His Wickedly Enchanting Princ...

By Tressa0526

193K 5.3K 1.1K

Nevaeh Queen is the daughter of former queen Narissa of Andalasia. Growing up on the Isle of the Lost, she's... More

◇Chapter 1: A Princess Like None Other ◇
◇Chapter 2: 2nd Chances ◇
◇Chapter 3: Goodbye Horrible Island ◇
Chapter 4: 👑Royalty Among Royalty 👑
Chapter 5: 😎A Princess in Leather 😎
Chapter 6: 👑A Badass Princess Meets a Badass Warrior 😎
Chapter 7: 🌃Night in the Museum Summary🌃
Chapter 8:🥰Oblivious Cafeteria Crushes🥰
Chapter 9: 😇Remedial Goodness 101😇
Chapter 11: 📚Bonding in the Library 📚
Chapter 12: Shadow of Vulnerability
Chapter 13: 💅Boss Bitch pt.1💅
Chapter 14: 😳Boss Bitch pt.2/Giselle's Daughter 😳
Chapter 15:🥍 Tourney 🥍
Chapter 16: 💔Break Up With Your Girlfriend 💔
Chapter 17: 😏The Locker Scene/Maelynn😏
Chapter 18: 🐶Overcoming Fears/ A Voice is Heard 📢
Chapter 19: 🎨A Paintball "Hangout"🎨
Chapter 20: 💇‍♀️A Talk With Jane/Lonnie's New Hair 💇‍♀️
Chapter 21: 🥳Detention Removal/A VK Family😊
Chapter 22: 🛍Encounter with Grace/ Shopping with Evie 🛍
Chapter 23: 😍French Fluffiness😍
Chapter 24: 📕History Rivalry 📕
Chapter 25: 🏝Their Willow Tree🏝
Chapter 26: ❤"Love Potion"❤
Chapter 27: 🧐"Did I Mention?"🤔
Chapter 28: 😳Close Call😑
Chapter 29: 🥳The Date pt.1🥳
Chapter 30:💜 The Date pt.2💙
《☆Story Progress ☆》
Chapter 31: 😌The Aftermath 😌
Chapter 32: 🤢Spying Chad 🤢
Chapter 33: 😠Audrey's Confrontation 💔
Chapter 34: 😏Mal Takes the Bait😏
Chapter 35: 🧐Mission: Find My Father pt.1🧐
Chapter 36: 💜Mission: Find My Father pt.2💜
Chapter 37: 💜Mission: Find My Father pt.3💜
Chapter 38: 🌸The Better Charming Sibling🌸
Chapter 39:😡A Heart of Hatred and Lust 🤮
Chapter 40: 💜Finding My Father pt.4: Andalasia's Secrets🤨
Chapter 41: 👀Hidden Eyes 👀
Chapter 42:🥰 Finding My Father pt.5: Andalasia's Secrets pt. 2🥰
Chapter 43:👑 Finding My Father pt.6: The Zepherian King🖤
Chapter 44:🥰Jet Aftermath 😌
Chapter 45:🥳 Back in Auradon😌
Chapter 46: 😊The Second Date😊
💜👑Nevaeh's Official Bio👑💜
Chapter 47: 🤔Misplaced or Stolen Things 😒
Chapter 48: 📞Parents' Call/ Operation: Missing Underwear👙
Chapter 49: 🌑Dark-Light⭐=🤫Secrets Revealed🧐 pt.1
Chapter 50: 🌑Dark-Light⭐=🤫Secrets Revealed🧐 pt.2
Chapter 51: ⚖Consequences⚖
Chapter 52: 💥 Family Day Chaos pt. 1💥
🥳3rd Place!!!🥳
Chapter 53:💥 Family Day Chaos pt.2💥
Chapter 54:💥 Family Day Chaos pt.3💥
Chapter 55: 😳Bitter Confessions😳
Chapter 56: 🌈The Calm After the Storm🌈
Chapter 57:👑 Paying the Price💰
Chapter 58: 😯Coming to His senses 😯
Chapter 59: 🧚‍♀️Fairy's Secret🧚‍♀️
Chapter 60:🤴 Coronation Catastrophe pt.1🤴
Chapter 61: 👑Coronation Catastrophe pt.2😱
Chapter 62: 🤴Epic Family Reunion 👸
Chapter 63: 🥵Passion Ingnited🥵

Chapter 10: 📕First Day of Classes📕

3.3K 93 1
By Tressa0526

It took us a little bit, but we were able to get to ourEnglish/Grammar classroom-which was taught by some lady named Ms. Ella- on time. I saw Lonnie, Ben, Jane, Junstine, and... ugh, Audrey. Ignoring her, I waved to Ben and Lonnie before taking a seat next to Jane.

"Great, now I have to share a class with not one, but two VKs." Audrey grumbled; Carlos and I ignored her comment while rolling our eyes. Soon a middle aged woman entered the classroom. She had light skin, brown eyes, and brunette hair that was just a little above her shoulders; she wore a creamish white looking pencil dress, a black leather belt that had a brown buckle, nude/light brownish pointy heels, and was carrying a blueish-grey handbag.

Once she was settled, she began to do attendance.

"Audrey?" She called out.

"Here." Said Audrey. This continued on until she was finished, completely either missing or skipping over me and Carlos. I was just as confused as Carlos, but even more so when I saw the teacher's reaction to when Carlos raised his hand.

"Um, Miss? You forgot me and Nevaeh." Carlos said shyly because she was practically glaring daggers at him.

"Who?" She asked with a raised brow from her desk. I decided to take a stab at this. I stood up from my seat with grace and gestured to myself and Carlos.

"I'm Nevaeh Queen and that's Carlos de Vil. We're your new transfer students, ma'am. You didn't call us when you were taking attendance, so we assumed that either your attendance roster hasn't been updated to include us, in which I doubt that's the case, or that you just didn't want to call on us." I said. I saw her look over her class roster before looking back at me.

"Ah, there you are... Nevaeh Queen and... Carlos de Vil," She took a mini pause before saying Carlos' name. She gave me a fake smile.

"Seems I merely missed it. You may have a seat now, Ms. Queen. And to the both of you...welcome to my class." She said, I sat back in my seat, ready to take notes.

From where I was sitting, I looked over at her desk and by using magic, allowing my eyes to glow blue, I scanned her desk for the roster. Once I found it, I saw that our names (Carlos and I's) were there in bold ink, she just didn't like us being here so she purposefully skipped over our names. Rude.


*No One's P.o.v*

"Okay, class, today we'll be reading, discussing, and answering questions on the book Animal Farm, by author George Orwell. Has anyone here previously heard of or have read this kind of book?" Miss Ella asked the class. Ben raised his hand and waited to get called on.

"Yes, Ben?"

"I've heard about it from my mother. She said it was one of her favorites." Ben explained.

"And after today, maybe you'll understand why." The teacher smiled as she passed out books. When coming to drop off the book at Nevaeh's desk, she gave a subtle glare, much to the young princess' dismay. It didn't take long before they started reading the novel.

Throughout all of it, Nevaeh could begin to understand the animals. In her mind, the Animal Farm was kinda like Auradon and the Isle. You have people being treated poorly (the animals/the children on the Isle) while under the rulership of a higher power (the humans/Auradon). You had people who had power, but soon find themselves too engrossed or corrupted by it to see the mistreatment they're bringing others (the pigs/Royalty or other high status people in Auradon).

"Who wants to read the next paragraph?" Asked Ms. Ella. A few people raised their hands, Nevaeh and Carlos being among those few. The teacher's eyes landed on Nevaeh's own pair as if she was going to call on her.

"Lonnie, go ahead and read." Said Ms. Ella, not even noticing that Lonnie didn't have her hand up, her eyes still glued onto Nevaeh's.

Ben, Lonnie, and the rest of the class could feel the tension between the teacher and Nevaeh. In the first 30 minutes that class started, the teacher would call on someone or ask who wanted to read, and each time either Carlos or Nevaeh would raise their hands to be called on, and each time they were ignored.

At first, it didn't bother them too much, but soon Carlos felt like raising his hand was pointless so he stopped, whereas Nevaeh felt like their teacher was purposefully neglecting them.

After the attendance "mishap", it was clear to Nevaeh that this teacher didn't like the VKs, let alone having them in her class.

When Lonnie didn't start reading, the teacher averted her attention to her instead of Nevaeh.

"Do you know where we're at, Lonnie?" Ms. Ella asked. Lonnie looked uncomfortable.

"Uh, yes, ma'am, but-"

"Then, what's the problem?" The teacher asked, cutting off Lonnie in doing so.

"Um, I just think that Nevaeh or Carlos should be given a chance to read. Almost everyone has had a turn except for them." Lonnie said. Nevaeh have her a grateful smile before looking back at the teacher.

"Well, this reading is a little advanced for them. It might be difficult for them to understand." Explained Ms. Ella with the kind of look you would have when talking down to a little kid.

Nevaeh scoffed with narrowed eyes.

'I'm sorry, but did she just imply that we're dumb? She's got to be kidding me. Oooh! How I want to curse her so badly!' Nevaeh thought to herself.

'Now, now, Nevaeh, you're going to handle this clown with elegance and grace, you are a princess after all.' Her conscious told her as she calmed down.

Nevaeh raised a brow before peering over past Lonnie's desk to meet Carlos' eyes. They both shared the same look that practically said what they were thinking: 'Is she for real?'

Carlos' expression soon turned sad and upon noticing this Nevaeh interrupts.

"Maybe if you had asked us, Ms. Ella, we would've explained that while yes, education on the Isle isn't very advanced, we are very capable in reading. In fact, reading is one of the things we excel at most, given all the news and propaganda we read about Auradon. Next time, don't assume things. My friend, Carlos here, is an excellent reader." She said.

'Woo! We told that bitch off in the most classiest way a princess could ever tell someone off! We're amazing!' Her conscious praised her.

Her small, yet collected outburst shocked not only the teacher, but Ben too. In his eyes shone admiration, regret, wonder, and another strong feeling that he couldn't place when he looked at Nevaeh. It was that same feeling that sparked through him the first time they touched hand when she first arrived.

'I wonder if she felt it too.' He thought. If there's one thing Ben knew, it was that he wanted to get closer to her, be with her, but in order to do that he'd have to end things with Audrey.

'About time, Ben, seriously, if you two got married, your life would be miserable.' Ben's conscious told him.

"Very well then, Ms. Queen. I... apologize; Mr. de Vil, you may begin reading." Said Ms. Ella through clenched teeth and a fake smile, though her apology was hardly sincere.

Carlos began reading and much to their shock (minus Nevaeh, Lonnie, and Ben) the way he read was beautifully and there was no indication of a stutter or any mispronounced words. Once done, the teacher began to pass out a small packet of two pages with questions on chapters 1-2 that they read today for homework.

"Alright class, I'll see you next time. Make sure you do those questions for homework, and NO cheating!" Said Ms. Ella, who was looking at the two VKs with pointed looks. Nevaeh sighed with a mental roll of her eyes as she gathered her things and began to exit the classroom like her classmates.


~Nevaeh's P.o.v~

If you've ever got to know me as a person, then you'd know that I hate quite a few things, prejudice people who act like they're too entitled and privileged to have fucking common decency is one of those things.

I mean, who the fuck does that teacher this she is? Zeus? *scoffs* Zeus my ass. She just assumed me and Carlos couldn't read because we're from the Isle, like what the fuck?

Even if we couldn't read, she shouldn't be making fun of us or looking down on us for it, she's a teacher, a whole grown ass adult whose fucking job is to help her students grow in their education, not make them feel stupid.

I was enraged and the blue glow of my eyes was evidence of that. I was so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't realize my name was being called.

"Nevaeh, wait-woah!" I heard Lonnie say. Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw that Lonnie and Carlos were standing in front of me.

"Your eyes were blue!" Lonnie exclaimed.

"Uh, they still are." Carlos said. I shut my eyes tightly before reopening them, now no longer blue.

"You okay?" Asked Carlos. I nodded. I got to keep calm because magic that's emotionally unstable is dangerous to anyone, myself included.

"Yeah, sorry about that. It's just one of the ways my magic manifests itself." I gave them a small smile. Lonnie, Carlos and I gave each other a hug before the bell rang and we went our separate ways.

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