Forget me not

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You sit with Chishiya for the majority of the night, despite the nurse urging you to return to your own room you can't, the thought of leaving his side brings you nothing but worry and eventually the nurse gives up, leaving you alone with him as you wonder what's happening with An.

You'd asked but been denied any information until she was stable.

"Sorry." The nurse apologises as she calls your name softly, you sit up causing the blue blanket that had been draped over you to fall down and pool on your lap. "Your friend is asking for you."

"W-who?" You mumble, slightly disoriented. "An?"

"Yes." The nurse confirms. "I can tell her you aren't up to it if you'd like to rest more?"

"No." You decline her offer. "I'll go, I want to see her."

"Okay, follow me." You stand up, looking Chishiya once over before leaving the room.

He would be okay.

"She's a little tired so I can't give you too much time with her." The nurse explains as she opens the door.

An looks exhausted, a complete mess. "Fuck."

"Yn?" She calls out, a hand reaching out despite how much it clearly pains her. "What happened."

"I'll leave you be." You don't spare the nurse a second look.

"You remember?" You ask tentatively, unsure you want the answer.

"About the borderlands?" She looks at you, her face contorted in confusion. "Of course why would you think I didn't?"

"Chishiya doesn't." You explain simply. "They said we were in a train accident, I don't understand how."

"I don't either, I don't remember getting a train. I was at my boss's apartment when I ended up in the borderlands." She sounds weak, her face pale and sweaty.

Your head hurts as you try to figure out what is real. "But why would they lie?"

"I don't know."

"Kuina is gone."

"Gone?" She looks panicked and you realise your mistake. "What do you mean gone?"

"No she's okay, she's okay but the nurse said she left."

An voiced the same thing you had thought when you'd been told. "She wouldn't just leave."

"It's weird. I feel weird here." You explain. "It's too-

"Too simple, too clean." She supplies. "It feels like another game."

You agree with her. "I don't know what to believe An."

"Is there anyone else here?" An questions. "The fact we both remember is enough proof that what we experienced was real, we need to find anyone and everyone who can verify the borderlands were real."

"Aguni ." You gasp, the man wasn't a friend but he was someone who could vouch for the fact the borderlands existed. "He's here."

"Is he awake?" She asks.

You shrug. "I could try and see."

She stays quiet for a while.  "Are you really okay?"

"Why do you think Chishiya can't remember?"

She sounds unworried as she explains. "For many reasons, trauma does a lot to a person."

You know you sound sad as you speak. "He doesn't remember me, not entirely."

"Give it time." She tries to smile. "Chishiya is too smart to forget."

"You should rest." You don't feel like crying in front of her, suddenly overwhelmed by everything that's happened in the past 24 hours. "If you need me I'm just down the hall, I'll come and check on you in an hour or two."

Risk It All (Chishiya X You)Where stories live. Discover now