Aikatsu Crescent! BRIGHTEST☆S...

By GrandPrintemps

1.8K 134 23

When one lunar phase ends, another begins. Meet Kazami Usagi! An up and coming idol who along with her friend... More

「Phase 93」Believe☆Aikatsu!
「Phase 94」Like A Star Fragment
「Phase 95」Bubbling Feelings
「Phase 96」Clashing Hearts
「Phase 97」Mission: Get To Know
「Phase 98」Brilliant Star
「Phase 99」Beyond the Galaxy
「Phase 100」Into the Forest
「Phase 101」Primary Meteor Shower
「Phase 102」Vivid☆Smile
「Phase 103」Unique Charm
「Phase 104」 Poppin' Step ♪
「Phase 105」Forest Of Memories
「Phase 106」The Prism's Wish
「Phase 107」Solar Eclipse
「Phase 108」Stella
「Phase 109」Blossoming Love
「Phase 110」Runway to Stardom
「Phase 111」Golden Wings
「Phase 112」Burn Bright, Superstar
「Phase 113」Vibrant Feelings
「Phase 114」A New Era
「Phase 115」Mint and Lilac
「Phase 116」The Rabbit on the Moon
「Phase 117」Illuminating Breeze
「Phase 118」A Divine Stage
「Phase 119」Unexpected Happiness
「Phase 120」Where I Belong
「Phase 121」Our Own Light
「Phase 122」Bubblegum Stage
「Phase 123」
「Phase 124」That Marionette, Now Freed
「Phase 125」The World I See
「Phase 126」Who I Am
「Phase 127」The Number One "Saki" In The World
「Phase 128」Surpassing Myself
「Phase 129」A Seedling In Christmas
「Phase 130」Song For You
「Phase 131」Together
「Phase 132」To the Ends of the Earth
「Phase 133」In Pursuit of Perfection
「Phase 134」Brand New World
「Phase 135」Redefine Yourself
「Phase 136」STARBOUND
「Phase 137」Even if my Wings Disappear
「Phase 138」So I'll Never Stop Believing

「Final Phase」To a Distant Rainbow

84 2 0
By GrandPrintemps

It was finally the end of March. Cherry blossoms were blooming and the temperature was pleasant. The skies were clear; not a single cloud could be seen.

Yet, the entirety of Celestial Academy was gathered indoors, the auditorium filled with a bittersweet atmosphere.

"Just like that, another year has passed," Kagamine Makoto said, standing at the front. "After these past couple of eventful months, we finally made it through. Thanks to everyone's help, we've managed to overcome what may be one of the greatest obstacles this establishment has faced so far. The Aikatsu System has been returned somewhat to normal," she announced. "As a result, I'm very proud to announce that Celestial Academy will continue to be an idol school!"

Just like that, the relative silence that had previously occupied the room was filled with applause.

"We did it!"

"Of course it is - we're not weak idols, after all."

Makoto smiled. "The Celestial Trial will be delayed until May. Those who will be partaking, please continue to hone your skills and wait a little longer." Once the audience quieted down, her smile turned... bittersweet.

"But, that's not why we're gathered here today. Most importantly, today is the graduation of our third years. You've all had such thrilling Aikatsus - faced hurdles you surely never imagined you would - and you've all come out as amazing idols. As amazing people. Since your arrival, your growth has been extraordinary. I couldn't possibly be prouder."

The group applauded once again whilst the third-years smiled sadly.

Three years had passed, eh?

Then, out on the stage walked the grand Celestial Star. The always bright Hinode Hinata.

"Hello," she said, once it was quiet. In January, she had been involved in a romance scandal, kickstarting a whole mess of events. So, admittedly, her heart was racing. She had a very slight tremor too - one she hoped she could hide. "We're nearly high-school students - I can't believe that our time here is basically over. There have been a lot of fun times - a lot of not so fun times too. But I've learned that it's important to keep going, even when it's tough. I've... learned a lot here." She curled up her lip, trying to prevent tears from streaming down as her voice wobbled. "Thanks to everyone here, I've managed to chase my dream, something that I thought would be impossible. So... I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for every time you've encouraged me and played along with my silly ideas. Thank you for every time you've encouraged all the rest of your friends. These three years together have been unforgettable and I'll cherish you all forever, even if we end up splitting paths here. Thanks to you - every day's been exciting!"

Once again, the audience gave a large applause, mainly headed by the third-years. Hinata's efforts to restrain her emotions became more and more obvious, her voice wobbling even more.

"Thank you, everyone! This year, I'll be giving it my very all at the Celestial Trial so please, challenge me with your very best performance!"

After Hinata's speech was over, one by one, each third year was handed their certificates.

"Congratulations on your graduation."

As they left the stage, Hinata poked Tsubaki. "Heyy, you're crying again."

"I know," Tsubaki said through tears. "I can't help it."

"...I guess so," Hinata said. "It's pretty sad..."

"Everyone saw your expression up there, you know. Don't act so coy about it."

Hinata pursed her lips together. "I mean... it feels like the end. Even if we'll be going to high school..."

"It's like... a new start. We'll be first years again and MeguruMeguru and Kizuna will be second and third years," Tsubaki said. She gave a forced giggle, trying to wipe away her unending tears. "Nostalgic, isn't it?"

Hinata forced a giggle too, then turned to Kotone. "What about you? You okay?"

The android was softly smiling, looking at her certificate fondly.

"I'm... happy."

"You... are?" Tsubaki asked.

"Mhm. I have learned a lot about myself and now... I feel like I can move forward. Thank you, Tsubaki, Hina. Thank you to Mai-chan, too."


"That's a nice way to look at it," Tsubaki said. "There's no point looking back now, is there?"

"What happened happened."

"Even if it is scary... we only have the future," Kotone finished. "But we have each other."

"So it'll be okay, won't it?"

The three paused, then turned around. Mai wiped tears from her eyes and smiled.

"Congratulations on your graduation."

"Mai-chan..." Tsubaki whispered, tearing up more. She pulled her best friend into a hug. "You made it!"

"How could I not?"

"Jeez, you had us worried there," Hinata said. She smiled, tearing up. "Congratulations to you too."


"Today would have been your graduation also, if you had not left," Kotone said. "So, congratulations."

Just like that, Mai was tearing up all over again, taking off her glasses and trying to clean herself up.

"Has it really been three years?"

"They went by fast, didn't they?"

"Three years is a long time... but somehow I don't regret a single second of them."

"Me neither."

The four pulled into a group hug.

"Let's make another promise," Mai said. "A new school year's resolution."

"Got something in mind?"

She nodded. "Let's promise to make Aikatsu more and more exciting for everyone. So it can continue to grow more and more."

The three exchanged smiles then nodded.

"Let's do it."

The four placed their hands in the middle, piling up.

"One, two..." Mai started and they all threw their hands into the air.


They giggled and turned back to the stage, as the next segment began. A variety of second-years each gave their heartfelt thanks to their upperclassmen for everything, promising to fill in their shoes as amazing third-years.

Then, the stage transformed and five first-years walked out.

The five members of the recently formed but already greatly loved new☆moon.

"Thank you for everything, senpai," Minori said. "Thank you for bringing smiles even when we're sad."

"Thank you for being amazing role models and inspiring us to work harder," Claire said.

"Thank you for being true to yourselves, even if you're scared of judgement," Saki said.

"Thank you for inspiring us to chase our dreams," Hikaru said.

"Today, we're going to transform this gratitude into a song!" Usagi announced as the music started up. "Please listen to it and be filled with energy!"

─── 。゚☽: * .☆. * :☾ ° . ───

It was spring break, when students all across Japan were given just around two weeks to prepare for the next school year. The students of Rosebud and Celestial Academy had all returned to their homes for this period, spending some time with their families.

Hoshimura Village was much quieter than the bustling Tsukizumi City. Only a few hundred people were living there, with very few things to do for fun. It was peaceful, sure, but not very exciting.

Or, at least, it wasn't.

Usagi sighed, taking off the big hat and glasses she had used to disguise her features. "I'm so tired..." she complained, then promptly threw her head into a table. She was sitting in a cafe alongside her childhood friend, Kurosaki Ella.

"Are you okay, Usagi-chan?"

"I'm fine..." She pulled her head back up, her face red from the impact. She sighed. "Just not used to people here actually liking me..."

"It's about time they noticed how great you are, isn't it?" Ella asked, with a dainty giggle.

"Ugh... it's just 'cause they want favours or whatever. I'd rather be known as annoying than be chased around by people all day every day."

Ella cocked her head. "Is it not worse in the city...?"

"No. Most people in the city haven't known me since I was a baby and can't recognise me when I'm in disguise." She pouted. "I wish they'd go chase Saki-chan instead..."

"I'm pretty sure they are."

"I know! But... it's not fair, the others don't have to deal with this as much!"

Ella giggled, smiling softly. "Well, I can't really blame them. For people so amazing to come from this middle-of-nowhere village - I don't think anyone would even dare to dream about it before now." She stirred her drink with her straw. "Your performance... it was amazing. Scary, but amazing! I've never seen anything like it before. So... I think it's made a lot of people realise that they were wrong for judging you."


She giggled again. "Or well, something like that."

"Thank you, Ella-chan."

"It's nothing. I'm just telling the truth."

"Still!" Leaning in, Usagi narrowed her eyes. Ella's cheeks flushed red.

"What is it?"

"You're pretty, you're kind, you know a lot about idols. Plus I heard you sing once and it was nice..." a mischievous grin flashed across her face. "You should become an idol!"

"H-huh?" Ella's face turned tomato red and she shook her head rapidly. "I couldn't! I'm nowhere near confident enough and also I'm plain and I can't dance to save my life and-"

"But imagine it! new☆moon thinks they're finally on the path to success then bam! You, Hoshiko-chan and Ayame-chan all debut as idols! Saki-chan and me are excited until you mysteriously say 'It's us or them.' Stuck between our old friends and our new friends a dramatic series of shocking turns happens! The spice! The drama! The betrayal!"

A bead of sweat fell down Ella's face. "Is that... what you want?"

"Not really. I just think it'd be interesting. But you have a dream to fulfil, don't you?"

Ella nodded. "To be a writer," she said.

"Mhm. I'm waiting eagerly for the day I get to advertise your books~. Maybe I could even star in the movie adaptations!"

Ella giggled again. "Of course. What about you?"


"What exactly is your dream?" She asked. "I know you're an idol and all but..."

Usagi smiled softly. "Of course. My dream... it's...!"

Just as she was about to spill, she felt it. An aura passed by; one with pastel hearts and pearls.

One that could only belong to...!

Usagi stood up. She turned around, quickly facing somebody passing by, a paper bag from the cafe in their hands. From the back, it was hard to tell much about them. They wore a pink and black hat with a pink jacket, topped with a skirt and boots. Their hair was in low twintails, pushed to the front over their shoulders so it was difficult to make out much about it.

And arguably most notably to Usagi, they were short. Very short.

"Excuse me!"

The person stopped. They slowly turned around, finally revealing their face. Pink wavy hair, with red eyes and glasses.

"Onee-chan?" Usagi asked. "Is that you?"

"...Usagi-chan?" she asked. She smiled brightly. "So you were here, after all!"

"Huh? What are you doing here of all places?"

Mai pulled a chair over the two's table and smiled. "I was looking for you."


Slowly, Ella raised her hand as if asking for permission to speak. "I'm so confused right now..."

"Me too," Usagi said. She paused. "Oh, wait, right! This is Kurosaki Ella, who's been my friend basically all my life. And this is Amamiya Mai, one of the members of eclipse! She was also in that big performance we watched."

"I know that."

"Oh, right, you like idols. I guess you would know."

Ella giggled once again and turned to Mai. "Are you really her?"

Taking off her glasses, Mai nodded. "I am. Nice to meet you, Ella-chan."

"Nice to meet you too!" She turned back to Usagi. "You managed to become friends with her?!" She whisper-shouted and Usagi's cheeks turned pink as she rubbed her hand behind her head.

"Hehe, isn't it amazing~?"

"Is Saki-chan too?"

"I think so?"

"Amazing..." Ella turned back to Mai, got up, and bowed. "I've admired you for years now. Thank you so much for being so amazing. And also for looking after Usagi-chan."

"Heyy, what was that last part for?"

"And thank you for being my fan," Mai said. "But anyway... Usagi-chan, I wanted to tell you something in person." Her voice suddenly became more serious and Usagi arched an eyebrow.

"Something... bad?"

"It's not that. I just wanted to tell you that... I'll be leaving Japan again in a couple of weeks."

"..." Usagi pursed her lips. "I guess it was gonna happen eventually, wasn't it?"

Mai nodded. "I've loved being back but now more than ever, I have an important job to do. Not to mention, doing so much online school hasn't exactly helped my grades..."

"You'll come back again eventually, right?"

"Of course I will. Japan is my home, after all. And if all goes to plan, I'll be changing divisions once I'm an adult. This won't be the last time we see each other."

Usagi smiled. "Of course not."

"So... I wanted to say that I'll trust you and everyone else with making sure Aikatsu stays something everyone can love. And... please be safe. I really don't want to see on social media that you've done something to yourself."

Grinning, Usagi nodded. "Of course! ...Is that what you wanted to tell me, then?"

"Ah, that's not it." She started playing with a stand of hair. "Before I go, I wanted to perform. As both a goodbye and to see the changes in the system myself."

Usagi cocked her head. "Changes in the system...? Since when?"

"...Didn't you notice?" Ella asked and Mai giggled.

"I guess that's a very Usagi-chan thing to ask," Mai said. "When you bought the system back, it was different. But not the kind of different KatsuCorp were aiming for," she explained, pushing her glasses up. "If I can at least perform using this system, I might be able to find out what's happening."

"...Woah," Usagi whispered. "How could you tell something like that happened?"

"It... was pretty obvious."

"...Was it?"

Both Mai and Ella nodded and a bead of sweat fell down Usagi's face.

"Strange, none of the others said anything..."

"That's another thing I want to study," Mai said. "Ever since that performance, your memories of it have been warped compared to the audiences. I'm not entirely sure what happened... It might be best to get you five examined by a doctor..."

"Huh? We're fine, though!"

"I believe that. I'm sure you're not in danger but just as a safety net," Mai said. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I got caught up in engineer mode..."

"It's okay."

"What I really wanted to talk about was the performance. My one, not the one from a couple of weeks ago," she clarified. She stood up and pointed at Usagi.

"Kazami Usagi, I challenge you to a battle stage!"



─── 。゚☽: * .☆. * :☾ ° . ───

─── 。゚☽: * .☆. * :☾ ° . ───

4th April, 2022.

Two days before school was set to start up again.

And... one day before Mai was set to leave.

They could hear it. The audience was cheering loudly, excitedly awaiting history to be made on this very stage.

"The doctors didn't seem to notice anything wrong," Usagi reported, stretching. "Nothing they could tell, anyway."

"That's a relief," Mai said.

"Are you sure you're not the one with warped memories?"

Without answering, Mai turned to the machines. Her expression turned stern.

"I know it might feel like we're worlds apart, but I want you to give it your all today to beat me, Usagi-chan. On the stage, we're equals."

Usagi nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. "Understood."

The two held out their cards; their first-ever Premium Rare coords.

For Mai, the Strawberry Lovetto coord. One she had gotten two years and a half ago, born from her and Ai's combined warm love for Aikatsu. One inspired by the advice Tsubaki and Hinata had given her - one that celebrated their friendship and Aikatsu up to that point.

As for Usagi, she wore the Magical Strawberry coord. The precious Premium Rare coord she had received after managing to convince Arata to revive the brand after its end. Back then, she had made a vow to help everyone fall in love with the brand the same way she had.

"Amamiya Mai, singing with love!"

"Hop, step, Aikatsu!"

The two walked out onto stage, waving to the audience. They turned to each other and the music started up.

This meeting under the stars was a miracle

I reached out and grasped for the dream I was seeking

During the darkness,

I had my friends with me

And was able to face it with a smile

As Mai sang her opening solo, her aura instantly appeared, covering the stage in its usual fashion. Just by standing next to her, Usagi could feel the warmth Mai was exuding...

Her love for performance running high, Usagi began her solo, her aura appearing similarly.

One day I saw a light so dazzling

it opened up a path to me I never seen before

It was easy to run away

But your guiding light pulled me through

As the two started singing together finally, their auras started glowing. In an instant, they were replaced by a singular aura shared by the two, with moons, stars and flowers.

This stage is one born from my hopes and dreams

This stage is one born from tear-filled memories

Those tears sparkle,

And turn into prisms

I'll shout it out to the sky!

This stage is the one my whole life has been leading to

A grande finale; a new beginning

I'll turn to that next page

I'll connect with you

Under this sky

So let's shine...!

As the song came to an instrumental, Hinata smiled. "To think this might be our last time watching Mai perform for a while," she said.

"She seems happier than usual," Kotone noted. "Not to mention all of her moves are perfectly on time."

"...She's grown," Tsubaki said, tearing up. "It's hard to believe she's the same Mai from back then."

"What a fun performance!" Yoshi exclaimed from elsewhere in the audience. She turned to Asuka. "What kind of future do you think they have?"

Smirking, Asuka held up two cards. "Bright ones. For them, this is only the beginning."

"Woah, a new method...?!"

The Kizuna trio were also watching along.

"You know, I thought being pushed out of relevancy would hurt a little more," Minako said.

"Watching the new generation perform so well feels kinda satisfying, doesn't it?" Aya noted. "I will say though... seeing my cute little underclassman's cute little underclassman become successful makes me feel really old."

Rina giggled. "Well, you're not giving up yet, are you?"

"Of course not!"

"This performance is so dreamy cute...!" Emi exclaimed further back. "Hey, do you think we'll get cute underclassmen who look up to us too next year?"

"Don't we already?" Akira asked and Emi shook her head.

"It's not the same!"

"Emirins right," Mirai agreed. "But I think Hikaru-chan from new☆moon looks up to me so I'm all set~."

"Ehh, lucky~!"

Yui turned to Sachiko. "Isn't it great that we all had a happily ever after?"

Eyes transfixed on Mai and smiling softly, Sachiko nodded.

"Yeah, it is.

...It really is."

At the back, Izumi watched the performance, her eyes shining. "Those two really are going to lead Aikatsu to a better future..." she whispered.

"Aren't they?"

Izumi jumped, then turned next to her. Standing there was a girl with dark blue, wavy hair, glowing radiantly.

"Long time no see~."

"Chiaki-chan..." Izumi whispered. She smiled. "It's good to see you again."

"Fight on, fight on, Usaki-chan!" Minori cheered from the front, waving hot pink penlights.

"This is your best chance to show the world just what new☆moon can do, so don't let us down!" Saki yelled, also waving a penlight.

"I'm sure she will," Claire said. "Even if she recklessly charges into things a lot, it always seems to work out. And... because of that she's helped me achieve a lot too."

Hikaru nodded. "Usagi-chan's so amazing... I'm so glad I'm her friend!"

Along the way, there were many hardships...

There was no opportunity to change our sky...

But a voice whispered to me

I'll do my best to connect with you...!

As the two performed, their smiles were the brightest yet and they were filled with energy. Their hearts were in sync.

Somewhere out there, someone needs to hear my voice

Even if it's just one person, I'll convey it to them!

I'll pass the baton to you

I'll continue your legacy

Let's connect on this stage!

Let's connect under this sky!

Let's connect to our next story!

Then, the two launched into a special appeal - 'Legacy Connect'. Mai ran over to Usagi, with a baton in her hand. She passed it to Usagi, who once receiving it ran further, jumping up once she reached the finish line. Flowers bloomed around her.

Thank you for giving me a voice

Thank you for changing my world!

I'll treasure these feelings forever

I'll never let go of them

The performance ended and the crowd gave a loud applause. The two turned to each other and smiled.

Even after everything, their hearts continued to race.

The very same racing heart that had led to miracles.

Up above, their scores began to add up.

Their bars pushed forward, continuously surpassing each other.

One stopped.

Then, after a couple of seconds, the other stopped.

"And the winner is... Amamiya Mai!"

Once again, the audience cheered and Mai waved.

"Thank you very much, everyone!" She shouted. "I'm really, really grateful for the support everyone's given me for the past three years. Without everyone, I would have given up long ago but your encouragement kept me going. Thank you!"

The audience cheered once again and Mai took Usagi's hand. She threw it up in the air.

"I'd also like to say thank you to Usagi-chan and her friends. It's thanks to them that this stage was able to happen and they show so much potential. Everyone, please make sure to keep an eye out for them!"

Usagi waved with her free hand as the audience cheered once again.

"I may be inexperienced compared to Mai-chan but... I promise I'm going to give it my all in everything I do! To pay back all of the love and support everyone has given me!"

As the audience continued to cheer, both idols smiled at each other.

─── 。゚☽: * .☆. * :☾ ° . ───

By the time Usagi got out, it was already dark. She smiled to herself.

"So that's it for this year, eh."


Usagi turned around, greeting Mai with a smile. "I thought I would be. But... somehow, I just feel motivated."

"I'm glad to hear it."

There was a brief silence between the two.

"...If I ask something kinda strange, will you believe me?"

"I'll listen," Mai replied.

Usagi sighed. "You know... the previous muse of Blossom❀Daylight passed away a few years ago. But... I keep seeing her. Once when I was visiting Kaidou-san. And also... I feel like I saw her during new☆moon's performance," she explained. "Kaidou-san says he thinks she lives in through the cards. As an engineer... do you think that's possible?"

Mai's eyes widened. "So that's why..."


"I think Kaidou-san's right," Mai said. "There's still much we don't understand about the system but you're not the only one to experience something like that. So... I think it's possible." She softly smiled. "It's something comforting to think about at least."

Usagi nodded. "It is, isn't it?" She asked. Then, she smiled as she watched a cherry blossom petal fall down, performing a graceful dance as it did so. "And also... talking to Asuna-chan back then made me realise what my dream is." She took a step forward. "Kaidou-san's retiring soon and... I want to take his place. I want to design Blossom❀Daylight coords and perform in them too!" She exclaimed. "I'm still inexperienced with designing and I won't be as good as him but... do you think I can do it?"

"Believing is the first step to achieving your dreams, isn't it?"

"You're right - I can do this! Just watch, and I'll become the greatest idol-designer ever!"

"I can't wait."

"Hey, Usagi-chan!"

Usagi turned around and was met with her friends, each smiling. "Everyone!"

"That was amazing," Hikaru said. Claire nodded.

"Looks like the competition for the Celestial Trial will be heated after all."

"You didn't think it would be?" Saki asked.

"Well, I have Susie-chan with me so I'm sure I'll be the winner."

"Let's do our best," Usagi said and the five nodded. Then, Minori grinned.

"Speaking of Susie-chan, I've gotten her a new dress to celebrate being together for a year. Wanna see?"

"Of course!" Saki exclaimed. Slyly, Usagi poked her.

"So you do like snails?"

"O-of course not!"

Saki flushed red, shaking her head as the five broke into a burst of cheerful, familiar laughter.

And up above, the full moon was shining too.

─── 。゚☽: * .☆. * :☾ ° . ───

─── 。゚☽: * .☆. * :☾ ° . ───

A/N: Thank you.

If you've read this story, if you've listened to what I've had to say, all I can say in return is thank you.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Exactly four years and two days ago, I decided on a whim to create an original Aikatsu series. I never planned to do anything serious with it. I thought I'd forget about them a week later.

But before long, I was planning out chapter lists. I had decided on auras. I was planning later seasons. I was writing out coord lists for brands.

Then, a few months later, I started writing a chapter.

And three years and some months later, I've published 139 of them.

It's weird to think. And it's even weirder to think people out there have read them. Even strangers. And even in the future, I'm sure more people will find and finish this story.

Honestly, it's more than a little weird to think it's over. Four years of constant planning and writing suddenly coming to an end.

But, to me, this is a fitting end. After much debating, I decided to leave it at least a little open-ended. Who wins the Celestial Trial, what the characters get up to the future.... I think there's something beautiful in being able to think about it yourself.

Really, there's something beautiful about creating in general. I'm not sure if anyone needs to hear this, but if you're considering creating something, just... start it. I know its daunting but if an anxiety ridden and depressed teenager with only one friend (I have many more, amazing friends now and am in a better place mentally too now) can do it, so can you.

Believing in yourself is the first step to success.

If you want to keep following future projects of mine, I'd highly recommend following my Instagram (grand_printemps) or twitter (vividharmonys). 

Thank you once again.

I'll see you again <3

─── 。゚☽: * .☆. * :☾ ° . ───

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