Alexandra Rose

By anonykwrites

271K 8.2K 2.4K

It's been ten years since the Stones family lost their little girl. In those ten years, Alexandra Rose has g... More

Characters Aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Characters Aesthetic Part 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 14

5.9K 206 38
By anonykwrites

Third Person's POV

Alexandra slowly peels open her eyes and looks around, her eyes scanning the place as confusion over takes her features. The palms of her hand could feel the cool floor of the bathroom as her body shivered from the cold.

She blinked a couple of times before moving to get up from her position, but the sudden ache all over her body stopped her from moving as she held in her breath and squeezed her eyes shut while clutching her ribs.

Whimpers and groans of pain left her lips as she attempted to get into a sitting position.

Leaning back on the tiled wall, she took a moment to properly breathe, but each intake of air, caused a strike of pain on her body.

Once she opened her eyes, she realised how dark it was, completely dark, so she brought her head down and looked at her hands that were placed on top of her thighs, with dried blood on them.

Her memory went back to lunch, what Rubi did. How they brought her to the bathroom and started painting her skin with bruises, her heart beat increasing with each thought.

"Calm down Alexandra," She whispered to herself.

Very slowly and carefully crawling to her backpack, face scrunching in pain, she took her phone that was thrown next to her bag, and turned it on to look at the time.

Her eyes became wide as she read 8:07 pm.

She felt her heart hammering against her chest as the fear of what he might do to her crossed her mind.

Her palms started sweating and her body started trembling with terror and she brought her hands up to her hair, gripping it in frustration, utter fear consuming her body.

Hands went to her chest as she tried to calm down the rapid beating of her heart, but she knew she couldn't do anything about it when her mind was wandering to all the things that could happen if she went home.

Her feet pushed her back until her aching body came in contact with the bathroom wall, where she brought her knees to her chest and hugged it, her fingers scrunching up the fabric of the sweatpants.

Hair stuck to her forehead from the cold sweat, body trembled from fear and eyes glistened with unshed tears from not blinking. Afraid that if she blinked, she would see her own unconscious body on the floor as he hurt her with everything he had.

She needed something, and she needed it now, she needed a distraction, she needed to focus on something else. And she needed proof that this is real and not a dream, that she had time to prepare herself.

She pulled the sleeve of her crewneck up and bit her arm. She bit it as hard as she could until she felt the metal taste of blood.

Moving her head back, she stared at the bite mark on her arm that had little blood gushing out of it, a smile growing on her face at the feeling.

She stayed leaned up on the bathroom wall for a few more minutes, until she decided that it's time to go to her personal hell.

Moving her legs to stand up, a scream of pain escaped her mouth, but that didn't stop her. She pushed herself to stand up despite the intense pain in her body.

She successfully stood and looked at the mirror. Her eyes moved to her collarbone where a dark visible bruise marked its spot. Her hands moved to the hem of her crewneck and lifted it up, eyes moving to the bruise on her stomach and hips.

Her teeth dug into her lips, stopping the sob that wanted to leave her chapped lips.

Alexandra's body was covered in bruises, her soft and smooth skin was replaced with bruises and scars, covering every inch of her body.

Looking away, her fingers left the fabric of her shirt, as she let it down to cover her scarred and bruised stomach.

She couldn't even bare to look at herself.

Her legs took her to her bag that was laying on the floor with her books spilling out of it, she bent down to pick it up and shoved them in her bag, not caring if her homework was crumbled.

Standing back up, she swung her bag over her bruised shoulders, ignoring the throb it caused, she was used to it anyways.

Each step towards her house, felt like she was signing up for death.

The soreness in her body didn't allow her to walk properly, so she limped. She limped all the way home.

Halfway home, she felt a drop of rain hit her face, the cold droplet of water sliding down her cheek.

More and more drops of water came, until it was full on raining, drenching Alexandra's body from head to toe.

She felt the water burn her wounds, the cold water absorbing on her skin and washing away all her feelings, because at that time, she felt numb to everything.

Alexandra tilted her face up to the sky and willingly allowed the sprinkles of droplets to envelope her face.

Her shoes were soaked— with each step she took, she could feel the puddle of water move beneath her feet.

The sound of rain became violent in the dark night.

Her body started shivering from the cold water, hair dripping with ice cold raindrops and goosebumps appearing on her skin.

Raging thunder clouds made its way into the dangerously dark sky, bright lightning struck, startling Alexandra.

The rain fell faster and heavier, her feet moved fast as she quickly limped down the road and rushed to stand under the roof of her run down house.

She proceeded to stand in front of her house and stare up at the night sky and observe the start of the vicious storm.

But the sudden force of the door, woke Alexandra up from her moment, making her jerk her head back and look at the man that stood in front of her with wide frightened eyes. Her feet slowly taking her backwards and away from the man.

"Where were you?" He asked through gritted teeth, his fists curling at his sides and face burning with anger.

Alexandra remained quiet and looked down, her eyes staring at her soaked converse.

He pulled her in by her hair, a whimper leaving Alexandra's mouth from the throbbing sensation on her already aching scalp.

"Please stop." She whispered as he threw her frail body to the floor.

"I asked where were you! And when I ask a question, I expect a fucking answer!" He yelled, throwing a bottle in her direction, causing it to shatter and pierce Alexandra's exposed skin.

"I'm sorry. T-The—" She hissed as she felt blood dripping from the side of her cheek.

"The kids at school, they—" A slap was delivered to her face, sending her whole body to crash against the table.

Extreme pain erupted in her body, "Please stop! I-I can't take anymore!" She cried out as her hands went to her head and protected it from the vase that was aimed for her head.

"I fucking told you not to tell anyone, didn't I?!" He roared, eyes burning with pure fury.

"I didn't tell anyone! I swear!" She screamed when the belt came in contact with her thigh.

Despite the thick clothing, she still felt the slash, his force being too powerful.

"Don't lie to me! That girl came in here telling me she knows what goes on here! You're lucky she agreed to keep her mouth shut, or who knows what I would've done." He picked her up by the arm and threw her to the wall, where her cheek roughly hit the wall.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Alexandra pleaded, sliding down the wall and cowering back in fear as he took slow and menacing steps towards her shaking figure.

But alas, her cries and please were ignored as he rolled the belt around his fingers a few times, before he brought his hand back and violently delivered a slash to her upper back, her crewneck ripping in the process.

"It won't happen again! Please just stop." Alexandra yelled out loud in pain as he continuously slashed her back, each slash ripping her crewneck more and giving him more access to her skin.

He slashed her body endlessly, without stopping.

Her legs, her arms, her shoulder, torso. Everything. He didn't stop until she was lying on the floor without a single noise escaping her lips.

"You're pathetic!" He spat and kicked her limp body, his hard shoe making it worse for Alexandra.

Each kick, made silent whimpers break past her bloodied and chapped lips.

Only when his legs got tired, did he stop. One last harsh kick later, is when he picked her up by her hair and threw her across the room like a ragdoll. Her beaten body breaking the already cracked TV as the shards of glass pierced deep into her skin.

He breathed in a deep breath, and grabbed her by her hair before pulling her towards the door and throwing her out in the rain. "You aren't staying here. I don't care where the fuck you go." He slammed the door shut, leaving Alexandra crying out in the rain.

She moved and quietly crawled to the back of the house where no one would be able to see her. and laid down on the muddy grass, with her head facing the dark midnight sky. The clean, crystal clear raindrops carelessly falling.

A sigh of exhaustion left her lips as she closed her eyes and let darkness consume her for the next few days.

And she knew, that she wouldn't be waking up, until her body felt like it.

"I hope I never wake up." She whispered at last.

From that day on, it was never the same. She was left alone, she had no one. She was dead on the inside, the only person she had, betrayed her and left her.

Most importantly, she was afraid of the rain from that day on. Each rainy day, she hated it. It made her sick, scared, petrified. Something she used to love, turned into her biggest enemy.

And each day that went by, she only hoped it was her last.

❦ ❦ ❦

Alexandra's POV

I pick at my skin as we wait outside the school office for the principal. Feeling nervous is an understatement. I feel terrified. Mom and dad sit on each side of me and before

Before I even knew it, I heard the door to the principal's office open, making me turn around and come into contact with a figure who had a huge scowl on his face, but as soon as he noticed us standing in front of the door, his face switched to shock,

"Alexandra!" A huge smile appeared on Sebastian's face as he waved his hand energetically.

Still as cheerful as the first time I met him, I see.

"Hi." I waved back energetically with a smile, matching his energy.

My eyes moved to look at my parents who looked back at me with questions swimming in their eyes, questions about how I know this guy.

Sebastian's grin became even wider as he looked back at the principal's office and back at me, and before anything could be said, we were directed to the office, where the principal sat behind his desk with a blank look on his face.

But as soon as his eyes landed on my parents, he stood up and held his hand out while slightly bowing in respect, "Mr and Mrs Stones, an absolute pleasure to see you again." he said, his voice smooth and respectful towards my parents.

Mom and Dad both gives his hand a quick shake. "Thank you for meeting with us Mr Matthews."

"This is Alexandra." Mom says, indicating to me.

"Ah Alexandra, we're glad to have you here attending our school." Mr Matthews says, his voice warm and sincere. "I've personally looked over your record, and I must say, your grades are very impressing."

"Thank you." I said with a genuine smile.

I'm a good student, no matter what happened in the past, I have never let it get to my grades. I couldn't afford failing so I studied my butt off for all the tests and exams.

"You did seem to miss quite a few days and even a month all at once," he continues, his gaze meeting mine. "I assume you've straightened up since then?"

I nodded with a tight lipped smile, avoiding looking at him.

The days I missed, or the months I missed, were days I couldn't get out of bed because my body was aching a tremendous amount. The months I missed were months I was in a coma, or months of my attempt.

Some of them were times where I simply couldn't take all the things going on at school, so I would skip, I would stay in the tiny room and heal.

The most I've skipped all at once were four months, the amount of rumor's about what happened to me in those four months, were crazy.

Students at my old school were crazy idiots.

"Well then, here's your schedule and school map, you should get to class while I have a talk with your parents. If you need help, you can ask Macy at the front desk." he said, handing me a folder with my schedule for the year and the school map along with a pass.

I thanked him and stood up, "Bye honey, have a great first day. Call us if anything happens." Dad said, standing up and giving me a hug, Mom doing the same.

"Bye, I'll see you guys at home." I replied, before leaving the office and closing the door behind me.

My eyes looked at the map and a sigh left my lips, "Do you need help finding your classes, sweetie?" I looked up at Macy, who had a warm smile on her face.

I reciprocated her smile and gently shook my head, "It's okay, I've got the map." I answered while holding up the piece of paper.

"Alright then, if you need help, don't hesitate." she went back to typing away on her computer as soon as I nodded.

And with one last nod to myself, I walked away while clutching the papers tightly.

First period was Advanced Math, in room 206, which means the second floor.

"Room 206," mumbling to myself, I walked up the stairs with my eyes on the map as I tried memorizing my way around this building.

I could hear the sound of my footsteps in the quiet hallway, I had somehow read the map wrong and ended up getting lost in this ginormous school.

My eyes frantically looked around, in search of anything that could help me get to class. The more I wandered around this unfamiliar place, the more anxious I had started to become.

Right when I took a swift turn around the corner, I unexpectedly collided with someone.

My foot tangled with one another, making me lose balance as a shriek of surprise left my mouth, and I was about to fall down when a pair of arms clasped around my waist, preventing me from falling.

I unconsciously bit my lower lip and brought the folder close to my face, with my eyes tightly shut.

Not feeling my back come in contact with the floor, I slowly opened my eyes and the moment my vision became clear, my gaze locked with the same gorgeous emerald green eyes.

Wait, those eyes– they look familiar

My eyes widened when I realized who he was, Everett.

As soon as he realized his actions, he quickly retreated his hand, leaving me to drop on the floor and land on my butt.

A yelp of pain left my mouth as I scrunch my face in pain. I looked up at him with a scowl, "You didn't have to drop me." I muttered, low enough so that he couldn't hear.

"Watch where you're going." he snarled at me, just before stepping over my folder and walking away, without a simple 'sorry'.

"Rude." I said to myself and stood up while picking up my folder and rubbing my now sore butt. Some people just don't know how to be nice.

With a sigh, I looked around the hallway, to see if my class was anywhere near and to my luck, I found Room 204, which means my class is not that far.

With just a few steps and turns, Room 206 stood right in front of the staircase I had came from, how stupid can I be?

Before entering the class though, I do a few breathing exercises, trying to calm down the anxious feeling that developed in my chest at the thought of entering this class filled with students.

And with one deep breath in, I knocked on the door and entered.

❦ ❦ ❦

I didn't have the time to proof read this so please comment if you find any mistakes !!

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