「Phase 129」A Seedling In Christmas

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"Imagine making your whole brand 'cute' but having a partner who's cuter than you. I'd die of embarrassment lmao."

"I almost feel bad for her."

"Don't. She lied to her original fans about her personality. She had this coming."

"It's so disappointing... ;;"


Saki looked up from her phone. She turned to her side, where a pouting Usagi was standing. The five had gathered in a practice room, each wearing their type's variations of the official school tracksuit.


"Come on, pay attention!"

"Sorry, sorry. Kirakiratter was just singing their praises for the ultra-cute Serendipity. Looking at their comments gives me a confidence boost."

Usagi gave a small, dry laugh. "I'm not so sure you need your confidence boosted in the first place..."

"Well, it never harmed anyone, did it?"

"I guess not~." Usagi hummed. She turned back to the other three. "Alright! Let's start planning for our wonderful, exciting and festive Christmas stage!"


"At past Christmas parties, it's basically tradition at this point for five-idol groups to perform 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' on stage in front of the entire school," Claire reported. "Perhaps that should be our course of action too."

"Maybe~." Minori agreed.

"It's a tradition?" Hikaru asked.

"Mhm. Midnight and MeguruMeguru held a collab stage two years ago. Then the five most prominent Rosebuds at the time took the stage last year. It seems as if this year is our chance to follow suit."

"Woah..." Hikaru whispered.

"Then, who's gonna be the centre?" Minori asked. "'Cause whilst Usaki-chan's the centre of BubbleAsu, Bright-chan's the leader. And Serendipity's a duo so it doesn't really have a centre." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Maybe it should be Ruru-chan then?"

Looking to the floor, Hikaru shook her head. "Not on a big stage..."

"Eh? Then... Saki-pyon!"

"Huh? Why me?!"

"Your hair is green and that's a festive colour."

"And Usagi-chan's hair is red - that's more festive than anything else."

"She's the centre all of the time. You should do it for once."

"But-" Saki clenched her teeth, looking back at her phone. She sighed. "...Fine." She smiled and pitched up her voice. "I'll make a super cute and kawaii centre that'll make everyone's hearts dokidoki!" She exclaimed, miming drawing a heart with a finger.

"...I was wondering if you'd stopped talking like that," Usagi muttered.

"If Saki-chan is the centre, I wonder if she'll fit the song, though..." Claire added, her finger curled up and sitting gently next to her lip.

"...Good point," Hikaru said. "I wonder..."

"Then, we should change it, right?" Usagi suggested. "Let's change the song to one that'll fit Saki-chan."

"Isn't it a tradition?"

"Who cares? It's not our fault they're all lazy and copied each other," Usagi protested. "I'm sure our performance will be a million times better if we just do what we want."

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