Fallen Determination (Optiona...

By Red_Knife

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Determination is one of the strongest things in the whole world that can allow you to mess with the time itse... More

Chapter 1: Chase
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: New life
Chapter 4: Human?
Chapter 5: Snowdin
Chapter 6: Memories
Chapter 7: Ancient Magic
Chapter 8: New human
Chapter 9: False Hope
Chapter 10: First Blood
Chapter 11: Waterfall
Chapter 12: Just a Machine
Chapter 13: Fire Fight
Chapter 14: Choice
Not a chapter: Announcement
Chapter 15: Promise
Chapter 17: Final Showdown
Chapter 18: The Judgment
Chapter 19: The End
Chapter 20: Retry
Chapter 21: Last Chance
Chapter 22: Time Glitch
Chapter 23: Family Break
Chapter 24: Special Show
Chapter 25: Mother's Wrath
Chapter 26: Part of the family
Chapter 27: Deadly Deal
Another announcment
Chapter 28: Confronting yourself
Chapter 29: Kindred spirits
Chapter 30: The Plan
Chapter 31: The Core
Chapter 32: Lost Hope
Chapter 33: Return of Determination
Chapter 34: Peace
Chapter 35: Final Conflict
Chapter 36: New Beginning
Chapter 37: Inner conflict
Chapter 38: Horror
Chapter 39: The Human
Chapter 40: Alone
Chapter 41: The Echo
Chapter 42: All-in
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Searching for help
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 16: Hotland

999 33 35
By Red_Knife

(A/N: Well, that's a big one. Hope you'll like it! Have fun!)

I left the lab and immediately after that I felt how hot wind rushed into my face again while all the lava was still seethed menacingly under me. But this time I wasn't scared or anything like that.

You know, when love of your life is now willing to kill you - it's more scary than be thrown into literal lava... Okay, maybe lava still will be more painful than get stabbed nearly thoudands of times with knifes.

Shit, I need to stop thinking about things that can kill me here

I decided to move foward through this strange place and putted my new weapon in the pocket. I could see different and unique parts of the path, but yet I didn't really know about their purpose. I could see some moving staircase on the ground that was moving foward and other ones were moving back.

Well, what can go wrong anyway...

I tried to step on moving foward staircase and... OH GOD

I underestimated all the speed of these staircases and they basically rushed me to the other side of the place while I was barely holding my balance just to not fall. After a few moments I finally touched the ground... NOT MOVING ground. But the problem was - I touched it with my face since these staircases nearly threw me at it.

Why in the hell they exists here in the first place? Who needs such a thing?!

- God damn it... - I mummbled to myself and cleaned my clothes from the dirt.

In next parts of this location I didn't see any surprises like this one. But I guess, I should thank God for that since I don't want to ride the roller coaster in place filled with lava.

Soon I reached to other place of this lava-location... Actually I should give it a name. Lavaworld? Nah. Lavaground? Nope. Lavaland! It's already something fitting, but still something wasn't feeling right...

Maybe... HOTLAND! Yeah, I'll call it Hotland! Good job, me

But where the hell am I now?

This time I appeared at some sort of collection of small islands. Between them was no brige or any device to help me get on the other side anyway, except some weird ventilation system, but I don't think it'll help me. I suppose I should just jump...

I slowly backed off for a few steps just to give me space for more speed. I was really doing that. Jumping on some small island while there is literal lava under me. One fail and I'm dead... Very dead.

I exhaled while trying to concentrate my own bravery and determination, but my mind was telling me not to do that. And yet I decided to not listen and rushed to the other island, but as soon as I prepared to jump and just stepped on this strange ventilation, I heard under me release of hot air...

... I suppose, the whole Underground could hear me screaming while these ventilations were basically throwing me in different directions. I just landed on the ground and other ventilation threw me away again... And so on. I looked like a soccer ball that was constantly kicked away.

Soon I finally landed on normal ground again. Looks like this time there was no ventilation under me since I didn't feel how something throwing me up in the air again. But I must say, this landing... Was kinda painful for me. As well as other few hundred.

- Ah, my back... - I moaned and slowly got up from the ground again. I just hope I didn't break every bone in my body while going through such a journey.

But thankfully, after all of that I actually managed to get to the other side of this hell and noticed some... Weird giant metallic doors? But they were actually already opened. Looks like Shifty somehow managed to open them already. At least, some plus from his existence.

I passed these giant doors and looks like I need to complete all this thing again. I mean, just as soon as I passed these doors I noticed another couple of ventilations, but this time they were heading straight foward.

Okay, I got this...

I decided to step on ventilation and it instantly threw me into the air, but this time I was prepared for that outcome and kept my balance in the air. I landed straight on the other ventilation and jumped again. Actually when you know what are you doing - this process is kinda interesting.

After all of that I actually landed on normal ground. This time landed NORMALLY

But this time I appeared in some sort of... Kitchen?


Why in the hell does kitchen exists here in the first place?

This kitchen looked like normal one and it already had basically everything for normal cooking. Like cooking appliances were already here, some products as well, full functional plate, knifes, spears...


Not going to ask why the hell they need spears.

But suddenly I noticed something not so far away from me. Is this... Camera? Wait, is this a TV-show or something?

- NGAAAAAAAH! - I heard some loud battle cry near me and that made me shiver from surprise and fear.

- AHHHH! - I exclaimed in fear, but looks like the monster near me considered this as some weird battle cry of mine.

Now this monster was different from the others. I should start from the fact that this monster was actually female and she looked like... Some strange hybrind of human and fish. But her "fish" side was more dominant since her skin was completely blue as well as instead of ears she had... Gills.

Also she was different from all the monsters since half of her body was... Cybernetic. I don't think this is her nature feature.

- WELCOME MONSTERS OF THE UNDERGROUND! - monster exclaimed right at the camera with enthusiasm.

- Listen, I just got here by mistake...


... What

- No, wait! - I tried to calm Undyne down, but she just grabbed me by my hair and jumped right next to the plate.


After that she grabbed the pan from the table and rudly smashed it right into the plate. Looks like Undyne really liked doing all of the cooking with brutality in every action.


She gave me an order. I didn't even though about resisting since her "talking skills" could convince anyone. I decided to crack some eggs and put them on the pan, but after one of them was just cracked, Undyne moaned in frustration.

- WHY SO SLOW?! YOU NEED TO DO IT LIKE THIS! - she took away the eggs and brutally THREW them at the pan without even bothering to crack them. After that she grabbed the spear and FREACKIN STABBED THE PAN A FEW TIMES WITH IT, - AFTER THAT IS FINISHED WE NEED TO TURN ON THE PLATE!

Undyne shouted again and instead of turning on gently - she basically hitted it with her leg. And for some reason after that kick - plate started to work!

- WHAT SHOULD WE ADD HERE, HUH?! - she shouted at me while I just looked at all this mess in the pan. Poor eggs...

- I... Don't know?

- Of course you don't! Because you, silly humans, don't know how to cook properly! We, monsters, are cooking with love and... CRUELTY! - I think, love and cruelety can't be combined... - And for our special ingredient!

After that suddenly she lifted a spear over her head to stab me with it. Oh god damn it, not again...

- HUMAN SOUL! - she exclaimed and I prepared to dodge, but all of the sudden we heard her phone ringing in her pocket. After a few seconds of awkward silence, she decided to ask me like she didn't try to kill me just now, - Can you wait a little?

- Sure.

- Thanks, - after that she pulled out her phone and answered, trying to whisper as silent as possible, but I still could hear everything she was saying, - What's wrong?! I'm in the middle of something here.


- What do you mean noone is watching me now?! - yeah, because 80% of monsters are pretty dead right now.


- I can't reschedule it, there is a human here!


- But... I... Ugh, okay-okay! - after that she hung up the phone and looked at me, but this time she wasn't willing to kill me, - Listen, there is a problem...

- Yeah, I heard that.

- Can we... Do this thing a bit later? Really sorry for that.

- Of course.

Deep inside myself I was ready to laugh at this situation, but decided not to and just moved foward while Undyne didn't change her mind not to kill me now. This was one hell of a show...

Soon I left this kitchen of hell and started to move straight to the... Lift? Thank god, I can leave this place without being brutally murdered or punched to death. But when I was passing by this place, I could hear some strange metallic noises somewhere close to me. Looks like I was looking at some sort of... Giant working engine that was powering up from the lava. Somehow.

Looks like THIS thing is giving the electricity to the whole Underground. But I wonder who built such a thing.

I entered the lift and looked at the buttons. Looks like somebody decided to describe them:

1) Spiders (These prices, dude)

2) Hotland L.2 (Boring crap)

3) Hotland L.3 (Man, I hate this hotel)

I hate spiders, so no way I would go there. But... Hotel, huh? That's interesting.

I decided to push the button with the 'hotel' one and waited until this shacking lift will take me to the right place. This thing was faster than I expected, so after a few seconds it already stopped. Damn, I kinda wanted to relax a bit while it was heading somewhere upstairs.

This part of the Hotland was not really different from the other ones, but an hotel must be here somewhere or something like that at least. And yet even on this floor I couldn't see any monster. Well, any ALIVE monster. All I could see is a big amount of dust that was still flying in the air. I could even see an abandoned ice cream box... Looks like monster was selling some ice cream before he... You know. Died.

This silence and madness started to get on my nerves, so I decided to move faster just to find this god damn hotel and thankfully, very soon I saw some big building decorated with some well-groomed bushes. Judging by the light in the windows, there could be alive monstets inside! Shifty might not have gotten to this place yet!

But when I rushed into this building, I understood how wrong I was. This building was looking pretty beautiful and comfortable inside, it even had some sort of fountain made from the gold. This hotel belonged to Undyne since the fountain looked like just like her. While she was spilling the water right on the floor from her mouth... Weird.

But noone was here.

No matter how fast I was - somehow Shifty already managed to kill all of them. Wait, actually...

Right next to the elevator I could see an shop with ALIVE monster in it, so I decided to head there. I wonder, if Shifty WAS here how in the hell he managed to survive?

This monster looked like some hybrid between cat and human, but according to his face, he wasn't really happy to see me here. Or he wasn't happy at all times. But when he saw his new "customer" he tried to smile which just looked... Creepy.

- Welcome to UTT! What can I get for you?

- Uh... - I was confused at first by his attitude, - Everyone is dying here lately, you know. Don't you want to... Run away while you still can or what?

- Listen, kid, - he sighed. But I'm not a kid! - I have a mortgage and a couple of loans that I still have to pay. So it would be better if someone just killed me already, besides...

His smile became even more creepy since I couldn't tell if he lost his mind or he is just... A weirdo.

- My boss didn't tell me that I'm free from my work. So will ya buy something?

- Did you see another human that was just killing everyone here?

- Of course I did. He even talked with me a bit, - and this cat somehow managed to survive? Shocking, - He's real psycho, I'll tell you that. But he bought some food!

- And do you know where is he now?

- Oh, so you're some sort of "ghost-buster"? You know, he kills monsters, you kill him.

- Do you know or do you not?

- I do, - this cat literally pulled out an cigarette and decided to light it. Only after that he continued, - He's right here, in the restaurant. Maybe he's eating or something, I don't really care. But don't kill him, I still need him as my customer.

- Can't promise that, - I replied and left this little shop.

After that I headed straight to the restaurant of this hotel and looked around. This place was much darker than any parts of the hotel since there were candles on each table to light this place up. But I still couldn't see this freak... Where the hell is he?

- Over here, little man! - I heard his voice and looked at him. Looks he was peacefully sitting at one of the tables right in the shadows. Damn, he sure likes to stay in the shadows.

I clenched my fists and headed to him while he was peacefully lighting up the candles as if preparing for a date or something.

- Please, sit down, - he asked, but I only grabbed him by his collar again, - Oh, so you like to get straight to the point? What a pervert!

He laughed, but I only stopped his laughter with punch straight into his face, so he fell on the ground.

- Do you think this is funny?! Or what I'll listen to your bullshit once again?! - I tried to beat him on the ground, but he stopped me.

- Oh of course you will. You don't want for me to kill Chara, right?

- What are you talking about?

- You're slow, little man, - he chuckled, but then sat on one of the chairs, - You can easily kill me and we both know that. But I'll just come back and kill Chara instead while all you could do is just cry near her body. Sounds good, right?

- You won't, - I bared my teeth in anger, but he only smiled.

- I won't if you'll sit down and talk.

A few minutes we stared at each other, but he looked at me with mocking smile while I was looking at him with anger. I was ready to grab my knife and kill him, but then he'll just kill Chara like he said. Somehow he was faster than me and we both knew that.

But after that I decided to sit down next to him and continued to look straight into his eyes.

- See? No need for violence. Let's just talk things out. Besides you're probably hungry, right? - he pointed at the food that was on the table, - I feed you.

- I don't wish to talk with you, you fucking jerk.

- Oh, come on! - he exclaimed like an annoyed child, - Stop trying to pretend that you cared for those goat-fuckers. I know why you're doing all of that. Because only that way you'll manage to drag into the bed your favourite Chara.

- You don't know shit.

- Don't tell me I'm wrong. We both know I'm not.

- Why the hell are you doing all of this?

- What? - he asked in surprise.

- You don't want to kill me. Why?

- I thought it was obvious, - he smiled and then chuckled, - I want you to be my ally.

- Of course, - I sarcastically answered, but then frowned, - Eat my ass.

- I mean, what's the point in staying with that hysterical bitch and her goat-family? Besides, she won't leave it all just like that.

- What do you mean?

- You killed Asgore, remember?

- You did! - I exclaimed in frustration and got up from the chair.

- Yes, but she doesn't know about that. And she won't belive you either.

After that I fell silent. This son of a bitch was right... Chara is the only one who's left, but she wants to kill me... I'm fucked. I just need to hope for her feelings to me and that she'll belive me.

- So I'm your only chance to save yourself from getting killed by those you promised to protect.

- Go to hell! - I shouted and punched the table, - You're the one who started all of this. You're the one who started using your freacking time powers just to have fun.

- Not really, - he smirked.

- WHY?! - I exclaimed again in frustration.

- Chara told you that determination can do, right? But she didn't told you that she's the wielder of determination as well.

- So what?

- You think I started to do all of this just to have fun? Well, actually I did at some point, but that's not the main reason, - he waved his hand in disapproval, but then continued, - Your precious Chara abused her powers just like I do now. Up there, on the surface, I felt her every try, her every "jump" back in the time. Just because she wanted to experiment with new ways of her own life, make her future... Perfect. While I was doomed on living the same way of life over and over again like mouse in the cycle. But now she cries to you about it and I'm the one who's wrong.

- It doesn't justify all of your actions down here, - I answered coldly, - She didn't kill everyone up there over and over. And didn't rape them.

- Oh, so she told you about that as well? - he laughed a little bit as if remembering his "good times", but then continued, - Well, let me tell you a story. She was my girlfriend at some point. We even had an actual family on the surface until... I woke up being a kid in my own bed while realising that my family is gone into the abyss because she wanted to try something different. Try to make a new family, test new "variation" of her future over and over.

- Is that supposed to make me cry or something? - I raised my eyebrow a bit.

- No, of course not. Just telling you that she's still technically my wife, so I have every right to...

He tried to finish, but after that I attacked him again right in the face that made him fall from the chair. I tried to punch him again, but he stopped my fist.

- Oh, you poor fool. You really think she can feel any kind of "love"? To her you're nothing, but another "variation" which she'll threw away as soon as there will be a better one on the horizon.

I groaned in anger and hitted him with another fist. And as soon as he let go my other fist because of the pain, I started to punch him with my both hands.


After a few punches he stopped me and pushed away by puching me in the stomach by his leg.

- What the hell is your problem? Are you too blind to see that you're on the wrong side? - Shifty shouted in frustration, - Stop thinking with your balls god damn you.

- You spilled enough blood for your psycho-revenge. And that's why I'm going to spill yours, - after that I pulled my knife, but he only smirked. He wasn't terrified at all.

- So you want to play roughly, huh? As you wish.

Suddenly I heard loud roar of chainsaw that made me shiver in a little panic and nearly dodged from his attack. WHERE DID HE GET THIS?!

- Don't worry~ - Shifty softly said, - I won't kill you. Just hurt you very-very badly.

After that Shifty started to attack while I tried to back off, covering myself with tables or chairs, but he crashed them with ease. For some reason, seeing him slowly approaching with this sadistic smile was kinda terrific. But I wasn't letting my fear get the better of me and tried to stay focused.

But suddenly, I stumbled while was backing off and fell right on my back while Shifty only smirked. He tried to penetrate me with his chainsaw, but I managed to stop his blades with my knife. I did this unintentionally as if sonething did such a thing instead of me. I expected for knife to break, but somehow it was still holding under the pressure of Shifty's chainsaw.

I pushed him away with my leg and after that got up. For some reason, my knife was able to block a literal chainsaw, so that gave me more chances to win. Looks like Shifty himself didn't expect something like that to happen, so he just stood there for a few seconds confused. But after that he became even more frustrated and attacked me again with much more power and desire to kill me.

I managed to block a few hits with my knife, but then dodged his lunge and attacked him right into his chest. He screamed out of pain and tried to counter-attack, but I managed to dodge again. His attacks were more predictable since he had much more heavier weapon. But yet instead of knife, I shouldn't let myself get hit since wound will be far more critical than knife's one.

After his another rageful attack, I made a semicircle and grabbed him by the neck from the back, just so I could stab his back over and over. He started to cough on his own blood and I was slowly winning, but suddenly he decided to stab himself with his own chainsaw while laughing hysterically. I didn't expect that outcome, so I got hit by chainsaw as well in my stomach that made me scream in all the pain I was getting.

While I was in pain and started to lose significant amount of blood, I lost another hit from Shifty and that made me land on one of the tables and crash it. But I still tried to get up, but now Shifty nailed my hand with my own knife to the table. I tried to summon my own fire...



[REASON: Can't use "Battle mode" against Administrator]

We were both bleeding out, but Shifty definitely had fun unlike me.

- You can play hero all you want, little guy. But you still have much to learn to defeat me, - he mockingly patted me on the shoulder, - But my offer is still valid. We don't have to be enemies.

- Fuck... You... - I whispered weakly, but he only rolled his eyes.

- Think about it. Meet you near Chara's corpse.

After that I tried to get up, but he knocked me down with one powerful hit in the face.

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