Paradox [Boboiboy Fanfiction]

By blazingsuns

16.7K 826 647

Paradox /ˈperəˌdäks/ Noun : a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when inves... More

All About Lia
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N 1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Special Chapter 01
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Special Chapter 02
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note and Announcement
Special Chapter 03
Special Chapter 04

Chapter 62

124 9 11
By blazingsuns

Chapter 62

As Andres got up with heavy breathing, he growled in anger. "They're here!" He then made his way to the huge workroom to see that there his gang are still fixing up the quantum generator as his minions slowly arrived.

"Boboiboy's team is here," He angrily announced as he clenched his fist. "I don't know how did they find out about this planet, but for sure that pesky Aisha went to them!" The others are surprised at the news. Adudu sighed, "I knew something was up with that girl."

"How do you know that they're here?" Tristan asked in confusion. "Astral Projection. I possessed my daughter earlier to fight her teammates but I was defeated by someone!" Andres snapped as he slammed the table.

Tristan shook his head, "Don't worry. The station won't be tracked down easily, I made sure a tracking evasion was set up here. And if they ever find their way here, I made sure they won't be able to get through."

Andres just nodded with a scoff then contacted Krive'a using a device, "Calling Krive'a, report back to the station now! We have to speed things up now since they found the planet where we are now!"

He then turned to Tristan, "Fire up your technologies in case they get to the entrance. Let's see if they can surpass that." Tristan nodded then went to his console and started to fire up their defense system.


After how many years, Boboiboy and Amato reunited. The elemental hero rushed to his dad that is carrying a passed-out Lia in bridal style. He is indeed surprised; all he could say is, "I missed you, dad."

Amato laid down Lia on the ground and pulled his son for a hug which he hugged back. The others just watched them with smiles on their faces, happy to see their friend reunite with his dad.

Boboiboy hugged him tighter, afraid that he would leave. It's been years since they last saw each other; he is indeed happy that his father is back. When he pulled back from the hug, MechaBot, who served as Amato's armor, diverged itself from his owner. "Boboiboy! It's so great to see you!" He grinned, "You too, MechaBot. It's been a long time!" They both high-fived.

Amato turned to the others with a smile, "I believe you are his friends, members of team Boboiboy." Gopal nodded with a grin then rushed to Amato, "Allow me to introduce myself, mister. I'm Gopal, Boboiboy's best friend, and Tok Aba's loyal customer!"

"Hay, there he goes again," Fang mumbled, only for the others who were near him to hear it. The other three girls just sighed. However, Amato smiled at Gopal, "Yes, I know who you guys are. Before I'll introduce myself, we should help your other friend."

He pointed to Lia who is slowly waking up; her eyes are slowly opening. She suddenly jolts up, coughing out water that she got from the river earlier. The others rushed to her, so as Boboiboy.

"Are you okay?" The elemental hero asked worriedly as he got down to check on Lia. He slightly faced her then wrapped his arm around her shoulder to support her tiny frame. He missed the slightly annoyed look from Leizel.

"Y-Yeah but... what happened?" Lia replied, rubbing one side of her head, "And why does this side of my head hurt so bad?" She whimpered. Amato shook his head with a frown, "You were possessed, Lia... By Andres."

Lia slowly looked up at the older man who spoke to her, she widened her eyes when she noticed the white streak of hair. "Are you..." Amato nodded with a small smile, "Yes. I was your father's best friend."

Later on, they are all by Amato's spaceship that is hidden within the trees. He started to explain everything to the gang about how everything between him and Andres started, and more information about Andres.

"Your dads were known to be best siblings in GogoBugi," Amato told Lia and Fang, while the others are listening. "Your grandfather had to choose the succeeding governor since he was getting older. The first option was Andres since he possesses powers. Gold manipulation then astral projection."

"So, the astral projection explains his possession over Lia's mind and body?" Gopal inquired, remembering what happened earlier. Amato nodded, "Andres was known to be manipulative. He uses that power to get what he wants by possessing other people, which is why the grandfather chose Kaizo and Fang's dad instead since he's an upright person."

"How did he get the powers? The Gold Manipulation and Astral Projection?" Yaya questioned as she leaned by the door of the spaceship. "He got the gold power from GoldBot, one of the power spheres that seek refuge in GogoBugi. For the Astral Projection, it was said that he has it absorbed in himself."

Ying shot a confused look, "Like... he has it in his body? With or without a power watch?" Amato nodded, "Yes. We don't know the whole explanation to that but I've heard that he has had it since he was young."

"Astral Projection is a powerful one," Leizel remarked with a sigh. "It won't just bring harm to other people, it will also bring harm to himself. That's scary." Lia lowered her head, "The possession act itself was already harmful. I really didn't know what I was doing. The time he did that, it was like my soul was... gone."

"At least you're okay now. He really took you seriously back there," Boboiboy said, glancing at Lia who raised her head with a frown on her face. She just nodded in return.

"Wait a minute," Fang started while stroking his chin. Then he turned to Amato, "I remember the time he attacked me and captain. He used sound waves on us. How did that happen?"

Amato turned to Sonobot, gesturing for her to answer the shadow hero's question. Boboiboy noticed that "Wait, you knew about the attack on GogoBugi?" His question caught the attention of the rest, especially Fang who now furrowed his eyebrows, waiting for the power sphere's answer.

"I was one of the power spheres being protected in GogoBugi," Sonobot started with a sigh. "The first-ever time I was activated was around the days before Bora Ra attacked the planet. I believed he was the one who saved me from the hunters, so I immediately referred to him as master."

Fang groaned in annoyance, "The one who does most of the power sphere saving was my father. He's the noble one... I mean," He turned to Lia, "No offense." Lia just nodded, "Yeah, it's all right. It's the truth, anyway."

"Uncle, do you know about the quantum generator?" Yaya asked. Amato sighed, "I do... I have known it ever since. This explains why I went away for how many years, I tried so hard to track him down."

"Father, Andres told me you were affiliated with TAPOPS. They knew Sitan had that kind of an evil plan since he has been hunting down power spheres in exchange for money for the building of the quantum generator. How come they didn't know who Sitan really is? Andres has been in our area since Lia came to our team, and the higher officials know him. Why didn't they do something about it?" Boboiboy asked again.

"Yeah, and for sure my family has been looking for him ever since he attacked GogoBugi with Bora Ra. The commander and admiral know him as Yoshi but didn't they get that Yoshi and Sitan are one?" Fang added on, confused at the situation.

Amato stole a glance at Lia then turned back to his son, "Other than Andres having his mask for the protection of his identity, I never told them about that. I only said that Sitan was a threat to everyone and he's a guy with the red mask. I..." He stopped for a while, trying to get the right words. "Yoshi was my best friend, I deeply cared for him. There was part in me that believed he would repent so I didn't fully rat him out to everyone."

"Ayah," Boboiboy's eyes softened with pity. "The power of friendship is real, for sure it hurt you when he went against everyone. Before being Sitan, he was a friend to you."

Amato nodded, still maintaining the saddened look on his face, "A great one, actually. It still saddens me that from being a great friend, he's now like this. He wants to end me; he wants to end us all."

"And it's all because of jealousy, who knew that a simple thing can lead to something this big," Lia stated, also feeling pity for Amato. She just met him now but with what he said, she knows how much Andres meant to him before.

"Her half-sister told us that they'd be starting the generator today; we have to get going." Leizel hastily told Amato, referring to Aisha. At the mention of the half-sister, Amato gave her a dazed look, "Oh, Iris? That kid is alive? Andres told me he was dead."

Lia sighed, not surprised at what Andres did. "That's what everyone thought, uncle... She's alive and kicking."

"Ayah, you have an idea where the station is exactly located? We wanted to use the spaceship at first but airbase attacks might happen and we don't have much air defenses," Boboiboy asked, much to his father shaking his head.

"The best way is to go on foot," Amato replied making everyone agree with him. "I know where the station is. I pulled some strings in order to get that for him back then, when he wanted to live on a different planet, looks like he used it for the bad."

Deep inside the forest, there is a tank with two long clawed arms that serves itself as a cutting machine, harvesting trees and loading them into the motorized cart that follows. The gang, Amato, and the power spheres are on a nearby ridge, surveying the scene.

"Andres had those things built up from raw materials. Well, he also had some of GogoBugi's high technology. He uses those for different purposes in Orangpina Jahat." Amato explained to them.

"Tristan must have built those," Leizel supposed, remembering her step-brother. "His robotic inventions are a pain in the ass, and always hard to beat." Fang sighed, "It also must have explained why did we pass through some obstacles when we were in Guguran."

Lia crossed her arms, "We can't use Ochobot's teleportation power, he still needs to recharge. Besides, if we teleport ourselves directly in front, their defense system might fire upon the loose. We have to get there slowly but surely."

Boboiboy nodded, agreeing with her. "Let's follow one of those things to get to Andres. We can't be seen so we have to be careful."

Amato looked at his son with pride; Boboiboy really does have a trait of a leader which explains how well the team is doing. They all make their way to the cutting machine but at the same time, they all kept their distance.

Yaya goes to a treetop level to see from up high; she kept an eye on the machinery as it does its thing then went ahead. She gestured to the rest to keep on going, following the trail being led by the machine.

After how many minutes of walking, they saw a heavily forested canyon that has a fortress at one end. It was built wide and high enough to completely block the way. Yaya landed on the ground, setting herself beside Ying.

"Looks like we found it already," Boboiboy stated, observing the appearance of the fortress ahead of them.

Back in the workroom, Andres' minions are all helping Tristan and Adudu with the quantum generator. Wires are being connected, buttons are being pressed, as there are some who are making last-minute checks on the exterior of the machine.

Andres is on a balcony in the workroom, observing every action of the workers down there. He then brings out something from his pocket- a locket necklace. He opens it that reveals a picture of Nathalia and a younger Lia on one side, while the other side has the word Home engraved.

He felt his heartbreak as he remembered the happy moments, they all shared with one another. He didn't feel at home when he was in GogoBugi, because his other brother was always favored. He only found that in Nathalia and Lia, his true family.

Outside the fortress, Ochobot is doing something for them to fully see what's on the front entrance which shows three patrolling guards. Boboiboy and his gang are carefully looking at them.

"We should split up from here. We can't go in together," The leader spoke up, giving off a firm expression. "Lia and Leizel, you guys will take the front. Fang and Yaya will remove the guard towers. Ying and Gopal, you have to get the security door to open."

He was about to continue but a tremor stopped him. Five more huge machines crashed through the trees at a full speed, catching the attention of everybody. Ying widened her eyes at the sight of them, "Geez, what a surprise!'

"What about these, son? Should I beat them up?" Amato asked, a bit panicked at the sight of the machines. Gopal shrugged his shoulder, "Dey, uncle. They're just cutting machines, what could possibly go wrong?"

All of a sudden, lasers emerged from the topside of the machine which made the rest look at the molecular hero with annoyance. It was like he asked for it and it happened, jinxed.

"What? I just asked." Gopal raised his palms for defense. Boboiboy sighed, not having time for an argument, "Everyone move out now!" Then they all charge toward the machines.

Back in the workroom, Krive'a arrived to see that the quantum generator is now ready. She headed to Tristan with a proud grin, "Impressive, my son. You did well with this machine." Tristan chuckled, putting up a confident smile, "Thank you, mother."

"Boss, the quantum generator is now ready to be used." Probe told Andres who is still looking at the locket. He snapped back to reality and shoved the locket into his pocket. He felt satisfied with the announcement, "Finally, I have won!"

Suddenly, one of the machines that attacked the gang earlier crashes through the stonework and tumbles to the floor. As it toppled over, it explodes that throwing a bit of a scare to Krive'a, Tristan, and Adudu.

"Oh really?" The smoke and dust slowly cleared off to reveal Amato standing at the hole in the wall, MechaBot is already in a form of armor to him. "In terms of nobility, for sure you didn't win!"

The minions of Andres are already preparing for an attack as they have their respective laser pistols. Andres widened his eyes, he slowly took some steps backward. "Amato...? How did you know I was here?" Amato's appearance has completely bewildered him.

The gang appeared, together with the power spheres. All are looking aggressively to the Orangpina Jahat crew. Lia went forward, eyeing her dad, "What's with the reaction? Are you scared? Well, if I were you, I'd be."

Krive'a, on the other hand, cracked a laugh, "Oh my! Look who's here again... The gang, how delightful!" She then turned to Lia with a smirk, "Hi Lia, how's Nathalia doing down there?" Her mock angered Lia to the point she clenched her fist hard.

"Don't you dare speak about my mother," Lia threatened, warming up her powers. "Or else, you'll be the one going down there!"

Having enough of the mocking, all of them leap into the room. There are two-floor guards that opened fire but are eventually tossed away by the shockwave created by Lia's sound power when she landed on the ground.

Boboiboy growled then he raised his power watch, "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Quadra Split!" The elemental hero splits into four- Thunderstorm, Cyclone, Solar, and Blaze. They all split up to attack the minions.

"He can split into four?!" Fang asked, astounded at Boboiboy's trick. "He can split into three, five, and seven. For sure he can do even numbers too," Leizel replied, unfazed by Boboiboy. "We have guards to attack, let's keep rolling." She reminded Fang.

Thunderstorm rushed to several of the minions who are blasting laser beams at him. He twirls his thunder blade with blinding speed to deflect their shots before he uses his lightning speed to confuse them by disappearing and reappearing everywhere.

Once he reappeared in the air, he does his move with power, "Thunderstorm Vortex!" He spins his thunder blade that created a vortex then dives down to them, causing electrocution to happen.

Leizel has just summoned her rapier, shooting long ranged energy blasts at every guard that is trying to come upon her. There are three of them who opened fire on her which made her construct her energy barrier.

The guards kept shooting while Leizel tried to keep her barrier on; she closed her eyes and then points out her rapier. "Energy Blast!" She used her rapier to shoot out a huge blast that knocked down the guards.

Yaya is on air, swerving to the left and right to avoid getting shot. Her hands glowed pink that enclosed the guards that are open firing at her in a pink bubble. She smashes them onto the ground and then crashes them to the wall, she kept on repeating the move.

Cyclone is using his whirlwind to throw out more guards that are coming for him. He grinned as he kept on going, he increased the size of the whirlwind for more guards to be thrown away.

Ying grinned as she slowed down the guards who were ganging up on her. Within the given time, she grabbed their guns and threw them away, while retaining one gun in her hand. Once the slowdown was over, she quickly spun around while opening fire that blasted them away.

Gopal kept on using his food transformation blasts to the open fire lasers that converted them into food. He then transformed his body into diamonds then Amato grabbed him then rushes to the guards.

With his speed, he takes a leap on them and then swung Gopal's diamond body on them, whipping them away. He continuously does that as Gopal giggled, "Dey, we make a great team! Can I be your son?"

Amato just sighed, releasing Gopal. He then went on with blasting some of the other guards with the blasters powered by MechaBot.

Fang and Tristan are having a battle; the shadow hero unleashed his shadow gorilla in order to battle Tristan with his armor and a prosthetic hand. Although, Tristan is winning because his prosthetic hand was able to slash the gorilla that diminished it.

The shadow hero fused into an eagle and then sets off for Tristan, who sets off for him. Fang used his power to disappear and reappear behind the armored guy, successfully thwacking him away then he continues to give attacks.

Mega Probe open fires on Boboiboy Solar as he kept on using his solar to teleport in all places to dodge it. Once he reappears in front of them, he holds his power in his hands.

"It's time you guys leave! Now! Solar Eclipse Attack!" A wide stream of light was projected toward them that ended up blasting them outside the fortress, it was a continuous blast to them that made them scream for their lives.

Blaze projects a fire aura around him then launches to Krive'a, "Flaming Fist!" He throws some punches at her but with her skill, she dodges them swiftly with a smirk. With continuous dodging, she extended her arm to grab Blaze's leg and smashes him to the ground.

With a groan in pain, he countered her by gripping her arm with fire in his hand caused her to retract the arm since she felt pain. He winked, "Cyclone! Now!" Cyclone was nearby the area and then got the signal.

"Fiery Breath!" "Cyclone Rush!" The spinning cyclone sucked Krive'a in and with the flamethrower combined, it became red and more powerful making the middle-aged woman vulnerable.

The attack against the guards and Andres' gang went on, making Lia rush to the quantum generator to stop the countdown. It was down to 10 minutes before it commences a black hole which made her use her sound waves to fly up to the elevated control panel.

Upon arriving, she started to observe what is on the panel and try to think about what should she press in order to stop it. She knows she has no time to lose which is why she is panicking inside, having no idea what to press.

"I don't think you should do that," Lia turned around and is unable to react when Andres delivered a jab with his golden gauntlet that threw her across.

"Because I'm not finished with you yet."

- To be continued -

A/N: First of all, I hope you guys are enjoying the continuous updates! We're down to the last few chapters of the book, and honestly, I feel so emotional since this is the first book I finished writing after The New Student. Second, I hope you guys are okay. I heard about the typhoon ongoing and my heart goes to all who are suffering, please do know that I'm always here, willing to help in any way I can.

The next chapter will be up at the end of this week since I need time to do schoolwork. Or who knows, maybe tomorrow again? Hehehe. We are currently on reading break then Holy week is upcoming so we don't have classes but the school work never ends.

See you at the next one!

- Ana

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