「Phase 102」Vivid☆Smile

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"We did it!" Usagi cheered as she, Hikaru and Claire sat outside. "The performance was a success."

Claire smiled. "I'm glad we performed together. Everyone seemed really happy."

"Seeing so many people smile because of us... it was nice," Hikaru agreed and the three giggled.

"Making other people smile is the greatest, isn't it?"

"It is!" Usagi agreed.

Then, she froze.

...Neither Hikaru nor Claire sounded like that.

Both were staring in Usagi's direction with wide eyes - but not at her. So, taking the hint, Usagi slowly turned to face this mysterious fourth person.

Standing there was a girl with blonde hair, tied into a side ponytail with a green ribbon. She wore a matching ribbon on her wrist and the ribbon around her neck was yellow - a pop type idol.

And in the middle of the yellow ribbon was a star - she was the Celestial Star.

Hinata grinned. "I know being in the presence of the great Hina-sama is overwhelming, but I'm not scary, so there's no need to look so terrified."

"H-Hinode-senpai? Speaking to us?"

Hinata nodded. "Kotone and Tsubaki both have work and everyone else is either in high school, Rosebud Academy or somewhere completely different. Anyway! I saw your performance - it was really fun."

"...You saw it?" Claire repeated under her breath, turning pale. "I'm pretty sure I made a ton of missteps..."

"I left the performance with a smile and most others did too," Hinata said, "For new idols, that's what you should prioritise." She grimaced. "Trust me - I've seen some things these past two years. As long as you're having fun, it should be fine. The details can be worried about later - that make sense?"

"It does," Hikaru answered.

"Did you come down here just to give us advice?" Claire asked, "That's very kind of you."

"Thanks. But that's not all I wanted to talk about."

"It's not?" Usagi asked and Hinata shook her head.

"You know, when I was a first-year I was the one day manager for the Celestial Star back then: Rina-senpai. I gained some experience then and I think you three have some potential. So - what do you say?"

The three stared blankly.



─── 。゚☽: * .♧. * :☾ ° . ───

"The third-year dorms are around here, right?" Hikaru asked and Claire nodded.

"Do you think she'll be awake already?" Usagi asked, with a slight yawn. It was 5 am, much earlier than any of the three were used to.

"Maybe we'll have to wake her up," Hikaru said.

"Wouldn't that embarrass her?" Claire asked.

"Not if she expects it."

"Everyone, over here!"

The three perked up as they spotted Hinata outside the dorm building, waving to them. She walked over.

"Good morning, everyone!" She chimed, "It's pretty early, isn't it?"

"More than pretty..." Usagi said and Hinata chuckled.

"Yeah, I don't like it either."

"Really?" Hikaru asked and Hinata nodded.

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