By NayyNayy93

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SLOW UPDATES Mina and Jimin have bee dating for 5 years now. First met when they both were still trainees. T... More

Chapter One - Lie
Chapter Two - Begging
Chapter 3 - I'm Drowning
Chapter 4 - Unexpected Twists
Chapter 5 - Heated
Chapter 6 - I Love You
Chapter 7 - My Protector
Chapter 8 - My Answer
Chapter 9 - Breaking News
Chapter 10 - A New Link
Chapter 11 - Our Dirty Secret
Chapter 12 - Guilty Pleasure
Chapter 14 - Wounded Hearts

Chapter 13 - My Guilt

63 4 2
By NayyNayy93


Jungkook disappeared down the hallway, hiding behind the comfort of his bedroom door. Where as I stood, still unable to comprehend how, what, when and why, they would break up. It just doesn't seem or feel real to me. It makes absolutely no sense at all. 

Is this some trick or some messed up way of trying to calm my guilt? or trying to justify that what we did was okay? I don't get it at all, why didn't he say something before we did what we did? Like why wait until this very moment? My thoughts are literally doing cartwheels in my head right now and it's actually giving me a well deserved headache. I lift my hand to my forehead, roughly rubbing in circular motions, in hopes that it would miraculously sooth my discomfort. But as usual, it was all done in vain. I take a deep breath in and slowly breath out, with the little bit of relief that helped, I steadied my balance, walking shamelessly down the same hallway Jungkook was in just a minute prior. Successfully, I retreat to my room, quickly falling face first into my pillows. I just want to stay like this forever, as I lay here for a few seconds, my body becomes restless, with a sudden jolt, I flip onto my back, I try to gather my thoughts . Me and Jungkook, Sana and Jungkook! This is too surreal, like a dream... or a nightmare, I can't decide. 

A couple of minutes pass, my body becoming more and more relaxed, as the adrenaline that was pumping proudly throughout my body was slowly fading, I could now feel the fatigue wash over me and my eyes begin to droop. I guess once I awake, I'll be able to piece together my thoughts more soundly after a few hours shut eye.


1 Hour Later


I can hear murmurs, and as time passes, they gradually become louder. Trying to drown them out, I roll over onto my side, covering my head with my pillow, a sudden sound of a loud thud, followed by screaming immediately draws my attention. Just beyond the other side of my bedroom door. "WHO THE FUCK IS IT? IS THIS WHY YOU WANTED TO END THINGS WITH ME!" I hear Sana blood curdling screams. "TELL ME!" 

Frantically I sit up, throwing my legs over the edge of bed onto the floor. I spring to my feet and march with purpose to go and see what that hell is happening out there. But as I take a couple of steps, I stop myself midway. "WHO IS IT? IS THERE SOMEOME ELSE!." Suddenly a state of panic shots through me, like a heatwave. "WHO GAVE YOU THAT HICKEY? IS THIS WHY YOU DON'T WANT TO BE WITH ME ANYMORE?" My eyes widen and my heart pounding, as I throw my hands up covering my mouth in shock. What? A HICKEY? No that can't be, I-I didn't, we were both careful, weren't we? What the fuck! I feel my entire body tremble in fear, is he going to-.

All of a sudden "MINA! ARE YOU HOME?" Sana bangs furiously on my bedroom door, making me stiffen, but before I could even answer, she bursts through my door, Jungkook closely on her tail. "What the hell Sana!" Jungkook shouts. "Was it you?" Sana seethes with so much anger. I just stare at her bewildered, like a deer in headlights. "WAS IT YOU?" Sana raises her voice. I opened my mouth, but I just couldn't muster any words to come out. What do I say? what do I do? Did Jungkook tell her? or did she just see a hickey mark and automatically think it's me just because I'm under the same roof.

"Answer me! Was it you?" "What the hell are you doing Sana!" Jungkook rushing to stand in the middle of us, arms spread out in front of him towards Sana. "Well, when I was here only hours ago, you never had anything on your neck! now you have this massive hickey! Or are you going to tell me that you had someone over as soon as I left?" Sana hisses, pointing at Jungkook's neck. "What! No! No one else was here!" "Exactly, so the only logical answer... Is Mina!" Sana accusing. "Don't involve her in our business, she has nothing to do wi-" "Answer me Mina, was it you that gave Jungkook this hickey?" Sana points to the place that was marked on  Jungkook's neck. 

My eyes, follow to where is was pointing and so vividly on his neck was a Hickey, in that moment my heart sunk. Sana wasn't stupid and this is what I know very well. It was one of Sana good qualities. As Jungkook and her continued to argue, I feel as if I drifted into a different time and space. The screams, that we are so deafening, were being drowned out from the loud pounding from my heart. She knows and there is nothing I can do or say to somehow fix this. I didn't think that our dirty secret would be uncovered this quickly. But that was my fault for leaving a mark in the most obvious of places. I know that Sana has the right to know and I would eventually confess my sins. But I just thought I might have more time to process and assess things, before actually coming clean, or maybe that was my way of somehow coming up with a more excuses to justify my wrongs. 

Do I just blatantly deny everything? Do I say I have no idea as to what you are talking about? But as I ponder of every possible excuse. I can see that the more I stand here in silence and just stare blankly, her suspicious are growing more and more true.

My heart racing and my breathing more erratic, I subconsciously go into a trance. "It was me!" I confess, and the moment I utter those words, silence filled the entire room and the tension grew more colder and thicker. People say that they would be able to cut the tension in the air, but if that saying were true, there wouldn't be anything strong enough to even make a dent.

 "I'm-" Suddenly before I could finish and without, a sudden flush of immediate pain and stinging sensation snaps my head to the side. "How dare you!" Sana voice shaking, as her anger boils over. 

 The truth of my words, hit her like a bus and every single emotion that she was experiencing was so evidently written all over her face. Pain, confusion, anger, sadness and the realisation that what she possibly thought at the time would be absurd, is actually reality, and I can tell. Because what she is going through is exactly what I experienced when I caught Mono and Jimin. Making my betrayal towards Sana more mercilessly deceptive.

I betrayed person that took me in at my most vulnerable, I betrayed her trust and most of all, I literally destroyed the person that I consider my sister. I feel the weight of my sins pressing down on me. "How could you?" Sana weeps, as she glares at me in disgust. "I trusted you!" Her voice gradually getting louder. With every single word that seeps from her mouth, I could feel and hear the hurt and utter disgust her words carry. 




My blood boiling, my body shaking from the anger that is burning inside me. I feel used, I feel betrayed, I feel like hitting the both of them, I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs, I feel, I feel so much anger that I just want to explode. My glare switching between Jungkook and Mina, the both of them standing just a few feet in front of with apologetic eyes. "I hate the both you!" I seethe with anger, wiping away the stray tears trailing down my cheek. "You both played me like a fool. I can't believe I was so blinded~" I feel like a could snap at any given moment. 

My vision zeroing in on Mina, as I watch her hide pathetically behind her knight and shining amour, like the coward she is. Without even realizing my whole body lunged towards the both of them, with my main focus on Mina. I just want her to physically feel the emotional pain that is coursing throughout my entire being, the pain that the both of them caused. With clenched fists and only inches from her, Jungkook quick reflexes, quickly steps in front of me, as I charge like a raging bull towards Mina. 

"Let me go!" I scream, as Jungkook tightly wrapping arms around me. "MINA STOP IT! CALM DOWN!" But his words, were doing the opposite of calming me down, his words, are just infuriating me more. LET ME GO!" as I kick and scream. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME JUNGKOOK! Why are you protecting her?!" Gritting my teeth. "Sa-Sana, S-stop, Stop!" Jungkook pleads. 

Tightly within Jungkook's grip, I peer over his shoulder. Mina was staring up at me with her tear stricken face. "Sana, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry~" Mina weeps. But her tears are nothing and her words are as hollow as her apology. I smirk, "You think, I want to hear your lies. I hate you, you make me sick!" Ravaging with anger, clenching my fists. Staring Mina directly in the eyes, she shudders. "You are nothing more then TRASH! You are nothing to me! There will never be a day where I will ever forgive you, you think just because you shed some tears and say sorry, everything will be fixed. Well I'm sorry to spell it out for you, but it doesn't work that way. You fucked up, the both you fucked up. I can't believe that after everything I did for you, you do this to me. I let you into my home, I helped you get back on your feet, I trusted you and you stabbed me in the back...." I was seething. " You know how much I'm in love with Jungkook. So I can never forgive you. I despise you, I hate you~" Overcome with so much anger, hate and rage. I could no longer fight back the tears. "For someone that went through something the same... You've done this to me, me, the one that stuck by you. That took you in when you had nowhere to go to." I scream in disbelief. 

My eyes blurry from the tears, my heart was in disarray. I force myself free, slightly stumbling backwards. Jungkook reached out, "Don't you fucking touch me!" I slap his hand, away from me. "you disgust me!" 

Leaning a little to see Mina, "You were my best friend...And you!" I point at Jungkook, my eyes narrowing. "And you, it's not even 24 hours since we broke up and you do this? Is this what you wanted all along? You were waiting for this very moment! Cut all ties, so you can say you never cheated on me. How fucking cunning of you! I was by your side, when the love of your supposed life Mina, was in a relationship with Jimin!" I exasperated. Jungkook slowly bowing his head. "I know you hate me-" "Damn right I do!" "But can we go speak just the 2 of us?" "Why? she has just as much right to hear what I have to say and I have just as much of a right to tell her what I think and what I feel towards her!" I argue back.

"This has nothing to do wit-" "Are you fucking serious! How can you stand there, in front of me and blatantly tell me she has nothing to do with this! Are you fucking serious right now?..... The both of you slept together!" I exasperated, my gaze shifting between both, as I watch the guilt wash over them. Neither of them willing to meet my gaze. "So don't you stand there and tell me that she has nothing to do with this? How I'm feeling is caused by the both of you!" Tear stinging my eyes. I laugh out in frustration. "The funny thing is.... You still stand before me and continue to protect her~ What about me?~" I look at Jungkook, but get no reaction or even acknowledged. Making the pain in my chest, hurt to the point, I feel like dropping to my knees. 

Why?... Why Jungkook? Why won't you protect me? Suddenly, Jungkook moves, turning his back to me, as he bends down in front of Mina. "I'm sorry Mina." His coo's. I stood in disbelief, he's apologising to her, showing her so much kindness. I raise my hand to my chest, clenching at my shirt. It hurt's I can't take this any longer. I turn and head out the door, not wanting to see anymore. It hurts so much, I can't do this anymore. I can't, I can't take this anymore, I burst out crying.




Sana's howling cries are heard so clearly from my bedroom. Her pain, her suffering, her aching heart, it's... it's exactly how I felt that day I found out about Jimin's betrayals. I hate myself for inflicting the same excruciating suffering on someone that has done nothing but try help me rebuild my life. For betraying one of the people that has gone out of their way to make sure I never faded into despair. I hate myself for killing Sana's happiness, I can't bare this stabbing pain that is resonating within my heart, I'm sorry, can never undo the damage I have caused her. I'm sorry will never to undo all the wrong doings I have done. The weight of my sins are suffocating me, the pressure is becoming to much, Sana tear stricken face, her raw emotions reply in my mind and I can't shake it. I drop my head into my the palm of my hands, shaking my head side to side. This was never meant to happen, so why? why did I let it get so far? 

I drop my head into my hands, as the weight of my sins were fully dawning on me. "I should of st~"

 All of a sudden, Jungkook caresses my arm, making me snap my gaze to his, where I was meet with concerning eyes. My heart in tatters, "This is all my fault.~" I confess. Jungkook sadly sighs, as he leans forward to rest his forehead to mine. "This isn't your burden to bare alone, it's not just your fault, I played a part in this too. Remember." Jungkook awkwardly laughs, "We share the same sin and guilt, as harsh and unfair as this is to say. there are no regrets, not one second of it." His words linger and with it the warmth of reassurance, that's slightly stained by the sadness in his voice. 

Gazing into his eyes, nearly getting lost in them. We suddenly hear things being smashed, instantly without a moment's thought, Jungkook whips around and runs out my bedroom with me following closely behind.

"Sana! Stop." "Get the fuck away from me!"

Jungkook rushes to Sana's side, but me stopping at a distance. Sana was livid, she was broken and all the anger was bursting out. I watch in horror as Jungkook struggles to calm her, I feel helpless, not knowing what I should do, what to say, I just feel completely and utterly lost. As I scan around the room, thousands of shattered glass was scattered all over the lounge and kitchen floor, broken photo frames that hold the memories of Sana cherished. Now those memories that she held dear to her heart is a constant remind of what will never be. 

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