The way I found you

By Seana_memories

15.5K 786 2.2K

Taking care of Sean's children was meant to be a simple favor from Lana, but turned quickly into much more, a... More

1| I need your help
2| Blueberry fight
3| Instagram Story
4| Tanya
5 | Ups And Downs
6| A Toast
7| Go Away!
8| Idiot
9| Unknown Love
10| Birthday Surprise
11| LP's Birthday (Part 1)
12| LP's Birthday (Part 2)
13| Enough
14| Road Of Recovery
15| Finkbiner Park
16| Hidden Thoughts
17| Cuddle?
18| You Watched Us Kiss?
19| OUAT Offer
20| I Am Lana
21| Drop The Act
22| Words Of A Father
23| The Question Is...
24| Only You
25| Truth Or Dare
26| I Love You
27| Let Me Explain
28| Piece By Piece
29| Our Kids
30| Bathtub Date
31| She Is Not Your Mom!
32| Mama
34| Never Do That Again
35| Matthew
36| Mistakes
37| Christmas Bauble
38| Snowfall
39| Daddy Loves Lana
40| The Way I Found You

33| Let Fate Decide

375 25 111
By Seana_memories

"Mama", Amélie repeated, pressing a big wet kiss on Lana's nose whilst pointing at her. "Dada.", she said, shifting her hand to Sean. " LyInn, 'Eo", she continued, waving to her brothers, "Lala dog", Amélie giggling over to Lola and then she turned her head back to Lana. "Mama", she ended her explanation with a sweet grin. 

A peaceful smile searched its way up to Lana's mouth, whilst she was closing her eyes to treasure that moment like the important step it was. "I love you so much, Amélie.", she mumbled again the girl's ear, putting her hand protectively over her head. She knew that Amé was just repeating after the others and surely didn't understand the meaning fully but that was something that didn't matter right now at all, since she was cherishing the occasion like a memory she wouldn't want to forget ever. 

"That wasn't in the script…", Flynn said, frowning with a bit of confusion in his voice. 

"No… I am sorry.", Lana sniffed-giggled and inhaled deeply to put her thoughts aside since Flynn and Leo still didn't know about their fathers and her relationship. 

Sean on the other side just sat there in silence and watched the whole scene with a small tear in his eyes. He loved Lana more than anyone (except his kids) and he doesn't want anything more than being a real family with her but even though it did hurt. Deep down in his body, it hurt that Amélie's first 'mama' was not dedicated to Tanya. But he was sure that his wife was with them somehow and she would smile at them, knowing that Lana deserved to be called by such an important title. 

They managed to go through the scene the second time before practicing some new lines whilst Lana was making dinner. 

"Can I cut something too? I don't wanna act anymore", Flynn asked. He actually was quite interested in the cooking process and liked to help his Dad or Lana, even though he preferred the woman's cooking skills. 

"Yeah sure. Do you think you can chop some carrots for me? Or are they too hard?", She asked, whilst setting up a pot with potatoes to cook. 

"I can do them, I think. What are you even cooking?", Flynn asked, looking at all the other ingredients on the table. 

Lana pulled out a chopping board and a knife for him, putting it in front of Flynn who sat down on the table. "It's nothing special. Just mash potatoes with carrots and chicken. I am not sure about the sauce. I might need to make one because otherwise, it could be dry.", she answered. 

"Mommy always let me help stump the potatoes. Can I help you too?", he asked, whilst chopping the carrots and putting them into a bowl Lana had placed in front of him as well. 

"Yeah sure.", she grinned and was actually quite proud that Flynn was that interested in cooking. He is hopefully going to be a better cook than Sean when he grows up. Her boyfriend was talented in many ways but cooking wasn't one of them, despite that, he helped Lana almost every time chopping everything she needed and he did try to cook on his own once in a while.

They ate together in peace before Sean decided to give a bath to all of their children, whilst Lana was taking Lola out for another short walk. 

When she came back everyone was already in their pajamas, playing a board game in the living room. Even Amélie was sitting on Sean's lap and looked back and forth between the game and some toy she had in her hands. 

Lola joined them immediately, laying down next to Flynn on the floor whilst Lana came seconds behind her after pulling off her jacket. 

"You're playing? Looks nice.", she said and sat down next to Sean and Leo. 

"Do you wanna participate?", Sean chuckled but Lana shook her head slightly. 

"Next time. I would rather watch you today.", she smiled. "But I can take Amé if you need more space.", she offered and Sean nodded, passing his daughter to Lana, who placed the girl on her lap. 

It was an easy-going, calm and quiet evening, full of peace and harmony and without any fighting. Everyone was enjoying it, even the part where they had to go to bed. 

Sean was with Leo that night, reading him the new book he bought because today was the day. 

"Do you remember the little Rabbit Freddy? You read a lot of stories about him with Joyce, the doctor.", Sean asked. Freddy the rabbit was actually a fictional character developed for children to cope with the topic of the death of a parent. There were several books that explained grief, a funeral, the life without that certain parent and so it appeared to have also a book that explained that mommy or daddy could fall in love again. Sean was very pleased that they created those stories and since his kids were familiar with Freddy the rabbit, Leo was more than excited to have a new part of it for his bookshelf which already held 10 parts of Freddy. 

"Of course, I remember! I love him!", Leo exclaimed out of joy. "He was sad for a while because his mommy went to heaven like my mom did.", the little boy explained. 

"Yeah, that's right. It was sad, but he still managed to live a happy life with his father in the end.", Sean grinned. 

"Yes, he did. What is this book called, Daddy?", he questioned and pointed at the book title. He wanted to learn so badly how to read because it annoyed him to depend on others in terms of reading. 

"This one's called: My daddy's girlfriend.", he chuckled and Leo laughed slightly about it. 

"That's a funny title. Can we read it?", he asked and Sean nodded, laying himself down in Leo's bed to let him cuddle into his arms. 

"Alright…", Sean said, taking a deep breath before starting to read. Leo was listening carefully to the journey little Freddy had to go. The little rabbit started out being completely happy with his daddy but one day they met up with a new rabbit his dad had fallen in love with. Freddy didn't know at first but when the female was showing up more and more he developed the fear that his daddy would forget about him and his mom. When he told him that the female rabbit was going to move in with them, Freddy and his dad had a soft conversation that taught him that his father could love everyone at once and that he would never forget about his former wife. Freddy felt safe after talking to him and after a while, he was even certain that he had found a new mom. 

"The end.", Sean said smilingly. The story really was great and totally child appropriately written. 

"They had a whole family in the end, Papa.", Leo grinned. "I like this book very much… because daddy rabbit had a soulmate again and Freddy had a new mom.", the little one summed up and looked lovingly through the pictures of the blood again. 

"Who do you love, daddy? Do you love ME?? And...Flynn?", Leo laughed slightly, pointing at himself with a wide grin. 

"Yeah. I do indeed. I love a lot of people. I love you, Amélie and Flynn because you're my three little rays of sunshine. I love your grandma and grandpa because they are my family too… and all your aunts and uncles. And I love my friends… like Rebecca or Jason… or--", he wanted to continue but Leo cut in. 

"-or Lana? Is Lana a friend or is Lana an auntie?", he questioned, interested in the answer but before Sean even responded Leo looked at his book and  pointed at a picture of Freddy's dad and his new girlfriend Sarah, who hugged. 

"Or do you love Lana like Mr. Rabbit loves Sarah?" 

Sean froze immediately, trying to think through his next words. It amazed him how much his kids responded to those books. Since they used them during therapy they knew exactly that Freddy is connected to their own lives since he is going through times that they had to go through too. But he wasn't quite sure if Leo could relate to this one as well, since Lana was known as their 'auntie' from the day they entered this world. 

"You're right… I do love Lana like Mr. Rabbit loves Sarah.", he confessed, which made Leo swirl his head in his father's direction. 

"That means we're going to be a family?", Leo asked with big eyes, cuddling even more to Sean than before. His body language showed immediately how happy he was about that thought. 

"Yeah…I think we already are a family, aren't we?", Sean asked with a grin since the eyes of his boy were getting bigger and bigger each second. "Would you like that?" 

Leo started nodding with a brightly joyful face. "I would like that very much because I love Lana a lot. But when Lana is your girlfriend, are you going to kiss her?", he whispered skeptically like it was something top secret, which made Sean laugh. 

"Yes… I am going to kiss her. Like I kissed mommy.", he grinned and Leo made a funny face that showed his disgust. "Aaand… when you love Lana… are you going to marry her like you did with mommy? I like the marry pictures.", he confessed. 

"They are wedding pictures, baby.", Sean chuckled. "And no… right now I am not going to marry her. You don't have to be married to live together, you know? Maybe one day, but not now.", he explained with a chuckle. "Do you think you're ready for bed now?", he asked and looked down at the tired Leo in his arms. 

"But I have so many questions.", Leo complained. 

"What about we're talking about them tomorrow, Mh? I need to say goodnight to Flynn as well because I need to read him the book too.", Sean smiled gently. 

"Mh… yeah alright but can you leave the door open a little, please?", Leo asked. 

"You just wanna sleep with Lola again don't you?", Sean chuckled. He realized that his toddler had brought the senior dog to his room the last couple of times and Lola seemed to enjoy it since she even preferred Leo's room over Sean and Lana's. 

"Yeah I want her here.", the boy grinned. "She always cuddles with me in the dark night when I am having a nightmare.", Leo explained and Sean nodded defeated. 

"I will leave it open.", he chuckled and pressed a last kiss on his forehead before leaving the room. Sean inhaled deeply since his toddler took the information quite well. Even though he had thought that he would, it was actually a relief that he really did. 

He entered Flynn's room, seeing him playing with some of his Lego. He really was into building at the moment. 

"Hey Buddy, what are you creating?", Sean asked with a grin. 

"Ehm… well… that's supposed to be our house. I even got us. Look. This one is Amé", he said, pointing at one of the figures. "That's Leo, that's me and that's you. I wanted to put Lana in our house as well but I cannot find the girl with the black hair. Can you help me search?", he asked and of course, Sean did. He went with Leo through some boxes, finding the missing person at the bottom of one of them. 

"There you go. Now we're all completed.", Sean chuckled but Flynn shook his head. 

"Lola is missing but I don't have a dog. Only zoo animals. Maybe Santa will get me a Lola figure for Christmas.", he said thinking. 

"Yeah. That sounds like a good wish. We can write it down tomorrow, so Santa will know.", the man answered, gently rubbing over Flynn's back, when he turned his face curiously to him. 

"Are you going to bring me to bed tonight? I thought Lana would… because I had you yesterday already."

"Yeah I know but I was thinking I would tuck you in tonight because I wanted to read a new story… from Freddy the rabbit.", Sean explained and Flynn's gaze landed immediately on the book that was lying next to his father. "Should we cuddle and read it?", he asked and his son nodded slightly, not knowing if he should be happy about a new book about Freddy. It made him feel a bit uneasy since the previous stories were quite similar to what he was feeling and experiencing. There was not another sad thing coming, was there? 

Sean and Flynn made themselves cozy before the actor started to read out the journey of Freddy and Mr. Rabbit again. Flynn wasn't saying a single word the whole time, he was just listening clearly and quietly. When the book came to an end, he did understand what his dad was trying to tell him but other than Leo, he wasn't sure what to say. 

"... So… what do you think about this book?", Sean started, trying to get closer to the topic he actually wanted to talk about. 

" was nice and I think I read it already with one of the doctors.", Flynn told him, which made Sean look curious in surprise. 

"Did you? You never told me about that. What did the doctor say about it?", he asked. 

"I am not sure anymore… but I think she said that sometimes new people will come into our lives. And maybe they are becoming our friends. She said that it is important to talk to a parent when we feel left out or when we don't like the people that are joining. Because talking is important to solve problems we have.", Flynn explained with a sigh. 

"Yeah… that is very true….can I tell you something?", Sean asked and Flynn looked up to him before nodding slightly, locking his eyes with the ones of his father. 

"I did fall in love with a woman… like Mr. Rabbit did…" 

"You did?", Flynn asked. "And is she nice?", he continued, not knowing how to feel about this whole situation. 

"Yeah… she is really nice...and you know her very well.", Sean chuckled. 

"Well who is it?", Flynn asked impatiently, looking at him with big eyes. 

"It's Lana...I fell in love with Lana and now we're a couple. Means that we are together…", Sean explained and Flynn's eyes were relieved from any nervous looks. He actually started to grin and turned around to face his dad better with the happiest expression on his face. The boy didn't really know how to contain all his excitement, throwing his arms around his neck within an instant. 

"I love that because that means that Lana will always be with us and she makes everyone happy. You are always happier when Lana is at our house and I like it when everybody is smiling.", he confessed. His words hit Sean hard because his little boy was more than right and it made him sad that he could tell that his father was stronger with Lana by his side because he tried so desperately to always show a happy face to the kids. Seems like Flynn still noticed that it was a facade sometimes. 

"I know. Lana is a burst of true sunshine and I know that she loves you really much. All of you. She is going to protect you like I am and she will be there for you like your mother was. And I am more than pleased that you trust her and talk to her. That's important, like you said.", Sean grinned. 

"Yes it is.", Flynn grinned peacefully and yawned. "I wanna sleep now…", he confessed because his eyes were tired and his body was already in a calming mode. 

Sean nodded slightly before saying goodnight, leaving his room with pure joy floating through his whole body. 

He danced through the hallways, down to the living room where Lana was nervously waiting, biting one of her nails. 

"How did it go??", She said straight away when she saw him coming, standing up from the couch instantly. But instead of an answer, Sean just ran the last few meters to his girlfriend and picked her up from the ground. Lana squeaked out of surprise but had to laugh straight afterward since Sean's face was overflowing with its happy expression. He swirled his girlfriend around, laughing slightly at her confused look before placing her back on the ground. Lana wanted to repeat her question straight away, but Sean pressed his lips to hers, guiding her backward to the stairs. 

"Sean!", the actress let out, laughing about his behavior that already told her by now that the boys took it very well but she still needed to hear it. Sean just picked her up bridal style, carrying her to the bedroom before placing her softly on their bed. He crawled on top of her with a mischievous grin on his face, cupping her face with his hands. 

"They… I… I cannot believe how easy they took it. I think Leo and Flynn are both very happy and we might get a lot of questions tomorrow about all this but… they… they didn't say one negative thing.", he grinned and kissed her eagerly. "You have no idea how happy I am right now.", he laughed. 

"Me too.", she said with a soft tear in her eyes. "My God it's like a dream come true. It's like… fireworks. I cannot explain it. I… let's not even try putting it into words.", she grinned before continuing the kiss they shared. 

This time both of them were so done with taking it slowly. Sean's Hands were under her shirt without letting even a second pass. He just broke the kiss to pull it over her head, before letting go of his own shirt moments later. His mouth traveled over her body in sweet motions, placing kisses, especially at her neck since he knew by now that there was her sweet spot. 

Lana managed to hold herself back for only a few minutes before the urge to take over went through her body, making it impossible to stay still for one more second. She undid his belt, not even bothering to actually take it completely off before opening his jeans. 

Sean's eyes widened when her hand found its way under the cotton material, making him hold his breath, followed by a deep exhale when the electric stroke that went through his body slowly died just enough for him to start breathing again. His heart properly skipped more than just one beat with Lana's hand inside of his boxers, making him want way more than just that. 

Sean finally managed to find the button on Lana's trouser, opening it without any hesitation but other than her, he was more than annoyed about the clothing, pulling them down, which caused Lana to let go of him. The man just stood up to free Lana from the bothering pieces, before doing the same to himself. They had both waited for this moment for over two weeks now, which was kind of fun with all the teasing but they clearly had enough of that and needed more. When Sean crawled back on the bed, it was Lana who let out a moan since her boyfriend did actually know how to make good use of his hands. At this point she wanted all of him. Everything. 

"Sean… I am not on the pill.", she managed to say in between the kissing and moaning that were now coming from both of them. 

"Not a surprise to me.", he breathed out. "You're not even taking pills when you're sick.", he chuckled, kissing down her stomach. A short moment of silence filled the room since Lana was too tensed up to actually gather the breath to answer but she couldn't hold back her lust anymore at one point. She wanted him fully. 

"Sean honestly.", she said out of breath. 

"The safety of a Condom is 98%. You told me the possibility of getting pregnant at your age is lower than two percent. This means our age is practically natural protection. And I can assure you to be free of any illnesses.", he answered with a grin. 

"You know it doesn't make sense since the safety of the condom would add up to the natural chance of not getting pregnant.", she laughed slightly. 

"So what? If you're willing to, we can give it in the hands of the universe.", Sean answered, which made her look skeptical. 

"Like… for real?", She asked and Sean nodded slightly. 

"Let fate decide our future. Not a piece of latex.", he grinned whilst his hand was drawing circles over Lana's body.

"Gosh I love you!", she said before crushing her whole body against his, finally taking what they desired the most.


A/N: I will be on holiday till next Tuesday, so I am not sure if/when the next chapter is coming. I hope I will be able to prepare at least 2 chapters ready to upload whilst traveling, but I don't promise anything.

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