A Prince of Dathomir (Darth M...

By Kimageddon

20.3K 1.4K 371

Darth Maul's fate was all but set the moment Darth Sidious stole the child away from Dathomir. He was indoctr... More

Memory - Part 1
Memory - Part 2
Dreams - Part 1
Dreams - Part 2
Intent - Part 1
Intent - Part 2
Conviction - Part 1
Conviction - Part 2
Contracted - Part 1
Contracted - Part 2
First - Part 1
First - Part 2
Reputation - Part 2
Reputation - Part 2
Concordia - Part 1
Concordia - Part 2
Reunion - Part 1
Reunion - Part 2
Fate - Part 1
Fate - Part 2
Training - Part 1
Training - Part 2
Apprentice - Part 1
Apprentice - Part 2
Update of Chapter Edits
Tested - Part 1
Tested - Part 2
Disobedience - Part 1
Disobedience - Part 2
Padawan - Part 1
Padawan - Part 2
Kaitis - Part 1
Kaitis - Part 2
Reconnect - Part 1
Reconnect - Part 2
Enslaved - Part 1
Enslaved - Part 2
Broken - Part 1
Broken - Part 2
Emancipation - Part 1
Emancipation - Part 2
Return - Part 1
Return - Part 2
Recovery - Part 1
Recovery - Part 2
Clouded - Part 1
Clouded - Part 2
Kamino - Part 1
Kamino - Part 2
Madness - Part 1
Madness - Part 2
Signal - Part 1
Signal - Part 2
Q&A - 50 Chapter Celebration
Lost - Part 1
Lost - Part 2
Home - Part 1
Home - Part 2
Brothers - Part 1
Brothers - Part 2
Duel - Part 1
Duel - Part 2
Ritual - Part 1
Ritual - Part 2
Successor - Part 1
Successor - Part 2
Arrangements - Part 1
Arrangements - Part 2
Infiltrated - Part 1
Infiltrated - Part 2
Bide - Part 1
Bide - Part 2
Sleeper - Part 1
Sleeper - Part 2
War - Part 1
Instructor - Part 1
Instructor - Part 2
Phantoms - Part 1
Phantoms - Part 2
Amends - Part 1
Amends - Part 2
Proven - Part 1
Proven - Part 2
Radical - Part 1
Radical - Part 2
Sister - Part 1
Sister - Part 2
Downtime - Part 1
Downtime - Part 2
Consequences - Part 1
Consequences - Part 2
Guilt - Part 1
Guilt - Part 2
Invasion - Part 1
Invasion - Part 2
Mistakes - Part 1
Mistakes - Part 2
Escaped - Part 1
Escaped - Part 2
Together - Part 1
Q&A - 100 Chapter Celebration!
Together - Part 2
Afterglow - Part 1
Afterglow - Part 2
Junked - Part 1
Junked - Part 2
Nightsisters - Part 1
Nightsisters - Part 2
Selection - Part 1
Selection - Part 2
Monster - Part 1
Monster - Part 2
Witches - Part 1
Witches - Part 2
Shockwaves - Part 1
Shockwaves - Part 2
Family - Part 1
Family - Part 2
Hunt - Part 1
Hunt - Part 2
3 Year Anniversary Q&A
Interference - Part 1

War - Part 2

112 4 2
By Kimageddon

TW: Mentions of violence and death

Chaos. Screaming. Blaster fire.

The red dust kicked up around them the deafening sound of thousands of wings beating and buzzing all around them. Voices calling for blood. Cheers in some language she didn't know. She stood beside her employer, the large man in the black cloak... There was fighting going on below, creatures and people, some kind of large open space.

Suddenly there was a familiar hiss and a glowing beam of a lightsaber blade appeared before her, but it was an unusual colour... purple? A quick glance and Boba was beside her, safe. But the threat from the Jedi was very imminent. She wasn't worried though... it was just one Jedi-- but then she noticed more laser swords out of the corner of my eye, in blues and greens. More of them! So many! She stayed still, this will have to be done with care, one wrong move-- but she remained confident, she could take this one!

The uneasy tension was broken and suddenly chaos exploded again, the wings of the creatures around her screamed in her ears and she wished she had her helmet on to block it. Amid the madness her employer nodded his head and she jammed her hemlet on, ready to fight this Jedi scum! She shot into the air, keeping control of the battle by making or closing the distance. She used all the tools at her disposal and fought bravely against the offending Force-wielder. She saw an opportunity... the beast was wearing the Jedi down... She had to strike, but the big horned creature she had seen earlier knocked her down and ran right over her. She jumped up, firing on the Jedi, he was getting closer, she had to blast out of there -- wait! The jetpack wasn't responding! Suddenly there was a burning sensation at her neck, and the world spun. She fell to the ground, looking up to see silver and blue armour... but there was no helmet... where was the helmet?


Zaiya awoke with a gasp, her gaze scanned the room immediately for threats-- none... the room was empty and dark. She reached over and flicked the small lamp on, the light was a warm hue compared to the usual cold light of the overhead panels. She took a deep breath, the dreams were getting worse since the Ritual. The tanyz'une powder had done something and she felt different since then. Was it the vision she'd seen? It was maddening... trying to recall such vastness was in vain, she knew this but... still it burned in her... that there was something there and she might just be at the fringes of such knowledge. Though... seeing through Jango's eyes was disconcerting... and frightening. She didn't want that fate for him... though how was she to change it beyond what she had already said?

"When the Jedi come, take Boba and go..." was what she'd said... but the dream-- or vision, whatever it could be called, felt more tangible this time, more focused. Perhaps she could add more detail and hope that he would listen to her warning.

It wasn't just the dream, of course. Something was coming, of that she was sure, she'd felt it in the Force since Zygerria... now it felt like the calm before the storm, though more accurately it now it felt like the winds had begun to pick up. Jango had been back a short while, Boba had calmed down about Zam... but the both of them still mourned in their own way. Zaiya had taken charge in regard to training the ARCs in order to give him time to grieve, but she didn't think Jango minded so much. There had only been a few sessions now, and Jango's distanced state wasn't the only thing she noticed. She had begun paying closer attention to how they ran the gauntlet. They were far better than they were previously and even Havoc had been able to give directions around the facility from memory. She was proud of them, impressed by them... but what Jango had said was bothering her. Was she expecting too much of them? She was sure Talzin would have had her run something like this at least twenty times in a day... and while poison gases flooded the chamber. The boys seemed alright, their emotions seemed relatively normal , they weren't angrier or more miserable than anything she had noticed. She certainly didn't want them to be miserable. Though she didn't notice that they seemed pleased either. It shouldn't matter because she wasn't here to make friends. So why was she thinking about it so much?


The heavy feeling settled in her chest all day, and even the troopers had noticed her distraction, especially when she did not respond to the comments from the soldiers she usually bantered with.

"Are you well?" Alpha's gruff tone cut through her thoughts at one point, Zaiya knew it must be because she was performing poorly than genuine concern, he barely knew her after all.

"'M fine," she muttered with a frown, if she was so bad to the point Alpha had to say something she really had to get it together, this was ridiculous.

"You look like you're about to jump the railing and stab one of them," Alpha snorted, "this one of your new techniques?" Zaiya looked up, startled.

"What? No, why would I--" she began, only to see him smirking at her. He was trying to bring her out of it on purpose by stirring her up. "Well played," she says with a flat look. He let out a huff, folding his arms across his broad chest. She wondered if she should ask him about what Jango said. About whether she was pushing them too hard. Alpha would be the one to know his brother's limits best. But then, she was meant to be the instructor... If she doubted herself, what respect could she expect from others? Then again... if she said nothing, and she was indeed harming the men, there would be no respect to gain. Perhaps then...

She shifted to speak to Alpha again when her eyes widened. She felt it. That ripple in the Force. It was familiar. She froze in place, feeling a sense of dread colder than the rains outside wash over her. Alpha seemed to notice her expression and looked tense.

"What is it?" from his voice, he seemed to suspect a threat. He wasn't wrong.

"We have a visitor," she said, staring into nothing as she used her senses to determine the origin.

"What visitor?" the big clone asked. Zaiya raised her gaze and snarled.



It was the second time she'd raced through the halls of Tipoca city, her hearts racing as she made her way to the private quarters. The Jedi was here. But how was it familiar?! How did she know the signature? The only Jedi she had met was... well the Twi'Lek was certainly not able to be here. Who else could it be? Perhaps it was just that Jedi had a similar feeling to each other. She had to quiet her thoughts and her own signature in the Force in order to remain undetected, but it was difficult when she was already heightened and anxious.

She reached the door in a flurry and tapped the code to open it hurriedly.

"Jango," she called, and entered, not waiting for an answer. Boba sat at the little table at the end of the suite that looked out to the cold storm-torn skies. She looked at him, her expression serious and his eyes darted to the refresher door. She turned and he stepped out, still slightly damp and in only a towel.

"What are you kriffing doing, woman? Witches don't know how to knock?!" he snapped at her, but his annoyance faded when he saw her face, "what is it?"

"The Jedi are here," she warned. Jango's face dropped. "Put some clothes on and pack, I cannot know if whoever it is has come for you for the sake of your recent job... but..." She sighed and leaned against the wall as Jango turned away. He began tugging some clothes on and paused when reaching for his armour.

"If I am suited up when they arrive they will be prepared to fight," he said, and grabbed more casual clothing. Boba too grabbed his favourite things and Zaiya helped, though she stopped him before he packed all of it.

"Leave some things out, else they will suspect something. You want to pretend to know nothing and be as relaxed as possible," she explained to Boba, "your dad is great at these types of situations, no matter what happens, you can't let your opponent know you are worried, alright?" The boy nodded and put on a brave face.

"Nothing to worry about, I will contact Tyranus... meet him wherever he is," Jango assured her. She nodded, still pensive.

"There's something else..." She turned to see him paused in the doorway, "I know you don't believe in the visions,"

"Not this osik again--"

"I'm serious, Jango!" she snapped and stepped closer, glaring up at him.

"Well like you said, the Jedi have arrived and I am leaving with Boba.

"Not that, I saw more," she shook her head and rubbed her temples trying to recall it all. "There was red... dirt or dust, an open plain but surrounded by walls and--seats? An arena of some kind? Lots of wings... a creature with horns and an unusual lightsaber, it wasn't the right colour,"

"You said red, right?" he asked, not really holding much weight in her disjointed vision.

"Yes, but the saber wasn't red... it wasn't blue either,"

"A purple saber? That's ridiculous." Jango snorted as though it was the stupidest thing he had heard.

"You might not believe in it but you have to go when that happens... take Boba and run, I don't want you to lose your head."

Jango frowned at her, "lose my head?" As though the seriousness was getting to him. He looked back to Zaiya and she did everything she could to plead with him with her eyes.

"Gedet'ye ba'vodu..." She gripped his arm tightly, "he needs you more than you know," she added in a whisper. That seemed to have some sway on him as his dark eyes searched hers.

"Alright, I'll look for the signs..." he admitted and Zaiya felt a little of the tension leave her. She wanted to follow, make sure he would be safe but she had her own duties to remain here. To protect Maul. It was at least something to know that he was going to be mindful. Small comforts.

"Will you come with us, tahn'ti?" Boba asked. Oh... it broke her heart. She looked at him with sad eyes.

"Not for now, adi'ka, but I shall keep in touch with you, alright? And visit as often as I can spare," she smiled and petted his soft brown hair, "until then, you must look after your buir, okay?" Boba looked downcast but he nodded.

"I will," he promised.

"I can at least stay here until you must leave," she assured him, "I should like to see this Jedi for myself." The boy suddenly reached up to wrap his arms around her middle. Once more Zaiya was taken by surprise. Contact was not something she was so familiar with and the warmth of Boba Fett was alarming, though not unpleasant. While stunned, she knew better than to let the child feel unwanted... It was a feeling she knew all too well. She'd gotten more hugs in the last year than the entirety of her life. She wrapped her arms around the boy, letting him know it was going to be alright.


True to her prediction, there was a chime to the door and Boba stood to answer it. The sullen and suspicious look on his face seemed evident to the Kaminoan Taun We and the man in the brown robe at the door. Boba called his father and Jango stood from the table to greet them. Zaiya stood slowly, watching the 'guests' enter the small apartment. It suddenly felt quite crowded.

"Jango, welcome back," Taun We said in the usual eerie fashion, "was your trip productive?" she asked, though it was merely polite drivel.

"Fairly," was all Jango replied, his expression neutral and his eyes on the Jedi.

"This is Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, he's come to check on our progress," she explained and Zaiya felt her hearts stutter. Kenobi? Why did that name seem familiar? Had she met him before? Luckily he had not seemed to notice her, as the bearded man was focused more on the Mandalorian.

"Your clones are very impressive, you must be very proud," the Jedi spoke in a soft and proper tone. As expected from one brought up on Coruscant.

"I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe," Jango replied smugly.

"Ever make your way as far into the interior as Coruscant?" Kenobi retorted without so much as a blink.

"Once or twice,"

"Recently?" The tension was ripe in the air now, it was as much of an interrogation as it could be given the setting. Even Boba knew something was wrong.

"Possibly," was all Jango said, his expression had not even changed. A perfect poker face.

"Then you must know Master Sifo-dyas," Jango rounded the Jedi to stand beside Zaiya and finally Kenobi's blue eyes fell on her. There was something about him that burned in her. She knew him. She didn't know how but she had seen him... somewhere--

"Master who?"

"Sifo-Dyas," Kenobi repeated, "was he not the Jedi that hired you for this job?" He slid his gaze between the two before focusing in on Jango when the Mandalorian stepped very close.

"Never heard of him," Fett said, the edge in his voice barely concealed.

"Really," Kenobi responded, clearly not believing him, so Jango elaborated.

"I was recruited by a man called Tyranus, on one of the moons of Bogden." He gave no further information, his disdain for the Jedi beginning to show.

"Curious," was all the bearded fellow replied, neither man breaking eye contact. "I don't believe you introduced me to your companion?"

"Oh, forgive me, Lady Siren, I had not known you were here," Taun We said, breaking some of the tension. "Master Kenobi, this is Lady Siren, an associate of Jango, she has been assisting in training some of the Specialised Clone Troopers."

"A pleasure to meet you, my Lady," Kenobi stated, a small smile on his face.

"Likewise, Master Jedi," Zaiya replied. She knew his face... she knew his name... but from where...?

"You are an associate of Jango's?" Zaiya was no fool, he was gauging as to whether Zaiya was a part of whatever this job had been.

"I am," she nodded. Give them nothing. Maul's voice spoke in her mind, the little mantra she used so often in such situations.

"Do you often accompany him on his journeys?"

"Once I travelled with him on a few jobs, though not for some time now," she replied, "I've been on Kamino for quite a while, if that's what you're worried about," she flashed that smile that held no warmth.

"Do you like your army?" Jango asked, still staring the Jedi down and stealing his attention back.

"I look forward to seeing them in action," Kenobi's blue eyes locked back to Jango.

"They'll do their job well, Siren and I can guarantee that," the Mandalorian replied. The tension building once more. Jango had given away nothing, nor had he said anything incriminating, though Zaiya was on edge anyway, it was clear the Jedi knew.

"Thank you for your time, Jango." The bearded man bowed his head and then looked at her, "thank you as well, Lady Siren," Those eyes.

"Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi," Jango replied, with a deadpan tone. The Jedi Kenobi turned away and headed for the door. She retained that uneasy feeling, that great discomfort, settling in her belly. This entire scenario felt familiar, and a sense of deja vu came over her. Like she had seen it. She closed her eyes for a moment as the door hissed shut. She had seen this, but not from where she'd stood here. A familiar scent tickled her nose, the spicy scent of the tanyz'une filled her senses. The vision. If only she could grasp what she had seen next.

"Well if more Jedi are to arrive, then we have to get out of here," Jango said with urgency and Zaiya was shaken from her reverie. She didn't have time to think of it, but she was sure this wasn't over.

Several minutes later, she stood at the landing platform as Boba and Jango were ready to leave. Zaiya felt her chest ache, fear gripping her, she didn't want this to be the last she saw of them. She took the elder Fett's hand and he paused in the doorway, his face contorting with surprise to see her looking so forlorn, she guessed.

"Please... please be safe," she whispered, squeezing his hand.

"I always am," he assured and drew her in, pressing his forehead to hers for a moment, their noses touching. There was a strong emotion there she couldn't place, but it was warm and powerful, Jango's strong hand squeezed hers in return.

"I'll see you again, adi'ka," he told her. He spoke it like a promise.

"You had better, ba'vodu," she replied, trying to keep her voice calm. She knelt down to do the same to Boba, their heads together for a moment, "you are family, Boba... I will always be there for you if you need me," she pulled back and he nodded. "Remember what I said--"

"I know, Zaiya... now go on, before the Jedi returns. You need deniability," Jango urged. Zaiya stepped back and Jango jammed his hamlet on, escorting his son to his ship. Zaiya turned away before she did something foolish like run after them. She hurried away, heading toward her own chamber. She wanted to see Maul but her emotions were too high.

The moment she entered her room she locked the door. She paced back and forth, the emotions rising in her too fast to fight. She could feel it already, the Jedi having found them... and she could do nothing. She just had to hope and pray to the Fanged God that Jango's skills were as sharp as ever and he could escape the Jedi. That whatever fate she had seen would not come to pass. Her hearts felt as though they were being torn in twain. The Nightsister's hand found the nearest object and threw it with such force that it shattered as soon as it hit the wall. A scream of anguish tore from her throat and she dropped to her knees. They were in danger and she could do nothing! Nothing! It burned her to stay here, to fight the urge to take on the Jedi herself. To stop him now... but she couldn't... she daren't. Instead she just had to wait. It was infuriating, Once more she felt so helpless, useless that it was like she was being seared from the inside out. Physically painful that she had to force herself to not act. It was against every instinct she had and had she not learned over eight years to do precisely nothing... she would have indeed done something foolish.

For now she had to wait. Endure, trust in Jango and just bide her time. It was pure agony.


"What do you mean no?!" Zaiya snarled at the offending Kaminoan.

"They are not authorised to deploy," Jeru Ti once again stood in her way, he looked down at her with unconcealed disdain.

"The Republic have called for the troopers, and my boys--"

"These clones are being called to Geonosis, and the ARC troopers are not ready, their examination has not been completed--"

"Damn your examinations! Every one of the Troopers in the ARC program are as effective as at least five regular Troopers. They are diligent, organised and well-trained--"

"That remains to be seen," Jeru Ti replied snidely, "the Kaminoan government can guarantee the Troopers being sent to Geonosis, as for your training, well we shall need to test it further." it seemed Zaiya was getting nowhere with him and she let out a sound of disgust, turning on her heel and storming back to the training room. Both groups of ARC troopers waited there, Alpha Company and the Command Class. The white haired Nightsister managed to startle a few of them when she entered.

"Of all of the stubborn-headed, limp-necked, fish-eyed--" she devolved into curses in Huttese, Mando'a and her own tongue.

"What's going on?" Alpha asked in concern.

"It's a fucking outrage!" she snapped and even Alpha seemed alarmed at hearing her usually polite and dignified tone devolve into curses.

"What is?"

"The army is being deployed and they aren't letting any of you go...!"

"What?!" cried Jax, hurrying over, "we're not being deployed?"

"Why not?" one of the others asked, she thought it might be Cody.

"It's ridiculous!" Zaiya scoffed, throwing her hands in the air, "You are the strongest, fastest and most skilled soldiers in this kriffing army and they hold you back because--" she cut off with a sound of disgust.

"Because...?" Havoc asked. She looked up, her expression more animated than it had been the entire time she'd been here, unable to hide behind a polite veneer any longer.

"Because the bog witch trained you," she snarled. Her hands rested on one of the platforms used as a table, "Useless long-necked piece of--" she ran a hand over her braid.

"Fen witch," Alpha muttered, stepping up beside her, she frowned as she looked up, after a moment, her temper cooled, just a little.

"What's the difference?" she asked dryly, playfully repeating his words the first time they'd spoken, her lips turning in the slightest of smiles.

"You really think we are the best?" asked one of the clones. She looked up and recognised Fox as the one speaking.

"Of course I do," she replied with no hesitation, "You were before I even set foot on this planet." It was an obvious truth to her, but the suggestion seemed to surprise the clones.

"Then I suppose we'd better keep it up." Alpha stated, folding his arms, "let's do another run to blow off some steam." He shot her a smirk and she felt her tension leaving her.

"Sounds like a brilliant strategy, Captain." She nodded and let out a deep sigh, time to get her head back into it, she had a job to do. The men fell into formation, both groups running the gauntlet together.

"Seems the wait is over for most of us," Alpha muttered, falling in beside her.

"Seems so..." Zaiya replied, "the Clone Wars have finally begun." 



There's CANON in my fic! *sprays with water* Bad! Get down! Go in the corner! *tss tsss*Well now... some stuff happened... yes that scene was pretty much word for word from the movie but it's an IMPORTANT one! Poor lil Boba... But what happened to Jango?! We shall find out next week! Chapter is titled 'Instructor' and we will get some nice interactions between Zaiya and the clones. As always please please share and comment, I love it, it keeps me going, it gives me motivation to keep writing. If anyone is interested, I have made a playlist for APOD and the link to it is on my tumblr, same username if you are interested. I also did a massive post with a lyric analysis and breakdown to check that out. I love any art, song recommendatoins or comments and I love to see them. Please feel free to send them in if you like! Til next week, thank you for reading, stay safe and be well. <3

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