Against All Odds.. (Raekkuno)

By Icantdoshitright

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Grade 12 is the most important year for both Thomas and Rachell. The two both had goals to pursue during thei... More

Chapter 1: A Rough Day
Chapter 2: A Brutal Interaction
Chapter 3: The Tutor
Chapter 5: The Amigops
Chapter 6: Get To Know Me
Chapter 7: Funny Seeing You Here!
Chapter 8: Confused Feelings
Chapter 9: A Dead Part Of Me..
Chapter 10: Is This Flirting?
Chapter 11: The Coffee Shop
Chapter 12: Oh, So It's Not A Date?
Chapter 13: A Mirrored Jealousy
Chapter 14: 1 Heart, Two Boys
Chapter 15: A Ride Of Emotions
Chapter 16: A Craved Feeling.
Chapter 17: A Christmas Tradition
Chapter 18: Feelings
Chapter 19: The Party
Chapter 20: My Love
Chapter 21: Let It Rain
Chapter 22: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 23: A Mess.

Chapter 4: Do You Really Care?

459 16 0
By Icantdoshitright

Rae pov

Today has already been a rough day.. My mom and I had got into an argument and haven't forgiven each other yet, we don't get along so well to be honest, especially after she divorced my dad everything just seemed to change drastically.
Today I woke up late, I was pretty grumpy, and so was my mom, we got into an argument and then she just dropped me off at school. I was greeted by Isaiah who was by himself.

"Sup Rae?" Isaiah spoke, he glanced at me, and my moms car who was just leaving, "What's up with you and your mom?"
I chuckled and nervously, not really wanting to talk about it. I spontaneously moved a strand of hair behind my ear, "you noticed already?"

"Of course I did," he rubbed my back, "you're like my best friend, how could I not notice?" He grinned, and butterflies swarmed my stomach.

"We just got into a lil' argument, that's all." I shrugged and continued walking with him.

"Come on, it is a blessing, and a curse that I know when you're troubled."

I laughed, "really, that's all that happened.. but I might be stressing out because I'm failing almost all my classes though."

"Shit, really? That's tough."

I clicked my tongue, "sure is, I just need to make time in my day to do all the missing work, you think you could come over today?"

Before Isaiah could respond to me, a boy can up to me with a rose in his hand, and was suited in a white tuxedo. He looked flustered, and he extended his hand out to me, gesturing to take the beautiful flower. I looked at Isaiah, hoping this boy wasn't gonna do what I knew he was about to do. Isaiah smiled mischievously as I collected the rose from the boy in front of me and I looked at him concerned, "May I help you..?" 

He gulped and pushed up his glasses, he also pulled out a small paper and began reading from it, "R-Raechel, ever since I laid my eyes on you I-I haven't been able to feel quite the same. M-My heart beats faster every single t-time I glance.. Or, gaze at you. A-And I just wanted to ask you i-if you wanted to-" Before he could finish his sentence, Asher popped out behind him and shoved him to the floor.

My eyes widened in shock they did that so flawlessly, they laughed hysterically, and gained a crowd around us. I could hear others laughing as they circled, or were just passing through the halls. "Come on guys.." I spoke, feeling guilty for they boy on the floor.

"No!" Isaiah gasped for air, as laughing so hard took his breath away, "The timing was too good!" I rolled my eyes, whatever was happening was not funny. I looked down at the boy and the laughing grew. I grabbed the boys hand and pulled him up 'till he was standing sternly on his feet, he looked me in the eyes, "So will you-"

Realizing what he was about to do, and not wanting him to get embarrassed again, I just cut him off straight away, "I'm alright, not really trying to date anyone right now." 

"Come on!" He angrily shouted, "What does this guy even do for you?" He said pointing to Isaiah, "I could do way better." He insisted.

"Sorry I said-"

"Yeah dude," Isaiah cut me off, "she said no, so why don't you just shove off?"

The boy, slightly scared walked away disappearing into the crowd that had been formed, and was followed by some people who were recording.
I sighed and parked myself at my locker, "Now was that necessary?" I said as I leaned on the metallic and squeaky door, smirking at Isaiah.

He sighed and prepared what he was gonna say, "Listen, I don't mind it. You know constantly these boys try shooting their shot with you, and I let it happen, whatever. But I did not know that Asher was gonna go up behind him and push him down." He chuckled as his memories came back to him.

"uhuh.." I grinned, trying to mess with him.

"Serious, but honestly I could respect that dude for respecting you, you know? I mean most dudes just go up to you and straight up ask to fuck, its honestly disgusting."

"I know!" I exclaimed in agreement, "like I am a real person, not here specifically for their presence."

"I think you should play one of them, you'll feel a lot better, trust me!" He laughed.

"Play one of them? I.. no, I wouldn't."

He chuckled, "never living on the edge huh? You're still the same you from middle school."

"Well yeah, but that's not the point, I just don't want any drama. And for your information, I am not the same little ego deflated girl from middle school. I actually am confident now!" I flipped my hair in a jokingly manner.
We shared a laugh as the bell rang. Lockers shutting filled the halls, and then loud laughter. We turned to the source of laughter and it was a boy named Thomas and his friends.
I only know him from Middle School, he lended me a pencil and we exchanged some small talk, back then he was honestly the only person who was nice to me. Maybe we would've been friends, but right after is when Isaiah befriended me.
"Well look, it's the freak friends..!" Isaiah announced to everyone in the hall, we watched them as they slowly walked by. Isaiah stuck his foot out and tripped a boy with circular glasses.
He fell flat onto his chest, and groaned in pain. Isaiah put his shoe onto the boys back trying to prove his dominance, I bent down to help him, and then Isaiah looked at me sternly, his face said it all, 'why are you ruining my moment?' I looked at him and was honestly disappointing, he sighed and took his shoe off him, and I began to help the boy up. Isaiah chuckled as he looked down at the boy like he was nothing to him.
He stood up and was swarmed by his two friends who were checking him, making sure he was ok. I waved bye and walked with Isaiah to Homeroom.
"Rae, now why did you help that boy up?" Isaiah asked, he looked like he was trying to hide his anger under a fake smile.

"Sorry Isaiah, I know you like causing trouble to others but honestly, that's just not me, and I can't bear seeing other in harms way. Seeing that guy on the floor in pain, just seemed so wrong for me not to do anything about it."

"Oh Rae, you're so soft." He laughed.

"Maybe." I admitted, "but I don't think it's really being soft, I think it's just caring for others."

"Ah yes, something I cannot do." He grinned and looked at me, "hey, and if I do that again, can you not help them? Not to be rude, but I'm not gonna be mean to you in front of everyone..! It just made me look a little weak that's all."

"Well just don't hurt people in front of me."
He sighed and bit his lip, debating whether he should argue or not, he glanced at me and just gave in, "that's fine."
I had finished homeroom, and also English so my friends and I 

"So rae~!" Isaiah's girlfriend, Jessica called out, I looked to the opposite side of the hall, and rolled eyes as I grew annoyed great I thought to myself, "we're throwing a party at mine for my birthday!"

I stood there confused, and then giggled to myself, "but isn't your birthday in like 2 months?" I asked.

"Well yeah, but I wanna plan everything out! And your the best person to do it with!"
Welp shit..

Before I could respond, she began talking again, "The little nerd is alone again, how sad..!" She said making a sad puppy face, obviously not caring for Thomas ahead of us.

We walked near him in order to get to our class, and of course they had to say something to him, "By yourself again? Get some friends Thomas. Geez, it's senior year dude! You wouldn't want to be alone again." Isaiah announced. I bit my lip, so many things I wanted to say that were at the tip of my tongue, but Isaiah's words from earlier were the only thing holding me back

"Yeah, you can't just stand here in the halls alone this year." Isaiah wrapped his arm around his girlfriend who was speaking to him in a needy way, "I mean, we would invite you to hang out with us, but you could barely have a conversation with someone."
I saw him look down, he didn't have the confidence to stand up for himself. Another friend of mine laughed, "come on, bell is about to ring." Just as Isaiah said that the bell rang.
I stayed back a little and now that Isaiah was gone, I was gonna tell the boy something nice, and to not worry about them. But as soon as I was about to open my mouth these words replayed in my head, "hey, and if I do that again, can you not help them? Not to be rude, but I'm not gonna be mean to you in front of everyone! It just made me look a little weak that's all."

I stood there awkwardly debating if I should say anything or not, but I just went back to my friend's.
Waves of guilt crashed on me, am I rude for that?
I regretted walking away and every step I took I felt horrible.
Isaiah and I had science next, and the rest of our friends had math. We began walking down the halls to science, we were already gonna be tardy so we just took our time. Unfortunately, where we started in the halls, the science class room was all the way on the other side of campus, so that sucked.
"Hey Rae? You think you could do me a favor?" Isaiah asked.

"Depends, what do you need?"

"Well, it's not a big favor, I just want you to grab a blank piece of paper, and some tape. Ok?"

My suspicions rised and I looked him up and down, "and what will you be using this for?"

"Just to pull a quick prank. Don't worry, it's just on one of the boys." He chuckled.

"Yeah right," I scoffed, "we've been friends since middle school, 7th grade, and you think you can just say a flat out lie like that?"

"I have before." He laughed as I hit him playfully on his back, "just please do it though..!"

After staring at him for a few seconds I just gave in, "whatever, just don't drag me into what you're doing."

"I won't, but it'll be funny." He smirked.
I was in science messing with the paper and tape Isaiah requested, don't know why he couldn't just do it himself though. Maybe it's because he was in the front row of the class and I was in the back.
"Thomas!" A boy sort of whisper-yelled to his friend who was day dreaming, "Y-Yes?" He answered.
Everyone around him laughed, "Thomas, stay with me after class." The teacher said.
Everyone oohed, "what happened?" He asked, genuinely looking confused. I just rolled my eyes, what an attention seeker.

"You are not paying attention in my class! I'm not in the mood for horseplay today!"

"Ma'am please! I'm sorry, m-my parents will kill me if I have a bad report!" Thomas pleaded.

"Yeah come on teach! Lay off on the dude. His 210% grade is gonna get taken back down to 209%!" Isaiah mocked.
Everyone laughed again, he looked around embarrassed as laughter surrounded him.
"Isaiah, keep your mouth shut if you don't wanna get sent to detention. As I said I'm not in the mood today, and Thomas, since I know you're not a bad student, I'll let this slide."
He sighed in relief and sat back against his chair, and Isiah snickered once more.
I looked over at Isaiah who was talking to one of the other boys of our group.
The thought of his favor entered my head, so I grabbed the tape from my desk that I had stole from the teacher and extended it out the roll exposing the volume of the noise.
Multiple people turned back towards me. She didn't notice so I just pulled out my phone and began scrolling before getting caught.
"Excuse me Raechel, but this isn't break. Turn off your phone right now, or I'll have it keep it till the end of class."

"Is it really that important?" I said annoyed, an shopping she'd leave me alone.

The teacher scoffed, "I didn't wanna have to do this, but Raechel; You're failing this class terribly! I can't tell if it's because you don't wanna do the work or if it's because you can't!"

I just rolled my eyes and looked back at my phone.
My teacher clicked her tongue, she walked over to me and the phone was placed in her hand. "Stay with me after class."

"Damn. She's feisty today," Isaiah said as he stared at the teacher who was walking back to her desk, "sorry!" He whispered.
I flipped him off and he chuckled to himself.
As class came to an end I was called to the teachers desk. I was told that I would be tutored, "tutored by who?" I asked.
She looked around the room and called a boy named Thomas up. I groaned, I bet neither of us wanted to be apart of this.
And throughout the day, that's all I could think of, and since I didn't wanna do tutoring here at school, he suggested to go to my house. This guy is so dumb if he thinks he's gonna hook up with me.
Some people say I'm extremely cocky, and that I have the largest ego; but what can I say? Everyone is like sharks and I'm just a little fish. I wouldn't wanna fall for somebody and then they tell me 'oh yeah, what we had wasn't serious. It was just for the hell of it.'
That's why I haven't really made friends after Isaiah. He basically saved me, I was abandoned and alone and he included me in everything he did. It felt nice that someone wasn't just out to get me.
At my house with Thomas, I was feeling a bit odd about him. But I was just preparing myself to reject him, I didn't wanna be tutored, so I just threw all my homework at him, I do feel bad honestly. Cuz he did get pounded in the head with a dodgeball, I helped with that, or tried to atleast. I felt something there for a second once I looked into his eyes, but I just blocked it out.
After hearing from my mom that my dad was visiting, I tried to rush Thomas out, without making it obvious I wanted him to leave. "Sorry Thomas, you're gonna have to leave." I said genuinely bummed out he couldn't show me the way of Valorant.

"That's fine, I'll just get a ride home!" He smiled joyfully.

"Good, you know, before we get too attached."

"Uhuh.." he chuckled, "Alright I'll see you later then."

"Yeah.. see you Thomas!"
He began walking away, but suddenly he turned back towards me.
"And uh, if you ever need anyone to talk to, you just text me.. Your information wouldn't be going anywhere. Not even to my 'little nerds'"
He laughed.
I smirked in awe, "thanks, but I really think you should get going now, my dad has never been easy with me, especially when it comes to boys."

"Yeah, of course, I'll go." He turned beginning to walk away, but then I spoke.
"Actually, I need to ask you something.."

"That's fine, what is it?" He said with a comforting grin on his face.

"Why don't you ever stand up for yourself?" I asked hoping not to offend him.

"oh.." He said softly, realizing it was more of a touchy subject, "well, I guess I've never found the confidence too.. But it's whatever, after all, it is just highschool. And once we graduate nothing will matter anymore, but is that all?"

"Yeah.." I cleared my throat, "see you later."

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, right? Same time?"

"Sure.. we can do that." I smiled. He waved bye to me and walked away. I sat on my bed thinking about what had just happened.
He seemed nice, but I shouldn't get too attached
I lied down and pulled out my phone. I sighed, and then tried to remember the last time someone has ever spoke to me in such a way as he did. Not even Isaiah has treated me in a way, for such a long time.
I pushed the thought away, and tried not to think anymore about it. Yet, it just kept roaming my mind.
Why would Isaiah pick on Thomas? He seems like a good guy, I don't think Thomas has ever hurt or said anything mean to anyone. Maybe they have a bad past together or something, I don't think Isaiah would just pelt Thomas is his face with a dodgeball just for fun. I know sometimes he does things that he thinks funny but are not.. I'll talk to him later.
Right as I thought that my phone had chimed from a notification. I checked it instantly, but it was just Thomas.

I don't know you might not trust me but being alone sucks
Especially when you don't have someone to talk to
I don't know if you talk to your friends about your problems, but if you don't, then I'm here to listen
I promise none of your information is going anywhere

I smiled to myself once I saw the message, but could I really trust this guy? This is the only person I've actually had a conversation with and gave my number on the first day of us hanging out. How could I be sure that he wasn't just trying to play me? Does he really care?

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