The way I found you

By Seana_memories

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Taking care of Sean's children was meant to be a simple favor from Lana, but turned quickly into much more, a... More

1| I need your help
2| Blueberry fight
3| Instagram Story
4| Tanya
5 | Ups And Downs
6| A Toast
7| Go Away!
8| Idiot
9| Unknown Love
10| Birthday Surprise
11| LP's Birthday (Part 1)
12| LP's Birthday (Part 2)
13| Enough
14| Road Of Recovery
15| Finkbiner Park
16| Hidden Thoughts
17| Cuddle?
18| You Watched Us Kiss?
19| OUAT Offer
20| I Am Lana
21| Drop The Act
22| Words Of A Father
23| The Question Is...
24| Only You
25| Truth Or Dare
27| Let Me Explain
28| Piece By Piece
29| Our Kids
30| Bathtub Date
31| She Is Not Your Mom!
32| Mama
33| Let Fate Decide
34| Never Do That Again
35| Matthew
36| Mistakes
37| Christmas Bauble
38| Snowfall
39| Daddy Loves Lana
40| The Way I Found You

26| I Love You

446 19 68
By Seana_memories

"Anyway…", Josh said to close up that topic. "My turn. Sean, I dare you to… take Lana out on a date.", he said quietly enough, so the girls and Jarad wouldn't hear it in the kitchen. 

"What, why??", Sean asked in disbelief, tensing up. 

"Just because it would be fun.", Josh grinned. "I could also dare you to kiss her, but I am not. So take her out on a date.", Josh responded. 

"I don't associate fun with going on a fake date with Lana. You shouldn't do something like that…", Sean said, trying to get another dare to swap. 

"Then see it as a real date.", Colin countered with a smirk. Of course, he could see through Sean like nobody else and there was definitely something going on in this house that had to do with a certain attractive actress. 

"Wha--?", Sean tried to ask but got cut off by Josh and Ginny, who were completely in sync as usual. 

"Like you don't want to!", they called out at the same time, which made Sean raise his arms defensively. 

"Alright, alright. I will ask her. Just not now. That would be too obvious.", Sean said and the others agreed with his argument.

"Bex? Truth or dare?", Sean asked and with that, the game continued. 

The whole party went on until midnight when Bex got picked up from her husband. After that, it was just a matter of time before everyone else left. Ginny and Helen only had a drink in the early hours of the party, so they were able to drive back home whilst Jared actually stayed in a hotel. 

It was around 1 am, when Sean and Lana had the house to themselves again. Both were quite tipsy, which made it way easier to start talking about a topic they both had in their heads for the whole evening. Their kiss. 

"Eh…", Sean began and looked a bit shy in her eyes, not really knowing where to start but then his dare from earlier came to his mind. "About… what happened between you and me… well… would you maybe do me the honor and let me take you out? Like… on a proper date?", Sean asked with a grin on his face. 

"A… date?", Lana frowned with a light smile on her face. "And when do you think should we do that? We're literally moving in one week and I am not sure if your friends are willing to take three kids that soon again…", Lana chuckled, not really answering the question with her words. 

"Well… that's… right.", Sean sighed and bit his lip because of how insecure he was. "What about now?", he said looking around the completely empty house. 

"Now? It's like 1 am in the morning…", Lana laughed but wasn't actually turned off by that idea. "But… I guess… that will be the only time for that. So… yes. I would go on a date with you.", Lana grinned before she got unexpectedly pulled into the living room. She couldn't help but laugh when Sean made some space on the carpet for them to sit, before pouring in some wine for the two of them. 

"It's like the picnic in Regina's office", Lana grinned and sat down next to Sean. "I really enjoyed that scene.", she added. 

"Yeah… me too… It really was breathtaking watching you doing the scene hundreds of times in different ways.", he chuckled, placing one hand on her knee. This gesture wasn't something new to them but yet it felt different. More intimate, closer, confident. 

Lana looked down at his hand, holding her breath for a brief second to sort her thoughts. It was hard to believe that this was happening right now and that It was happening so fast. Well, she knew that they fell for one another for quite a while now but nobody had actually made the first step yet. 

"Sean… I… I think we can skip the part with all the small talk…", Lana confessed, looking up to meet his eyes. "The woman on Set that you told me about. The one… you liked and the one you were in love with. You were talking about me, right? I am the woman from Set.", she asked with an insecure and quiet voice, whilst holding his gaze. 

"Yeah…", Sean said with a nod and immediately saw that a weight lifted from Lana's shoulders. "I couldn't help myself… as soon as we knew each other fully and trusting each other with basically our life's… I… I started to develop feelings that were deeper than just friendship I think.", Sean confessed. 

"Me too…", Lana said, letting his head snap up to her again in disbelief. "I never actually knew what I was feeling but… when I look back at those times I would say that I fell for you...but it wasn't until Fred and I separated before I was conscious about that. And after my divorce I kind of… lost myself for a while. I didn't want to know anything about love and later on I just… well… hooked up with that one guy I never actually loved. Not in a way that could have gone serious.", she added. 

"Wow.. I… I didn't know. I thought it was just me all along. I mean… until just recently. I overheard a conversation between you and Amélie… you wanted to step on the break before it's getting too intimate between you and me.", Sean said. 

"That's right. And look where it had led me.", Lana chuckled. "It's just impossible to not be here. I feel at home every time I am around you all. Your dad actually opened my eyes a little… he told me something that my dad used to say and that changed my mind. But I still wanted to approach you slowly since you are still healing and the kids just lost their mother this year...well...didn't really work out. I couldn't really resist kissing you earlier.", she grinned slightly apologizing, which made Sean giggle. 

"I am not complaining at all.", he grinned. "But… where does that lead us?", he said slightly nervous but Lana just shrugged her shoulders, before leaning closer to him. 

"Let us talk about that when we're sober and have slept in. Let's just end this day with some cuddling, yeah?", She asked and watched him with pleading eyes. Sean chuckled about her childish facial expression, tucking one piece of hair behind her ear before pulling her in for a sweet kiss. 

Lana closed her eyes instantly, grinning within the kiss when Sean deepened the movement of his lips slightly. It wasn't like the soft, hold-back kiss from this afternoon, no, this one was filled with lust and desire that had been abdomen deep down in their bodies for years now. 

They just pulled away when it got unbearable to breathe, giggling with their heads still pressing against each other. The alcohol level of both of them didn't help at all to think straight at that moment, but at least encouraged their spontaneous conversation that didn't need any words. 

When they gathered a piece of their breath back, Sean helped Lana up from the floor, kissing her eagerly as soon as she was standing properly on her feet. 

Kissing Lana instead of Regina was pure magic. It must sound weird to people since both of those women are literally the same person, but you can trust Sean when he says that kissing Lana was on a whole different level than kissing Regina. He cupped her face in his hands, deepening the kiss, and asked for entrance with his tongue which Lana gladly allowed him. They both stumbled through the house to Sean's bedroom, letting them fall into the soft pillows. 

"You're quite a good kisser.", Sean smirked, licking over his skin to contain the feeling of her lips on his. 

"Likewise.", she grinned before cuddling into his body, letting her head rest on his chest before she let out a groan. "We need to change into some Pajamas first.", she mumbled with a slightly annoyed tone in her voice. 

"Well, we don't have to. You can sleep in underwear…", Sean grinned and knew that he would get a punch on his shoulder for that, which he got. 

"Keep dreaming, Maguire.", she grinned whilst getting up again. "Don't think you'll see me naked in no time just because you managed to steal a kiss from me and because I am slightly drunk. Ah ah.", Lana said, before going to his wardrobe. "enjoy the show.", she added when she pulled her hoodie over her head before putting on one of Sean's shirts that reached down to her knees. She unclipped her bra underneath, before throwing it on the ground along with her trousers and socks. She pulled out one of Sean's boxers to wear since she found they were quite like normal pants for her. 

"You know that I saw you half-naked already. Even though I tried to look away every time you had problems with your costumes.", Sean laughed slightly. 

"That's not counting.", Lana huffed before laying back down in bed. Sean didn't bother too much and just stayed in boxers and a shirt as well. 

Now it was time to finally go to sleep after that very adventurous day, that had led them to way more than they ever expected. Lana's head was resting on Sean's chest, following his heartbeat that got faster when she actually laid down on him. 

She chuckled when that realization hit her, adjusting her position just a little to increase the comfort for both of them before closing her eyes. 

"Love you…", Lana mumbled half asleep with a small smile on her face. 

"I love you too.", Sean answered. 


The next day began for Sean like a morning he never even dared to dream about. He didn't have to open his eyes to remember what exactly had happened yesterday or even early on this morning since a small body was all cuddled up onto his own. His smile grew wider and wider when their words and actions before bed floated back into his mind, letting him experience the whole scene in front of his inner mind again. 

When Sean finally decided to open up his eyes, he was greeted by the most beautiful view of his lifetime. Lana's face was pressed against his chest, making it hard to see her face. In addition to that, some of her curls were hanging all over the place, showing big chaos on her head. Since she was facing him, Sean got the chance to catch a glance at her remarkable cute features that showed pure peace and relaxation right now. 

He did everything he could not to move at all, to be able to save that moment as a long-term memory in his head but there was a certain proof he had to send to Josh for his fulfilled dare. So he took out his phone, took a picture of the sleeping Lana, and sent it to him with the caption 'Asked her out and it turned her into a cuddle monster. My dare is completed.'

Sean smiled to himself and put his phone away again since he could feel eventually how the breathing of the woman on top of him changed, which assured him that she was going to wake up any minute. 

The first thing Lana saw was that ocean blue color that manifested itself deep within her soul straight away. Her laying position on Sean sent goosebumps all over her body, making her grin slightly. 

"Morning", she said in her raspy morning voice, blinking a few times to adjust to the brightness of the sun that was shining through the blinds. 

"Good morning, sweetheart.", Sean grinned whilst looking down at her, before stroking some hair behind Lana's ear to have a better look at her face. 

"How was your night?", he asked with a loving grin plastered on his face. 

"Best one in ages…", Lana said before lifting her head to look at him closer. Her hand found its way to his beard, slightly caressing over the stubbles with a dreamingly expression on her face. 

"You look really handsome. Have I ever told you?", She grinned still a bit daydreaming since her body wasn't too ready for the day just yet. 

"Well… you have but I guess it had a different meaning back then.", Sean chuckled whilst stroking with his hand through Lana's soft dark brown to black curls, which shimmered slightly reddish in the morning sun. Even her eyes weren't that dark as usual, showing a soft whiskey brown at the spots where light reached them. 

They could have stayed in that silence forever, just laying there and looking each other in the eyes whilst sending gently soft touches over each other's bodies. 

"I don't wanna hold myself back anymore, Lana.", Sean said, gathering her attention since she was lost in thoughts. "I want to wake up next to you every day, I want to hold your hands, guide you and be with you.", he confessed with a small grin on his face. "It might be strange since we know each other so well, but… I cannot convince my feelings anymore that I am just liking you. Because that's just not true… 'liking' is an extreme understatement.", Sean laughed slightly before cupping her face with his hands. "I love you… each thing about you. Your sweetness, kindness, open heart… and yes… even your temper.", he chuckled. "I cannot give you a guarantee that we will work out as a couple. No one can and no one should, but I can guarantee you that I will be honest to you and mindful of your feelings. I know that you're scared… especially since this situation must be quite similar to the one you already had to experience. But… I am not Fred and I would never hurt you as he did and I would never shut you out of the kid's life if we're not working out in the end. I had the same fear as you… I was… well… am scared to lose you as a friend but I want to take that risk because you're everything to me and I never want to let you go again.", Sean confessed honestly, still having a smile on his face that was full of love. 

Lana let out a small sob, since a wave of different emotions hit her body all at once, overwhelming her within seconds. 

"I am sorry.", she laughed-cried out. Before pressing herself more and more into Sean's torso. 

"That was just too sweet and I don't even know what to say, to be honest… because… it's so much more than what I experienced in some dreams of mine.", she laughed. 

"Wait. You dreamed about this?", Sean giggled and got a punch against his chest. 

"Don't ruin the moment, Maguire!", Lana cried out, still trying to pick herself up again. "Gosh you hit me with your words.", she sobbed, before wiping away the tears that were falling down her cheeks. 

"Since I did that successfully, what do you say? Do you believe we could be… it sounds childish… but do you think we could be boyfriend and girlfriend, Ms. Parrilla?", Sean asked with a mischievous grin on his face. 

"I do believe we could, Mr. Maguire.", Lana said nodding positively before crushing her lips to his, removing every single inch of space between them. 


A/N: There you have it. The moment everyone waited for. Hihi.

Scene 8 of the Bexana Panel

Question: When you were doing the scenes where you're using magic and doing spells... Was it ever really awkward when you were doing it?

Lana: "Because like nothing was coming out of our hands?" *laughs*
"It was really disappointing."

*Bex bursts out in laughter*

Lana: *makes the movement she is doing when magig comes out of her hands*
"Wait a second. It looks so much better on television!  *says that completely frustrated*
"Ehm... Yes... It's weird....trying to kill snowmonsters that aren't there."

Bex: "We used to laugh at ourselves  too because like 'action' and then you know she would say something to me and I am like hooo" *makes magic motion* "and then you freeze and you're like 'I look ridiculous' and we would look at each other and then 'action' and phoo" *throws a fireball* "Then you freeze again and look  at the monkey and look down their.... I mean... We look ridiculous!"

Lana: "freeze. Reset. Aaaand action."

Bex: "Yeah... It was so natural, wasn't it?" *laughs*

Lana: "It was..."

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