Chapter 24

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Alexandra's POV

"So, Alexandra, tell me how's school going for you?" Jane— my therapist asked me.

If I'm being honest, I think I'm starting to get more comfortable with her. This is just our 5th session but she's nice and doesn't judge whatever I say.

Although she does write down everything I say.

"It's going good, I'm catching up with the lessons and my friends make school more fun." I admitted, nervously picking at my finger— which made it turn irritatingly red.

"That's nice. Now, tell me about your friends."

"Well, there's three boys, Sebastian, Nolan and Everett. Sebastian always makes me laugh and he matches my energy, he's also extremely extroverted." I paused when Jane nodded and opened her mouth to speak.

"How does he make you feel?" she asked.

I felt like I was sitting in a Jimmy Fallon show and getting interviewed.

That would be cool.

I shrugged, "He makes me feel included in everything, and like I belong there. He also calls me cupcake which is a really cringy name but it feels nice to have a nickname from him."

"And why's that?" she asked while writing, "Because he cares enough about me to give me a nickname."

Jane only nodded and smiled, "He seems like a golden boy. What about Nolan?"

"Um... when I first met him, all he did was analyse me, he barely talked but once I got to know him, I figured out that he's a huge nerd and he cares a lot for the people around him too."

Jane wrote something in her notepad before nodding in, I guess approval?

She nods a lot.

Do I need approval from my therapists to be friends with people?

That was a silly thought, I don't think she cares about that.

"Is he nice?"

"Of course, they all are. I remember this one time Nolan saw me zoning out for a long time and he immediately asked me if I was okay. He even gave me a bar of chocolate!" I smiled at the end.

It was true, it was during lunch when the boys were talking but I couldn't focus. Nolan was the one that asked me questions and gave me a chocolate saying 'Cheer up, pumpkin'.

"That's so sweet, I can tell how he analysed you at first to see what type of person you were. Moving on, what about Everett? You've mentioned him a few times before."

That's funny. I remember how I was ranting to her about Everett at first because he was really cold and mean towards me, and that was just a few weeks ago.

"He's... I don't know? He's the most closed off one I guess. But on the inside, he's a huge softie. He shares his lunch with me sometimes when he sees how I'm not eating anything." I said, remembering all those times he gave me a quarter of his lunch.

To be fair though, my appetite has been getting a lot better these days. I eat 3 meals a day now, but I still struggle to finish my plate though.

"And how does that make you feel?" Jane asked.

I don't know why she's always asking me how I feel. I guess it's her job to but does it even relate to everything?

Nevertheless, I still answered her. "It makes me happy to know that people care for me. But it's weird, you know? Like... I don't know? It's so unusual for me." I said.

Alexandra RoseWhere stories live. Discover now