Patrol 2: Lost & Found

By CEBronk

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In this 2nd book in the Patrol series, Vania and her new work partner search for a serial killer. With the ca... More

Settling in with a Flagon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
One for the Road

Chapter 3

46 6 16
By CEBronk

"Enforcer Bucktin. A word." The captain beckoned.

Eddin stood quickly; muttering to Vania, "Keep an eye on our guest." He followed the captain down the hallway without another word.

I never realized Eddin is taller than the captain, Vania thought absently as she watched him go. As far as a'marlon go, Captain is considered short, but compared to the rest of us, he's still tall. I guess Eddin must be average height, for an a'marlon. Though, most a'marlon don't get he is. They tend to be more lithe. Maybe he's... mixed? But with what? Human, maybe? But then he shouldn't be so tall... Domlian perhaps? They are so varied in appearance, it's almost impossible to label any specific trait typical... Most of them aren't that tall, either, though. Maybe he's just... atypical.

"I still do not see how sitting here does any good," Sylvern commented.

"Well, sir, we are waiting for word from the wizards upstairs," Vania replied, turning in her chair to face him. "About the results of their initial search. If they can give us even a little wisp of a clue, that will help tell us at least which direction to go."

"I can sense nothing. They won't fare any better."

"Well, we can't just go door to door through the entire city, seeking for your wife."

"Why not?"

Vania stopped, staring for a moment at the pale domlian; as he sat looking at her in silence, she finally answered, "It's impractical. Also inefficient. This city is huge---it would take weeks to search it entirely from top to bottom. And, in the meantime, whoever has your wife and son could move them around, avoiding us, and even take them out of the city, by either land or sea." She sighed, placing her elbow on the desk and leaning into her hand, pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers. You sitting here, giving me a headache isn't helping the search, either, pal. "I know it's hard to wait—you must be very worried. But, really, it could save us a lot of time if they can find something to guide us." She began massaging her temples.

"Do I hurt you? I must, don't I?" Sylvern muttered foreign words. "I forget how sensitive some of you are. Is that better?"

Vania swallowed her gasp and instead sighed with relief, "Yes." She looked over to Sylvern, then froze, her mouth open but her question forgotten. He still looked the same, yet... different, somehow. Less vibrant. Or maybe duller. That was... definitely strange. He looks... off, somehow. Different. Yet, still the same. But very much less intense. "How... What did you do?"

"I... muffled myself, so you won't be oppressed by the feeling of my power near you. However, I cannot stay this way. If Lineia should break free from her captor, she won't be able to reach me like this. Not easily. And if her escape is but temporary, every moment is precious. She must be able to find me."

"I... see." I don't understand it at all. "Well, thank you, anyway. For the respite."

"Vania." Eddin jerked his head and motioned her toward a different corridor. "We gotta talk."

"Well, I was feeling better," Vania muttered. She and Sylvern both stood.

"Not you," Eddin replied, pointing at the domlian. "You stay right there. We'll be back in a moment."

"If it has to do with my wife, I should be present for the discussion," Sylvern replied smoothly, walking beside Vania. "You must have information. And you wish to discuss it with your work partner where I'm not around because you suspect I've harmed my wife."

Eddin stopped at the entrance of the corridor and gave Sylvern a hard stare; "Yes. I do."

"I know. I assure you, I had nothing to do with my wife's disappearance. If you focus all your energy on me, whoever has Lineia will kill her, and my son as well. Please do not waste valuable time."

"Sir, do not follow us. Also, stop reading our thoughts. Recruit Nahalora, we're going." Eddin took Vania's arm and began walking quickly down the corridor; Vania almost had to run to keep pace with his longer legs.

"What was that about?" Vania asked, staring at Eddin as he double-locked the meeting room door and swiped his hand over the ward. The sigils glowed pink and orange, sending tendrils of light over the doorway before slowly fading.

"He lied to us."

"Lied? Why? And about what? And how do you know?"

Eddin began pacing, clasping his hands behind his back; "I don't know why, but I suspect to hide his guilt. Why else lie? But it doesn't make sense."

"Eddin. What did he lie to us about?"

"One, he's not from Kinski. I've met people from Devere and other countries of Drovmin Illingtel, and none of them speak with an accent like his; I've never heard that accent before." He paused midstride and faced her; "Also. And more concerning. The necklace." He resumed his pacing. "I received a message while I was speaking to the captain; the necklace isn't his wife's, but it is some other woman's. They traced her to a beauty and hairdressing shop near the docks. She works for some kailen woman. Luckily, the shop owner has spoken with us in the past and has a channeling crystal; Rand'din was able to speak with her directly once he traced the necklace's owner there. The woman's name is Caylis. She's also tydring, but she's been in the city for years, so she's clearly not this man's wife. Unless he lied about that, too. When asked, she said she lost a similar necklace last week."

Caylis? I don't recognize the name... She must never have been around when I went to get my hair done... I thought Shehn'nah worked alone. Vania watched her work partner pace. "Why would he lie about the necklace? He could simply have hidden it from us. Or he could have claimed he'd found it in the room this morning, and, it not being his wife's, had clearly been dropped by the abductor. It doesn't make sense."

"No, it doesn't." Eddin scowled. He stopped on the far side of the room and turned slowly, eyeing Vania. "What does your instincts say? Any hunches?"

"No... Just... I think he's honestly worried about his wife and wishes to find her quickly. His distress feels real. Umm... Eddin, did Rand'din mention if he truth-read the woman—Caylis? Or even Shehn'nah, the hairdresser?"

"I don't think a spell like that can be done while speaking to someone through a channeling crystal. What a strange question. And how do you know the hairdresser's—"

"She's who I go to to get my hair done. And there's never been anyone working there but her."

Eddin shrugged; "Strange, but not unusual. Maybe she's a new hire. When was the last time you went to get your hair done? Looks like a bit of time, if you don't mind my saying."

Vania scowled at him; "Yes, it's been awhile. So what?" She crossed her arms.

"So this Caylis woman must've been hired since the last you were there is all." He shrugged. "It doesn't really matter. What matters is, he lied."

"But, why?"

"Let's go ask him." Eddin strode across the chamber, long legs only needing three steps to land him near the door. He paused before undoing the ward and throwing back the locks. "Are you sure you don't have any clues or hunches about any of this? Enforcer Nahlstrom told me your hunches are almost always correct."

Vania sighed as she shook her head; "No. I'm sorry. I just... I trust him. I don't know why. I don't know why he lied, but I know he didn't—wouldn't—hurt his wife. At least... that's how I feel."

"All right," Eddin muttered. He opened the door and marched back down the hallway; Sylvern met him halfway.

"What is your information? Were your people able to find something I couldn't? Please, too much time has passed. My wife and son are in terrible danger."

"I understand, sir, but we don't know where she is. Please come and talk with us." Eddin grabbed Sylvern's elbow and steered him into the closest meeting room. Vania nearly ran to get into the room before her partner shut the door. "Have a seat." Eddin sat in one chair at the table, steepling his fingers and watching as Sylvern slowly took the chair across the table.

"You're worried about the necklace."

"Yes. Why did you lie?" Eddin narrowed his eyes. "And I thought I asked you to not read our minds anymore."

"I... apologize. I do not intentionally read your thoughts. You just... tend to think very loudly. I cannot help but overhear. Imagine being in a room with someone shouting the next room over. You couldn't help but hear what they say, hm?"

Eddin frowned deeply, but merely asked again, "Why did you lie?"

"You wanted something with my wife's essence, to give your wizards for tracking. I did not dare give you that."

"Why not?"

Sylvern turned to study Vania; "Sometimes, essences are private. To keep certain truths safe. You understand?"

Vania fidgeted, saying nothing. As both men eyed her in silence, she swallowed and quietly moved to stand at Eddin's back.

"Surely whatever secrets you and your wife are hiding—which we do not care about—are not worth your wife's life?" Eddin demanded.

Vania sighed and placed a hand on Eddin's shoulder; "All right. You were protecting your wife. But why claim the necklace was hers? Why not just admit you had nothing?"

"The necklace was dropped by her attacker. When I attempted a tracing spell, I ran into the same shielding I found while trying to seek my wife and son. Thus, I knew the person was one and same who'd taken them. I turned it over to you so your wizards could attempt another seeking. Maybe, if this person is concentrating their efforts on hiding my wife, they might neglect to keep themselves shielded from prying." He leaned forwards slightly. "Enforcers. Did your wizards find the necklace's owner?"

"Yeah, they traced her to some hairdresser's shop in the port area," Eddin replied. "But I'm not convinced—"

"Then I must go." Sylvern stood quickly and added as he walked out the door, "I thank you."

"Wait!" Vania followed the domlian out, Eddin muttering curses as he stood and hurried after. As they hurried down the corridors toward the exit, Sylvern staying several paces ahead of them, Vania wondered, How can he keep ahead of us? Eddin's paces are twice his! He doesn't even appear to be running, yet he's moving exceptionally fast.

Gasping, Vania stopped outside the door as Eddin brought their horses around. Sylvern had paused, eyes riveted on something far from view.

"Eddin! Vania! There you are!" one of the new enforcers panted as they exited the building. "Rand'din was shouting for you. Captain's sending almost all of us to the port. Seems some person Rand'din spoke with earlier called out to him in the crystals, shouting for help. He said we need to get to a hairdresser's place immediately."

"We're already heading there," Eddin replied. He tossed the chestnut's reins to Vania. "You know how to get there?"

"Yeah, I—" Vania swayed as an immense pressure filled her skull, making her vision dim to nearly complete darkness. As pain lanced into her mind, she reeled; the last thing she saw as she fell was Eddin reaching for her and, behind him, Sylvern disappearing, his face contorted with anguish.

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