Adopted by Billie Eilish

By ariellekwill

29.7K 669 48

Billie said " its a baby with a note" the note said " My Name is Atlas Blake and I'm 2 months old, my birth... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 4 II
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

1K 29 4
By ariellekwill

Requested by moonflowinx

Thank you very much for your suggestion

Billie's P.O.V

This morning i was woken up by my 7 : 30 am alarm so i turned it off then i got up from my bed to check on atlas to see her still asleep so i quickly took a photo of her and quitely walked out because these days she has not been sleeping well then i posted it on my instagram stories. 

After I left i went into the bathroom where I brushed my teeth then i washed my face and tied my hair up in a bun .

As i exited the bathroom and went into the living room I need to pump so I went to get my elvie breast pump placed it into my sport bra then i turned it on and went to sit down on the couch and look threw  my phone.

After about ten minutes of pumping i turned it off then i took it out of my sport bra and rested it on the table so i got up and went to get two breastmilk storage bags labeled it with the date and how many ounces then i poured the milk into it , sealed it up and placed it into the mini freezer.

I looked at the time and saw it was 8 : 30 am so i decided to wake up atlas so i went back into the room picked her up from her doc a tot then I layed her on the bed opening her swaddle where she started to stretch so after I went and changed her diaper .

After changing her diaper i went straight into the living room to nurse her so i sat down on the couch then i lifted up my shirt and rubbed my right breast across her lips which caused her to instantly latch on so as soon i saw her sucking and swallowing i just layed backed and went on my phone.

After 10 minutes of atlas nursing i sat her up to burp her so  then I  switched her to my right boob which caused her to quickly latched on and starting sucking so i looked down where i saw her cheek filling with milk so i rubbed my finger against it and when she was done i unlatched her then i got up from on the couch and went into the bedroom to get our towels and headed to the bathroom were i got both of us undressed and took a bath and got us dressed.

I looked at my phone saw it was 9:39 am  so i opened the message Claudia had sent "good morning i want to know if you would like to and hang out for an hour or so."

i texted back " sure I going to ask mom and dad if they can watch atlas for a hour ,then i will come down and meet you."

"Ok see you soon" Claudia texted back and said

"Ok" I responded

Then i called my mom

Phone call

"Good morning mom " i replied

" Good morning " mom responded

" can i ask you  for a favour can watch atlas for an hour or so while I go out with claudia please " i said

"Sure billie  your father and i wouldn't  mind after all  she is my granddaughter when you are ready bring her to our room" mom said

"Ok I just have have to place her into her car seat and packed her diaper bag " i said

"Ok i will be sitting in the living room " mim responded

" ok "i replied

"Ok hurry up and bring my granddaughter please " mom asked

"See you soon" I replied

"Ok bye " mom responded

End of Phone Call

"Are you ready to hang out with grandma and grandpa little lassi girl" i said while squeezing her cheeks which caused her to smile.

I picked up the car seat placed it on the chair got atlas and buckled her into it and then i went to pack her diaper bag.

I opened the door put the diaper bag in my arm , out lock the door and walked down to my parents room.

Maggie's P.O.V

Knock knock knock

"Hold on im coming " i said as I hurry to get up off the couch to unlock the door .

As i opened the door i saw my daughter waiting so i took the diaper bag off her shoulder while she held the car seat with atlas inside and i closed back the door .

"Are you excited to spend time with grandma and grandpa we are going to have so much fun little one " i said as I unbuckled her from the car seat .

" their is fresh milk i pumped this morning so you just need to do is heat it up and she also needs a nap and their is also a blanket that has my scent on for her just in case she is fussy or cranky and if she does not calm down please call me " billie said to me as she took atlas from my hand to say goodbye " mommy's going to miss you so much " she said as she smelled her hair and gave her a kiss on the cheek .

" she is in good hands billie " i said to resure my daughter as she handed me the baby back and walked to the open the door and closed it back and left so i went and locked it .

I went into atlas diaper bag and took out the milk and placed it into the fridge and then I went to put atlas down for a nap.

Billie's P.O.V

As I walk down the hallway without my baby i started tearing up because she has always been with me and I never left her for more than an hour so i wiped my tears , walked into the elevator and clicked the button to go to the ground floor .

As i was in the elevator Claudia texted :

"Hey I just reached in the lobby have you reached down as yet ??"

"No I'm in the elevator on my way down I'll see you in 2  minutes " i responded

"Ok" Claudia said

End of text

When the elevator stopped and the door opened i walked out and spotted Claudia standing in the front entrance so I walked up to her and hugged her..

" I was thinking we can go out for a little breakfast and go do some shopping "Claudia said

"Ok "i responded

As said so the black suv pull up to the front entrance we walked out then the driver came out and opened the door and Claudia and I got in told the driver where we were going.

Shortly after we arrived at a beautiful cafe called la rauge then we got out and walked up to the door opened it and walk in and waiter came and showed us to our table.

We both sat down and the waiter came back with the two menus and handed it to us.

After about five minutes the waiter came back and asked us if we had decided what to order.

"I would like the vegan flaxseed pancakes with a side of fresh fruit and a orange juice please and thank you  " i said

"Can I get the tofu scramble with avocado toast and also a coffee please and thank you " Claudia said

So after the waiter came out with our meals we ate and talked for a little bit then we paid the bill and headed out.

"Lets go to across the street their is a book store and a children's boutique  Claudia  said 

We went  both stores and i  brought some book to collect for atlas when she gets old  these are the   books:

And also these:

When  we were done  the driver  came back and pick us  up.

Maggie's P.O.V

I was sitting in the living room with my husband when I heard atlas crying from in the bedroom so i got up and went into the bedroom got her up and went back into in the living room.

" can you warm up her bottle please" i ask my husband

"Sure" Patrick said

He went to the mini fridge took out the bag of breastmilk then he poured it into a comotomo bottle then he placed it into the bottle warmer and then handed it to me.

After trying to calm her down i layed her down into the cradle position took the bottle nipple rubbed it on her lips but she kept turning her head away and pushing my hand with the bottle away as she started to cry .

" i know you want your milk from the source but your mommy isn't here'' i said  so i placed the bottle  on the table  grabbed my phone to text billie


" hey are you guys on your back " i asked

" Yes we are just stuck in traffic   " billie said

" how  far out are you from the hotel  " i asked

"Maybe ten or fifteen minutes away" billie said

"Why "  billie asked

"Because she doesn't want to drink the pump milk from the bottle  she wants it from the source plus she crying for you " i responded

"I had a feeling  but I'm on my way ok" billie said

"Ok " i responded

End of text

I got up with crying atlas tried to bounce her to calm her down but it made her cry more " i know  lassi  you want  your mama " I said as I held her  to my chest .

Billie's P.O.V

Claudia had asked what happened  "atlas is crying for me and doesn't  want the bottle  only the boob " i said

"We're almost their" Claudia said

"I know I just want to squeeze my baby i miss her so much" i said

10 minutes later the driver pulled up to the front entrance came out and opened the door for us    "thank you very much sir" i said  to the driver as we came out with our bags and headed inside the building  and up to my parents suite .

I knocked  on the door anxiety as my dad came and opened  the door he took the bags from me as I ran to get atlas  from my mom and held her to my chest smelling her baby hair then i sat on the chair to nurse her.

After spending  time with my parents  were heading back to our suite and got ready for bed because we are fly out tomorrow night to head to Miami.

A/N hope you like this chapter and please vote and feel free to comment or add any chapter  suggestion

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