Let Us Help You

By Descendantsfan03

11.4K 310 320

April Dibrina has finally accepted her new life as being not just a dancer herself, but being a dance teacher... More

What's Going On With Mal?
More Suspicion
Let Us Help!
Is She Going To Be Okay?
Should We Do This?
Going Home
The Start Of A Better Life
A Pretty Bad Night
Shocking Explanations And Fighting
Is That A Yes Or No?
Another Hospital Trip And A Big Question
Upgraded To Mommy And Daddy
Passing Time While Stuck In A Hospital
She's What!
Going Backwards
Revealing The Real Truth
Separation Issues
A Family Of Three Gets A Little Bit Bigger
Waiting Room Troubles

Accidents Happen

241 10 6
By Descendantsfan03

   "Okay it's okay," April told the two kids as she quickly went over to Mal and tried to pick her up while Nick quickly ran over to stop Carlos from touching the glass and hurting himself. "Nooo! Please no hurt us!" Carlos cried out as he thought that they were trying to harm him and his sister and not trying to help them.

He wasn't used to having a parent that didn't completely lose it because they broke something. "Carlos bud it's okay. We're not going to hurt you. We just don't want you to cut yourself. Glass is sharp," Nick told the young boy as he carefully managed to move Carlos away from the glass.

"But Mally no mean it! I have to clean it up now! I have to! I have to clean up the mess or Mallys gonna get in big trouble! And I can't let Mally get hurt! If I let Mally get hurt then I'm a bad boy and a bad big brother and I can't be a bad boy or a bad big brother! I can't!" Carlos screamed out hysterically as he tried to run back to the glass but Nick held him back causing the young boy to just start screaming hysterically.

"Noooo!" Carlos cried out as he tried to run back over again causing the two adults to quickly pick him and take him to his room as they began to try and calm him down in a safe place away from the glass.

While the two adults were trying to calm the slightly older boy down in his room, the young toddler managed to squirm her way down as she quickly began to try and clean up the mess. She didn't want to get in trouble for making a mess like her old mommy would have done.

Mal just started crying though when she picked something up and realized just how much pain she was in and it only seemed to get worse and worse as the red stuff started to get bigger and bigger.

Mal just started screaming and crying as she couldn't take it anymore she didn't care if she got in trouble anymore. "Mommy! Daddy! I hab a owie! MOMMY! DADDY! MOMMY! DADDY! MOMMY! DADDY!" Mal cried out causing them both to come running out as April immediately began to panic as she looked at Nick.

"Oh my god! Mal! Nick what do we do about this," April cried out as she quickly picked Mal up and sat her down to start looking for how much glass Mal got on her.

"Okay Ape, stay calm we can handle this," Nick told April as he tried his best to sound calm despite how freaked out he was. They had been so stupid and had completely forgotten about the fact that there was still glass all over the floor and now Mal was hurt.

"Are you serious Nick! Don't tell me to stay calm! Our 2 year old has glass stuck in her! Do not tell me to stay calm! I told you I could have handled talking to Carlos while you cleaned the glass but no you insisted it was fine!" April screamed out as she was freaking out and Nick wasn't helping the situation.

"Well what do you want me to do about this! You think I'm not freaking out too! And you're the one that was supposed to be watching Mal!" Nick cried out as he began to get frustrated. He knew that April was just panicking and not thinking right but he also was just trying to help.

Mal just started crying more as she listened to the two fight as she didn't like screaming. It made her more upset and scared. "Sop it! No yew! No yew!" The small girl cried out as she tried to cover her ears but started crying more when she felt the pain as she had forgotten that her arms were still covered in glass.

April and Nick both just stopped as they looked at their upset daughter. "Aw Mal we're sorry we didn't mean to. It's okay we're gonna stop yelling now and everything's going to be okay," April told Mal who was still crying but was starting to calm down a little.

"What's going on?" Carlos asked as he tried to come out of his room after hearing all the panic and screaming. "Nothing buddy everything is fine okay please just go back to your room. I promise everything is fine," Nick told the scared boy who just nodded as he knew everything wasn't okay but he didn't want to make things worse.

"Nick what do we do? I can't get all this glass out, we don't know how deep it is," April told Nick as she continued to assess Mal's body and to check for all the glass. She had managed to get some of the less deep shards out but she couldn't seem to get the rest and she was too scared about making things worse for the already upset 2 year old. Nick just nodded as he quickly grabbed his phone.

"Okay Ape everything is going to be okay but I think we might have to go to the h...o...s...p...i...t...a...l," Nick told April who just nodded as she picked Mal up carefully to not make her worse while Nick just grabbed his phone and quickly called Sarah and Michelle to stay with Carlos.

"Wew we go?" Mal asked as she looked up at April who was just sitting by her and just crying as the new mom was feeling so guilty. She had thought she could handle this but she clearly messed up and wasn't paying attention to her baby and now she was hurt.

April was feeling like the worst mom right now for not paying attention to her youngest like she should have. "Mommy! Wew we go!" Mal cried out again as she had no clue where they were going and she didn't like it.

April just quickly snapped out of her guilty state as she looked over at the small girl and put on as best of a smile as she could.

"We're going somewhere that will help you okay and make your owies all better," April told Mal as she ran her fingers through Mal's hair, making the small girl giggle a little before she saw the hospital sign as she immediately started to cry more and shake her head just making it hurt more.

"Noooo! Noooo! Noooo!" Mal cried out as she hated the scary doctors and didn't want to go in there. "Mal please, they're gonna help you and make you all better. I know you don't like it there but they just want to help make your owies not hurt anymore," April told the small girl in her gentle voice as she continued to play with Mal's hair and try to calm her.

April hated seeing her baby in this state and she knew that Mal hated the hospital but she also knew that this was the best way to make sure Mal got the care she needed.

Mal just started crying more as she looked up at April. "Mommy you ma me bowow," Mal asked April as she looked up and gave her an innocent pleading look.

April just froze as she didn't know how to respond to that. She wanted to help Mal but she had already tried that at the house and it hadn't worked very well.

"Aw Mal I know you want me to make you feel better but I'm not a doctor and I'll probably just end up making your owies hurt more. I promise I'll hold you the whole time and I won't let those scary doctors hurt you. And then afterwards we'll get you anything you want okay but you have to be a brave big girl and let the doctors help you," April told the small girl who just nodded as she held her pinky up.

"Pomise you no wet go an you no we den huw me?" Mal asked April who just smiled as she connected her pinky with Mal's.

"I promise Mal so you ready to let them help make your owies all better?" April asked the small girl who just nodded as she reached for April who carefully picked her up again making sure to not hurt her more. 

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