「Phase 127」The Number One "Saki" In The World

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"Good morning, Susie-chan!" Minori cheered as she fed her pet snail. She beamed, resting her chin in her hands. "It's finally the weekend! Today I only have one job, so we can spend time loooots of time together after." She turned to Saki. "It's a shame you have so many jobs though..." She paused. "Saki-pyon?" She whispered, walking over to her bed. On the bed was just a heap of covers. Carefully, Minori pried one of the corners up.

"Cute..." Minori whispered. Lifting the covers had revealed Saki, still asleep. Usually, Saki made a point to wake up before Minori and go to sleep after her, so getting to see her asleep like this was rare. She was so quiet...

...And yet, she seemed... like she was in pain. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was frowning.

Minori wondered if she was stressed.

"Maybe I should let her sleep..." Minori whispered. "But if she sleeps in and misses work she'll be in trouble... I'll just..." She gently shook Saki. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead~."

"...Mhm...? ....Minori...?"

"Good morning."

"...Morning?" Saki asked. She shielded her eyes. "It's bright..." she complained as she pulled herself to sit up. "I feel awful... it's like I didn't sleep at all."

"Did you stay up late?"

"It's not that... Oh well. I just... have to survive today."

"You'll be okay right?"

After a second, Saki nodded. "I'll just nap between jobs or something... They'll understand." She stood up and for a second she lost her balance, placing her hand on Minori's shoulder to regain it. Once she noticed, she quickly took it off and took a couple of steps away from Minori.

"You'll be okay, right?"

"I will. Anything for my fans, right?" Saki said quietly, distancing herself even more. "I'm going to get dressed. Will be back in a second."

─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

"Aren't you cold?" Minori asked as the two sat down at their usual table - for the first time in a while, Saki had opted to sit on the other side of the table, at the furthest seat possible away from Minori. Despite the cold weather expected from early December, she was wearing a sleeveless dress. Her usual braid was messier than usual, with even her bangs, which were usually neatly clipped out of the way, had some strands falling out in front.

"Why would I be cold? It's really hot today," Saki muttered.

"...Is it?"

Saki nodded.

"But it's December..."

"Climate change or something like that."

Minori ran her hands through her hair.

She felt pretty cold.

Was something wrong with her? Or...

"Good morning!"

Minori looked up and saw the idols of Bubblegum*Asterism approaching her, Usagi grinning. "It's the weekend~. No school work today~~."

"Good morning," Minori chirped back.

"You two aren't sitting together?" Claire asked. "That's rare."

Minori shrugged. "It's fine, isn't it?"

"Did you fall out again?" Usagi teased, taking a seat next to Saki. She paused. "You look horrible."

"I do not."

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