A bleak ending.

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A woman, a reporter among the group of people you managed to get out of the hospital, had offered you and Kuina use of her car. It has been close as she lived nearby, and you both accepted with gratitude, the vehicle making your trip to the hospital all the more easier and quicker.

After a short tutorial on how to work the camera, you all began to part ways with good wishes and an agreement to text on the hour.

No one else would get hurt.

"I haven't driven in a long time. I don't even have my licence with me." Kuina worries as she unlocks the car and takes the passenger seat.

"Great." Chishiya and An both mumble simultaneously.

You'd decided she would have to drive, you never getting your licence prohibited you from doing so and although Kuina didn't have hers with her physically she was at least legally allowed to drive. It would be easier for An and Chishiya to get out of the back rather than swapping around seats whenever they left.

With some fumbling, wrong turns, and a near miss with a police car which would have ended nothing short of awful, you finally pulled up to a side street that gave you a view good enough to be able to observe it without being out in the open.

Kuina passed you the camera, the zoom allowing you to get an unobstructed view of the building. "I don't see anyone, there's a few lights on the top floor."

"Does that mean they cleared everyone else out?" Kuina asks.

"This feels too soon." Chishiya leans forward. "We don't know how big this entire operation is, we have no idea what we are walking into. We don't even know if this is the only building."

"Are you scared?" An snickers from her seat. "We don't have much of a choice unless you want to sit around like waiting ducks."

Chishiya throws himself back into his seat with a tut. "I can't wait until I never see any of you again."

You noticed Kuina looking over at you, clearly searching to see if Chishiyas's comment had affected you but you shook your head offering a smile. You'd long learnt to hide how his thoughtless comments made you feel.

The silence in the car was awkward and strained. You were almost thankful when two hours later you watched a short dark-haired woman in a white coat exit the building, handbag clutched to her side. You tap Kuina, silently beckoning her to look through the lens."I think that's the nurse that was taking care of me."

An and Chishiya were already springing into action, waiting until the woman rounded the corner to get out of the car and follow after her, the entire ordeal happening so fast you had no time to say goodbye.

"They will be fine." Kuina puts a hand on your leg, squeezing in what's supposed to be a reassuring touch. "We have the easy job, we just sit here and take pictures. The only thing that could make this better is food."

"Food and coffee." You correct her.  "I'm tired, I barely slept."

"I don't think any of us did." She takes the camera, leaning forward to point the lens clearly out the window. "Hey..was the side door always open?"

"What do you mean?" You take the camera from her trying to find whatever it is she was talking about, the breeze coming in from her window ruffles your hair. "Kuina where?"


You like to think you know Kuina, that your friendship and everything you'd learned about her and her mannerisms extended far past whatever bond you'd formed in the borderlands in order to survive and for the most part you were right. It was a blessing to have her friendship, her ability to think brightly in the dimmest of situations allowed her to be something akin to a beacon of hope  but it's also because of that closeness, because of that deep understanding you had of her that you could tell something was wrong when she called out your name. The terror that washed over you as you pulled the camera away from your face and slowly turned to look at her was like a bucket of ice.

Cold and unforgiving, much like the look in her eyes as the knife against her throat pushed deep enough to cause red drops to trickle down her skin, her face scrunched up in pain  as the man tightened his grip around her from where he had slid his arm into the car from the open window. . 

"Please don't hurt her." You pleaded as she shut her eyes, preparing herself for whatever was about to happen. "Please just tell me what I can do, don't hurt her."

The man's voice is gruff, and unpleasant as he instructs you. "Get out of the car."

"Okay, okay I'm going." You keep your hands raised, wanting to give him no further ammunition to hurt her. You try to analyse the situation with the few precious moments you have as you pull yourself out of the car, trying to figure out a way to get out of this with either of you unscathed but you can't, not before a hand grips your arm slipping a needle in, the contents having the world around you go blur within seconds.

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