Naruto Uchiha: the Last Sage...

By shiriochi

28.8K 575 49

A young, six year old Naruto arrives at the scene of the Uchiha Massacre as a mob finally corners him. After... More

Chapter 1: Life and Death
Chapter 2: Past and Present
Chapter 3: Root
Chapter 4: New Beginnings
Chapter 5: Namikaze Estate
Chapter 6: Deadly Seal
Chapter 7: Konoha 12
Chapter 8: Jonin Sensei
Chapter 10: Team 7's Test!
Chapter 11: A C-Rank Mission?
Chapter 12: Missing Nin Attack!
Chapter 13: Eyes that Reflect the Heart
Chapter 14: An Ethereal Warrior
Chapter 15: A Tool
Chapter 16: Defending the Bridge
Chapter 17: Expanding Control
Chapter 18: Genin Gather

Chapter 9: A Sharingan Awakens

1.4K 42 2
By shiriochi

Naruto got up early and made some instant ramen to eat before Kakashi's little "test". Despite his new sensei's warnings, Naruto still decided it was a good idea to at least have something to eat. Quickly finishing the ramen, he headed out to the training ground for a bit of training beforehand.

Naruto took a look around the clearing to get a feel of his surroundings. "Kakashi seemed a bit suspicious about all that...should be prepared." "Forget his little 'test', use this time to continue to train your techniques. It's likely you'll be fighting the man or at least do some kind of fighting." "How would you know?" "Your father was his sensei, you think his wife wouldn't hear of the little test he gave his students too?" Naruto stopped in his tracks and blinked in surprise. "I know what you want, train first, ask later." Naruto nodded in agreement and set about training.

A few hours later, Sasuke and Sakura had arrived. The two were equally shocked by the destruction they saw. The trees surrounding the clearing were either completely destroyed, gone, or blown away. In the middle of it all sat Naruto with a red chakra cloak. Sakura trembled at his sharpened teeth, nails, and spiked hair. She fell to the floor from the pressure and struggled to breath. Sasuke held his ground, yet he still struggled with the immense power Naruto wielded. "This...this is from...that day..." Sasuke realized. He instinctively backed up a couple feet, and that was when Naruto's eyes snapped open. The red, slitted eyes stared straight into Sasuke's eyes. In an instant, Naruto was in front of Sasuke with a feral grin and punched Sasuke in his stomach.

Sasuke coughed up blood and his eyes widened in surprise, before crying out in agony and being launched a few feet away. The corrosive chakra burned him and Naruto stood up completely. He grinned madly and stared at Sasuke. "Recognize this, don't you Sasuke? You know exactly what this is." Naruto spoke in a distorted, deeper voice. Sasuke coughed blood again and picked his head up in shock. "You..." Sasuke had no time to finish, as Naruto shot forward again and punched him straight in the chest. Sasuke coughed up even more blood. The sheer power of it all put Sakura into absolute shock. She couldn't do anything but watch in horror and shake with fear. She fought the urge to let go and fall unconscious, she needed to make sure Sasuke would survive.

Naruto leapt back and shot forward once again, albeit much slower. Sasuke leaned back, watching Naruto's fist pass over his head. "I...I can see now...I can see!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow then smiled darkly, letting the Bijuu chakra fade. "Good, my plan worked." Sakura gasped for breath as the pressure faded instantly, desperately trying to get some air. "Plan?" she choked out, "You just...that was...". "The chakra of a certain beast I won't name. So smarty, what's the only beast to ever come to this village? Now do you understand the scorn I've always taken?"

Suddenly, she began putting the pieces together, each piece fitting perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. "Th-the Kyuubi..." she said in shock. Naruto smirked "Seems you're getting it now. I wouldn't have given you these hints, but knowing you would have figured it out anyways from that little display, I figured you might as well know. That hatred, isn't just his." Sakura backed up a little, scared. "Now, Sasuke, tell me what you can see with those eyes now." "I see...a lot." "That really helps, no matter, Kakashi is supposed to be here soon, so we should get ready. It's a team-building exercise, we just need to work together and we'll be genin."

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