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"Hey." You whispered as you woke up, Chishiya staring down at you as though he hadn't slept at all. "What time is it?"

"10 am." He kisses your forehead, the affection whilst pleasant has you surprised. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did." You admit honestly, you were sure that was because for once you weren't in immediate danger, wrapped in Chishiyas's arms. "Did you?"

"Yeah." He lied.  "I had a shower and freshened up whilst you were asleep. Kuina is waiting for you in your room. The nurse wants to check you over and then she's going to help you shower."

"I don't want to." You argue. "Can the nurse not come here?"

"I promise it will only be for an hour maximum, I'll be right here."

"You pinky promise?" You held up your hand, finger stretched out.

"Pinky promise."

"Kiss me?" You asked, heart on edge at the thought of being denied.

His response was all action, his hands cold as they tangled themselves in your hair pulling you all that much closer to him. His lips were soft against yours, tongues dancing around one another as though he was trying to vomit every single detail of you to memory. Your lungs screamed for oxygen, still not entirely healed from the smoke, you broke apart both panting. "Fuck."

You giggle at the profanity as you slip out of bed. . "I'll be back."

"Yn?" He calls out tentatively.

"Hm?" You smile at him.

"I love you." He says effortlessly, as though it's a fact.

Your face heats up at the confession. "I love you too."

Kuina had made herself comfortable on your bed, eyes shut as she rested atop the blankets. "You okay?"

You nudged her over, both of you barely fitting in the single bed without laying atop one another. "I'm good, how's Ann?"

The pale tint to Kuinas face has gone, back were her rosy cheeks. "She's doing okay, they kept her sedated but the surgery went well."

It was a relief to hear, after every horrific thing you'd all been through it finally seemed worth it. Everyone was together, Chishiya remembered you and had done a 180 in terms of his personality, though you were worried that could have been attributed to whatever medication he had been given but either way things were good. "And you?"

"Dandy." She smiles as the nurse walks in. "Let's get this over with."

The nurse walks in pushing a small cart filled with a variety of objects but what stood out most was the small metal bowl containing a suture kit. "Hello, I'm Nurse Ito. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine." You respond hesitatingly, gesturing towards the bowl. "What's that for?"

The nurse tried her best to keep a smile on her face but you could tell it was difficult for her to explain. "Are you aware that during your time in the...testing facility... you had a tracker fitted into your arm?"

"The woman.." you looked towards Kuina who gave you a  reassuring nod. "Uh, Hana she told me."

She shows you the suture kit, letting you examine it for yourself before handing it back to her. "I'm here today to remove it, I will administer a dose of anaesthetic so that it doesn't hurt and then I will make a small incision on the top of your arm to remove the device. It will be fast and painless, once I've done that I'm going to take some blood for testing and check your breathing."

Risk It All (Chishiya X You)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant