「Phase 95」Bubbling Feelings

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"Well done today," Their teacher, Tanabe Aki said as they approached the end of lessons, "Before you leave, I have an announcement regarding tomorrow."

The class perked up.

"I wonder what it could be..." Saki muttered.

"Hopefully something fun," Usagi said.

Aki smiled as the class quietened down. "You're all aware that the Celestial Star's debut is upcoming, right?" she asked and Saki flinched. When the tickets went on sale, Saki had tried to get them for everyone but she... didn't have much luck. Whilst Usagi had suggested an obstacle course type thing, she had quickly been shot down.

After giving a small chuckle at the regretful response from most of the class who were in similar situations, Aki continued. "For the first time ever, you first-years have been granted the chance to work backstage for this performance."

"Work backstage?" Usagi asked, "Like... like..." she placed her hands to the side of her head, thinking intensely.

"Like preparing the stage," Saki said, "The lighting and stuff." She sighed. "I don't know why though. I came to this school to become an idol, not to do backstage work."

"It sounds fun," Usagi said,! receiving a side-eye from Saki, "Let's give it a try!"

"Hey hey, you're not bored of idols already, are you?"

"Hmm..." Usagi placed a finger to her lip, "Not yet. Besides, if we work backstage they have to let us watch the performance, right?"

Saki's eyes lit up. "You're a genius!"

"Maybe we'll even get a glimpse of her in person!"

Determined, Saki nodded. "Let's do our best out there, then."

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

Once lessons were over, the group gathered in the courtyard.

"You got invited too, right?" Usagi asked.

"We were told to work backstage," Hikaru replied, "If that's what you mean...?"

"Exactly, exactly!"

Minori giggled. "I'll do my very best, so maybe Hina-sama will praise me!"

"Hina-sama?" Hikaru asked, "Ah, the Celestial Star, right?"

"Yep! She's the brightest idol out there, shining like the sun," she winked, "Get it? Hina? Himawari?"

Saki rolled her eyes once again and Mimori pouted. Usagi laughed airily.

"Well... that means all four of us will be working together tomorrow. Doesn't the thought of that make your heart race?"

Saki glanced at Minori. "Not particularly."

"I could say the same about you!"

Another airy laugh from Usagi. "Minori-chan, you like the Celestial Star?"

A nod. "She's super amazing! I like her fashion sense and her energy," Minori said, "When I have no energy she completely refills me!"

Usagi nodded along, then turned to Saki. "What do you think of her, Saki-chan?"

"A-about Hinode-senpai?" She asked, looking away, "She's... okay, I suppose."


"W-well!" Saki spluttered, "She's like... pretty cool and like very talented but-" She turned to Minori with a sigh "You know."

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