His Wickedly Enchanting Princ...

By LunarEclipse726

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Nevaeh Queen is the daughter of former queen Narissa of Andalasia. Growing up on the Isle of the Lost, she's... More

◇Chapter 1: A Princess Like None Other ◇
◇Chapter 2: 2nd Chances ◇
◇Chapter 3: Goodbye Horrible Island ◇
Chapter 4: 👑Royalty Among Royalty 👑
Chapter 5: 😎A Princess in Leather 😎
Chapter 7: 🌃Night in the Museum Summary🌃
Chapter 8:🥰Oblivious Cafeteria Crushes🥰
Chapter 9: 😇Remedial Goodness 101😇
Chapter 10: 📕First Day of Classes📕
Chapter 11: 📚Bonding in the Library 📚
Chapter 12: Shadow of Vulnerability
Chapter 13: 💅Boss Bitch pt.1💅
Chapter 14: 😳Boss Bitch pt.2/Giselle's Daughter 😳
Chapter 15:🥍 Tourney 🥍
Chapter 16: 💔Break Up With Your Girlfriend 💔
Chapter 17: 😏The Locker Scene/Maelynn😏
Chapter 18: 🐶Overcoming Fears/ A Voice is Heard 📢
Chapter 19: 🎨A Paintball "Hangout"🎨
Chapter 20: 💇‍♀️A Talk With Jane/Lonnie's New Hair 💇‍♀️
Chapter 21: 🥳Detention Removal/A VK Family😊
Chapter 22: 🛍Encounter with Grace/ Shopping with Evie 🛍
Chapter 23: 😍French Fluffiness😍
Chapter 24: 📕History Rivalry 📕
Chapter 25: 🏝Their Willow Tree🏝
Chapter 26: ❤"Love Potion"❤
Chapter 27: 🧐"Did I Mention?"🤔
Chapter 28: 😳Close Call😑
Chapter 29: 🥳The Date pt.1🥳
Chapter 30:💜 The Date pt.2💙
《☆Story Progress ☆》
Chapter 31: 😌The Aftermath 😌
Chapter 32: 🤢Spying Chad 🤢
Chapter 33: 😠Audrey's Confrontation 💔
Chapter 34: 😏Mal Takes the Bait😏
Chapter 35: 🧐Mission: Find My Father pt.1🧐
Chapter 36: 💜Mission: Find My Father pt.2💜
Chapter 37: 💜Mission: Find My Father pt.3💜
Chapter 38: 🌸The Better Charming Sibling🌸
Chapter 39:😡A Heart of Hatred and Lust 🤮
Chapter 40: 💜Finding My Father pt.4: Andalasia's Secrets🤨
Chapter 41: 👀Hidden Eyes 👀
Chapter 42:🥰 Finding My Father pt.5: Andalasia's Secrets pt. 2🥰
Chapter 43:👑 Finding My Father pt.6: The Zepherian King🖤
Chapter 44:🥰Jet Aftermath 😌
Chapter 45:🥳 Back in Auradon😌
Chapter 46: 😊The Second Date😊
💜👑Nevaeh's Official Bio👑💜
Chapter 47: 🤔Misplaced or Stolen Things 😒
Chapter 48: 📞Parents' Call/ Operation: Missing Underwear👙
Chapter 49: 🌑Dark-Light⭐=🤫Secrets Revealed🧐 pt.1
Chapter 50: 🌑Dark-Light⭐=🤫Secrets Revealed🧐 pt.2
Chapter 51: ⚖Consequences⚖
Chapter 52: 💥 Family Day Chaos pt. 1💥
🥳3rd Place!!!🥳
Chapter 53:💥 Family Day Chaos pt.2💥
Chapter 54:💥 Family Day Chaos pt.3💥
Chapter 55: 😳Bitter Confessions😳
Chapter 56: 🌈The Calm After the Storm🌈
Chapter 57:👑 Paying the Price💰
Chapter 58: 😯Coming to His senses 😯
Chapter 59: 🧚‍♀️Fairy's Secret🧚‍♀️
Chapter 60:🤴 Coronation Catastrophe pt.1🤴
Chapter 61: 👑Coronation Catastrophe pt.2😱
Chapter 62: 🤴Epic Family Reunion 👸
Chapter 63: 🥵Passion Ingnited🥵

Chapter 6: 👑A Badass Princess Meets a Badass Warrior 😎

4.5K 114 1
By LunarEclipse726

*Nevaeh's P.o.v*

While walking to my dorm, I noticed the way people looked at me; girls looked at me in awe and jealousy while guys looked at me with lust and awe. Smiling sarcastically to myself, I shook my head and rolled my eyes. It wasn't long before I came across a door that had a golden plaque and the names: Fa Lonnie & Nevaeh Queen written in nice calligraphy.

‘Huh, Mulan's daughter? Interesting.'  I thought to myself. Taking a deep breath, I turned the knob and opened the door. Standing there was an Asian girl with a black bob and was wearing a light pink cherry blossom kimono, a mini skirt, and tan shoes.

"Hi, I'm Lonnie, and you must be my new roommate." She smiled at me with her arm stretched out.

"Nice to meet you, Lonnie. I'm Nevaeh." I said as I shook her hand. As I looked around I noticed how the room wasn't as princess-sy as I thought it would be, and I had a feeling it was because of Lonnie.

"Which villain is your parent?" She asked.

‘Straight to the point, I see.' I thought, amused.

"Queen Narissa, and between you and me, I consider your mom to be pretty badass." I said while smirking.

(A/N: In case you forgot, Lonnie and Nevaeh's dorm is the size of Apple and Raven's dorm in EAH, which was said to be the biggest one (besides Ben's room ofc). It's split down the middle, one side being more Chinese themed with cherry blossoms and such, while the other side Nev decorates to suit her liking.)

(What her bed looks like above^^)

"Thanks." She smiled. Nodding, I began to magically unpack my belongings, a dark blue glow emitting from my hands. Once done, I began to remove my hidden daggers; 2 from both sides of my jacket and 2 more, both from each sides of my legs.

"Woah, you know how to use daggers?" Lonnie asked, coming to stand by my bed.

"Yeah, it's one of the things I learned how to do on the Isle," I said. I conjured up a black box and began to place them inside.

"Do you know how to use them?" I asked while sealing the box and placing it in my nightstand bottom drawer.

"Not really. I'm more skilled with a sword, though. My parents taught me how to sword fight since I was little." She said.

"How about we make a deal? I'll teach you how to use daggers if you teach me how to sword fight?" I suggested. She beamed.

"Deal!" She said. I laughed at her enthusiasm before taking off my jacket. Once it was off, she gasped.

"What?" I asked confused as I draped my jacket over a chair.

"Nothing! It's just your outfit is so cool and fabulous. I love it," She said. I giggled a bit. Lonnie really was a cool and nice girl, she hasn't said one bad thing about me being a villain kid since we met, which granted wasn't long ago, but still.

"Thank you! I made it myself." I said. Her jaw dropped and she looked at me shocked.

"Shut up! You're so talented! You're definitely going to have girls be jealous over you." She gushed. With Lonnie, you can just tell that she wasn't trying to be fake or lie to me (not that what she said would've been a lie anyway), but her words were actually genuine and kind. Something tells me that me and her are going to be the best of friends.

"Thanks, Lonnie." I said. For the next few hours, me and her talked and got to know each other more. I told her a bit about the Isle life and in return she told me about her childhood in China, she even offered to teach me Chinese sometime! She's really cool and funny, and I found out that she likes hip-hop. Honestly, I'm so glad that I wasn't rooming with some annoying princess like Audrey or Giselle's daughter.

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