The 'Dead' Hanagaki

By Lazy_Sloth120

32.8K 780 281

"She's my sister. She took take care from the moment I was born. She fed me, cleaned me and played with me. N... More

Introductions/Character profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
10K Special Chapter
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note, Please Read!
Black Ring Fighters
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 16

639 22 5
By Lazy_Sloth120


(Authors Note: This is your hair, shoes and outfit for the day. Your hair is still the lavender Ombre colour.)

It was the morning and I was making breakfast for everyone. "Morning Hana/Aneki!" cheered a multiple voice. Some of them tired others cheerful. "Morning you guys" I greeted turning around with a wide smile. Yua, Kane, Akira and Kiyoshi returned y smiles with their own and ran towards me. I crouched down and opened my arms wide. "You guys are lively this morning" I chuckled, tightly hugging the four kids. "It's because Rika said we might have a new friend coming today" answered Kiyoshi. The other three nodded excitedly, agreeing with what Kiyoshi said. "Oh. Is that so?" I asked slightly surprised. I looked up to the three boys. Issey nodded as confirmation. "I'm sure you guys and your new friend will get along very well. Let's eat breakfast so you guys will lots of energy to play" I said flexing my arm muscles as empathises for the energy part. "Okay" cheered the four kids running over to the table. "Mind helping me finish?" I asked the three boys. they nodded in agreement and started to help me finish making breakfast.

Sitting down on the table all us put out hands together and prayed "Thank you for the food" before digging in.

"Aneki" Called out Akira. "Yes" I responded. "What's that thing behind your ear?" innocently asked Akira tilting his head. "Yeah I saw it too. It was black" added Kiyoshi. "What thing behind your ear?" questioned Izana, the other two boy looking at me suspiciously. THEY SAW MY TATTOO. THE BOYS ARE GONNA KILL ME. "I-it's no-nothing. Yeah nothing" I said. Izana hardened his gaze as he got up from his seat and began walking towards me. I started to internally panic. OH SHIT I'M DONE FOR. "Issey. Hana. Can i speak to you two for a moment" spoke Riku popping her head out of kitchen door. "Yes" I replied rather loudly. Taking the chance I rushed out of my chair and sprinted towards Riku. "This isn't over Hana!" yelled Izana from behind but I just ignored him. Before I left the Kitchen I turned around and childishly stuck my tongue out. Izana just scoffed at rolled his eyes at my childish actions.

Me and Issey began following Riku from Behind as he she lead us to what i assumed was her office. Walking in I immediately noticed the Kid anxiously sitting in one of the chairs in the far corner. "As you two might have already heard, There will be anew kids Joining us today. " started Riku her eyes signalling to the kid behind her. We both said nothing and just simply nodded. "And I would like the both of you to try and make him feel at home. Seeing as the two of your are the big brother and sister to the others." She continued. Once again we just nodded. "Riku if you don't mind me asking, what's the kids backstory?" seriously asked Issey. "His name is Tuskikage. One month ago, the boy and his parents were at home. Intruders broke into their homes. His father told him and his mum to stay whilst he goes to check it out. Some time has passed and his father hasn't returned yet. Tuskikage and his mum then hear a loud thud from behind him. It was the intruders, they had dropped his dads then dead and bloody body. The intruders then proceeded to rape and murder his mum right in front of the boy. Luckily police were able to arrive before the intruders were able to do anything to boy." explained Riku sighing. We were both left speechless, Who would do such a horrible thing.

Without saying a word, I walked towards the boy. I tried to slowly an calmly as to not alarm the boy. I felt the gazes of the two but ignored it. Sensing that someone was approaching him, the boy whipped his head in my direction. I felt my heart clench when I saw a look of fear and sadness on his face. "No, need to be so scared. I won't hurt you. I promise" I reassured slowly and calmly. His shoulders slowly dropped down, it was enough for me to know that it was alright to approach him. Crouching down in front of him, I was able to get a good look at this adorable face.

(Authors Note: This is what Tuskikage looks like currently)

"Hi there. My names Hana. What's yours?" I softly asked despite already knowing the answer. The blonde boy stayed silent for a few seconds before quietly replying by saying "Tu-Tuskikage". "What a nice name you have there" I complimented smiling. "Th-thank y-you" shyly thanked the boy. "Hey there Tuskikage. I'm Issey" Introduced Issey from behind me. "Hello Issey" quietly muttered Tuskikage. "Tuskikage, if you ever need anything please either come to me, Hana or Issey" spoke Riku from behind us with her arms crossed over her chest but gentle and warm expression on her face. The blue eyed little boy said nothing but just shyly nodded.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked looking down at the boy holding onto my hand. he shook his head. "How about you come and eat breakfast with us? Hana made it" suggested Issey on the other side of Tuskikage. "I-I'd like that" replied the boy nodding. ME and Issey smiled at his response. Entering the kitchen I had Tuskikage sit in my previous sit as I went to go and get him a plate. "Hi may name is Akira. What's yours?" Brightly smiled Akira. However TuskiKage didn't say anything and just bashfully hung his head. He's so cute. God Damn it. "Sorry Akira but it He's just really shy" informed Issey. Akira had an 'OH' expression on his face. "Don't worry though. Eventually he will slowly get closer with you guys. You just have to be a little patient." I reassured walking over with a plate of food in my hand. Placing the food in front of Tuskikage, I walked over to were Yua sits and leaned against her chair. My arms propped up on the top of the chair. "Go ahead. Eat" I encouraged the blonde boy who is plainly looking at the food. Hesitantly he takes a bite. I saw a huge smile makes its way on his face as he goes in to take another bite. "You like it?" I asked smiling. "Mmmmmhh" hummed the boy going for another bite. "I'm glad" I commented smiling.

"Thank you for the Aneki" Thanked Kane. "Yeah it was really good." added Kiyoshi. "But when is Aneki's ever not good" said Yua. "That's true" commented Akira aggreging with Yua's statment. "Thank you" I thanked the kids for ther compliments. I then felt a small tug on my flannel. Looking down I saw it was Tuskikage. "What is it?" I asked crouching down to his level. "W-why do the others call you Aneki?" questioned The blonde. "Oh. Ummm-" before I could answer I was cut off. "It's because Hana is like our big sister" answered Akira. "So that's why everyone called her Aneki" continued Kane. "The same is for Issey. Everyone calls him Aniki" finished Kiyoshi. "Of course you don't have to call us that. You can just address us as Hana and Issey if you want to" I reassured, ruffling his hair. "Aneki. Aneki Aneki Aneki" continuously called out Kiyoshi. "Yes" I sighed. "Can we all go play in the garden??" excitedly asked Kiyoshi bouncing up and down, unable to hold in his excitement. "Sure but be carful alright" I chuckled ruffling his hair. The others cheered and started to run off . Looking behind me I saw Tuskikage holding onto my leg, Hesitant to go and join them. I was about to say something when Kane cut me too it. "Come on. Let's play" encouraged Kane holding out his hand. "Go on" I said signalling for him to take Kane's hand. Hesitantly Tuskikage took Kane's hand and the two ran off to go and join the others.

"So who is that kids?" asked Hito. "That's Tuskikage." answered Issey " His dad was killed by intruders, and his mum was raped and murdered in front of him" I added walking over to the three boys. "What kind of bastards would do such a thing to a kid" spat Hito. "A bunch of fucking retards who have no regards for a human life" hissed Izana. "Buts that's just how the world is. Isn't it. We've all experienced just how cruel the world can be but also experienced who fun and nice it can bee. So it's our responsibility to protect to good from the bad" I said. The boys stayed silent not knowing what to say. "Your right. So lets start our journey by protecting the kids." suggested Issey breaking the silence. "Yeah" agreed Hito. "Let's do it" Nodded Izana. "I'm in" I said. We all chuckled for a bit before deciding to go and join everyone else in the garden.

As we were making our way to garden I felt a warm breath on the back of my neck. Started I wiped my head and saw it was Izana. "W-what are you doing Izana?" I asked startled. "So you did get a tattoo." commented the white haired male ignoring my question. "W-wait. hold up-" before I could finish Izana yelled "GUYS HANA GOT A TATTOO!". "WHAT?!" screamed Issey and Hito. Not knowing what to do I ran. I ran as fast as I could. The boys were chasing after me whilst yelling things like "Hana how could you" "Why did you get a tattoo" "you know that things permanent." "Leave me alone you crazy Fucks!" I cursed running faster but that only made them increase their speed. I saw how the kids looked at with a confused expression as the boys continued to chase me and I continued to run. "LEVAE ANEKI ALONE!" "YEAH LEAV HER ALONE" demanded the kids raising their fists. "YEAH LEAV ME ALONE!" I yelled.

I was then tackled to the ground. "AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as my body fell to the ground. "Offfff" I groaned as I felt a heavy weight on top of me. Looking up I saw it was Izana. He was looking down at me with a cheeky grin. Preparing his fingers he began tickling me. "W-wait st-stop. S-stop" I chocked out between my laughter. The other two boys joined in on the torture. After a few more minutes they finally sopped. "Ahhhhhh" sighed in relief. Sprawling out my legs and arms, tired. "You meanies why did you bully Aneki" demanded Kane. "They bullied me. I did nothing to them" I fake cried. "You poppy heads!" SCREECHED YUA. Running over to comfort me. "HUH?!" yelled the boys confused. No longer being to hold it in, I started to laugh. the other looked at me weird for a few seconds before joining in with me and laughing. I really do love moments like theses. I wish for these moments to never die. So too have my wish come true I must protect them all.

It's now night and I just got finished getting ready for bed.

(Authors Note: your pajamas.)

As I was baout to climb into bed I heard a knock on the door. Letting out a sigh I walked over to the door and saw it was Izana. He too was in his pajamas. A pair of sweatpants and loose t-shirt. "What is it Izana?" I asked. "I just wanted to give you something" he replied fumbling with something in his pockets. "Oh. What is it?" I questioned now curious. "Close your eyes. I'll put it on you" said Izana. Following his orders I closed my eyes and patiently waited. I felt him take off my earrings and replace them with something slightly more heavier. "Open your eyes" Commanded Izana. Opening my eyes I felt for what he put on my eyes. The earring felt longs and was in a rectangular shape. Walking towards to mirror I let outa small gasp as I saw the earrings. They were a pair of hanafuda earing.

(Authors Note: this what the hanafuda earrings look like)

"Do you like it?" Asked Izana walking towards me from behind. His hands in his pockets. "I love them. Thank you" I thanked smiling at him.

Izana POV

"I love them. Thank you" thanked Hana. Smiling her beautiful smiles. Ahhh. I really love those smiles. It pisses me off just thinking of her smiling at another person. She should smile only to me. And me only. "Izana" called Hana waving her hand in front of my face. Without even thinking I grabbed her hand and planted a small kiss of the palm of her hand. My eyes staring directly into her gorgeous blue eyes.

Hana/ Y/n POV

Izana suddenly grabbed my hand and planted a small kiss on the palm of my hand. His violet eyes starting intensely into mine. He started to plant kisses going upwards to the tip of my ring finger. Kissing down my ring finger, he stopped at the base of my finger and kissed the base for a long time. The intense eyes contact not even wavering for a single second. "I-Izana" I stuttred flustered by his sudden actions. "Hmmmm" Hummed the white haired male. Placing the palm of my hand against his cheek. He interlocked his hand with mine from behind. He started to nuzzle his cheek into my palm. If I were to be honest, it was kind of cute. Slowly he started to bring his face closer to mine. I could feel his hot breath on my face. "Izana" I called out his name once again in a whisper. He said nothing and continued to bring his face closer. I froze as his lips were now close to my ear. He blew some air into my air, which caused me to flinch and grab on to his shirt. That only shortened the distance between mine and his body. He peppered small kisses on my ear. I felt him lift the earing. Wondering hat he was gonna I watched from the corner of my eye. He Looked at the hanafuda earring for a few seconds before kissing it. My face became hotter as he turned his gaze, and our eyes were once again trapped in one another's gazes.

Once again he brought his face close to mine. I looked down and watched as our lips became closer and closer.  However in a split second he changed to direction of his lips to my cheek. He Held the kiss for a few more seconds before pulling away. "Goodnight" Said Izana. With that he hurried out of the room, leaving me flustered and dumbfounded.  I stood in the middle of my frozen for a few minutes as my brain processed all the things that just happened. Once I recalled what just happened I felt steam pop out of my head like a volcano, I started to mentally scream. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK.

Finally calming down, I hopped to be whilst grumbling things like "why is he acting like this?" and "I don't get him sometimes". I let out a big sigh and started at the celling. I'm going to meet up with the boys tomorrow. We all agreed to go to the beach as well, so I need to come up with an appropriate outfit. My eyelids started to become heavier as sleep took over me.

I was woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of knocking on my door. Getting up I walked over to open the door. "What is i-" I stopped my self from continuing as I looked down and saw it was Tuskikage. He had a fearful expression on his face.. His small hand clenching onto the pillow. "A-aneki.... Can I st-sty with you ple-please" begged the blonde kid. Tears in the corner of his eyes. Alarmed I knelled down to his height and grabbed his shoulders. "Tuskikage What happened?!" I asked alarmed by his tears. "I-I had  night-nightmare" chocked out the boy as he began to cry. I furrowed my eyebrows as I brought the crying Tuskikage into my chest. He sobbed into my chest, wetting my clothes but I didn't care. Picking him up, I shut the door and brought him to my bed. Laying his down, with myself soon after doing the same . I hugged the kid as he cried even harder. I styed silent, and just run my fingers through his hair. My heart felt heavier the more I continued the hear him cry.

"Do you want to tell me what you saw you in your dream?" I softly asked, brushing my fingers through his hair as he calmed down. "I-it was my mum and dad. They kept on dying ang dying all over again. I couldn't move. I couldn't help them."  explained the kid, burring his face into my chest. I hugged him tighter. He's going through so much for someone so young. I don't understand why the world is such a cruel palace. "I'm scared to lose you all too, even though I just met you" he continued. "It's alright. Your not gonna lose us. We aren't going anywhere" I shushed the boy. "Promise?" He asked lifting his head. Putting his pinky in front of me. "I promise" I chuckled interlocking my pinky with his.

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