Mirabel and the Marauder's Map

By Lava_Serpant

25.8K 808 423

It's Mirabel's third year at Hogwarts. After her first two years at the school getting kidnapped each time an... More

Story time Illusions
Demented Dementors
Buck Beak
Hagrid's Regret
Black is Back
Wake Up Time
Scientific Method
Map Attack
Invasion of the Dorms
Pet Fret
The Past Undone
Fudge Fudged Up
You Nearly Killed Me!
Party Time!

Professor Camilo

2.4K 39 22
By Lava_Serpant

Mirabel Madrigal knew she had messed up. The moment the idea popped into her head she knew it was stupid, dangerous even, but she just wanted to try it! Call it who that egged her on, but she's done it and now she's in hot water if anyone discovers what she did. At least she knows one person who could maybe help her without snitching on her.

Quickly and quietly Mirabel sneaks along Castia's hallway in the very early morning until she gets to the room of her oldest Primo. Opening the door and enters the large room. It was the size of a theatre, with the stands taking up several mirrors, passing them Mirabel could see her reflection as she passed them. Camilo's room was known to shift and change like him when he wanted to do a particularly dramatic production on. Pepa was the one who usually attended them the most with Mirabel joining in when she had the time.

Her Abuela had taken a keep interest in her since she came back from the summer, not that she's complaining. The attention she has craved from her grandmother since she was five was finally back and it felt so nice. It also felt undeserved though. Mirabel just happened to be like her Abuelo Pedro, a fact her Tia cried over and her Abuela praised Mirabel for. The thing is though she could have easily been like everyone else in the family, and she got kidnapped last year so she did nothing at all! The attention was undeserved and Mirabel felt like she needed to deserve it. Maybe that's what spurred this stupid decision.

Using her wand to guide her down she reaches the stage that had a large red satin curtain covering it. Crawling under the heavy fabric Mirabel got back up and sees her Primo's bed.

Like him it shifted and differed depending on how he was sleeping. Some night it would be a regular bed, others it would be tilted, sometimes it was a shape, and one time it actually got so big he got lost in the quilt and he missed breakfast untangling himself. All in all it lead to him being a pretty deep sleeper. Tonight the bed was shaped like a water drop and Mirabel crawls on it looking down at her primo in his silk yellow pyjamas and sleeping mask. He was hugging a large pillow to himself and drooling on it a little.

Mirabel shakes him whispering. "Camilo," she whispers. He shifts a little and mutters. "I'm your mama's boy mami," he says smiling in his sleep. The scene would have given Tia Pepa a double rainbow, but Mirabel was on a mission.

"Camilo!" Mirabel shakes her primo harder until he snorts and sat up still with the face mask on. He yawns and says. "Mira? What are you doing in my room?" He asks clapping his hands as the lights turned on a bit, but not too bright to hurt her eyes.
"I messed up and I need your help," she says. He yawns taking off his sleeping mask. "It couldn't wait until? Holy Mother Teresa!" He exclaims and Mirabel puts her clawed hand over his mouth to keep him from swearing even more.

Yeah that's right, clawed. She decided to earn her praise and title was by becoming just like the one who had given her so much. She read all the books she could get her hands on and wrote down notes on what to do. Sure it takes years to master, but since she's apparently all powerful she was sure to master it easy. Yeah that didn't work out right. Now that's why she's in her Primo's room with hands and arms covered in scales, her eyes shaped like a lizards, her teeth slightly sharpened, her hair had some spikes in it, and she has the worst back pain right now.

"Don't scream," she says. Slowly Camilo nodded and Mirabel pulls her hand away nervously. It was quiet for a moment before Camilo asks. "What the hell happened!?" He asks. "I was trying to do a spell and I messed it up! Now I can't change back I've been trying all night! Mama's food isn't working," Mirabel explains. Camilo looks her up and down and says. "Honestly it's a improvement," he says. Mirabel blew smoke out of her nose in frustration. "If anyone sees me like this I'll be called a monster! Or worse I'll be expelled!" Mirabel stated. "Come on it's harmless and kinda cool," Camilo replies back. "Camilo you don't understand," Mirabel said. "Than explain it," Camilo demands crossing his arms.

Mirabel purses her lips before groaning. "You know on how I told you I was having trouble with my wand? And that I didn't want to help you with spells unless I was sure I mastered them?" Mirabel asks. Camilo raises his eyebrow. "Yeah?" He asks. "Well I kinda lied," Camilo snickers and turns into her dramatically swaying. "Perfecta Angel Mirabel lied? We are related!" He snickers turning back to himself. "Camilo! The truth is I'm not allowed to do magic outside of the school year, also the magic I was trying is a little...... illegal," Mirabel said. Camilo snickers hearing this and . "And? Why didn't you just say that?" Camilo asks. "Well because I wanted to pretend to put hexes on you. The second part is because Abuela doesn't want to make it look like I'm limited," Mirabel said. Camilo was miffed at the first part and shrugs at the second. "I still don't see why you woke me up though," he said. "Because I can't change back! I need your help teaching me how to change back," Mirabel said.

Camilo looks at her and rolls his eyes. "Okay sure, just," he began when there was a knocking at his door and his room suddenly became brighter. "Milo! Mami's here for some morning snuggles with her oldest Hijo," Pepa calls her voice getting closer. "Mirada! Hide!"Camilo pushes Mirabel off and she quickly hides under the bed.

The curtains lifted and Mirabel saw her Tia's steps come across the stage. "Oh your already up Milo? You feeling alright my little chameleon?" Pepa asks concerned and Mirabel heard thundering. "Sì mamì, I just had a nightmare that Mirabel turned into a lizard lady. Weird dream Huh?" Mirabel rolls her eyes. For a actor he should be much better at improve. "You sure mi sweet Hijo?" Mirabel could picture her Tia squishing Camilo's face. It was really no secret Camilo is her favourite child, while she adores her oldest and youngest, Camilo always held a special place in her heart, it didn't help he was such a mama's boy too.

"Totally mamì!" He states probably giving her a hug, if the brightness in the room was any indication. "Oh my sweet boy you always make my day brighter," Pepa coos. "Mama!" Camilo exclaims in an embarrassed voice. "Well I better go check on Tonito and make sure Mirabel didn't stay up all night reading books again. Wouldn't surprise me if she did turn into a lizard lady," Pepa laughs leaving when Camilo exclaims. "Wait Mamì! Mirabel's actually already up. She told me last night how she was going to the lake today to work on a new plushie for Antonio. Can't give up the tradition now can she?" Camilo said. It true she had given Antonio a new doll every time she left for Hogwarts so that was actually pretty good.

"Really? That girl is such a sweetheart, just like you chameleon," Pepa said. "Yeah and I was going to go down to the lake too," Camilo said.

Pepa pauses and looks back. "Why? You have chores today don't you?" She asks. "Oh um because it's a surprise," Camilo said. "For what?" Pepa was now suspicious, Mirabel heard the light drizzle above her head. "Because of a new thing Mirabel's also working on. It's a surprise and she needs my help," Camilo answers. "And what's this new 'thing' for?" Pepa asks thundering softly now. "Well it's too make up for.... Breaking your Mother's Day gift," Camilo lies, sorta. Mirabel heard from Delores how Camilo had actually forgotten about Mother's Day, but instead of admitting it he had pretended he broke it and Pepa playing favourites believed him.

Instantly the cloud disappears and Pepa comes back over kissing Camilo's cheek. "What a sweet boy I have. Well I'll leave you too it. I'll let your Tia know so she can pack you both some breakfast," Pepa said and with that she finally leaves.

Camilo got down under the bed and looks at his Prima. "Stay here. I'll pretend to go ahead, than shift into you and follow after. Try and sneak out between that and we'll meet each other at the waterfall," Camilo said and Mirabel nodded gratefully. "I promise I'll make Tia a gift for you to give her," She says and Camilo grins happy.

Mirabel waits for a few minutes by Camilo's door before she comes out. Looking both ways she's pretty sure her family has gone into town for the day as usual.

Quietly she sneaks down Casita eager to go see Camilo when "Camilo! Why do you look like lizard lady version of your Prima?" Mirabel curses under her breath and turns smiling at her Tio Felix who had Antonio in his arms. The little three year old was silently looking at Mirabel and giggling. "Mama Mira's scaly," he giggles quietly.

"Sorry T-papi!" She says. Felix looks at her with a raised brow. "Didn't you go ahead already for that picnic?" Felix asks. "Sì I just umm had to go and..." Suddenly Fuego let's out a caw and flies by dropping Mirabel's broom in her arms. "Mirabel's broom! Thanks Fuego! Bye Papi!" Mirabel hops on the broom and took off as fast as possible.

"Camilo! Your not allowed on her broom!" Felix calls after her as she uses the broom to get to the waterfall deep in the jungle at record speed. Camilo was already there with a basket of food.

Mirabel smiles at her primo and he pauses eyes wide seeing her sharp teeth and she quickly hides them. "Alright Prima, it's time to learn from the master," Camilo said. "Your going to soak this up for all its worth aren't you?" Mira asks and Camilo nodded. "I will be referred to as professor Camilo," he states.

"Now first tell me exactly what you were trying to do," Camilo asks. Mirabel explains how she wanted to do something useful and special and how Camilo using his shifting gave her the idea to shift into a animal like Ms M. "I'm touched I inspired you. What were you aiming for?" Camilo asks.

"For wizards they can only shift into one animal and it depends on their spirit animal. Remember the talent show?" Mirabel asks and Camilo nodded. "That was awesome," he said. "Well remember all those animals?" She continues and Milo nodded. "That animal is whatever animal I'll turn into if I manage to complete the transformation," Mirabel explains as her primo curiously runs his hand over Mirabel's scaled arms.

Camilo's eyes lit up. "So you'd turn into a dragon?" He asks and Mirabel nodded. Camilo got that glint in his eyes and Mirabel can only guess what he's thinking.

"Help first than we can cause destruction later," Mirabel said. Camilo shakes his head and said. "Okay, Prima. First lesson you need to finish the transformation," Camilo said. "What!?" Mira exclaims loudly. Camilo rolls his eyes. "Look Mira, I may not know much about how your brand of magic works, but I know shape shifting. You need to picture in your mind what your transforming into. Speaking from experience not finishing a transformation is never good. Besides your the almighty Carnation it should be a piece of cake," Camilo said and Mirabel sat up.

"How do you?" She began. "I stole your letters. I was bored and wanted to read something other than Lolo's romance novels. That blonde kid mentions it a lot," Camilo said. "Since when could you read English?" Mirabel asks. "Since I started sending those red head twins letters and I've been testing their products," Milo said with a proud grin. Mirabel face palms. "Why did I ever think nothing would come out of you meeting them?" She asks.

"Because I'm smarter. Anyway! Just keep calm. If you panic it will go wrong. Keep calm, close your eyes, and think of what your turning into," Camilo guides. Mirabel closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She pictures the dragon from two years ago.

"Feel your body changing. Don't go against it, find comfort in it," Camilo guides as Mirabel feels more scales growing on her body. "Be calm, if you loose the image you can't change back. Mirabel can feel her senses changing as she puts her hands on the ground, she feels her chest warming. "Your doing great Mira just," Camilo began when suddenly.


Mirabel opens her eyes startled at the sudden screaming and it felt so much worse in her ears.

"Camilo get away from that!" Mirabel feels something hit her skin and she falls over roaring in pain. "Mariano stop!" Camilo yells as Mirabel feels something heavy land on her leg.

She lets out scream of pain and her eyes have black dots in them. She can feel her body changing again, but she's not sure if that was good or bad.

"Oh Candle! Mirabel!?" She can hear her prima's boyfriend exclaim, but the pain is louder. It hurts it hurts... it hurts..... it hurts.

When Mirabel is awoken it's too food being stuffed in her mouth.

Blinking her mother's concerned eyes came into her vision. Her mother stuffs another arepa in her youngest mouth and Mirabel chews swallowing.

"Mama? What happened?" Mirabel asks. Her mama looks at her in relief. "Oh Corozan what we're you thinking? You know your fine just as you are now don't let Camilo convince you otherwise," Juileta said to Mirabel's growing confusion. That was until she heard the thunder meaning Tia was angry, and Abuela's scolding voice.

"Do you realize what you could have done? You could have ruined your prima's entire life," Abuela scolds. Mirabel gets up, perhaps too quickly, and walks over to the entrance to the courtyard. Camilo's parents were standing a little bit behind Abuela as both looking angry as she scolds her oldest neito. Camilo hunches his shoulders and looks at the ground as he just takes it. "Everything worked for could have all gone to waste! Do you have any idea what you made her do was dangerous to not just her but the Encanto? You are lucky it was Mariano who saw you and not someone else! You need to stop playing these childish jokes you are a Madrigal, act like it," Abuela scolds Camilo.

"Mama what happened? Why is?" Mira looks at her mother who takes her hand and tries leading the thirteen year old away. "Delores told us everything Mariposa. How Mariano went to the waterfall to write poetry she wouldn't hear so it would be nice for her date with him tonight. How he saw Camilo edging you to turn into something, and how you got scared and crashed into a tree that fell on your leg and you blacked out. Luckily Mariano was able to carry you back once you shifted back. Now eat," Juileta stuffs more food into Mirabel's mouth, but Mirabel spat it out.

"No wait, Abuela!" Mirabel quickly walks out to her Abuela who stops scolding Camilo to look at her. "Oh mi precious nightlight are you alright?" Abuela asks taking Mirabel's face and looking her over. Nightlight was a new recent pet name Alma had taken to calling Mirabel. "Abuela it was my fault not Milo's. I messed up a spell and needed his help," Mirabel insists defending her primo.

Abuela kisses Mirabel's forehead and brushes hair out of her face. "Oh no need to defend him Nightlight. Are you alright? You need anything?" Abuela asks. Mirabel looks at Camilo and saw him glaring at them from in front of his scowling parents. "Tia Tio it was all my fault! Camilo was helping me!" Mirabel insists to them. "Mirabel I appreciate you being loyal, but he needs to learn his lesson," Tio Felix said to her.

Camilo glares angrily as Abuela smothers Mirabel in reassurances. Mirabel feels ugly guilt creep into her gut as Abuela takes Mirabel back to the kitchen and leaving Camilo at the wrath of his parents.

Time Skip

Camilo was sent to his room without dinner. Isabela came home with her multicoloured dress and a few choice words for Mirabel. "Mira what were you thinking? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you? That could have gone so much worse than it did," Isa scolds her littlest hermana. "I was only trying," Mira began. "She's right Mira, even I know that and I know nothing about your witch stuff," Luisa said carrying the table past them for dinner.

Mirabel crosses her arms in frustration. This wasn't fair, it wasn't fair to Camilo at all he was helping her! Mirabel runs up to the nursery and stays inside her room. "If Camilo won't get dinner than I won't either!" She yells. Mirabel slams the door shut and Castia moves the floorboards under her in concern.

"I'm alright Castia, just wish Camilo wasn't getting blamed for my mistake," Mirabel said to her house who responds to her in a comforting melody. She sighs and reaches under her shirt feeling the hourglass necklace hidden there. If anyone in the family saw it Pepa would cause a hurricane, but Mirabel can't bring herself to take it off.

Floor boards shift and brought over a small envelope to her. Mirabel looks at the green hourglass on it and leans over grabbing it. She opens it carefully and smiles seeing the messy message on it.

"Hey kid, I saw what happened today-with my visions! Of course, sorry I couldn't warn you they came a little late. Anyway don't feel bad, mama's just worried about you. She doesn't want you getting in trouble. Seriously though maybe try convincing your Professor to teach you instead of trying on your own,"

Mirabel has to admit he made a good point.

"Just stay out of trouble this year okay? Oh and speaking from experience with Pepa and Julie. If you want to get Camilo out of trouble do something to get in much bigger trouble.

Love Tio Bruno,"

Mirabel smiles warmly at the letter. Casita opens a floor board and Mirabel puts it into the secret compartment hidden there that was full of every letter Tio Bruno had been sending her since they started last year.

No one in her family knew about it and she had no idea where her Tio Bruno was, but he always seemed to know what was happening with her and gave her pretty awesome, but sometimes awkward advise that she adored. Right now though the advice seemed great as Mirabel got a great idea in her head.

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