devil's backbone 🗝 tommy she...

By finnmikaelson

669K 22.4K 6.6K

"Don't care if he's guilty, Don't care if he's not; He's good and he's bad, And he's all that I've got." She... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 28

8.1K 306 142
By finnmikaelson

n// not proofread and written very past my bedtime but i hope u enjoy ;) love u all!!

The energy in the betting shoppe was something that Sybil couldn't put a finger on, but she knew it was electric.  There were many faces in the room, some familiar, some foreign, but they all had one thing in common: they were family.  They were Shelbys, whether they liked it or not.  However, she didn't think there was anyone in the room that didn't love the man to his side, and no one in the room that wouldn't take a bullet for anyone else. 

She let the idea sink in for a moment as people filed in, and came to the conclusion that she liked it.  She liked having a family again.  She'd almost forgotten the feeling, if she were being honest, and found herself standing proud.  Sybil Day, a Shelby.

Who'd've thought?

Finn raced to his favorite girl as Polly smiled and pulled them closer to her side, keeping her future niece company whilst Tommy stood in the centre of it all, like the king Sybil reckoned he was in a past life.

"Right," he began, his tone much harder than the one Sybil was used to.  "I've brought you all here today because this is the day that we replace Billy Kimber.  This is the day we become respectful.  The day we join the National Association of Race Course Bookmakers.  But first, we do the dirty work."

Sybil would be a liar if she said his proclamation didn't send a wave of anxiety over her, but she did her best not to show it.  What Tommy needed was a solid rock to lean on, not another burden to shoulder.  She had to have faith in him, and she would prove to him that hers was unwavering.

"We've all known this day has been coming, I just haven't told anyone the date."

Sybil would also be a liar if she said that she didn't roll her eyes at the man, knowing exactly who he had told the date to.  But, her unwavering faith continued.

"We're going to the Worcester Races.  Track opens at one, we'll get there at two.  Now, Kimber thinks we're going there to help him fight the Lee brothers.  But thanks to the efforts of our John and his new lovely wife Esme, the Lees are now our kin.  I interrupted those efforts this morning, and, uh, I can assure you all, John is making great sacrifices in the cause of peace."

The schoolteacher took a look at the newlyweds as the room erupted in laughter, recalling how they came to be, and how angry she was at Thomas for making that call.  But... they looked happy, truly happy, even under the knowing gazes of everyone in the room.  It was clear as day that they were in love, despite being strangers such a short time ago.

Their stars were good, just as Tommy promised.

"So it'll be us and the Lees against Kimber's boys.  We'll take them out, but leave the bookies.  I expect a swift victory which will send a signal all the way to London that we believe in letting legitimate businesses run peacefully."

"And, uh, what about Kimber himself?" John asked.

"I'll deal with Kimber.  Any other questions?"

"Yes." Polly spoke up, removing her arm from Sybil's to move toward the door.  "Does anyone object if I bring a newcomer to the meeting?"

"After all the new ones we've got already?  Why the hell not." Arthur laughed, throwing glances at Billie and Esme.

"I'd like to introduce the newest member of the Shelby clan." Polly spoke, opening the door and revealing Ada with her baby.

There was an audible, yet soft, gasp that could be heard from everyone in the room, followed by applause.  And as Ada smiled, everyone else smiled with her.

"Welcome home, Ada." Thomas spoke, looking over his little sister with glimmering eyes.

Billie knew better than most that despite all of Thomas Shelby's faults, he was a family man and a protector at heart.  And to be so far from his baby sister for so long in her time of need... Well, Billie knew it killed him.  But seeing her, with her little bundle of joy, a Shelby once more... It meant the world to him.

"We named him Karl," Ada spoke, answering the unspoken question.  "After Karl Marx."

"Karl bloody Marx." Arthur laughed, stepping closer to his little sister.  "Let me get a good look at him!"

"Here we go." John rolled his eyes, watching as Arthur put his cap on the baby.

"Hey, look.  He looks just like me!"

"That's his ass that looks like you, Arthur."

The room laughed as Arthur cradled young Karl to his chest, positively beaming.

"He's alright.  He's a Shelby."

"Well, Ada?" Tommy asked, watching his sister approach him.  "Am I forgiven?"

Ada stole a glance at Sybil, who was looking over the baby with fond eyes and Finn in her arms.

"If what Aunt Polly says is true, you are."

Tommy followed her gaze, eyes softening at the sight as he recalled what he told Aunt Pol about what he holds sacred, and how it all came down to the strange little woman whom he loved so much.  He did what he knew was right, all because he knew that's what she would have wanted him to do.  He wanted to be a better man.  The one that she saw him as.

"It's true."

Sighing, Ada threw her arms around her brother, missing him more than she'd realised.

"Thank you, Tommy."

Pressing a kiss to his little sister's cheek, he watched her run off to her other brothers, hugging them with the same enthusiasm he had just received.  His eyes landed once more on his love, who was ushering Finn to greet his sister, holding the baby in her arms so the family could have their small reunion.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you quite enjoy having a baby in your arms." Tommy spoke quietly in her ear, looking down at the two.

"It's not the babies I don't like," Sybil joked, looking up at her man.  "It's the people that bring them into the world that get under my skin."

Tommy looked down at the two from over her shoulder, watching as she bounced and cooed to the little one, smiling the entire time as she did so.  And more importantly, he watched as her face fell when Ada came to collect her son.

"Say the word," he whispered in her ear.  "Say the word, Sybbie, and I'll give you a child of our own."

He smiled as she shook her head, knowing full well that she was thinking it over, despite her cool attitude.

"One of my men will take you, Ada, and Pol home through the back." Tommy spoke, changing the subject.  "All I ask of you today, Sybbie my love, is that you stay safe.  I'll return to you, but until then, you've got Polly and Ada to keep you company.  All will be well, just trust me."

"I will," Billie promised, now feeling the true weight of the day at hand coming down on her.  "And I do."

Tommy closed his eyes at her last two words, imagining them in a different context.  That... the two little words... that's what would keep him strong today.  He'd do anything to hear them again.

"Well, then," he muttered, looking between her eyes and her lips.  "Aren't you going to kiss your man goodbye, Sybil?"

Smiling, Sybil stood on her tallest tip toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him with all that she had, earning plenty of hollers from the onlookers.

"Do what you must, stay out of trouble, and please, for the love of God, Thomas, come home to me." she pleaded in a whisper, breaking away from their kiss.  "Otherwise all of this will have been for nothing, and I won't have even gotten a ring out of it."

Thomas paused at her words, letting them sink in before smiling the biggest she'd ever seen him.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying, Sybil Day?" he asked, matching her low volume.

"Come home, and then we'll talk."

Tommy stared at her for a moment before grabbing her by the back of her head and crushing his lips against hers,  letting her know everything she needed to.  Pulling away, he peppered the rest of her face in kisses, giving her all the love he could possibly give in that moment.

"Go," he muttered, finally pulling back completely.  "Before I call this whole thing off and marry you right now."

"I haven't said yes, yet, Tom." she smiled.   "You still have to come home to me."

"The anticipation has a better chance at killing me than any man does." he smirked, pulling her in for one final kiss.  "Now go.  We'll talk later."

"Goodbye, Tom."

"Goodbye, Sybbie."

Tommy watched as one of his men lead her out of the shop and away from prying eyes, feeling the calm of nothingness wash over him as soon as she disappeared from his line of vision.  He knew what he had to do next, and as much as it repulsed him and pained him to do so, he made his way over to the Garrison and continued playing the part.

"Alright, lads, listen up," he spoke, walking into the pub with his men in tow.  "You have a pint and a chaser, no more.  On the house."

The men sat at the bar as Tommy walked behind it, grabbing glasses and filling them up, while Grace got closer to him.

"Do you have the enclosure tickets and the register of bookkeepers on the track?" she asked him, secretary mode in full effect.

"In my coat." he replied.  "You did a good job, Grace.  Next family meeting, I'll make sure you're there."

No he wouldn't.

"If I were family, but I'm not."

The next words felt like venom his mouth.

"That could change."

No it can't.


"We'll talk about it more when I get back."

No they won't.

"When will you be back?"

"Oh, is this how it's gonna be, eh?  You waiting at home for me saying 'What time do you call this?'."

Grace was quiet for a moment, and in that second, Tommy thought she could see right through him.  That she could see that he didn't mean any of it.  That he was a fraud.  That he wanted those things, and had those things, but with another woman.

"The barrels need changing."

Grace left the bar and dipped into the back room, where Tommy was quick to follow her.  As much as he detested this plan, he knew it was a necessary evil.

"Grace.  Hey, Grace, I was just joking." he explained, watching as she wiped away her tears.

"Tommy, the truth is, when you get back from the races, I won't be here." she confessed.

It took all of his strength not to appear relieved.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, feigning concern.  "Listen, I know you were not born to be with a man like me.  But I'm turning it around.  By the time I get back, I'll have one of the biggest legal racetrack syndicates in the country.  And I'm going to close down some of that other stuff.  Maybe open a club, like in London.  And another thing... you have a contract of employment, remember?"

"I remember everything, Tommy."

"I am going to make a success out of this.  I am."

"I know, I know." Grace responded, holding his cheek in the palm of her hand.

"I'm not talking about marriage,"  he was already engaged, "But we know each other," they didn't, "We can talk," they couldn't, "We are the same." they weren't.

"Tommy... I have done something terrible to you..."

And right when Thomas was about to get the confession he needed, Arthur swung open the door, Jeremiah Jesus in tow.

"Right.  Tell him what you just told me." Arthur spoke, ending the pair's faux heart to heart.

"Just heard there's two vans driving up the Stratford Road.  An old corporal of mine said he recognised some of the men.  He said it's the Kimber boys, and they're headed this way."

That certainly changed things.

Rushing to where his women were, he barged through the door, surprising them all.

"Ada, Sybil, you two take the baby and get into the Bull Ring where there's lots of people."

"What's going on?" Polly asked, entering the room.

"We've been fucking betrayed.  Someone let slip, Kimber's men are on their way here."

"Yeah, but you can handle them, Tommy." Polly spoke, helping the women out of their chairs as her nephew paced.

"It's just us.  All the Lees are on their way to Worcester.  We're outnumbered.  Fuck!"

"Who else knew that today was a the day you were moving in on Kimber?  You said you kept it a secret, who else did you tell?"

"The barmaid..." Sybil spoke up quietly, all her worst fears coming to life before her very eyes.  "You hired her as your secretary... She knows..."

"I should have listened to you, Sybil," he panted out, desperately trying to grasp a new plan.  "I should have fucking listened!"

"That's unimportant," Sybil spoke, walking up to her man and making him meet her gaze.  "This is beyond her now. You have a job to do, Thomas, and a man to kill.  Different setting, different numbers, but the same soldiers.  You've come too far to fail now.  Do what you must.  We'll deal with Grace.  Just go, Tom.  Do what you must."

Tommy left moments later, finally having worked out some sort of plan (thanks to the pep talk), while Sybil and Polly made their way to the Garrison to handle the wolf herself.  And it appeared they'd come just in time, seeing as the wolf was just getting ready to leave her den.

"Going for good?" Polly asked, entering the room, Sybil right behind her.

Sybil had never done anything like this before, but she figured Grace was the perfect time to start.

"I heard there was trouble." Grace replied weakly.

Her response made Sybil laugh.  Hard.

"Instinct's a funny thing," she began.  "I've never been one to judge upon the first meeting, but with you... I always knew with you."

"Look, the fighting is about to begin.  We should get out of here."

"We know who you are."

At Polly's words, Grace stopped in her tracks, the blood draining from her face.  The barmaid watched as the school teacher stepped forward, and as Polly took a long hair pin out from her coif.

"Tommy knows as well," Billie added on.  "But from the beginning, I knew. I even warned him about you. He decided to keep you close, give you a chance, but you did exactly what I expected of you. You were never as slick as you thought you were, but I want to hear it from your own lips."

The two Shelby women watched as Grace retrieved a gun from her purse, pointing it at them both.

"I am an agent of the crown.  I have the power to arrest, and the right to use force, so please, step out of my way."

"Like Sybil said," Polly began.  "Instinct's a funny thing.  You fell for Tommy for real, didn't you?"

"This gun is loaded."

"We're not afraid of you," Sybil deadpanned.  "Polly might even feel sorry for you, but I don't.  Thought you'd come in here, and stitch them all up... Take my man in the process...  I mean, I've heard of coppers and narcs in this type of business before, but you... you're somehow the queen of them all, and the worst of them all."

Grace's breath hitched at two of Billie's words specifically,  but she didn't have much time to recover before Polly started back up.

"So who are you?  Rich girl, I'd guess.  Unionist.  Ulster volunteer.  You thought Fenians, communists, low people... they're all the same.  Scum.  Then you met Tommy."

Sybil laughed once more, truly not being able to contain it.  This girl, this fraud, truly believed that she had a chance.  The notion was purely comical, in her eyes.

Grace put her gun down on the bar and walked up to Sybil, looking her in her eyes.

"I'll fight you with my fists and show you how a rich girl fights.  I'm from a tough family too.  Except I didn't have to whore myself into one."

Sybil's laughter came to an abrupt end at the fraud's words, awakening something in her she wasn't sure she'd ever really felt in her lifetime.

"I'm not going to fight you, Grace.  No... we women have more sense than that.  Because, the truth is, I have no reason to fight you.  I've already won.  Now, why don't you pour us three a drink, hm?  I'm sure at least some of your skills are real, are they not?"

Grace, kept an eye on the two as she walked behind the bar and grabbed the spirits, pouring them each a glass as Polly lit up a cigarette.

"I see Sybil has proved me correct.  You fell for Tommy."


"And now you've proved Sybil correct.  I do pity you."

"I think he'll try to kill me." Grace confessed.

"He won't.  He's too soft."


"Soft.  Like you.  You saved his life the night the coppers came.  That's why we're drinking, not fighting.  We owe you.  Now, if he ever finds out that you held a gun at his beloved, then there would be a different story, but Sybil has always been an independent woman, and there's no doubt in my mind that she wants to handle this herself."

"What was he like?" Grace asked, ignoring the looming threats and choosing the delusion of that man she loved.  "Before France?"

"He laughed," Sybil answered, staring off into a patch of dust floating in the air for a moment.  "A lot.  He was always causing some sort of trouble... He loved playing football with his brothers, and he loved horses."

"And above all, he loved his little Sybil Day." Polly finished.  "He won medals, but he through them in the Cut.  Not a single man came back the same."

Grace paused, letting the words hit her like a train.

"You know, after all this is over, he might forgive you.  He'll never love you, and he never did, but he might forgive.  After all, there is something to be said about your skill.  Hell, he might even have use for you one day." the matriarch continued. "But I should tell you something.  I will never forgive you. I will never accept you, nor will I ever take you in.  And it's me who runs the business of the heart in this family.  And as far as I'm concerned, you're a snitch from the Parish."

"And if you're not gone from this city by tomorrow," Sybil began quietly.  "I'll kill you myself.  Now go.  And live with the knowledge that whatever he told you, whatever stories he spun for you, they were never real.  One day, I will be his wife, and you will be nothing, just as you always were from the moment you stepped foot in this establishment."

Grace stood from her chair and made her way to the door, before stopping and turning to the women once more.

"Maybe what really upsets you both is the thought that one day you might lose him."

"No," Sybil replied. "The only thought that upsets me is the one where I never had him to begin with. Goodbye, Grace."

The fraudulent barmaid stared at the woman for a moment, but Sybil didn't budge.  She held her chin up high, squared her shoulders, and stared right back into that fraud's eyes.  She deserved to see the face she'd made suffer unbothered.  She deserved a lot more than she got, and they both knew it. 

And without another word, Grace Burgess left the Garrison.  Hopefully, this time for good.

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