Twins of a water G-D Cyclops...

By RedSnow1997

48 0 0

Same but sequel More

A great sacrifice
Race ya to the top
The mysterious stepbrother
What Prophecy?!
The Oracle's story
Well here we go again
The boat
Let's get out of here!
His kind killed her
We are where we need to be
Kronos rises
Running head first into battle
Look at that we all get a happy ending after all! :)

Hermes G-D of the messenger

3 0 0
By RedSnow1997

We went with him into the next room. And we were in awe! Wow it's a whole place in here! Tyson stick close to me please? I said grabbing his hand. This is so cool. I said. I know right and next year we want it to be even bigger! Nothing is faster than Hermes G-D of the messenger after all. Yes you're fast, not to sound rude however, Mr. Hermes sir we are in a bit of rush. I mean we do have friends we need to save one of them being your son from his evil self.

Yes exactly, and do you mind telling me about that? I wish I knew I shrugged. He didn't tell you? There's so much Luke does tell me that he forgets to tell me the most important things aside from that he loves me every 10 secs. Like working for Hades to keep my alive and an evil version of himself. Other than that he tells me everything. This is not one of them. Then on his snake staff thing the snakes come to life and start complaining and arguing.

Well about and to Hermes, and with each other, but then turn to me and.... This must be Farrah. We've heard so much about you. She's much prettier in person. I blush, playing with my hair. T-thank you. Sweet girl, perhaps a little shy. Luke sure knows how to pick 'em. You have such a sculptured beautiful face, not a hair or skin flaw out of place. I think she's probably as pretty as Aphrodite. Not you two I blush harder. Hiding my face with my hands. Tyson Anna and Percy smirk. Percy pulls me close to him rubbing my shoulders. There, there.

I can hear you teasing me Perce. If Luke and Jack were here they'd agree he whispers into my ear. Percy you're not helping. Anna covers her mouth to hide back a chuckle. If you had been turned by our relatives you'd be the prettiest stone creature in the greenhouse. That's enough out of you both you're gonna scare the poor girl. Hermes says to them. Another worker takes the staff as they keep talking. Oh and we just love your hair. Why don't you both make yourselves useful and find a way to track down Luke.

Why? Do they have a death wish? I *gasp* and shudder. You're scaring her, he mumbles to them. You now exactly who this young girl is, she's Luke's girlfriend and Luke himself isn't evil you know that he had to steal the bolt to protect his girlfriend, and probably originally made a second Luke to help keep her protected, which means something bad must've happened when he did it. Are you saying this evil Luke is good Luke's doing? Well possibly. He writes me letters all the time, I eh hm haven't of course written back, but it's not like its by choice. He knows that.

He mentioned to me in a letter one time or another that for whatever reason should he not be around or something bad happens to him that he's not around to love and protect his girlfriend, so you that he'd make another him so there was always a Luke with you at all times, however it appears something has gone wrong and the other Luke is the "evil" version of Luke however, evil or not it seems he'd still never hurt Farrah or his friends. He's just angry with the G-Ds and G-Desses. But Farrah knows that, she knows he'd never hurt anyone, and that he loves her.

Well off you go. Please Mr. and Mrs. Snake I need your help. Do it for me? I ask stroking the tops of their heads. Now her I like. I hope she's around forever. I hope so too I giggle. Buh bye. And thank you I called after the guy who took them away. What a sweet girl she is. They're really very nice, just they're a bit much.... Aren't they Mr. Hermes? You could say that yes. Now back to the task at hand he says clasping his hands. Now about Luke, I've tried reaching out to him. There are certain parts of him that perhaps he never shows you but he's just so angry and holds a grudge like its the end of the world.

Now the way you talk about him, makes it seem like I have no idea what I'm talking about and maybe I'm wrong, but not all of him is good. But that doesn't mean that Luke is a bad guy you all know that. He's a sweet kid.... Most of the time, not that I would know he's sweet with everyone else just not with the us G-D like folk. Much less myself, and I blame myself and the rules. I wish things were different. Yeah no kidding, if it weren't for the explanations and my sister that he wouldn't be "one of my favorite people" either. I mean that in the sarcastic sense of course. But as far as good nice Luke goes he's still not my favorite person and me his, but he makes my sister happy, and he is one of good friends. I just don't want my sister to get hurt. Physically or emotionally.

I bet you've been through enough of that one already haven't ya little lady? Yes sir. Well if you are gonna fight "Luke" and save, well Luke. You're gonna need this. What's this it's a canister of winds you unscrew the lid and all the winds of the four corners of the world are unleashed. He says handing said container to Anna, who tries to open it. No wait! Not in here! Anna doesn't finish opening it. You know what it could do to everything in here if you open that thing indoors?

And you're gonna want one of these. What's that? It looks like mystical box wrapping sticky tape Percy says. I'm wounded, not in here also but if you outline anything with it, the object will disappear. Wow! Again not in here this is an outside the factory "toy" and its not a toy to begin with, but don't use it on anything in here. When the snakes come back they tells us where we can find the Luke's. Why thank you both you've been too kind. I kiss the sides of their heads.

She's sweet. Yeah can we keep 'er boss? Yeah can we can we can we? They beg. That's not up to me, it's up to Luke. Or rather to her if she stays after all she's out of his league. But they are a perfect match for each other. I'd say my Luke is a perfect example of a gold hearted bad boy. Thanks funny that's the kind of guys she likes. Hush up. I nudge Percy. Thank you Hermes so much for your help. Any time, but if you could do me a big favor, when you see Luke remind him that I love him, and that parents make mistakes all the time that he has every right to be angry with me, just not to be angry with the whole world. Not that he ever shows that side of himself to you. I can clearly see.

You do realize Mr. Jackson that if they are in this for the long game that you will have to live with Luke all your life. Yes sir. Well then he slaps Percy on the shoulder in that fatherly way. Happy journeys, safe travels good health est. I hope to see you both again and possibly forever if and probably when it comes down to it. Well then you might as well get used to calling me your daughter in law. Gladly. I suppose that makes you my son in law. That's not necessary, Percy shakes his head. Percy don't be rude. Nah, Hermes says giving one of those whatever hand gestures. Someday just not today.

Ok, well thanks again but let's get going now. Bye. Farewell my little friends. BTW he calls out to us. If there's one thing I've learned in my 3,000 years its that you can never give up on family. Remember that it will do you good. Thanks. Don't worry we won't. Soon we arrive to a dock to the place where Luke's yacht should be sailing away. There it is that's it that's Luke's yacht. The boat itself is called something else but between me and Luke he named it after me. Your human name or your Demi G-D name? Does it matter? He named a boat after me. Man its been forever since I was last on that boat.

You've been on it? Plenty of times. A week a month during the time I'm in camp we get permission to take our weekly cruise around. And it's just us and its always perfect. My Luke is on that ship somewhere along with the evil version and Jack and Grover. That's great but how do we get out there to "your" boat? Its water ISK about you but I can swim there no problem, and Tyson can help me get dad to help us. Tyson starts down the ladder, then I follow down after him, he takes my hand at the bottom and helps me down onto the piece of wood below.

Percy warns us not to get our hopes up when dad doesn't respond, but when Tyson tries he's able to get something out of it. THIS is another reason I was taking him with me. He is part sea nymph after all. Maybe he has better connection with the ocean spirits, and dad. What about you? BTW I'm not like a merman or anything, so how did you become a mermaid? I'm actually not sure on that one. But I'm glad that I am. I put my bag down. And take my shoes off putting them into my bag.

What are you doing? Getting in the water. What does it look like I'm doing. Something appears in the water after Tyson asks dad for his help. And we are all surprised when a giant sea like horse appears out of the water. The horse creature looks at Percy and I and nudges against Percy like a big dog. Tyson and Anna get on its back. Are you coming she asks us. The giant horse like thing starts zooming off into the water like a dolphin. As I laugh and speed up next to it. Yeah this more like it! Woo Whoo! I cheer. Luke here we come.

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