Accidentally Married

By CarrotCakes19

39K 1.6K 409

Amanda, would never have thought that she will end up married to a stranger not to mention over a one night s... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

1.7K 74 10
By CarrotCakes19

I entered my office with tears running down my face. I stood in the middle of the room as Daniel stood a safe distance from me. He stayed silent as I wept.

" Why are you still crying, I took care of it they will never disturb you again," he asks with an irritated tone.

" You want to know why? " I asked as I looked into his into his eyes and took a foot in his direction " because they are not wrong," I yelled

" I lost all rights to their respect the moment I commit that awful mistake, I lost my dignity the morning I woke in a stranger's bed," more tears ran down my face as I went on " Do you know how embarrassing that was!" I said as pointed at him.

I felt worthless and empty. I turned my back to him as I cried some more. I couldn't bear to look at him. It just reminded me of what a disgrace I was. Deep down I knew that I was overreacting and their tears were not really because of what happened but because of the emotions that were building up from all expectations of my sorry excuse of a life.

" If I told you that we had sex after marriage, well that makes you stop crying," he said after some time. I spun around on my heel to look at him. Confusing was the only emotion on my face as I faced him " Wha what do you mean" I stuttered.

" This came in my mail to morning and by the looks of things you probably don't remember much from our encounter," he said as hand me a folded paper from his pocket.

I slowly took the paper and unfolded it. My eyes went wide as I read. "This...this can't be, " I said as stared at the paper in disbelief. A flipping MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE.

" I'm guessing you don't remember agreeing to marry me either," he said calmly watching my reaction. I only blinked as I re-read it over and over again.

" Please take a seat, we have a lot to talk about" I looked up at him as gestured for me to sit. I wiped my tears as I moved around the table to take a seat at my desk he soon followed and sat in front of me.

My glasses were foggy from all the crying so removed them from my eyes and used the bottom of my shirt to clean them, once I had them back on I faced Daniel who was already looking at me. " So we are married?" I asked trying to start the conversation. " Why, in my right mind would I agree to marry a guy I met at a bar "He has to be joking. The crazy man only stared at me some more.

" How? Most importantly Why?" I asked frowning and he just shrugged.

Oke.e something is really wrong with this guy.

" Okay okay," I said as placed my hands on top of my head.

Not only did I do the deed with a stranger but apparently we got married too.

Carrot cakes that's not good

" I'm here to remind you of the deal we made Amanda," he said leaning his elbows on my desk. He didn't wait for my response as he went on " Don't worry this is merely a business deal. You will be my wife for the next year and by the end, I'll give you 20 million which includes your Grandmothers medical bills and your student loans "My frown deepens as my confusion increases---but I'm more curious as to why I need to marry him. " Mind telling me why we need to get married "

"This agreement is beneficial to the both of us, My parents won't let me take over the business fully unless I'm married so if we didn't get married I would have been obligated to marry someone my parents chose, " he said in one go.

"I don't think I can do that Mr. Anderson, I barely know you," I said lowly fixing my gaze on my hands

" We don't have to know each other, my parents just need to know I have a wife plus we are already married as you can see " he amended.

" But" I started but was cut off as he spoke " look Amanda I wouldn't have put you in this position if I didn't have another option, just think about your Nona and how she will benefit from this" ---" You have nothing to lose"

" I don't know," I said as looked at him. This was all too overwhelming for me. He took a pen from his suit and grabbed my note pad and started writing a number down "look here's my number, take the weekend to think about it....I'll be back on Monday to hear your answer and we will go from there" before he got up he placed a ring Infront of me " please think about it" was all he said as he walked out.

I released a breath a didn't know I was holding as the door closed. I then proceeded to bang my head against my desk.

Carrot cakes...why can't I get a break?


The soft banging of my head was all sound that could be heard. Bang after bang.

Eventually, I stopped as it hurt and mentally scolded myself for doing that. My mind was blank as got up with my purse and left. Nothing...I felt nothing, I thought nothing. I was just numb as walked through the exit of the building and down the street. The numbness was the most peace I felt in like forever.

Robotically I opened my door as I arrived and made my way to my room. I put my purse on the small table in my room and walked into the bathroom and throw on my pajamas. I made my way to bed and switched on the tv to watch a random cartoon.

And that's how went for the rest of the weekend with little breaks for sneaks and bathroom.

Sunday morning I did laundry and even cooked myself a delicious Sunday plate. Not once did I think about Daniel's offer. Probably I was scared that if I thought about it, I might actually consider it. Nonas will get the best treatment and my loans will be paid and there would still be enough left to live off. I mean look at how he got Sandra and her friends off my back, I could really use a few months of pace. But then yet again I don't know this guy. What if turns out to be the same liar? I watched too many catfish shows to be fooled so easily.

Oke.e maybe I did think about it a little bit

By night time I was binge-watching the loud house. This went on for a while until my stomach roared in protest. I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I was halfway through eating it as my phone rang. I answered the call immediately when I saw it was my Nona.

"Nona," I said into the phone as my eyes got teary. I was overjoyed to have her call me.

" Good evening my dear, I hope I didn't wake you," she said with her mothering tone. That's when silent tears left my eyes, her voice pulled the strings to my heart.

" No no Nona...tell me how are you?" I asked with a crack in my voice.

" Sweetie why are you crying what's wrong," she said, her voice rising with concern.

" I'm fine Nona, I'm just happy to hear your voice...I miss you so much, it's really lonely without you" I sighed into the phone. " Are you sure you don't want to move in with me?"

" We talked about this, you have to build a life that doesn't revolve around just me... You have a great job and apartment in a new town. It's been two years sweetie and I haven't heard you speak about friends or colleagues or even a boy"

I stayed silent. I never dared to tell her about how hard I found it to fit in. Almost every call would end in this conversation and I hated it.

" Sweetie you know you can tell me anything" after a long pause and sigh she continues " are you gay? "

My jaw dropped and a half-chewed piece of sandwich fall out. Carrot cakes.

" What no Nano, I... I like guys" I said with my face beet rad.

She completely ignored my response as she said" I know I was a little strict raising you but I will always love you no matter what" and I heard some movement in the background.

" Nona, I promise I'm not gay... Exactly I'm with someone" I half lied.

Technically I am married to someone. Am I really considering this?

" Oh honey that's great" she yelled through the phone" I hope I'll get to meet him, anyway Stacy just dropped by so I going to have to hang up"

" Oke. e Nona, love you"

" I love you too sweetie, now bye Stacy brought apple pie" and with that, she hanged up. I so was disgusted when I saw the sandwich that dropped out that I lost my appetite and through the rest of it away.

After cleaning up I went to bed with high hopes for tomorrow.

Hey, hunnies ❤️
If newton never sat under a lemon tree then life would have been easier.

Anyway please vote and comment

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