Naruto Uchiha: the Last Sage...

By shiriochi

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A young, six year old Naruto arrives at the scene of the Uchiha Massacre as a mob finally corners him. After... More

Chapter 1: Life and Death
Chapter 2: Past and Present
Chapter 3: Root
Chapter 4: New Beginnings
Chapter 5: Namikaze Estate
Chapter 6: Deadly Seal
Chapter 7: Konoha 12
Chapter 8: Jonin Sensei
Chapter 9: A Sharingan Awakens
Chapter 10: Team 7's Test!
Chapter 11: A C-Rank Mission?
Chapter 12: Missing Nin Attack!
Chapter 13: Eyes that Reflect the Heart
Chapter 14: An Ethereal Warrior
Chapter 15: A Tool
Chapter 16: Defending the Bridge
Chapter 18: Genin Gather

Chapter 17: Expanding Control

446 15 1
By shiriochi

When Naruto returned to the bridge, he saw Zabuza standing and waiting for him. Glancing to the side, Kakashi and the rest of Team 7 were close by. "Seems they were either watching me, or waiting for me. Whichever the case, it matters not" thought Naruto. Soon, he landed near Zabuza. "Boy...I'd like back" requested the Mist-nin, almost respectfully. "You want him back?" Naruto laughed "Why should I give you him? I have no reason to do so." Zabuza grit his teeth, frustrated "Naruto..." The boy in question raised an eyebrow curiously. "Ah, and how did you happen to learn my name?" "Your friends told me." Naruto replied with nothing but a shrug. "This doesn't change anything. I want you to tell me just how much you would give for him." Zabuza hesitated for a moment before kneeling silently offering the Kubikiribocho. Naruto nearly blinked in surprise at the man. "Of all things to choose your beloved blade?" "You've caught me at every step of the way. I know I can't beat you here, if anything, I'll die if we fight. I choose to give you my blade, so long as you let Haku go free." Naruto gave him a smug grin in return. "Seems you've finally put your pride behind you. I understand that an accomplished jonin such as yourself would have trouble with this. Perhaps you care more than I originally believed..." Naruto tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Stand, Zabuza, I have a better idea." Slowly, the Kiri shinobi stood up. "Zabuza, you will serve Konoha alongside Haku. In exchange, I'll spare your lives." Both Kakashi and Zabuza were absolutely dumbfounded. In all of Kakashi's time with Naruto, he had never seen the boy be...merciful. Everything in Kakashi's body screamed that something was wrong, something was terribly wrong...but Naruto never did anything without a reason. "I want your answer, Zabuza, otherwise I'll kill you both in an instant." A little eagerly, Zabuza agreed to Naruto's terms. "I accept your offer. I will join and work alongside Konoha for all of my life. Haku shall also join me. I swear on it." Naruto snickered "Your word is not enough. Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, come out. I want you all to bear witness to the fall of the Demon of Kiri." Within a few moments, the rest of Team 7 was assembled around Naruto. "Now Zabuza, you will swear your allegiance to me. Pledge to serve me or perish." Naruto's Susanoo exploded to life around him as a show of power. In a moment Zabuza was on his knees before Naruto, his blade at his feet and his hand over his heart. "Uzumaki Naruto, I hereby pledge my life to serving you until my death." Naruto smirked and his left eye spun wildly, an outward spiral spitting out an exhausted Haku. "Haku, your life has been spared on one condition..." Haku merely coughed as he breathed in the fresh air. "Pledge your life to serving me Haku, your 'father' already has." Haku's eyes widened in complete and utter shock, turning to Zabuza. The man didn't respond, his head remaining low in front of Naruto. "I-I pledge myself to you, er..." "Uzumaki Uchiha Naruto." Nodding, Haku continued "Uzumaki Uchiha Naruto." Naruto grinned, wide and malicious. "Rise now, and tell me where Gatou is and how to take over his empire."

Kakashi had now seen a new side of Naruto for the first time. First, the boy spared an enemy. Second, the boy gained two new shinobi for Konoha. Third, he was going to find out how to kill their former employer and seize the financial superpower that was Gatou Enterprises. Kakashi could not tell if Naruto had planned everything out, or whether he had simply seen his opportunity to further himself and Konoha. Kakashi understood that Naruto was intelligent, but this was something else entirely. With his actions, Naruto would singlehandedly save an entire country with a mere three deaths: the Demon Brothers and Gatou. It was an incredible feat, something almost unparalleled in the shinobi world. Naruto seemed to know exactly what he was doing as well, having managed to force Kisame and Itachi to flee, leaving him with nothing but the exact opportunity he desired, in order to gain what he wanted. The only thing Kakashi could think of that could be truly compared, was the formation the Village system.

Within the next hour, Naruto knew exactly where Gatou would be in only a few hours. Zabuza told him everything he knew of Gatou enterprises, giving him an easy path right to the heart of Gatou Enterprises. Soon, Naruto was preparing to attack the business superpower. He was armed with a pair of kunai and half a dozen seals, ready to assault and take down Gatou Enterprises.

Naruto stood on the roof of Gatou Enterprises, creating a small Rasengan. Within a moment, the concrete roof opened up. He slipped down into the building throwing both kunai straight into the throats of the now awoken guards. They gurgled out their final, dying breaths, Naruto quickly taking the kunai from their throats. In the next hour, Naruto had slaughtered a dozen guards as he slipped down to Gatou's office. Naruto smirked looking down from the ceiling at the chubby man through an opening in the ceiling. "Gatou, of Gatou Enterprises?" asked Naruto knowingly, crashing down into the office. The man in question nearly leapt in terror, watching the boy land gracefully onto his desk. "Wh-What? Who are you? How did you get in here? Leave! Now! Guards!" Naruto smirked as he heard the two men slipped out from behind pillars. Jumping into the air, Naruto spun, launching a kunai into straight into the throats of each of them. Gatou was stunned, speechless at the display. "Y-you, I'll pay you whatever you want!"

Naruto turned slowly, ensuring his intimidation would reach his target. "Gatou, sign over all of this. Give all of your businesses over to Konoha, or I will kill you as slowly as possible, starting with tearing your skin off, piece by piece." Naruto grinned, flashing his Sharingan at the man. Gatou was a ta loss, terrified beyond words. "Do it now, or I will tear you apart." In a moment, the man was hard at work, writing away and away at the paper in front of him. Naruto watched, intrigued at the man's fervor. He wanted to laugh at the man's fear, cackle in delight at his horrified expression, but instead he opted for a serious expression. Soon, the man had written off all of his possessions to the village of Konoha. "Replace it with Naruto Uzumaki Uchiha, or die now." He grinned wide, viciously. With a greater intensity than before, the man was swapping the words. When Gatou was finished, Naruto leapt into the air, his right leg poised to strike, falling down with his foot crashing into Gatou's skull and sending his head into a flurry of blood and bone, crushed by the sheer force of Naruto's strike. Naruto smirked at his handiwork, gathering up the paper and punching out the nearest wall with his skeletal Susanoo.

Naruto leapt from building to building, and for the first time in his life since the massacre, he had a genuine smile on his face. Everything was coming together, his plans coming to fruition. Soon, Naruto had arrived at Tazuna's home. When he arrived, he opened the door with zero hesitation, walking in proudly. "Gatou Enterprises is dead. I now have full control of everything he owns. Gatou is dead. I am the sole wielder of Gatou's business superpower, and now it is time to go home. Zabuza, Haku, with me, at once. We leave now." "Naruto, are you sure it's all under Konoha?" "Yes, everything is under my control. All of it." Kakashi nodded, a little more than surprised at his efficiency. "Very well, we will leave now then." Kakashi gestured for the other members of Team 7 to follow him. Naruto walked out from the building, waiting for Haku and Zabuza to follow him. Naruto's Sharingan spun into his Mangekyou. "Grab hold, everyone." Quickly, the rest of Team 7 was around Naruto, standing before him. Naruto's Mangekyou spun as his Kamui swirled, pulling in each individual member of their team into Kamui's dimension. Within a moment, Naruto had joined them.

Naruto began to run in the general direction of Konoha, leaping from block to block. "Follow me, everyone." He quickly made his way over a few dozen blocks, stopping once he was there. "Now, everyone stand in front of me." They all stood before him, each being swirled out of the dimension once more. In seconds, Naruto had joined them.

Zabuza and Haku now had their first look at the village of Konoha. It was a grand, sprawling village covered with lavish trees and a great mountain at the far end of the village. " did you...?" "Kakashi, leave the questions for later, just report to the Hokage." Naruto requested, refusing to answer anything asked of him. Kakashi, understanding the implication, leapt off to the Hokage's office with a purpose.

Naruto had never been happier.

He would never admit it, but this was the happiest day of his life thus far. He had conquered Gatou's business, gained two shinobi underlings, and gave Itachi a glimpse at his power. He had now taken full control of his life, he could leave Konoha at any point if he needed to. The most he would have to do is give the word and the two of his new servants would heed his call. Now he simply needed to come up with a plan, the Chunin exams would come up soon enough, and he wanted to be a Chunin without doubt. Then, during the exams, he would unleash his power and crush all of his opposition, Leaf shinobi or not.

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