From Young Man to Viscount: A...

Від ShadowUponStorm

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Y/N returns to London after 10 years, having to have left the only home she had ever known, including her dea... Більше

Announcement #2
New Update


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Від ShadowUponStorm

"Ow, you're stepping on my foot," Gregory complained as he and Eloise are practicing one of the many dances that is to be learned by the ladies of high society while Francesca is on the pianoforte.

I cover up a laugh with a cough as Anthony looks at me curious to what's going on before I lean to whisper, "Eloise keeps misstepping and landing on Gregory's foot." Anthony softly chuckles before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and squeezing it before averting his eyes back to his book he's currently reading.

"Y/N, did you have to learn this for your entrance?" I hear Hyacinth ask as I shook my head no.

"Of course I had the lessons, but it wasn't merely for my entrance. Simply education wise, I know it will help Isa for when she reaches the marriageable age if she wants to make an entrance, entirely her decision," I said as Eloise scoffs and responds, "Wish I had that option."

"You have to dear, it would be a bad look upon the family, and Whistledown would surely write about it," Violet says from her spot on the sofa as she focuses on her needlework, "If she's still lurking about."

Whistledown hasn't released any issues of late, must be because the last season is over and there is no drama or gossip brewing about the ton. Good, she deserves that break after continuously giving us the information.

"Mama, can I and Gregory please take a break? We've been at this for hours," Eloise asks as Violet mutters, "Oh, very well, go ahead."

After Eloise sticks her nose back in a book and Gregory joins Hyacinth, Isa, and Charlie in a game, I lean close to Anthony and whispered, "Any updates from the Hastings side of things?" Anthony shook his head as I nod in understanding, Daphne and Simon have been keeping themselves busy enough to not write or update the family on any endeavors.

"Colin's been writing to us though about his travels so at least he's updating," Anthony whispers back as he closes the book to focus his attention onto me.

"That's good, I guess," I say as I rub my hand up and down his arm to ask, "How are you feeling about Eloise's debut being only a few months away?"

Anthony sighs and responds softly, "If you ask me, I believe she won't be successful this season. You know her, she prefers to be free to educate herself instead shackled to a man who simply can't meet or understand her desires and needs." I look towards Eloise in concern, he's right. It's rare to find a man who can either match up Eloise's carefree nature or support it in any way possible.

"But it doesn't mean this season for our family will end up a failure, we still have time to decide if we should solidify our future together this year," Anthony says as he took a hand in mine and rubbed his thumb across my knuckles as I softly smile and rest my head onto his shoulder before he rest his head on mine.

"That's true, I-," I start to respond before I hear Eloise interrupt with, "I say Anthony and Y/N get married before my introduction to the queen so they'll be the talk of the ton."

"Eloise, that's not how it works," Isa says as Eloise looks to her and asks, "Yeah? How does it work little L/N?" before closing her book and leans forward.

"Azalea and Jameson," Isa responds as she looks to me to explain farther.

"When Azalea entered society, the first man she ever laid eyes on was Jameson, son of an Earl who firmly believed his children were to wait a period of time before they could get married. So, once they started courting, they had to wait until the end of the season to get engaged or married. At the end of the season, Jameson pulled me and my parents aside to ask for Azalea's hand, we of course said yes, then the wedding commenced in the summer. Only for Jameson to have passed away in an accident after they've been trying to have a baby, leaving my sister a widow who then found out she was pregnant with Iris months later. You know the rest of the story," I say as I feel Anthony squeeze my shoulder comfortingly.

"Still stand by my statement," Eloise says as she looks to me pleadingly that I go through with it.

"Sorry Eloise, not happening. Anthony and I simply want to take our time, accumulate ourselves with one another again, as well as learn new things we haven't already learned," I respond to then laugh at Eloise as she throws her head back and groan out.

Oh, dear girl, I feel your stress about the upcoming debut, but it will be okay because you're not going to be alone in the journey. Just as Anthony and I know we won't in the process of exploring our courtship.

-Start of the 1814 Season-

Well this day has certainly gone off the rails hasn't it? Currently some of the Bridgerton siblings plus me and Violet are standing at Eloise's bedroom door, awaiting for her to come out while chattering among ourselves about our methods of trying to coax her out. She requested only the maids to be in there with her, must be something off about that. I look towards the sound of footsteps to see Daphne walking up to us confused and asking, "Is this the plan?"

"Thank goodness you're here," Violet says as the chatter comes to a stop for now that she's arrived.

"She's requested time," Anthony mentions beside me as Daphne walks forward and responds, "We don't have time. Stand back." Before she could get to the door, Benedict blocks her and says, "No offense, Sister, but you are the last person she'd like to see."

"Are we sure she's in there?" Hyacinth asked as Francesca rebuts, "Of course she is. Where else would she be?"

"Climbed through the window, the chimney," Benedict starts to say before he is hushed by Violet with a, "Quiet! She may hear you."

"I left my husband and child at home for this," Daphne says before Anthony reminds them, "I told everyone this would happen, now we're late for the queen."

We then hear movement and listen closely to what might be happening. Anthony reached for the door before it opened for the maids to start exiting and Eloise walks into the doorway showcasing the traditional entrance attire, feathers included.

"If one of you utters a single word..." Eloise says as everyone stays quiet, "Let us get this over with."

After I help Eloise get into the carriage with the other ladies, I then walk to Anthony before he gets in to say, "Everything seems to hopefully go smooth from now on, see you there?"

Anthony then leans down to give me a kiss on the forehead and whispered, "Definitely." to then shut the door to his and the other Bridgerton boys' carriage to see it start moving towards the palace. I was watching the ladies' roll away before I hear Humboldt ask, "Do you need a ride Miss L/N?"

"No thanks, Humboldt, I might just take a walk today," I respond as Humboldt nods politely and went on about his duties.

As I start walking towards the palace, I start thinking about why Isa and Charlie decided to opt out of watching the new debutantes enter the season. They said something about wanting to do their own thing and I don't question it because they're allowed the option to not do what they feel like not doing. I arrived just in time to see not many of the families scrambling to get a good view, which prompted me to head straight on in and find my place standing next to Anthony and behind Daphne. The names being called started with a Cordelia Patridge to then go down the list of other ladies debuting this season, some of which look very young, maybe younger than Eloise. As each one presented themselves to the Queen, I felt Anthony's hand reach for mine and I took it to squeeze it to tell him, "Everything will be okay." When it came Eloise's turn and the doors open to the very nervous girl, one of the servants walks towards the Queen with a silver plate, which seem to beholds a sheet of paper that her highness picked up to read. Lady Whistledown must be writing again due to her reaction and her announcing, "I've seen enough. I have seen enough!" which to Eloise's dismay, it gave her relief and she rushes out before Daphne could stop her from doing so and Violet makes haste behind her. As each servants passed us copies of the sheets, I look to Anthony and whispered, "Guess not, but again, no one could've predicted this would happen right at the start." as Daphne turns toward us, mostly to Anthony.

"Truly, I cannot say I will long for any of this. Best of luck to you both. You shall certainly need it this season," Daphne says as Anthony and I both sighed in unison. Yes, we certainly do need luck. We still have no knowledge of the queen is viewing Whistledown's words from the issue she wrote about us as a challenge or has since learned to back off the idea. I picked up a sheet for me and Anthony to read,

"Dearest Gentle Reader,
Did you miss me?
As the members of our esteemed ton lazily sojourned in their rustic retreats, this author was doing but one thing. Honing my skills.
Or should I say, hatching my plans?
No, even better. I was sharpening my knives...
for all of you.
Questions abound as to this author's identity and means. Seeking those answers shall prove fruitless, indeed. There is, of course, another unknown identity at present. Though, this one you will be able to unearth. I speak of the season's diamond, wherever she may be.
Your move, Your Majesty.

-Lady Whistledown's Society Papers

Oh, she's definitely playing a dangerous game now, more than ever she did before.

Later on in the drawing-room of the Bridgerton estate, Violet has Eloise practicing yet again with Gregory in order to maintain perfection to the Queen's eye after the interruption from the scandal sheet. Guess she wants yet another incomparable in the family considering she wasn't pleased with Benedict's comment about, "Shocking that Eloise Bridgerton was not named the season diamond, was it not?"

"Was anyone else aware that dear Colin has decided to add Albania or some such place to his itinerary as he gads about the world?" Anthony asked as he walks into the room, having been in the study.

"No. But how happy for him that he can simply decide to do that," Eloise says as Violet asks, "Joining us for tea, Anthony?"

"I'm afraid I must pass. Too many calls on my funds today. Got to make certain all is in order," Anthony responds as he walks over to where I was sitting and kissed the top of my head to whisper that he'll see me at the Danbury Ball before heading out of the room, but not before Violet follows behind him.

As it's determined they were far from earshots to be heard, Anthony turns to his mother and says, "Now that the season has started, I need to fill your coffers at the modiste as well as Y/N's and oversee the hiring of extra staff. Also-." before changing that sentence to, "Nothing, never mind that line."

"What were you about to ask dear?" Violet asked before Anthony sighs and responds, "I know it's too early, but your ring. When you get the chance, I need it. Father's betrothal ring, I don't need it right this minute but I want to do everything in my power to prove to her that I've loved her. Even after all these years, I still do, so when I feel the time is right, I would like to be prepared for the opportunity." as Violet smiles at the fact her eldest son is even thinking about marriage.

"I shall be more than happy to give you my ring, but it is in safe keeping at Aubrey Hall," Violet says as Anthony nods and responds, "Very well, just thought I'd ask out of the respect I have for you." then he was off his merry way to do his duties of the days and after.

After I spent a few days finishing up the plans for Isa and Charlie's education, I decided to take one of the mares for a run in the park to get a bit of fresh air and let off steam. I was trotting along when I saw another horse ride past us and I could see it was another girl.

"You okay? In trouble?!" I shout but apparently, she couldn't hear so I race Artemis to try to catch up with her and I was close until hers jumped up over a hedge to disappear, I wasn't about to let a fellow lady end up in a heap of trouble if she was in fact in one.

I decided to see if there was a trail nearby and after I see her, caught up to say, "Very impressive." making her jump a bit, "Sorry, I just didn't know if you were running away from trouble. Wanted to make sure you were fine considering I didn't see a chaperone."

"Yeah, sorry, I didn't hear you if you shouted," the girl says as her horse and mine trot side by side, wait a minute, that's not one of hers.

"Is that one of Lady Danbury's? You're in Mayfair," I respond as the girl is surprised I know things like that.

"I'm Kate, Kate Sharma," Kate says as I nod my head in greeting and respond, "Y/N L/N, pleased to make your acquaintance. Are you new this season?"

"No no, my mother and I are in London to help my sister, Edwina, find a husband," Kate says as she then asks, "And you?"

"I'm already taken for matter of fact, currently in a courtship with a Viscount," I replied as Kate looks at me in surprise and says, "A Viscount? Wow, you must've done something spectacular to capture the attention of one of those ranks."

"His family and mine have been dear friends for years, and after being away for 10 years, him and I decided to enter a relationship to see how far it would go," I respond as I also mention, "We've hit some bumps in the path, but we've managed to overcome those and willingly listen to one another."

I look towards the sky and says, "You might need to go back quick because Lady Danbury will surely throw a fit if you're late." as Kate then thanks me and further pushes the horse to run faster to turn back and shout, "Hope to see you at the ball tonight!"

"Maybe you will, can't wait to meet the rest!" I yell back smiling at a new friendship I possibly made before getting Artemis to go into a full sprint back towards the estate.

-The Danbury Ball, At The Conservatory-

Anthony and I walked side by side with our arms linked as we follow behind Violet, Eloise, and Benedict as I lean to whisper, "I made a new friend today, can't wait to introduce you two to each other."
Anthony nodded and smiled before whispering back, "Can't wait, you're always having a good judgement."

All four of us arrived at the entrance to see so many of the new debutantes as well as the previous ones dancing along the floor with the bachelors of the ton. I turn my head to hear Benedict swoop Eloise away before a young Lord is to ask for her a dance, making me laugh a little in my hand as Anthony nudges me a little to stop and gain back my composure. After determining I was safe by Violet's side, I allowed Anthony to go join his other friends who were occupying themselves outside. I looked around the room to try to find Kate, but I notice there was a young lady who looks identical to her dancing on the floor as well as a lady with Lady Danbury. Violet and I head over to Lady Danbury as the other lady left to head somewhere else and said, "Good evening, Lady Danbury."

"Good evening, oh this is Miss Y/N L/N, a dear friend. Y/N, that was Mary Sharma and one of her daughters is currently on the floor, Miss Edwina," Lady Danbury responds as she points her cane towards who I thought it was as she bowed and headed back to us, "Miss Edwina, meet Y/N."

"It's very nice to meet you," Edwina says as she bowed as I extend the same courtesy and reply , "Same to you, you looked beautiful out there."

"Oh thank you, same to you. My sister, Kate, is around here somewhere, there she comes," Edwina respond as I looked to see where she was looking and thought, "There's Kate." but something in her face and posture tells me something's wrong.

"Sister, this is-," Edwina starts to say before Kate interrupts with, "Nice to meet you, Lady Danbury, we wish to leave. My mama is already in our carriage. We will see you at home."

"People are watching, my dear. You are clearly upset," Lady Danbury says before Kate continues with, "What is clear is we are woefully unprepared to navigate this lion's den. I am sure Edwina's absence will only make her that much more desirable."

After Kate and Edwina bid ado, I decided to follow after them to make sure everything was alright. I see Kate help Edwina into the carriage before asking, "Hey, is everything okay?" Kate looks to her sister and mother to whisper she'll be back real quick to take me somewhere we could talk in private.

Kate sighed before she said, "I overheard a rather unsettling conversation from a group of men. Talking about what they desire in their brides, one of which was rather demanding in his requests. Said love was the last thing he desires, if he were to bore children of good stock, the women in question must be of impeccable quality, have a pleasing face, an acceptable wit, and genteel manners. Asked if the others agreed with his method of thoughts." My face turns into disbelief as I'm hearing what is told to me.

"No surprise there, but do you remember who of the group said that? As well as recall who was a part of the conversation?" I asked as Kate shook her head and said, "Can't remember any of the names, but I know one of them is named Anthony. He, in fact, told the one who said those things to keep his head on straight and to not even think like that, he also mentioned he was pleased in his courtship with whoever he is with and simply only cared for his and her happiness in it. I made my presence known after that and told them my thoughts of their conversation."

I smiled at the thought that he practically defended himself from being swooped into something he doesn't want to be a part of and respond, "That's the Viscount I mentioned earlier, Viscount Bridgerton."

The look on Kate's face turned from anger to a state of shock and started to apologize if she said something bad, to which I held up my hand to stop her before she could and said, "It's okay, thanks for telling me about what the topic was. Props to you for being bolder than any of the other ladies here to stand up for what you believe in regarding women's rights, Eloise would love you if you have the chance to make her acquaintance. Now I know what not to talk to him about, you can go back to your mother and sister. I'll see you at the next ball?"

"Definitely, nice to see you again Y/N," Kate says as she smiles before walking her way back after I said the same and head back to the conservatory to continue my duty as staying by Anthony's side. I find Anthony and he temporarily stops listening in a conversation to wrap an arm around me to kiss me by my temple before returning to put his input of the topic in. I'll leave a conversation with Anthony for tomorrow, for now, he deserves to remain as stress free as possible while he has the chance to.

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