Fire starter (Ana X Bucky)

By sw33tdr3ad

13.5K 470 247

She didn't know. She would have done something to save her mother if she did. Good thing her moms favorite he... More

45 - Finally
The Last Blood Singer Chap 1 Preview


165 5 11
By sw33tdr3ad

TW - Heavy NSFW

Finally a Happy Chapter!

(Ana POV)

It was like a dream...

Or was it real?...

I had him. A man that loved me. I can barely see him. I can barely remember his face. What was his name?

Children..there were children, no..there were teenagers. 

Why can't I remember anything?

God it's cold. I'm so cold.

Voices break through softly, slowly getting louder. A beeping sound echoing close by. No..Three sets of beeping.

"How is it possible?..I mean I know how but.." A man's voice speaks nervously.

"Maybe she had one last fun night with White Wolf know" A woman with an accent spoke plainly. As if it was an obvious answer.

"This is too weird.."

"It's better we tell her first. Now that she's cured, she can.."

"Shuri, Banner... Ana's status shows she is waking up." A somewhat mechanical Scottish voice interrupted their conversation.

I could feel my arms now, my heavy eyelids, even the cotton texture in my mouth. I didn't know who they were or what exactly they were talking about but I had no choice but to trust them..right?

I slowly open my eyes, grateful there were dim lights above me. I open my mouth to speak but get stopped.

"No don't talk. You need water first and to get your bearings." The man I assume was Banner spoke up.

I nod groggily. I look around the room. It was strange, white and metallic. Plants and small trees soothing the place to be more comfortable. The man put a straw on my lips and I willingly drank a stomach full of water. It hurt at first..I must have been dehydrated.

"Can you talk now?" I watched the man put the cup down then run his fingers through his graying hair.

"Y-yes.." He helps me to sit up while the woman looks through a hologram of medical records and blood results..wait how do I know what that is?

"How are you feeling?"


"That's normal" the man says running his hands together nervously.

"I'm sorry, I...who are you?" I ask. He was acting familiar and I didn't know why. Was he a friend? Family? The way he cared for me made me think husband maybe?

"You...What's your name?" He asked now with concern.

"I..don't know"

"What do you remember last?"

"..I...I don't know" I start to cry. Who the hell am I? Where the hell am I?

"Shh it's okay. it's okay. I'm Bruce Banner, this is Princess Shuri of Wakanda. We are your doctors of sorts, also your friends." I look at the woman who gives me a soft kind smile. "You're name is Ana Barnes. Before you went to sleep you suffered a stroke. I guess it's why you have amnesia."

"Ana..Barnes?" I say thinking about it. It seemed so foreign

"Barnes..." I say it again and again. The name just melted on my tongue, like I was meant to say it.

"Yes, Barnes. Your um...Husbands last name." My eyes shoot up to him I'm married? Actually married?

"What?..Where is he? Maybe...seeing him will help me remember who I am" I desperately shuffle myself up to a sitting position. 

"He's still on ice. We had to make sure your cure worked before waking any of the others." Shuri said nonchalantly.

"SHURI" Bruce yelled angrily at her. His eyes looked worried and his skin turned a slight green.

"She has to know."

"What cure? what others?" I ask.

"Come with me" Bruce put his hand out for me to take. I wobble a bit getting off the table. Suddenly a memory hit me of someone holding my waist in the same situation. His hands were leather gloved and his scent was warm and comforting. Who was that guy?

I ignored the memory and followed Bruce out the room to a hallway filled with large iced over tubes. There were so many I couldn't count them immediately.

"A while ago, about thirteen years ago. You were taken. You were given a serum that made you age quickly. You decided to go in ice until we found your cure, which took longer than expected. A year later, things got...bad. People died and went missing all working on getting what we needed to save you. Your husband and two other decided to go on ice for you a month later. A few days later, everyone else agreed to go in too."

"Everyone else?" I asked now walking the hall, getting as close as i could to see the faces in the tubes.

"The Avengers. Your family. Our family. James Buchanan Barnes, Ana Rogers, Grant Rogers, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts-Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, and Steve Rogers.

"The names..sound..familiar enough I suppose." I find one tube with a man in it. His black hair slightly falling over his forehead. He had one arm that looked metal and a wedding band on his right hand. Something about him forced me to get closer. To touch the glass where his hand laid peacefully. "Is husband?" 


"He's handsome at least." I giggle a bit.

"He did that. Put his hand on the glass like your doing. Every day he came to see you."

"How long did he do that?" I ask still looking at him, analyzing him. It felt like I was missing something but I couldn't pick up what.

"Every single day..until he went in himself." Wow..he must really love me. At least the me that existed somewhere in my mind.

A machine whirled over my head. I jump back seeing the clamps grab his tube and move him over the walls to a room like the one I was in.

"Wait..where is he going?" I was losing my breath, I needed more time with him.

"It's okay Ana. It's alright. We are just waking him up." I take deep breaths trying to calm down. I'll see him, I'll be able to speak to him.

"Before that happens I need to tell you something." Bruce walks over to me gently grabbing my arm to turn me to face him. "Ana. You're pregnant."

My jaw dropped and I took and unwitting step back.

"It's okay breath. I have a theory. I think you slept with Barnes on your wedding day or before, and since the serum was still in you when we woke you, it sped up the babies development. You are about three months pregnant." I slowly place my hands on my stomach. I was in shock. I just woke up not knowing who I was..and now I'm pregnant by a man I don't even know...


"It's okay breath through it."

"Do I even like babies?" Bruce chuckled gently easing me by running his hands up and down my arm.

"You love them. In fact you were upset you didn't have a chance to raise your first kids."

"WHAT?" My eyes many kids do I fucking have?

" story short..the aging serum was to make you give birth to triplets early..but then it ended up being poison to you. The kids aged to 16 then stopped so you missed out at raising them."

"Well..where are they? My children should be here right?"

He points at two tubes near the end of the hall. I walk to them. There was a girl and a boy. They looked about 18 years old. "Anastasia Natasha Rogers and Grant Buchanan Rogers"

"Buchanan? Like my husband?"

"Yea, it was your idea."

"Rogers...that isn't my husband so who?"

Bruce walks to another tube. Next to it lay a round metal shield with a red star in the middle and two blue circles around it. "Captain Steven Grant Rogers. You um... you two dated for over a year. You found out you were having his triplets after you broke up. Then you were kidnapped. When you came back you went straight to Barnes. It was obvious to everyone you always loved Barnes, both are very hard headed. I giggled a bit. 

(The song above I imagined starting at this point if you want to listen to it now)

"This is insane. What kind of a woman was I?.."

"The best kind" A voice, velvety smooth yet crackly and deep spoke behind me, echoing in the room. I didn't understand why..why my heart flipped and sang. Tears fell down my eyes like the sound of his voice was everything I needed to breath. I slowly turn around to see him. The man that my husband.

Tears built up behind his icy blue eyes....the things I couldn't help but stare at. His eyes...

"James..." A rush of images and sounds dart through my head. Moments with him that were so intimate they would make anyone blush. Moments that were so loving that no one could deny what we had but somehow we always did.

"God it's good to hear your voice baby girl" I couldn't move. I remembered..I remembered him..I remembered everything. He rushed to me wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me around. Another memory of our engagement hit me, he did this then too. As he placed me back down on the floor I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him as deeply and passionately as I could muster. 

I had my James.

Bruce cleared his throat trying to get our attention.

"Sorry Bruce" I whisper with a huge smile on my face.

"It's okay..we've all been waiting for this."

"Where is everyone?" James asks, arms still tightly wrapped around my waist.

"I'll let Ana tell you. I've got to go help Shuri speed everything up." Bruce walked away smiling at us. I turned to James again softly brushing my fingers on his jaw.

"I woke up with no memories..Bruce has been filling me in. You came to me every day for a year...James"

"I would do it again" He interrupts me. "I will spend every second in front of you until you woke up again, no questions asked."

"There's so much to talk about...." I say sorrowfully. I didn't see Sarah in the tubes. Where was she?

"Later baby girl. For now I have you back and that's all I need." James kissed me again then quickly began pulling me around corners and down hallways looking for an empty room. I laughed at how childlike he seemed. 

We finally found a room. More like a closet. There were no cameras inside and the door locked from the inside, which James made sure to do. 

"They took your dress off...Shame" He said, his blue eyes turning dark as his hands slid down my sides.

"I can put it back on. Wait here" I say jokingly moving to the door. He grabs me quickly, pulling me back to him and pushing me against a shelving system full of papers. I laughed watching him smile wider than ever.

"Don't you dare." He warned quickly pulling my leggings down just enough. He turned me around pushing me against the shelves again. "I fucking missed you so much baby girl. I'm never letting you go again." He breathed out heavily against my ear. I heard his zipper go down and felt his hands move over my bare ass. I wanted to tell him I was pregnant. To take it easy. But god I wanted this, I wanted him. He's spent so long without me I wanted him to let out all that frustration on me right now.


"Did you forget to call me Sergeant too? tsk tsk" He slapped my left ass cheek with his metal arm forcing a scream out my lips. "Don't make me do that again."

"Of course not, Sergeant" I moan feeling his hardness press against me. He didn't wait any longer. He pressed himself against my entrance and slammed into me with force. The initial pain making way for undeniable pleasure.

His left hand held my hips tightly in place while his right pulled at my hair. I gripped anything I could to release some of the pleasure that built up in my body within seconds of him pounding me hard and fast. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I screamed his name, his title..I screamed for gods in agreement of them over and over again.

"Fuck Ana...aaahhh...God I love you baby girl...god you're such a good fucking girl..keep it tight for me...mmm shit just like that yea.." He moaned and growled out. I felt myself tighten and quiver, the ecstasy of a climax nearing the edge. He felt it too. 

He moved his hand from my hair to my throat, tightening his strong thick fingers around it. I let out a loud scream feeling myself explode all over his unforgettably large cock. His left hand slammed the metal shelving gripping it and bending the metal as he screamed my name, filling me with every drop he had held on to for me after all these years.

We didn't move for a moment. We kept still, catching our breath. Feeling the drip of our liquids coming out of me and sliding onto him. Gently he released his grip on my throat and pulled me back onto his chest. I leaned my head back on his shoulder, turning to let him kiss me as he wanted.

"I love you Mrs. Barnes" He whispered, spreading feather kisses across my cheek, jaw, ear, neck, then finally my shoulder.

"I love you too my dear dear husband." I felt his chest shake with a chuckle against my back.

"We have nothing to clean up with...I clean you and you clean me?" He smiled kissing my shoulder again, he softly ran his fingers over my lips and I instantly knew what he wanted. So I did as he suggested. I cleaned him up with my tongue as best as I could, then he knelt doing the same to me. Except he didn't stop until I had another orgasm. 

"Leave it to you to say hi with your cock." I tease, sliding my leggings back up.

"What can I say? When a man has a wife as beautiful as you...a man can never say no to that kind of a welcome." I laugh playfully slapping his chest.

"Seriously James, we need to talk."

"I know" He says with a saddened tone.

"I have something to tell you.."

"Mine first" He leaned close to me with worry in his eyes.

"No..mine is important James..please" I beg him.

"Fine..only because I miss your voice." He gently fixes my hair as I speak

"I...Bruce said that I'm...James stop with my hair for a sec okay" He pulled away now more worried. "James..I'm..I'm pregnant" I nervously play with my fingers waiting for his reaction. He scanned my face then looked down at my stomach then back up at my eyes.


"Of course it's yours dummy..." A smile grew onto his face. 

"I'm going to be..a father? It' there?" I laugh and nod. He knelt down in front of me giving my stomach hard kisses, then stood up giving me one too. "Fuck baby...I'm about to fuck you all over again to show you how happy you just made me." I laugh leaning into him, making sure my breasts press against his chest.

"What's stopping you, Sergeant?" 

"MMM...nothing at all..."

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