The Love of a Crow - Wesper/C...

By ameteurgamercom

109K 2.9K 4.3K

Welcome back to Ketterdam; it is still the same greasy Barrel Bucket you remember it as, but this time someth... More

1. Introduction
2. Matthias
5. Jesper
7. Jesper
8. Matthias
9. Jesper
10. Kaz
11. Kaz
12. Wylan
13. Matthias
17. Kaz
19. Wylan
20. Kaz
21. Jesper
22. Matthias
23. Wylan
24. Nina
25. Jesper
26. Inej
27. Kaz
28. Wylan
29. Inej
30. Wylan
31. Nina
32. Jesper
33. Jesper
34. Kaz
35. Inej
36. Kaz
37. Nina
38. Jesper
39. Jesper
40. Wylan
41. Kaz


2.4K 93 212
By ameteurgamercom

A/N: Holy... we've made it! I'm gonna have a huge thank you at the end, so I'll make this short and sweet, but to all those who won't stick around for that, thank you so much for everything, all the stars and comments and even just the reads. We have lived of Wesper breadcrumbs for too long and I'm so happy I could summon the fandom to here! I hope you enjoy this very special chapter! :)

Van Eck:

Night seemed to fall faster nowadays in the rich streets of Ketterdam. The streets that Van Eck had helped build from the ground, the streets that had soaked up sweat and tears into its cobbles to become the prosperous city it was today. His city. The one he would pass on to his heir... well, the only true heir.

But times had become darker, and Van Eck's high hopes for his future heir were often corrupted with the ghosts left behind by his old one. Wylan had been more of a problem than he was worth, and the amount of money Van Eck would have saved if he had just gotten rid of him along with his mother... Every good businessman had regrets, but Van Eck had fixed his promptly.

Wylan Hendricks (he was certainly no Van Eck) was dead, shot in the chest by one of his own men a few months ago. He had watched the body fall, had seen the limp boy on the hard ground, had witnessed the look of horror from the Zemeni boy, and he had relished in it. Finally, all his problems had been solved. Van Eck no longer had to worry about passing over his legacy to a dunce of a son, and Brekker was smart enough to keep his mouth shut for now...

Brekker. That was the one mystery he still couldn't quite figure out. Why had he taken the body of his son from its resting place? Why not leave it there to rot, or to be chucked into Reaper's Barge? The whole idea of Brekker having the corpse made Van Eck uneasy, as if he were missing some part of this puzzle. No matter. Business was business, and if he focused on every moot point he would never move forward.

So why in Ghezen's name had he agreed to meet Brekker now? Van Eck pondered his decision as his carriage rolled to a stop, and the heavily-paid driver opened the door for him. Accompanying him were only two guards, one of which had been the one to shoot the wretch; he thought it would bring a strange irony to the meeting.

As promised by his men, the streets were deserted, with not so much as a cat daring to make an appearance. The moon cast its bright gaze over withered shadows, as if awakening something deep in the rough and shuttered streets. Ahead lay the large, stone structure known as the Exchange, the statues cast in darkness, the windows obviously empty of their daytime occupants. If prying eyes had dared to make an appearance they would find themselves turned out of Ketterdam.

Van Eck made a silent promise to himself as he passed beneath the sign depicting the words Enjent, Voorhent, Almhent; he would never come back to this place at night. Thought it may crawl with the well-bred, respectable merchants by day, it was another world at night. A world of thieves and spies and secrets. A world his disgrace of a son had fallen into, Van Eck grimaced as another dark figure came into view.


"Well, Brekker. You have dragged me across the city, unarmed, with no reason as to why I should be here. I hope you have a good reason, since I'm all ears." Van Eck started the conversation between him and the boy. Because that was what he was; a boy, barely older than Wylan (though this one was probably able to say the alphabet!). Though Brekker hid behind his opaque gloves and intricately carved twig, he was a pawn in a much larger game of chess. The Barrel would always remain below the Financials, and that would never change. No matter who was at the helm of the ship.

"I was worried you'd backed out, Van Eck. What was it you said again? Ah yes... 'We're both busy men'." Brekker replied tartly. Van Eck only grinned.

"You are correct, Mr Brekker. Does that mean you were too busy for a burial? Did my son end up at the bottom of the canal anyway?"

Brekker's mouth twitched, and Van Eck was surprised the words didn't have a better effect on him. "Not quite, but he certainly gave it his best shot."

Van Eck scowled; why did his life always have to be haunted by the little moron?

"I trust you did not invite me to reminisce about my son, did you Brekker?"

"Actually, I did. After all, he and I both agree there is much to discuss."

"Well, you should have..." he felt the colour drain from his face. "Wha... what did you say?"

"It seems your son is bolder than you give him credit for, Van Eck. He decided he'd rather be free to see the look on your face right now than have to hide right under your nose."

The words had entered his mind, but they wouldn't unscramble. What was Brekker saying? That his son, the one he had put a bullet in, was alive?! How many times would he have to kill him to finally be free?

No. Van Eck wouldn't have to kill him again. Because it was obvious the Barrel scum was lying. A cheap bluff, one he had almost fell for, but Van Eck was no fool, and he wouldn't let a lie from the Bastard of the Barrel faze him.

"A fun little story, I must admit. Did you write it on his tombstone? Recite it as your sprinkled his ashes? My son is weak, Brekker. He is beneath even the rats in your Club, and now he is six feet beneath, no matter what you tell me. I know what I saw."

Brekker shrugged. "Well if all you needed was a demonstration..." he raised a gloved hand and clicked his fingers. One second. Then the world caught on fire.

A bright light had Van Eck blinded, before the sound followed, a low, deafening howl echoing across the courtyard. As his eyes focused Van Eck just managed to see explosion after explosion going up in the air, and he braced himself, preparing for the walls to crumble, to suffocate him... but there was nothing. Fireworks, he realised. Explosive and deadly, yet fireworks. But there was only one person he believed could come up with the formula for-


"How... how is it possible?" Van Eck muttered to himself, ignoring the blubbering guards and Kaz Brekker's smug grin.

"What can I say? I always make the right investments."

Van Eck laughed bitterly, his his calm facade cracked at the seams. "So what do you want, Brekker? Money? Land? I would still pay well for you to bring him to me. Where is he?"

"I'd assume he's long gone now."

"WHERE IS HE?!" Van Eck shrieked. He couldn't let this happen, wouldn't let this happen. His legacy depended on his next move.

"If you want your son dead you can go and find some suicidal maniac that you want dead to take a whack at it, and one of my Crows will bring back his corpse for you. But you've lost Wylan. He's one of mine now."

"Alright. Then I'm paying for your silence-"

"Not going to happen, Van Eck." Kaz cut him off, and Van Eck began to lose his patience.

"Fine, fine. I'll leave Wy... my son to you, and neither of us will ever speak his last name again, and I'll give you the deal of a lifetime."

"What sort of deal?" Brekker muttered curiously.

Van Eck's grin was wolffish. "Have you ever heard of the Ice Court?"

Far into the distance, hidden just out of sight, two boys huddled together in a small stone alcove. One shivered every time he heard a noise, whilst the other was still grinning like an idiot.

"It worked, merchling. You should see his face right now; it's priceless!"

The second boy perked up immediately. "Move! I want to see!" He shoved past the first and allowed his head of copper curls to observe the aftermath of his 'firebombs'. They seemed to have the desired effect on his ex-father, as he looked pale as a ghost.

"Careful, Sunshine, we wouldn't want that pretty head of yours blown off before I do this, now would we?" As he said it the taller boy leaned forward and kissed the second boy's neck, who blushed crimson.

"I still can't believe Kaz agreed to this, Jes." He muttered as the kisses went from neck to cheek. The boy, Jes, turned the second around so they were closer, both pressed into the cool stone of the alcove.

"Yeah, well he hates to look like an idiot, and he might as well give you a confidence boost while he's at it."

"What do you think's taking them so long?"

Jes grinned. "They can take as long as they like if it means I get to spend more time with you, Wy."

Wy kissed his cheek before yawning. "Sorry, I'm just tired."

"Ah, too many late nights with me have taken their-"

"JESPER!" Wy hissed. Jesper only laughed.

"Oh come on you know you love it, Sunshine!"

Wy rolled his eyes before muttering into Jesper's chest; "Fine. I love it."

"I love you too, merchling."

Both boys froze, their hearts freezing. The alcove became so quiet they could hear the conversation happening beyond the wall of stone. Jesper began to retract his arms away from Wylan's, praying to any Saints left that the boy hadn't heard him.

"What did you say?" Wylan whispered. Shit. So he had heard.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I was merely admiring the lovely weather we've been having." Jesper spluttered.

"You... you said you loved me-"

"No I didn't! No I didn't! It wasn't... I... uh..."

Jesper was about to blurt out a better excuse when he saw his merchling's face. Wylan was wiping tears from his eyes, scrubbing at his face hurriedly. Jesper hesitated, before taking both of Wylan's hands in his own.

"Wy?" He said gently. Wylan froze, before he suddenly jumped forward, wrapping his arms around Jesper's shoulders and kissing him hard on the lips. Jesper stumbled into the dead end, before realising what was happening and remembering to kiss back. Saints, he would never get used to his boyfriend's soft lips, nor the rising, falling sensation that devoured him as he stroked the curve of Wylan's neck, never wanting to let go.

When Wylan eventually pulled back Jesper was left in a daze, a rare blush gracing his dark cheeks. Wylan stared him dead in the eyes, nerves coursing through every fibre in his body, but if Jesper was ready, then Wylan wouldn't hide it anymore.

"I love you, Jes. It may have taken me falling off a boat to realise it, but I love you."

Oh. Jesper certainly hadn't been expecting that. But he wasted no time in pulling his Sunshine closer to him again, relishing the feeling of Wylan's warm body next to his.

"What can I say? I'm irresistible." He smirked as Wylan playfully punched him.

"So am I! Because of you I owe Kaz twenty kruge!" He said indignantly.

"May I ask why?"

"I thought I'd never be able to make you blush, but Kaz said it wouldn't take very long." Wylan smiled, and if Jesper was able to capture it and treasure it close to his heart forever like a diamond ring then he would. They were each other's everything, and Jesper wouldn't give that up for all the kruge in Kerch. He had found his home, not at a gambling table, but in the safe arms of the boy he adored, and who needed anything other than that?

"Come on you lovebirds, Van Eck's leaving, we have to move!" A familiar voice piped up from around the corner. "You can snog each other later."

Wylan blushed as they shuffled out of the alcove, and Jesper grinned.

"Looks like you're still our leading blusher, Wy." He said as they crept away, hand in hand.

"Shut up." Wylan muttered.

"Anything for you, Sunshine. Anything for you."


Final Word Count: 84067 words

A/N: And that's all people! Once again, thank you for everything, I'm about to go all sappy, so if you're not interested please feel free to move on with your day!

I just want to give special thanks to @AG_DN07 for pushing me to post my story, which is absolute CRAP compared to hers! Bestie, your comments and support from the start was unbelievable and amazing (even when you'd disappear for a millennium!). 

I also want to thank @bitchishere_ who randomly popped up one day and whose comment battles and jokes made this a thousand times better! And yes, you may have not always been early to a chapter but just showing up meant the world to me!

This is my first full story I've ever completed, and the amount of PAIN it put me through makes it hard to believe it's a fan fiction! I have been threatened, locked in an imaginary basement and apparently broken enough hearts and eaten enough waffles for a lifetime! But writing keeps me alive when nothing else does, so a short message to my future self; DON'T STOP! 

Once again, I hope you have a good day/night, and a good life, since I may not see any of you again, but I hope to see a lot of you around sometimes, and I hope you enjoyed! Bye! :)

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