Frozen Heart (Loki xfem reade...

By ladyloki06115

6.5K 207 25

You're sent by the foster program to go live with the Avengers as an Enhanced. But when Thor finds out your p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Bonus Chapter 1: Character Playlist
Bonus Chapter 2: April Fool's
Bonus Chapter 3: The Kids are Awake
Bonus Chapter 4: Show and Tell
Author's Note

Chapter 26

103 4 0
By ladyloki06115

This meme ☝️
"Contractions? Now?!" You squeak. Loki instinctually grabs your hand and moves you to the bedroom. "It's alright, dearest. I bought a book," he says coolly.
"A book?! A bloody book isn't going to do anything!"
"Well, excuse me, I'm trying to be a good father!"
"That's fINE MY GODS!" you yell out as another contraction hits, Loki laying you down on the bed. You try to focus on your breathing as the pain continually worsens. Loki paces around the bedroom, biting his index nail in anxiety. The pain subsides long enough for you two to talk. "Loki, I've thought about names."
"For our son, I want him to be named Narfi."
"Alright. And for our daughter?"
"Well, I was thinking you could name her."
"Oh. What about Vali?"
"I like it THERE IT IS!"
Another contraction hits, this one the worst of all. You breathe hard and Loki kneels next to you, letting you squeeze his hand tightly. "I'm sorry I'm hurting you it hurts so much!!" You say through the pain.
"Darling I can take it. Don't worry."
Another two hours of searing pain passes and then you and Loki both hear the soft cries of a baby. "What--is it our daughter or our son?" You pant. You try to sit up but the pain is overwhelming once again. "Our son," Loki says, his eyes flooding with tears. He uses his magic to clean your little boy up and swaddle her in a blue velvet blanket. Then twelve minutes later, your daughter arrives. You collapse back onto the pillow in relief that your children are finally here. "Oh, our little girl. Vali," Loki chokes, swaddling your son and holding the twins.
He sits down next to you and hands off Vali, who coos happily at you, smiling. "Oh, hi sweetheart. Oh, you're perfect, you're such a perfect little angel," you say to her, stroking her tiny cheek. Vali opens her eyes, and she's got Loki's eyes. Narfi opens his eyes, and he has your eyes but he has Loki's hair. He looks like a mini Harry Potter. "Look at our children, Loki. They're absolutely beautiful," you whisper as Vali and Narfi fall asleep in both of your arms.
"You did it. You had two wonderful children, dearest."
"We did it. After all, I never would have been able to do this without you."
"Very true. Here, I'll get the bed cleaned off so we can sleep on it tonight."
You nod and Loki waves his hand, putting fresh new sheets on the bed like nothing even happened. "I love you, my dear," Loki says, stroking your hair. "I love you more," you reply.
"I love you most."
About a week has passed since Narfi and Vali have been born. You've settled into a somewhat consistent routine, and you've grown into the house that Loki and you have lived in for a bit. But you remember telling him that you both would leave after the children were born. "What's on your mind, love?" Loki asks as you feed Vali, Narfi bouncing in the playpen, watching you both with great curiousity.
"Just thinking about our life here. I remember saying I wanted to leave but...well, I like it here."
"So you don't want to leave?"
"I do and I don't. I want Vali and Narfi to know my family. But I like this atmosphere."
"Well, maybe we could make this a vacation home, per se?"
"That's...not a bad idea actually."
You burp Vali and set her down in the playpen where she gurgles happily at her brother. You stare around the house and ask, "Well, should we start packing then?"
"I suppose we should."
Edited: 8/16/2022

A/N: So the names I've chosen, as one can see from traditional mythology. Yes I know that Narfi and Vali were technically two boys, but I didn't want to have only two boys. *Flashbacks to MoM and Wandavision*. I thought if one reader wanted a girl and another perhaps a boy, why not have both? Anyway, now that that's sorted out, have a lovely day!!

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