the last player entering the building.

Your eyes widened at who walked through the door. Your heart dropped. You reached out to grab Kuinas arm to make sure what you were seeing was real.

You watched as her face became just as confused as yours. Before you could process anything you watched as Kuina threw a punch at the last player who carefully missed it.

Your mind was filled with questions.

"How?" You asked your voice sounding no more than a squeak.

Chishiyas presence overwhelmed you in the most glorious way.

"I had to do some stuff." He replied bluntly as if
nothing had happened.

You watched as kuina repeatedly threw punches at him. Niragi was annoyingly laughing hysterically.

"I thought you were dead you condescending, idit, irritating, piece of shit!" Kuina screamed the words In Chishiyas's face.

He stood there unbothered his face occupied with a small smirk.

The familiar man in the corner from the game of Diamonds watched the scene unfold.

Your mind grew blank at the sight of the man in front of you. He really had left you to think he was dead.

No care for how bad it would hurt you or Kuina.
Maybe caring about him was the wrong choice.

Your thoughts were interrupted as the game
announcement began.

Registration Closed.
There are a total of 5 participants.
Difficulty: 5 of clubs.

You felt a wave of relief at not hearing the words spades or hearts. Maybe diamonds would be easier now he is back but the way your mind was as confused as it is would most likely be a
disadvantage. You continued to focus on the game rules as the merry voice explained them.

Game : Autopsy

Rule: Find out what killed the corpse

Clear condition: find the clues placed on some floors of the hospital to help you figure out the cause of death. Only one player may enter a floor at a time. If two players remain on one of the floors at a time it will be game over. The only place all players are allowed to gather is the first floor. You only have two guesses.

You clear the game when the correct cause of death is entered.

Time limit: 1 hour 45 minutes

If the correct answer isn't given after 45 minutes it will be game over for every player.

Please make your way to the morgue to begin the game.

Lights turned on forming a pathway.

"This is more like a diamond game." The man in the corner mumbled as he walked towards you.

You turned your head to Chishiya as he began
talking. "Each of us will have to take a floor. According to the map on the wall behind Niragi
there are 4 floors."

"No, because there are 5 players. That means a player would need to stay with the body?" You question him back.

Chishiya turns to face you, your heart skips when his eyes look into yours. "Maybe there's another floor. We would need to find the blueprints. Maybe there's a basement entrance."

Your moment with  Chishiyas is interrupted when Niragi walks beside you. He grabs your arm pulling you closer to him. You notice the bandage around two of his fingers however you lose focus for a second as his grip tightens.

"And we are just supposed to listen to you and him? I think I'll lead this game." His breath was hot on your neck.

You had hoped what Kuina had said about Chishiya breaking more of his fingers would be true but he stood there unbothered his eyes focused on the map of the hospital.

The man from the Diamonds game walked away in the direction of the morgue.

You finally freed your arm once Kuina had pushed Niragi.

"You know Niragi it's a team game and even
you wouldn't be able to clear this one alone so maybe stop trying to kill the people who will inevitably be forced to save you and your pathetic life."

Kuinas voice was filled with rage. However, you were sure it was because of Chishiya, not Niragi.

You were thankful when she wrapped her arm around yours, and you both began walking in the direction the lighted pathway had shown.

"Are you okay?" She mumbles her eyes filled with sadness.

"He's alive, he knew we would worry and he didn't care." You whispered back.

You wanted to cry but you wouldn't let yourself be seen as weak. Especially not by Niragi.

"That's just Chishiya. That's him, hate him or love him for it but he has no regard for how anyone else feels. I'm the only friend he has here but if it meant he could return to the original world he would sacrifice me in a second." She sounded unbothered by her last statement.

"But you still stand by him?" You question.

"Yes. That's who he is, I can't dislike the bad parts I'm pretty sure we have all gone to extreme lengths to win games. Chishiya won't let his feelings get hurt by bothering him. I still believe it's because he has never been loved but I have a feeling that's changed since you." She smiles at you.

You shake your head no. " I don't think I've changed a single thing about him."

Your conversation with Kuina came to an end when you walked into the room labelled morgue.

A body lay there still. A real body. A light shade of yellow had begun to form over their skin, a pale blue on their lips.

The game will now commence.

You looked at the phone and the clock had begun to count down.

Niragis's irritating laugh filled the room when he saw the body. "Look at her just there dead."

"That will be you next." He whispered in your ear as he walked past you.

"I'll stay with the body." You volunteer. Running around a hospital looking for clues wouldn't be as easy for you as everyone else.

"I will take the second floor." The man sighed.

"Does it matter what floor everyone goes on? There are elevators so speed isn't an issue." Kuina declares.

"Actually it does, the elevators don't work. The The fastest needs to be at the top." You turn to face Chishiya as he explains.

"Then I definitely need to stay here. I'm going to be no good at running especially up and down stairs." You mumble feeling useless.

"I used to run in college." The voice of the lonely
man fills the room.

"I'm good with running too." Kuina announces

Niragi steps forward and you're surprised when he doesn't make a comment that makes you want to kill him with his own gun. "So running man take 5th, Kuina takes 4th, I'll take third and useless Chishiya there can take second."

Niragi turns and points to you "And you can stay here on the first floor and babysit the dead body."

Although his voice is snobby he doesn't have a bad game plan.

Everyone nods and you watch as they begin to leave the room. Niragi walks out unbothered about anyone else, Chishiya doesn't give you a second look as he leaves and your heart hurts wishing he would. Kuina gives you a small nod before disappearing around the door. Just as the man goes to leave you call him back.

"Wait you! We were in the diamond game together. What's your name?" You rush the words before he can leave.

He turns around and looks you up and down.

"Be safe Junpei." He gives you a short smile and
then disappears out the door.

You leave it a few minutes before beginning your search of the first floor.

There were mostly just records rooms here overall it was nothing important. However, you still wanted to find the blueprints to make sure every corner of the hospital was covered.

You hesitantly began walking along the hall, the file room wasn't too far but it still wasn't a walk you wanted to do alone. Just your luck it was locked. You remember seeing keys on one of the desks within the morgue, and you decided you would go and get them hoping maybe they could be of help.

You rushed as quickly as you could back to where you had seen the keys, you grabbed them and returned to the file room.

There were at least 20 keys here, you had no choice but to try every one.

It took you ten minutes before you got the door
unlocked. When you did you were met with a room full of dust and loose paperwork. You didn't waste time individually going through boxes there were thousands of them it would take forever.

You searched the room carefully, reading the labels outside the box. Most of them were just patient files. Thousands and thousands of patient files. Eventually, you give up searching the room when you see no boxes marked administration.

You decided to move on to the next room not
wanting to waste any time reading unnecessary
patient files.

A small door caught your attention, you tried the handle and thankfully it was unlocked.

"Finally." You whisper to yourself.

However, your happiness is short-lived when you are met with another door and despite all of your keys, nothing helps it open.

You sigh leaving to room and continuing your search.

You let yourself think about everyone else for a moment, hoping they are okay. You didn't care about Niragi but you wanted Kuina to be okay. Well, Kuina and Junpei.... and maybe Chishiya.

1 hour and 10 minutes remaining.

"How has it already been 35 minutes?" You mumble to yourself, the time on games seems to go quicker every time.

You walk down another hall which leads you towards the ER. It's empty except for a few beds, chairs and dismantled machines.

However out of all the decaying and destroyed items one remained in perfect condition.

A small wooden box.

Hesitantly you open it. Inside lays a small piece of paper. You were confused when you saw it had nothing but a number on it.


You didn't pause for a second to figure it out instead you decided you would let everyone know what to look for.

You rushed towards the stairs only stopping when you realised if you entered another floor it would be game over.

Instead, you did the only thing possible.

"Hey! If you can hear me come to the stairs" You screamed the words louder than you ever had before.

You waited but no one came. You didn't let yourself worry instead you screamed the words again even louder than you did the first time.

Finally, you see their heads leaning over the stairs. Well everyone but Chishiya.

"I found a clue in a wooden box. Look for a box!"You screamed to them, relief flooding your body momentarily once they all nodded.

You were thankful they understood as your throat had begun hurting from screaming so loud.

You took the clue back to the morgue and placed it on the desk. You decided you would head back to the locked door and try to figure out a way to open it.

It was locked for a reason and you were determined to know why.

50 minutes remaining.

You had been working on the door for 5 minutes but nothing worked, you had given up hope when a voice behind you startled you.

"You've forgotten how to open doors too?"Chishiyas's arrogant voice echoed through your ears.

"I thought you were dead." You responded bluntly.

"Not dead just occupied." He did not answer but
instead left you with more questions.

"You couldn't tell me you wouldn't be coming
back?" You asked with a sense of sadness in your voice. He walked closer to you holding out a piece of paper, another clue.

You sighed when you saw it was just more numbers.


"Is it a code? I found the number 19." You ask
abandoning your previous conversation.

"I don't think it's a code, I haven't seen any
keypads. I think it's a year. 1987." He hums proudly.

"That makes sense. So maybe a birth year?" You
remember seeing boxes in the file room with years on them. Without explaining to Chishiya you run to the file room.

It doesn't take you long to find the box.

"What's that?" Chishiya asks.

"It's a box with all the files for patients born in the year 1987. There's two more boxes if you want to help."

You continued walking to the morgue, the box grew heavy and you were thankful to be able to place it down.

Chishiya carried in the last two boxes effortlessly. Although he was slim he was strong. He didn't need huge muscles to be strong and you liked that about him.

You began looking through the box picking out all the female files. There were at least 50 of them.

"We need to narrow it down." You sigh.

"This might help" You turn to see Kuina standing out of breath holding another piece of paper.

She hands it to you and you read it out loud."Ichiyo".

40 minutes remaining.

"It's a name, is there any files with that name?". You turn towards Chishiya.

You watch as he flips through the files and you feel a crushing disappointment when he shakes his head no.

"Try the name Hayashi." Junpei grunts walking into the room.

You once again look towards Chishiya as he scans the files.

"Here." He holds up a thin file and brings it over to the desk you are at.

He opens it but you are all confused when it's just a piece of paper with a key.

"The door!" Without pausing you walk as fast as you can to the door at the end of the hall. Chishiya, Kuina and Junpei follow behind you.

You place the key inside the door and turn it, it creeks as it opens. You turn to face everyone.

The door opens to a set of stairs. "It's another floor." You mumble.

"Only one of us can go." Chishiya states, displeased.

"I" ll do it." You mutter.

"No, I can do it!'" Kuina jumps forward.

"No, you all had to run around finding clues up and downstairs. I can do this. Please trust me." When no one complains or disagrees you begin to take the stairs.

The stairs are fairly short but the dim light makes it hard to see much. The room is filled with shelves most are bare.

25 minutes remaining.

Your heart drops and a familiar sense of fear seems to linger in the air but you don't let this stop you. Halfway into the room, you see a printer, it's old but there is half a piece of paper sticking out from the tray. You pick it up but it doesn't provide any answers except a half-defaced periodic table.

You search around for 5 more minutes but find nothing. You decide to take the periodic table back to everyone hoping that they can figure it out where you can't.

15 minutes remaining.

When you get to the top of the stairs you are
displeased to see Niragi standing there.

You ignore him, walking past him towards the morgue. He follows behind you like a shadow. An unpleasant shadow.

"This is all I found." You murmur placing the table on the desk.

Chishiya picks it up and looks it over. Kuina grunts and snatches it out of his hands. He doesn't respond instead he stands there still.

"So a periodic table is supposed to help us? You must have missed something." Junpei says, all friendliness from his voice had gone.

"That's all that was there. There were shelves filled with stuff but nothing out of the ordinary for a hospital." You sigh sitting down.

10 minutes remaining.

"I'm not dying because you can't figure out a periodic  table!" Niragi walks over taking the paper similarly to how Kuina had done to Chishiya.

"The only clear one is carbon-nitrogen." He was
talking to himself but you see that Chishiya had an idea forming.

"What is it?" You ask him.

He looks at you, you watch him as he furrows his eyebrows.

"Carbon-nitrogen is a form of cyanide. There are four types of deadly cyanide poisoning. sodium cyanide, potassium cyanide, hydrogen cyanide and cyanogen chloride." He rattles off and you try to keep up.

Kuina looks at you confused and you shake your

"So what one killed her smart ass?" Niragi steps
forward pushing his hun into Chishiyas stomach.

You turn your attention to Junpei as he begins speaking. "I don't think the type is the problem I think the side effects is it."

5 minutes remaining

You grow worried that a conclusion is much further away than the time limit.

"So what are the side effects?" You ask hurriedly.

Chishiya walks towards the keypad where the answer is requested. "The main ones are seizures, comas and cardiac arrest."

"That's three we only have two answers." Kuina says in a questioning tone.

"Well, a coma is the least likely," Junpei stated.

"Not necessarily. We also have to remember this is a game it won't be straightforward." Chishiya

2 minutes remaining.

"Check her teeth," Chishiya instructed and you
walked towards the body.

You cringed as you opened her mouth, her teeth had chips in them. "They look broken!" You lightly shout.

30 seconds remaining.

"It's seizures!" Niragi raises his voice and Chishiys looks at him as if it was the most simple answer.

Chishiyas typed it in and relief hit you like a brick when you heard the phone make an announcement.

Game clear.

You lent your head on Kuinas shoulder as she sat down.

"I don't care anymore." She mumbles.

You let out a light laugh and she looks towards you. "What's funny?"

"No one died. It's the first game I've been in where no one has died!" You cheerfully shout the last bit. Junpei and Chishiya had already left the room and Niragi had gotten up to leave too. You follow behind him and Kuina follows behind you too.

"Niragi!" You call out.

He turns towards you a scowl on his face. "What." He spat.

"I guess you were the one who ended up just being a babysitter huh." You laughed walking ahead of him You hear him cuss underneath his breath but you don't let it bother you.

You know there are a thousand issues to be upset about, you will have to talk to Chishiya and as usual, it will be a one-sided conversation, there will be more games and you have 20 days on your visa. Playing regularly gives you a good length on your visa and although you hated the games it's better than being shot by a laser. But right now it was good, no one died, and no one got hurt. Chishiya is alive.

And for once in your life you weren't alone.

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️A/N: so this game was so different to the other ones. I wanted to show that teamwork can be beneficial trust me there's a point to this. I wanted to explain that currently it is set 7 days before the witch hunt. So I will be doing 1/2 days per chapter.

there will be a part two to this chapter and it will continue from the moment this chapter ends.

I enjoyed writing this chapter it felt so good, I'm finally happy to be able to write chishiya again. Where he has been will SHOCK you but it will be a while before you find out.

Please let me know how you're feeling about this
chapter! Send in asks! Questions! Characters you'd like me to write for! I'm open to anything and really excited to share more of my writing with you.

I hope you all have an amazing day/night and that you know you're loved.

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